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This paper gives the discrete distribution of the first j significant digits of two random variables: (1) a beta variable with integer parameter n and the other parameter m > 0, and (2) the reciprocal of (1). As a special case for n=1, we obtain the distribution of the first j significant digits of the pwoers of uniformly distributed random variables. These generalize the results of Kennard and Reith (1981) and Friedberg (1984), who considered only uniformly distributed random variables.  相似文献   

A simple procedure for deriving the probability density function (pdf) for sums of uniformly distributed random variables is offered. This method is suited to introductory courses in probability and mathematical statistics. In our experience, deriving and working with the pdf for sums of random variables facilitates an understanding of the convergence properties of the density of such sums and motivates consideration of other algebraic manipulation for random variables.  相似文献   

Existing models for ring recovery and recapture data analysis treat temporal variations in annual survival probability (S) as fixed effects. Often there is no explainable structure to the temporal variation in S 1 , … , S k ; random effects can then be a useful model: Si = E(S) + k i . Here, the temporal variation in survival probability is treated as random with average value E( k 2 ) = σ 2 . This random effects model can now be fit in program MARK. Resultant inferences include point and interval estimation for process variation, σ 2 , estimation of E(S) and var(Ê(S)) where the latter includes a component for σ 2 as well as the traditional component for v ar(S|S). Furthermore, the random effects model leads to shrinkage estimates, S i , as improved (in mean square error) estimators of Si compared to the MLE, S i , from the unrestricted time-effects model. Appropriate confidence intervals based on the S i are also provided. In addition, AIC has been generalized to random effects models. This paper presents results of a Monte Carlo evaluation of inference performance under the simple random effects model. Examined by simulation, under the simple one group Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) model, are issues such as bias of σ 2 , confidence interval coverage on σ 2 , coverage and mean square error comparisons for inference about Si based on shrinkage versus maximum likelihood estimators, and performance of AIC model selection over three models: S i = S (no effects), Si = E(S) + k i (random effects), and S 1 , … , S k (fixed effects). For the cases simulated, the random effects methods performed well and were uniformly better than fixed effects MLE for the S i .  相似文献   

Consider r independent and identically distributed random points in a unit n-ball of which p are in the interior and rp are on the surface. These r points, via their convex hull, generate an r-simplex. This article deals with the exact density of the r-content when the points are uniformly distributed. The exact density of the r-content is obtained for the general values of the parameters r, n and p. A representation of the density is given as a mixture of beta type-1 densities so that one can evaluate various types of probabilities by using incom-plete beta tables.  相似文献   

A complete class of tests of variance components is characterized within the class of tests statistics of the form of a ratio of a linear combination of chi-squared random variables to an independent chi-squared random variable. This result is used in the context of general unbalanced mixed models to show that the harmonic mean method results in an inadmissible test of the random treatment effects. The harmonic mean procedure is then modified in such a way that the modified test uniformly dominates the original test. Two competitive tests are the LMP (locally most powerful) and Wald's tests, which have optimal power properties against small and large alternatives, respectively. A Monte Carlo simulation study reveals that the modified test outperforms both the LMP and Wald's tests in badly unbalanced designs and that it is a viable alternative in less unbalanced designs.  相似文献   

Two methods for transforming uniformly distributed random numbers into normally distributed random numbers are considered in conjunction with linear congruential generators. The two-dimensional lattice structure of the uniform random numbers is transformed by the Box-Muller method into a spiral structure and by the polar method into a club-shaped structure. The approximation of the two-dimensional normal distribution and the independence of the associated random variables are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose robust randomized quantile regression estimators for the mean and (condition) variance functions of the popular heteroskedastic non parametric regression model. Unlike classical approaches which consider quantile as a fixed quantity, our method treats quantile as a uniformly distributed random variable. Our proposed method can be employed to estimate the error distribution, which could significantly improve prediction results. An automatic bandwidth selection scheme will be discussed. Asymptotic properties and relative efficiencies of the proposed estimators are investigated. Our empirical results show that the proposed estimators work well even for random errors with infinite variances. Various numerical simulations and two real data examples are used to demonstrate our methodologies.  相似文献   

A monotonic. pointwise unbiased and uniformly consistent estimator for the survival function of failure time under the random censorship model is proposed. This estimator is closely related to the Kaplan-Meier. the Nelson-Aalen. and the reduced sample estimator. Large sample properties of the new estimator are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses uniformly minimum variance, unbiased sequential estimation of a real-valued parametric function for a compound Poisson process when the compounding random variables belong to the exponential family. The characterization of Cramer-Rao efficient plans by Stefanov (1982 b) is shown to be incomplete by obtaining a new efficient plan for the compound Poisson-Bernoulli process. This new plan completes the characterization of Cramer-Rao efficient plans. The class of Bhattacharyya efficient estimators of order two is determined for all the efficient sampling schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of unbiased estimation of the distribution function of an exponential population using order statistics based on a random sample. We present a (unique) unbiased estimator based on a single, say ith, order statistic and study some properties of the estimator for i = 2. We also indicate how this estimator can be utilized to obtain unbiased estimators when a few selected order statistics are available as well as when the sample is selected following an alternative sampling procedure known as ranked set sampling. It is further proved that for a ranked set sample of size two, the proposed estimator is uniformly better than the conventional nonparametric unbiased estimator, further, for a general sample size, a modified ranked set sampling procedure provides an unbiased estimator uniformly better than the conventional nonparametric unbiased estimator based on the usual ranked set sampling procedure.  相似文献   

Lehmann & Stein (1948) proved the existence of non-similar tests which can be more powerful than best similar tests. They used Student's problem of testing for a non-zero mean given a random sample from the normal distribution with unknown variance as an example. This raises the question: should we use a non-similar test instead of Student's t test? Questions like this can be answered by comparing the power of the test with the power envelope. This paper discusses the difficulties involved in computing power envelopes. It reports an empirical comparison of the power of the t test and the power envelope and finds that the two are almost identical especially for sample sizes greater than 20. These findings suggest that, as well as being uniformly most powerful (UMP) within the class of similar tests, Student's t test is approximately UMP within the class of all tests. For practical purposes it might also be regarded as UMP when moderate or large sample sizes are involved.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Let X be a d -variate random vector that is completely observed, and let Y be a random variable that is subject to right censoring and left truncation. For arbitrary functions φ we consider expectations of the form E [ φ ( X ,  Y )], which appear in many statistical problems, and we estimate these expectations by using a product-limit estimator for censored and truncated data, extended to the context where covariates are present. An almost sure representation for these estimators is obtained, with a remainder term that is of a certain negligible order, uniformly over a class of φ -functions. This uniformity is important for the application to goodness-of-fit testing in regression and to inference for the regression depth, which we consider in more detail.  相似文献   

Consider a set of r+1 independently and identically and uniformly distributed random points X0, X1,…,Xr in RnThese points determine almost surely via their convex hull a unique r-simplex in Re This article deals with the exact density of the r-content of this random r-simplex when the points are such that p of them are in the interior and r+l?p of them are on the surface of a unit n-ball. This problem is transformed into a distribution problem connected with multivariate test statistics. Various possible representations of the exact density in the general case, are also pointed out.  相似文献   


We study the almost sure convergence of weighted sums of ratios of independent random variables satisfying some general, mild conditions. The obtained results are applied to exact laws for order statistics. An exact law for independent random variables which are nonidentically distributed is also proved and applied to ratios of adjacent order statistics for a sample of uniformly distributed random variables.  相似文献   

For a random variable obeying the inverse Gaussian distribu-tion and its reciprocal, the uniformly minimum variance unbiased (UMVU) estimators of each mode are obtained. The UMVU estimators

of the left and right limits of a certain interval which contains an inverse Gaussian variate with an arbitrary given probability are also proposed.  相似文献   

It was a major breakthrough when design-based stereological methods for vertical sections were developed by Adrian Baddeley and coworkers in the 1980s. Most importantly, it was shown how to estimate in a design-based fashion surface area from observations in random vertical sections with uniform position and uniform rotation around the vertical axis. The great practical importance of these developments is due to the fact that some biostructures can only be recognised on vertical sections. Later, local design-based estimation of mean particle volume from vertical sections was developed. In the present paper, we review these important advances in stereology. Quite recently, vertical sections have gained renewed interest, since it has been shown that mean particle shape can be estimated from such sections. These new developments are also reviewed in the present paper.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a testing problem for each of the interaction parameters of the Lotka–Volterra ordinary differential equations system~(ODE). In short, when the rates of birth and death are fixed, we would like to test if each interaction parameter is higher or lower than a fixed reference rate. We choose a statistical model where the actual population sizes are modelled as random perturbations of the solutions to this ODE. By assuming that the random perturbations follow correlated Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes, we propose the uniformly most powerful test concerning each interaction parameter of the ODE and, we establish the asymptotic properties of the test. Further, we illustrate the suggested test on the Canadian mink–muskrat data set. This research has received the financial support from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Institut des Sciences Mathématiques.  相似文献   

We define estimators of reliability and availability of such systems and show that they are uniformly strongly consistent and that each of them converges weakly to a normal random variable. The result of Baxter and Li (Scand. J. Statist. 21 (1994) 277) for an alternated renewal process appears as a particular case of our result. A method for constructing confidence intervals is also given. This is made possible by use of recent results of Ouhbi and Limnios (Appl. Stochast. Mod. Data Anal. 12 (4) (1996) 209; C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 325 (1997) 921) establishing asymptotic properties of the estimators of the semi-Markov kernel and the Markov renewal matrix, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract.  For stationary vector-valued random fields on     the asymptotic covariance matrix for estimators of the mean vector can be given by integrated covariance functions. To construct asymptotic confidence intervals and significance tests for the mean vector, non-parametric estimators of these integrated covariance functions are required. Integrability conditions are derived under which the estimators of the covariance matrix are mean-square consistent. For random fields induced by stationary Boolean models with convex grains, these conditions are expressed by sufficient assumptions on the grain distribution. Performance issues are discussed by means of numerical examples for Gaussian random fields and the intrinsic volume densities of planar Boolean models with uniformly bounded grains.  相似文献   

We show that smoothing spline, intrinsic autoregression (IAR) and state-space model can be formulated as partially specified random-effect model with singular precision (SP). Various fitting methods have been suggested for the aforementioned models and this paper investigates the relationships among them, once the models have been placed under a single framework. Some methods have been previously shown to give the best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) under some random-effect models and here we show that they are in fact uniformly BLUPs (UBLUPs) under a class of models that are generated by the SP of random effects. We offer some new interpretations of the UBLUPs under models of SP and define BLUE and BLUP in these partially specified models without having to specify the covariance. We also show how the full likelihood inferences for random-effect models can be made for these models, so that the maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimators can be used for the smoothing parameters in splines, etc.  相似文献   

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