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The aim of the present study is to show the potential of behavioural microsimulation models as powerful tools for the ex ante evaluation of public policies. We analyse the impact of recent Spanish income tax reforms upon efficiency and household and social welfare and study the effects of various (basic-income and vital-minimum) flat tax schemes. The analysis is performed using a microsimulation model in which labour supply is explicitly taken into account. Instead of following the traditional continuous approach (Hausman, Labour supply, Aaron and Pechman (eds.), How Taxes Affect Economic Behaviour, The Brooking Institution, Washington, DC, 1981; Econometrica, 53: 1255–1282, 1985; Taxes and labour supply, Auerbach and Feldstein, (eds.), Handbook of Public Economics, North-Holland, Amsterdam, vol. 1, 1979), we estimate the direct utility function employing the methodology proposed by Aaberge et al. (Scand. J. Econ., 97: 635–659, 1995) and Van Soest (J. Hum. Resour., 30: 63–88, 1995). We maintain population heterogeneity by applying a social welfare analysis to the complete sample, rather than merely focusing on the active population. The source of our data is a sample of Spanish individuals in the 1995 wave of the EC Household Panel. We find that the redistribution policies considered have only had a minor impact on economic efficiency but, by contrast, have significantly affected social welfare. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a comparison between perceptions related to the difficulties of integrating the labour market in Quebec and Canada, as measured in Statistics Canada and Employment and Immigration Canada's Labour Market Activity Survey (1986–1987), and the difficulties actually experienced, estimated by the objective reasons for quitting a job. It then presents a follow-up of the iteration of sub-groups who have perceived such integration difficulties. The core question consists in verifying the foundations of a widespread opinion according to which individuals are more and more responsible for their probability of being employed, mainly due to their lack of instruction or experience. This study shows that some sub-groups overestimate the weight of their individual responsibility in facing the probability of being employed, as opposed to the responsibility linked with the structural factors. As the follow-up of sub-groups' iteration also shows, the youth likely to enter the labour market, as well as the poorly and moderately schooled sub-groups, experience the most difficulties. Cette étude présente les résultats d'une comparaison entre les perceptions relatives aux difficultés d'insertion sur le marché du travail au Québec et au Canada, telles que mesurées dans l'Enquěte sur l'activité (1986–1987) de Statistique Canada et Emploi et Immigration Canada, et les difficultés réellement vécues, estimées par les raisons objectives de quitter un emploi. Il présente ensuite le suivi du cheminement des sous-cohortes qui ont perçu de telles difficultés d'insertion. La question centrale consiste à vérifier le bien-fondé d'un préjugé qui tend à s'imposer et qui veut que les individus sont de plus en plus responsables de leur inemployabilité en vertu de leur manque d'instruction ou d'expérience. Il ressort de cette étude que certaines sous-cohortes surestiment beaucoup le poids de leur responsabilité individuelle face à l'inemployabilité, par opposition à la responsabilité liée aux facteurs structurels. Quant au suivi des cheminements, ce sont surtout les jeunes qui entrent sur le marché du travail ainsi que les personnes faiblement et moyennement scolarisées qui éprouvent le plus de difficultés.  相似文献   

An investigation of the relationship between impaired control over gambling, coping strategies, and demographic variables was conducted by surveying female poker machine players (N = 163) in their gaming venues. Metropolitan (n = 14) and regional (n = 6) gaming venues in Victoria, Australia participated. Control over gambling was measured using the Impaired Control Over Gambling Scale (Baron & Dickerson, 1994). Coping strategies were measured using (Folkman et al., 1986) adaptation of the Revised Ways of Coping Checklist (Vitaliano et al., 1985). MANOVA supported the hypothesis that the lower the control over gambling the greater the reliance on emotion-focused coping (blamed self, wishful thinking, avoidance) with F = 9.92, 13.35, 14.04 respectively, all significant at p < .001. MANOVA failed to supported the hypothesis that problem-focused strategies (problem focus, seek social support) would be significantly related to control over gambling with F = .82 and .21 respectively. Control over gambling was not related to age, employment, relationship status, education, ordistress from significant life events, further supporting the relationship between control and coping strategies. Ways in which coping styles might be related to pathological gambling are discussed.  相似文献   

In Canada, newcomers are often faced with many challenges when integrating into the labour market. This study examined the labour market integration experiences of newcomers in Regina, Saskatchewan. Data were collected using a structured survey which was made available in several languages. A total of 305 (n = 305) newcomers participated in this study. It was found that length of stay in Regina, level of education, having children and lack of access to transportation had a strong relationship with newcomers' labour market integration (p < 0.01). Specific barriers that were found to affect newcomers included language, access to a vehicle, lack of Canadian work experience and Canadian credentials. These challenges have substantial implications for the well-being of newcomers and their contribution to the Canadian economy. It is recommended that resettlement agencies develop informed strategies and programmes that target these barriers to enhance the economic integration of newcomers in smaller cities in Canada.  相似文献   


Shortly after leaving Leicester for Scotland Andy Furlong began to wrestle with the complexities of school to work transitions as captured by the 1986 sweep of the British Cohort Study (BCS). His analysis was published as Schooling for Jobs. Although a relatively short text, this book was vitally important as it documented in detail, for the first time, the changes to career preparations of British secondary school children at the mid-point of a decade where the impact of deindustrialising processes, coupled with the neo-liberal policies of the political right, had ravaged the UK economy and decimated the youth labour market. The mid 1980s were a turning point that marked a shift to ‘individuals’ having responsibility for future career successes and the blaming of young people themselves for any perceived labour market failings. Central to this process was the Youth Training Scheme (YTS). Based on recent collaborations with Andy exploring YTS we have two main aims here. First, we revisit the BCS data to update the story and answer three interrelated questions: (i) what happened to the YTS participants from Furlong’s analysis?; (ii) what were the long-term career and life ‘impacts’ for those who participated in YTS during the 1980s?; and (iii) were these job substitution schemes or gateways to real and meaningful work? Second, we conclude by reflecting upon this aspect of Andy’s legacy and the shape of future research on youth training schemes.  相似文献   

This paper addresses itself to literature on ‘aesthetic labour’ in order to extend understanding of embodied labour practices. Through a case study of fashion modelling in New York and London we argue for an extension of the concept to address what we see as problematic absences and limitations. Thus, we seek to extend its range, both in terms of occupations it can be applied to, not just interactive service work and organizational workers, and its conceptual scope, beyond the current concern with superficial appearances at work and within organizations. First, we attend to the ways in which these freelancers have to adapt to fluctuating aesthetic trends and different clients and commodify themselves in the absence of a corporate aesthetic. The successful models are usually the ones who take on the responsibility of managing their bodies, becoming ‘enterprising’ with respect to all aspects of their embodied self. Secondly, unlike Dean (2005 ) who similarly extends aesthetic labour to female actors, we see conceptual problems with the term that need addressing. We argue that the main proponents of aesthetic labour have a poorly conceived notion of embodiment and that current conceptualizations produce a reductive account of the aesthetic labourer as a ‘cardboard cut‐out’, and aesthetic labour as superficial work on the body's surface. In contrast, drawing on phenomenology, we examine how aesthetic labour involves the entire embodied self, or ‘body/self’, and analyse how the effort to keep up appearances, while physical, has an emotional content to it. Besides the physical and emotional effort of body maintenance, the imperative to project ‘personality’ requires many of the skills in emotional labour described by Hochschild (1983 ). Thirdly, aesthetic labour entails on‐going production of the body/self, not merely a superficial performance at work. The enduring nature of this labour is evidenced by the degree of body maintenance required to conform to the fashion model aesthetic (dieting, for example) and is heightened by the emphasis placed on social networking in freelancing labour, which demands workers who are ‘always on’. In this way, unlike corporate workers, we suggest that the freelance aesthetic labourer cannot walk away from their product, which is their entire embodied self. Thus, in these ways we see aesthetic labour adding to, or extending, rather than supplanting emotional labour, as Witz et al. (2003 ) would have it.  相似文献   

This paper describes the changes in the relative position of women in the family—as measured by their share of household labour income—in the UK between 1994 and 2004. Using a methodology that borrows from DiNardo et al. (Econometrica 64:1001–44, 1996), it assesses the contribution of changes in men’s and women’s characteristics, the market returns to these characteristics and the role of assortative mating. The main factor which accounts for the increase in the relative female earnings share is the rising female labour force participation across the whole distribution of the female breadwinner index. Changes in assortative mating have a modest positive impact on the index at the mean, 25th and 75th percentiles of the distribution. This is explained by increasing positive assortative mating between 1994 and 2004.  相似文献   

Is gender on its own becoming redundant in the analysis of employment experiences? There is a growing interest in economic diversity amongst women within the social sciences, with commentators suggesting, firstly, that a polarization in women's labour market experiences is occurring. Secondly, economic diversity amongst women may even be so distinct that a privileged pole is faring substantially better in wage and occupational terms than most men. This article uses data from the Family Resources Survey to explore these two suggestions. It concludes that the success on the labour market that has been achieved by an economically privileged pole amongst women supports the decline in the power of gender to explain variation in occupational patterns and wages, but it is clear that gender (tempered with awareness of the ways that it is cross‐cut by class, ethnicity and other social divisions) remains an invaluable explanatory variable for our understanding of economic security in its fuller sense, not least in the pension positions of women.  相似文献   

Using the ECM2 survey data on Ecuadorian migrants returning from Spain, we investigate the determinants of reintegration upon return. We study how the migration experience, but also the before‐ and after‐migration characteristics, correlate with migrants’ outcomes upon return. We adopt a broad conception of reintegration, considering jointly labour market‐related outcomes that proxy for structural reintegration and subjective indicators that provide insights on sociocultural reintegration. The determinants of these two types of outcomes appear to be different: reintegration indeed encompasses multiple dimensions which cannot be captured by a single indicator. Our results suggest that return assistance programmes’ efficiency in helping reintegration could be improved by (I) targeting, ex‐ante, returnees who plan to launch their own business, and, ex‐post, the most vulnerable workers (women, older returnees, unemployed), and (ii) facilitating the labour market integration of foreign‐educated returnees. They also call for further research to better understand the consequences of these programmes.  相似文献   

The notion of embeddedness (Granovetter, 1985) neglects of the material dimension of economic relations. This paper contributes to the literature of market devices (Callon et al., 2007) with an exploration of the material dimensions of economic embeddedness in the case of the everyday market activities of a group of non‐professional investors in the UK. It examines the attributes of a materially embedded market through the categories of socio‐economic embeddedness specified by Uzzi (1997) and draws attention to the superficial and rhetorical nature of the face‐to‐face social relations encountered in this market. The paper seeks to invigorate the notion of embeddedness by expanding the mechanisms through which socio‐economic relations are understood to arise. The paper offers support to the literature of market devices’ assertion that a concept of materially embedded economic relations can accommodate politics, culture, and regulation, and that it offers a nuanced perspective on agency and identity in the marketplace.  相似文献   


Permanency Planning for Children , by Anthony N. Maluccio, Edith Fein, and Kathleen A. Olmstead. London: Tavistock Publications, 1986. Reviewed by Donald Brieland

Feminist Visions for Social Work , edited by Nancy Van Den Bergh and Lynn B. Cooper. Silver Spring, MD: National Association of Social Workers, 1986. Reviewed by Cleo S. Berkum, DSW

People and Contexts: Social Development from Birth to Old Age , by Henry S. Maas. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1984. Reviewed by Harris Chaiklin

Case Management in Human Service Practice by Marie Weil, James M. Karls, and Associates. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1985. Reviewed by Doman Lum

Law and the Mental Health System: Civil and Criminal Aspects , by Ralph Reisner. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1985. Reviewed by Wynne Sandra Korr

Testing the Social Safety Net , by Martha R. Burt and Karen J. Pittman. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute, 1985. Reviewed by Julia M. Watkins  相似文献   

Data from the General Social Survey indicate that conservatives’ self-reported trust in scientists has steadily decreased since 1974. In Cofnas et al. (The American Sociologist, 2017), we suggested that this trend may have been partly driven by the increasing tendency of scientific institutions, and the representatives of such institutions, to distort social science for the sake of liberal activism. Larregue (The American Sociologist, 2017) makes three opposing arguments: (1) It is “very hard” to establish the charge of bias, especially since we did “not state what [we] mean by ‘bias.’” (2) We did not establish a causal relationship between scientists’ (alleged) liberal activism and conservatives’ distrust of science, and we ignored activism by conservative scientists. (3) We were wrong to advocate “affirmative action” for conservatives in academia. We address these arguments in turn: (1) Larregue does not engage with our main arguments that liberal bias exists in social science. (2) In recent years, prominent scientific organizations have, with great publicity, intervened in policy debates, always supporting the liberal side without exception. It is not unreasonable to assume that this would diminish conservatives’ trust in these organizations. Contra Larregue, in Cofnas et al. (The American Sociologist, 2017) we explicitly acknowledged that conservative scientists can also be biased. (3) We never advocated “affirmative action” for conservatives, and in fact we object to such a proposal.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Ministere Des Affaires Sociales Et De La Solidarite Nationale. 1981–1986, Une nouvelle politique de l'immigration. Van Den Berg-Eldering, L. (ed.). Van gastarbeider tot immigrant. Marokkanen en Turken in Nederland (1965–1985). Chhangani, R.C., Illegal Aliens Under Nigerian Law Münscher, A.,(Ed.) Beratungsansätze in der Ausländerfrauenarbeit Kastoryano R. Etre Turc en France: Réflexions sur familles et communautés.  相似文献   

G. Lewis, Between the Wire and the Wall; A history of South African ‘Coloured’ politics, (Cape Town, David Philip, 1987)

Ian Goldin, Making Race: The politics and economics of Coloured identity in South Africa (Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman, 1987).

Gavin Lewis, Between the Wire and the Wall: A History of South African ‘Coloured’ Politics (Cape Town: David Philip, 1987).

Women in African Literature Today, No. 15, James Curry Limited, London: 1987.

Left‐Radical Movements in South Africa and Namibia 1900–1981 A Bibliographical and Historical Study, compiled by Elizabeth W. Böhmer. 2 vols. Cape Town: South African Library, 1986 and 1987.

South African Review 4. Edited and compiled by Glenn Moss and Ingrid Obery for the Southern African Research Service (SARS). Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1987, 599 pp., R24,95

The Rise and Decline of Apartheid: A study of political movements among the coloured people of South Africa, 1880–1985, R.E. van der Ross, (Cape Town, Tafelberg, 1986)

Setiloane, Gabriel M. African Theology ‐An Introduction. Johannnesburg. Skotaville 1986.

Pass Controls and the Urban African Proletariat, by Doug Hindson, Johannesburg, Ravan Press, 1987.

Class, Community and Conflict: South African Perspectives, edited by Belinda Bozzoli (Ravan, Johannesburg, 1987).  相似文献   

《Rural sociology》1998,63(4):553-573
Abstract Two different succession patterns, the entrepreneur and the yeoman, were identified by Salamon and her colleagues (e.g., Salamon 1985; Salamon et al. 1986) among ethnic families on century farms. The applicability of this typology for succession on Canadian farms was assessed among 36 families who had transferred or were making provisions for transferring the farm. Case studies revealed patterns consistent with the Salamon typology for a quarter of our families, but the yeoman and entrepreneur styles were not the central contrast that differentiated them. Instead, two approaches to farm management were identified: the expander and the conservator. The combination of these two approaches in the older farmer and younger successor comprise four farmer-successor succession patterns: expander-expander; expander-conservator; conservator-expander; and conservator-conservator. Each style has different working relationships, succession strategies, and areas of potential difficulty.  相似文献   

The elements that we usually include under the concept of “labour market institutions” exert a clear influence on the workings of the labour market. However, the assessment of labour market policies and institutions remains mostly focused on their impact on the quantity of jobs, while people’s well-being depends crucially on how good their jobs are. This paper is a modest attempt to contribute some evidence and insight to the debate on the effects that particular institutional configurations have on the generation of high-quality employment.  相似文献   

This paper builds on the implication from Rosen et al.'s (1987) work that the variation in findings with respect to gender differences in attitudes towards computers and anxiety caused by computers (i.e. ‘computerphobia’), may be due in part to differences of psychological gender (regardless of biological gender) within subjects. Sandra Bem's (1974, 1981) theory of psychological gender is incorporated into the research, identifying subjects as ‘sex typed’ or ‘androgynous’. A student population of under/post graduates (N=282; 50.7% of which were male and 49.3% were female) is presented with the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI), a computer anxiety questionnaire (Heinssen et al. 1987) and a computer attitude questionnaire (Dambrot et al. 1985). The latter questionnaire has positive and negative subscales. The results indicate that masculinity correlates with positive attitudes towards computers for both sexes. In addition masculinity was correlated with less anxiety and less negative attitudes towards computers for females, lending support to a sex by gender interaction (i.e. that masculinity has a different effect on each sex). Femininity correlated negatively with programming experience in females. This is discussed in relation to computing being seen as a ‘male activity’, and the subsequent educational and organizational implications identified.  相似文献   

Built on the seminal work of Graetz et al. (1986), this study considers a model of tax compliance in which the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) services as well as audits taxpayers as in the real world. Taxpayers are uncertain about whether their incomes are eligible for deduction/exemption, and may seek advice from the taxpayer service provided by the IRS to mitigate the uncertainty. We show: (1) while the society's preferred quality of taxpayer service is likely to be sufficiently high, the IRS's preferred quality of taxpayer service is only at an intermediate level; and (2) the conflict between the society and the IRS tends to be intensified as the cost of tax audits becomes lower. Evidence in support of our results is addressed. We also extend our model to addressing the issue of corruption in tax administration and to considering a dynamic model. (JEL D82, H26, K42)  相似文献   

This register-based study examined the importance of education on labour market participation among young refugees in Sweden. The study population consisted of unaccompanied (n?=?1606) and accompanied refuges (n?=?4142), aged 23–26 years in 2006–2010, after 7 years of residence in Sweden. Native Swedish, aged 24 years (n?=?347,255) constituted the comparison population, with intercountry adoptees (n?=?6689) as an alternative reference group. Gender-stratified multinomial regression models indicated that unaccompanied and accompanied male and female young refugees had higher risks of being in insecure work force and NEET compared to native Swedes with comparable levels of education. However, young refugees and intercountry adoptees with primary education had similar risks of poor labour market outcomes. The educational differences within each group concerning the risk of being in insecure work force were comparable. With the exception of unaccompanied females, secondary education seemed to be less protective against being in NEET among young refugees compared to native Swedes and intercountry adoptees. We conclude that while young refugees face employment disadvantages, education has the potential of mitigating poor labour market outcomes in this group.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigate behavior in a bilateral oligopoly using a supply function equilibria model discussed by Klemperer and Meyer (1989), Hendricks and McAfee (2010), and Malueg and Yates (2009). We focus on the role that market size and the degree of firm heterogeneity have on the market equilibrium. Our results indicate that subjects within the experiment recognize the strategic incentives in a bilateral oligopoly, but they do not exploit these incentives to the exact magnitude predicted by theory. We find weaker support for predicted market outcomes, as market efficiency does not depend on market size, and in some cases buyers or sellers are more successful at extracting the rents from the market. (JEL L13, Q5, C9)  相似文献   

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