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The purpose of this study was to examine factors that contribute to the development of friendships for Latino adolescents. Of particular interest are the roles played by acculturation stress, family relationships, and adolescent mental health problems. Path analysis was completed using longitudinal data from 286 Latino adolescents living in North Carolina and Arizona. Results of the analysis suggest that indicators of acculturation stress influence family relationships, which in turn affects adolescent mental health problems and negative friend associations. Parent–adolescent conflict and externalizing problems were the most significant mediators of this relationship. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the association between work‐related stress of both spouses and daily fluctuations in their affective states and dyadic closeness. Daily diary data from 169 Israeli dual‐earner couples were analyzed using multilevel modeling. The findings indicate that work stress has no direct effect on dyadic closeness but rather is mediated by the spouses’ negative mood. Evidence was found for spillover of stress from work to mood at home, as well as negative crossover among couples with higher marital quality, resulting in greater distance on stressful days. Such increased distance may reflect either a deleterious effect of work stress on marital relationships or a protective mechanism used by couples in times of stress.  相似文献   

This study examined whether Latino adolescents' perceptions of personal support vis‐à‐vis those of ethnic regard by adults at school differentially relate to academic outcomes. Data were drawn from a sample of 156 Latino students (age M=16.17, SD=1.27; 61% girls, 39% boys) attending an urban high school. As expected, youth who perceived more positive public ethnic regard (i.e., by adults at school) were more engaged and higher achieving than their counterparts with more negative public regard. Importantly, after accounting for personal support from adults in school, public ethnic regard contributed uniquely to the variance explained by models predicting academic engagement and performance. These results suggest that public ethnic regard comprises a meaningful dimension of Latino adolescents' relationships with adults in school.  相似文献   

Internationally, and also in Europe, adolescent gambling is increasingly recognized as an important public health issue. Most research on adolescent gambling, however, is prevalence-focused and population-based studies are scarce. Few studies have examined gambling-related harms among adolescents. In a national sample, we examined self-experienced harms related to gambling and the relationship between reported harms and gambling behavior among Finnish adolescents. A national survey of 12–18-year-olds was conducted in Finland in 2011 (N = 4,566). Main measures were frequency of gambling and gambling-related harms reported during the past 6 months. The relationship between reported harms and gambling behavior was assessed using logistic regression analysis. Overall, 44% had gambled during the past 6 months. Of the sample, 12% were frequent gamblers (at least weekly) and 32% were occasional gamblers (monthly or less often). Compared to occasional gamblers, frequent gamblers were more likely to experience harms. The most commonly reported harms among frequent gamblers were “felt guilty or shameful due to gambling” (17%) followed by “problems with relationships” (13%) and “disruptions of daily rhythm” (10%). In age and gender-adjusted analysis, daily gamblers were significantly more likely to report all different types of harms when compared to other groups. These findings suggest that when planning and targeting youth gambling prevention and harm reduction strategies the nature and extent to which gambling may contribute to the different types of harms are important to consider.  相似文献   

The transition from adolescence to adulthood is formative for civic development. Unfortunately, many adolescents from Latino and Asian backgrounds experience discrimination, which can alienate them from civic life. This study employed cross‐lagged structural equation modeling to test the bidirectional links between perceived discrimination and civic beliefs and activism among Latino and Asian late adolescents (= 400, Mage = 17.34, 61% female). Civic beliefs (i.e., believing that the government is unresponsive) and civic activism (i.e., protesting and expressing political opinions) in high school predicted increased perceptions of discrimination over time. Perceiving high levels of discrimination in high school predicted a decrease in the belief that society is fair over time.  相似文献   

North American Indigenous adolescents smoke earlier, smoke more, and are more likely to become regular smokers as adults than youth from any other ethnic group, yet we know very little about their early smoking trajectories. We use multilevel growth modeling across five waves of data from Indigenous adolescents (aged 10–13 years at Wave 1) to investigate factors associated with becoming a daily smoker. Several factors, including number of peers who smoked at Wave 1 and meeting diagnostic criteria for major depressive episode and conduct disorder, were associated with early daily smoking. Only age and increases in the number of smoking peers were associated with increased odds of becoming a daily smoker.  相似文献   

The present study describes how adolescents perceive their mood disorders (MD; e.g., acute vs. chronic) and their attitudes toward mental health services. The study also explores the relationships between demographics, clinical characteristics, perceptions of illness and attitudes. Finally, we examine the psychometric properties of the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised (Moss-Morris et al. in Psychology & Health 17(1):1–16, 2002). Seventy adolescents were recruited from the greater Cleveland area. Structured interviews were conducted utilizing standardized instruments. Results show that adolescents with MD have fairly positive attitudes, with Caucasian youth reporting more positive attitudes than their non-white ounterparts. Illness perceptions were related to psychological openness and indifference to stigma. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the prevalence of weekly and problem gambling among youth varied according to cultural affiliation. A convenience sample of 1,265 Quebec high school students aged 12–18 was divided into three linguistic groupings: Anglophone (English), Francophone (French), and Allophone (other). Results revealed that the Allophone grouping contained the highest proportion of youth who gambled on a weekly basis and who reported gambling problems, followed by the Anglophone, and finally the Francophone groupings. Acculturation difficulties were associated with problem gambling. Few meaningful between-group differences were found with respect to factors related to problem gambling (i.e., comorbidity with other risk factors, coping, family functioning and resiliency). The results are discussed with respect to the influence of cultural background on gambling behavior.  相似文献   

How positively adolescents believe others feel about their ethnic‐racial group (i.e., public regard) is an important part of their ethnic‐racial identity (ERI), which is likely informed by contextual and individual factors. Using cluster analyses to generate ERI statuses among Black, Latino, and White adolescents (= 1,378), we found that associations between peer versus adult discrimination and public regard varied across ERI status and ethnic‐racial group. However, among all adolescents, an achieved ERI (i.e., having explored ethnicity‐race and having a clear sense about its personal meaning) buffered the negative association between adult discrimination and public regard, but not between peer discrimination and public regard. Implications for understanding the interplay between contextual and individual factors for public regard are discussed.  相似文献   

African American women fulfill many roles within their family and community. Most notably, these women are often defined by their “strength” and rarely seen as “vulnerable.” Many African American women demonstrate strength as they struggle to maintain employment, raise children, and nurture spouses and extended family, but these same women are at risk for a higher rate of health and emotional problems. In this article, the authors use relational cultural, stress and coping, and lifespan theories, along with Black feminist thought to discuss the interlocking effects of race, gender, and class regarding the psychological well-being of African American women 18 to 55 years old. We conclude with a discussion of research, practice, and teaching implications.  相似文献   

This article examines three major issues. First, it considers the nature of trauma, its cognitive and emotional appraisal, and the cultural variations in its appraisal. In this context, it also distinguishes between universal traumas and culture-specific traumas with pertinent examples. In addition, the conceptual, epistemological, and methodological problems of investigating trauma across cultures are highlighted. Second, the article critically examines the controversies surrounding the nature, theoretical formulations, and methodologies currently adopted in stress research both in Western and non-Western cultures, with special emphasis being placed on the situation prevailing in Indian stress research. Third, it focuses on therapeutic issues and highlights some of the culture-specific healing techniques used by some people in Indian cultures to cope with stress and trauma. Finally, it suggests ways by which one might achieve a rapprochement between Western approaches and non-Western approaches to the study of stress and trauma.  相似文献   

Self-report data from 594 Latino adolescents about parental involvement (general support, monitoring, academic support, and educational aspirations) and academic motivation were examined across three family structures (intact, stepfather, single-mother/nonresident involved father). Significant differences were found in fathers' but not mothers' involvement depending on the family structure. Dominance analyses showed that the form of mothers' involvement that explained the most unique variance in academic motivation follows: monitoring for youth in intact and single-mother/nonresident involved father families and academic support for youth in stepfather families. The form of fathers' involvement that explained the greatest unique variance in academic motivation follows: monitoring for youth in intact families, academic support for youth in stepfather families, and academic aspirations for youth in single-mother/nonresidential involved father families.  相似文献   

This study investigated Korean-American adolescents' stress related to their acculturation experiences and mental health. A total of 260 Korean-American adolescents from immigrant families (ages 12–18 years) participated in the study. The U.S. born group had a higher level of acculturative stress than the Korea-born group (t = 2.222; df = 258; p < .05). Males reported a higher level of self-esteem than females (t = ?2.112; df = 257; p < .05). Acculturative stress was positively correlated with depression (r = .299; p < .01) and negatively related to self-esteem (r = ?.292; p < .01). Self-esteem was negatively related to depression (r = ?.536; p < .01).  相似文献   

Important linkages between daily mood and identity formation have been theorized, but have not been empirically tested as of yet. This study provided a first examination of these linkages within individuals (= 392; 55.1% boys; Mage at T1 = 13.24, SD = 0.44) across 15 series of 5 days distributed over 5 years. Results revealed negative within‐time associations of educational and relational commitment with negative mood. Negative mood was positively associated with educational in‐depth exploration and educational and interpersonal reconsideration. Additionally, there were some cross‐lagged effects suggesting that identity and mood mutually affect one another across days. These results contribute to the growing knowledge on how identity unfolds in everyday life by revealing important associations with daily mood.  相似文献   

Despite many studies indicating an association between problem gambling and delinquent behaviours among adolescents, there has been no effort to systematically analyze the state of the literature on this relationship. To fill this gap, we conducted a scoping review of the literature published between 2000 and 2016 on problem gambling and delinquent behaviours among adolescents. We searched twelve databases and reviewed reference lists to identify eligible studies. Search terms included a combination of medical subject headings and keywords for gambling, youth, and delinquency, which were combined with the Boolean operator “AND”. 1795 studies were identified through the literature search. Nine studies were eligible for inclusion. All of the studies were conducted in North America, with primarily male participants, and most of the data were cross-sectional. No qualitative studies met the inclusion criteria. Screening tools used to measure problem gambling were inconsistent, making comparisons across studies difficult. We found a consistent moderate to strong association between problem gambling and delinquent behaviour. Only one study presented associations by socio-economic status and none considered gender, sex or ethnic differences. Studies in the review showed that problem gambling is associated with both violent and non-violent behaviours among adolescents. These associations may suggest that problem gambling and delinquent behaviours have common risk factors and reflect a syndrome of risky behaviours best targeted through prevention and treatment that is holistic and considers the context in which the youth is situated. Further research is warranted to better understand the relationship between problem gambling and delinquent behaviours.  相似文献   

Using daily diary data, this study examined the associations between positive and negative parent–youth experiences and youth cortisol and physical health symptoms among a sample of adolescents (= 132, mean age = 13.39). On days when girls reported more negative experiences than usual, they exhibited more physical health symptoms and flatter evening cortisol slopes than usual. Negative experiences with mothers were associated with higher dinner and bedtime youth cortisol levels (between‐person). Daily positive experiences with fathers were linked with lower dinner cortisol levels. Youth with high levels of negative experiences, on average, were less sensitive to daily variation in negative experiences than youth who experienced lower parental negativity. We discuss the benefits of a daily diary approach.  相似文献   

Social work is a stressful occupation but continues to attract large numbers of students every year. This study was conducted by undergraduate students of all three cohorts at a women’s-only college in Tiruchirapalli in South India (N = 73). Standardised instruments to assess stress, anxiety, resilience and coping were administered. It was seen that anxiety and stress levels were relatively higher in the first- and third-year students while compared to those in the second year of their course, while resilience and coping was relatively low in the first-year group. Correlations were significantly positive for the stress and anxiety scores as well as the coping and resilience scores. However, it was seen that only the anxiety scores significantly predicted the manifestation of stress in the students. Implications of the findings and the limitations of the study have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Drug use among Latino youth in the United States is a persistent problem which has been examined from a variety of academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, and social work. These share significant overlap with mainstream criminological approaches to explaining delinquency and drug use, which have virtually ignored these issues or investigated them exclusively from an ethnocentric perspective. The naturally multidisciplinary topics of Latino youth, culture, and drug use can be readily situated within two popular frameworks (social control and strain), and these can also be enriched with core aspects of Latino culture. Complimentary cultural values enhance these two perspectives and significantly contribute to our criminological understanding of some of the reasons why Latino youth become involved in drug use. After reviewing our current knowledge on this subject, suggestions are made for ways future criminological research can more deeply explore these rich cultural reasons related to why some Latino youth use drugs. This can ultimately help inform more relevant drug use reduction strategies and also decrease the proportion of Latino youth who come into contact with the criminal justice system for drug‐related offenses.  相似文献   

This study examined gender comparisons of adolescents in psychiatric acute care who responded to an intervention designed to help youth self-identify strengths and coping strategies. A cross-sectional survey design and a random, census-based sampling approach were employed to obtain data from 281 adolescents. During the study period, a small group method was used to deliver a solution-focused, brief-therapy intervention to these adolescents. These data revealed that 38.2% identified an “arts-based” strength, 26.7% of the sample utilized a “relational” strategy and 26.1% reported a variety of sports and physical activity as a means of coping with crises. Controlling for psychiatric diagnosis, we found gender differences and similarities in the types of strengths identified by adolescents in this study. One application of these results is that they support the continued practice of engaging young clients in clinical settings using strength-based perspectives.  相似文献   


HIV infection attributable to injection is growing, as is the incidence among heterosexual persons. Some of the people affected are over 50, and we can anticipate a growing number of older people with substance use and HIV as primary concerns. Therefore, we need to know more about the intersections of age, addictions, and HIV. This article uses narrative analysis to examine a research interview with an African-American woman and her African-American HIV-infected male partner in order to gain insight about how a middle-aged serodiscordant drug-affected couple might struggle and succeed in the face of HIV. Implications for social work, policy and research are provided.  相似文献   

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