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白云妹  吴强 《职业》2015,(10):224
伴随着我国社会、经济、科技水平的逐渐提高,建筑行业成为我国基础行业之一,为国家发展进步做出重要贡献。建筑行业的发展进步势必会对建筑设计提出更高的标准和要求,建筑设计的水平和标准直接影响建筑构成秩序。因此,探究建筑设计中的建筑构成秩序具有重要的意义和价值。建筑构成秩序设计的好坏直接影响建筑工程的质量和水平。  相似文献   

教师是人类灵魂的工程师,是青少年成长的引路人,教师的道德人格应当贯穿在父母、兄弟、朋友、老师四种角色的融合、转换中,兼具四种人格之和,又不是简单的叠加,具有四种人格之和美,又彰显教育人格之特质:为人师表,教书育人,温敦和美,春风化雨,使学生如沐春风、如浴甘霖,沐浴在师德的光辉中健康成长。  相似文献   

布迪厄的阶级理论,典型地体现了他的一般社会理论和方法论原则。他的阶级概念将社会空间、实践、惯习、品味结合在一起,强调阶级是在社会空间中有着相似位置,有着相同的生活处境,因而也会有着相似的秉性或阶级惯习的人群。这些相似性又会导致他们具有共同的实践;而包括艺术审美、饮食习惯、身体秉性、居住方式等等在内的实践活动,反过来又建构了阶级区分。  相似文献   

在国中夜访朋友,楼道伸手不见五指,我盲人般趋探蹈步摸索前行,忽然,楼上,或楼上的楼上,传来叮咚琴声。 我就停住,偷听。瞳仁如猫眼.渐渐辨出昏暗中家家户户锅灶碗柜煤气罐自行车等等等等破旧庄严的轮廓。琴声断续!如牙牙学语。  相似文献   

薛梁海 《现代妇女》2014,(10):249-249
企业秩序维护工作的好坏直接决定着一个物业小区的安全和谐稳定,影响着一个单位的建设和发展。本文以科学发展观为指导,根据企业物业小区秩序维护工作的实践经验,提出了做好企业物业小区秩序维护工作的对策与措施。  相似文献   

自由与秩序:西方社会管理思想的演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张旅平  赵立玮 《社会学研究》2012,(3):23-47,242,243
本文从史论结合的角度阐述西方社会管理思想发展的基本脉络。在现代西方,社会管理经历了一个从自发到自觉的过程。它主要涉及社会控制、文化价值的内化,以及国家、市场和社会的互动。其宗旨是在推动国家理性和向善的同时,也促进社会成员向现代文明人和现代公民转变。因此,在某种意义上讲社会管理被认为是一种按现代性标准对人进行"规训"的过程和"文明进程"。而自由与秩序的适当平衡则是西方社会管理所追求的最高境界。  相似文献   

阶级阶层理论是马克思主义唯物史观的重要组成部分,也是无产阶级政党分析阶级阶层状况的主要依据。马克思主义阶级阶层理论系统地分析了阶级的产生的前提条件,阶级形成的必备条件,阶级内部的阶层构成,阶级消亡的过程等。该理论对对我国现阶段的社会分层研究仍具有指导意义,必须客观分析马克思阶级阶层理论,具体问题具体分析,就能正确认识我国现阶段社会阶层状况,正确处理人民内部矛盾,促进我国经济发展和社会稳定。  相似文献   

当前,我国正处于社会转型时期,即从计划经济向市场经济转型.从农业社会向工业社会转型.从伦理社会向法理社会转型。在社会转型时期,由于旧的格局不断被打破,新的格局逐步完善,必然会使社会出现震荡.骚动和不安,也就不可避免地产生一些不稳定因素。近年来.虽不断强化社会治安综合治理,但违法犯罪行为依然居高不下.此种愈治愈烈的态势.已足以引起我们对社会治安秩序及综治本身的深层理论反省。  相似文献   

对于当代中国中产阶级研究来说,2007年可能成为一个不寻常的转折点。2007年4月,南京大学社会学系周晓虹教授主编的“中国中间阶层研究”系列丛书出版,对中间阶层的消费行为、文化品位、教育传承、身份认同等进行了全面、系统的剖析;7月,在湖南长沙召开的中国社会学第17届年会上,“中产阶级的比较研究”论坛成为此次会议级别最高、最吸引人的论坛之一;英国《金融时报》中文网资深记者魏城与其团队编辑、采写的《中国中产阶级调查》系列报道和讨论,获得2007年亚洲出版人协会卓越解释类报道奖之后,最近又由中国南方日报出版社结集成书,名为《所谓中产》。这又为当代中国中产阶级研究注入了新的力量,也已经并可能会引发更多的社会反响。  相似文献   

清代妇女对贞节观念的崇拜已经发展到了顶礼膜拜的地步,恪守贞节成为社会上评价妇女德行的唯一标准,许多女子也自觉不自觉、甘愿不甘愿的为此献出个人的青春和希望。但是社会各阶层由于其自生的政治、经济、文化以及所受教育的不同,对妇女贞节观念的态度不尽相同。同时国家对待各阶层妇女守节的旌表制度也有阶级差异性。  相似文献   

This article highlights the role that neighborhood activism plays in the development process. The article particularly highlights the Arcadia Camelback Neighborhood Association's (ACMNA) fight against, and collaboration with, developers at the intersection of 44th Street and Camelback Road in Phoenix, AZ, where issues of place, community empowerment, and attitudes of not-in-my-back- yard (NIMBYism) played out. The role of neighborhood activism is evaluated using interview, survey, and archival data, including news media reports and meeting minutes, with regards to the ACMNA and struggles to stave off development. The results of the research point out that the community is essential in shaping the development process and that without community support including collaboration between communities and developers, major development projects face a difficult road to completion, this is particularly evident when wealthy neighborhood NIMBY campaigns are at the forefront of the debate over development.  相似文献   

Little has been written and virtually no empirical research has been presented concerning family therapy with members of the Black middle class. In this article, a number of factors are discussed in the light of recent sociological inquiries. These findings are discussed in terms of family systems theory in order to provide the clinician with some insights into the dynamics of family functioning in the Black community. Suggestions for working with these families are then offered. The question of whether White therapists can work effectively with Black families is discussed and the pertinent empirical findings available from the field of individual therapy are considered.  相似文献   

本文认为,2011年埃及变局主要归因于中产阶级的民生问题。萨达特—穆巴拉克的政策以及各种外力导致了埃及社会结构的扭曲,引发中产阶级的政治地位下降、经济能力减弱、生活困难加剧,使中产阶级由社会的引领者变为政权的抗争者,最终颠覆了穆巴拉克政权。本文分析了中产阶级与这一社会变化之间的逻辑关系后强调,2011年埃及变局将有利于中产阶级的重新崛起与社会结构的合理发展。  相似文献   

A partir d'entrevues obtenues auprés d'une population adulte échantillonnée au hasard, vivant dans une petite ville typiques des prairies canadiennes, l'auteur entreprend l'examen des relations qui existent entre les classes sociales et les attitudes vis-à-vis la santé mentale. Il n'existe aucune relation significative entre ces deux facteurs lorsqu'on utilise une échelle de « negation » de la santé mentale et deux indicateurs traduisant le refus de l'informateur à reconnaître que l'isolement est un problème. Par ailleurs, il existe des relations significatives entre les classes sociales et les échelles d'isolement physique et sociale. On tente, par après, d'éclairer ces résultats par diverses explications possibles. The relationship between social class and attitudes toward mental illness is examined using interviews with a random sample of the adult population of a typical, small, Canadian prairie town. There were no statistically significant relationships between social class and scores on a scale measuring “denial” of mental illness and two indicators of “insulation” of mental illness. There were, however, significant relationships between social class and scores on scales of physical and social “isolation” and responses to one other interview question. Various explanations for the results are explored.  相似文献   


We conducted a survey of 422 Asian Indian and Korean American residents of New Jersey to determine how middle-income Asian Americans rate their neighborhood environments compared to non-Asians living in the same or similar environments, and the issues that affect their neighborhood quality ratings. In addition, we interviewed practitioners in these same communities for their perceptions of their interactions with Asian Americans. The first part examines Asian Americans' perceptions of their neighborhoods; the second part focuses on resident-practitioner interactions from the perspective of practitioners. The third part discusses results. We present suggestions to practitioners for interacting with Asian American clients on a proposed land use change.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that people tend to identify with the middle classes regardless of their social class position. Nevertheless, this “middle class identity bias” is not equally prominent in all western democracies. The goal of this article is to assess the role of political and economic conditions in shaping this phenomenon. By exploring the relationship between class identity and national context in 15 modern societies, I address two main questions: (1) how individual‐level income affects where people place themselves in the class system, and (2) how national political and economic context affects this relationship. In doing so, I offer several important findings. First, although there is a positive relationship between income and class identification in all 15 societies, middle class identification is weakest when income inequality is high. Consistent with previous findings, the results suggest that economic development has a positive impact on class identity. The results also uncover a role for political ideology by suggesting a lingering affect of Communist rule. Even after controlling for economic development and income inequality, respondents in former Communist countries are more likely than others to identify as belonging to a low social class.  相似文献   

In an era of increased access to credit, it becomes increasingly important to understand the consequences of taking on unsecured consumer debt. We argue that credit can have both positive and negative consequences resulting from its ability to smooth life transitions and difficulties but that this occurs simultaneously with increased financial risks and stress resulting from carrying unsecured debt. We find that those in the middle of the income distribution suffer the greatest disruptions to mental health from carrying debt. Affluent borrowers are relatively unmoved by debt, suggesting the use of short‐term debt as a convenience strategy for the financially well heeled. The least advantaged borrowers also suffer emotionally less from debt, possibly because securing spendable funds for necessities remains their most pressing concern. The onset of the Great Recession, however, produced increased emotional distress for all classes.  相似文献   

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