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蚁族话题自2007年起开始登上中国社会的话语舞台,在社会学领域被称作是继农民、农民工、下岗职工之后社会群体的第四次大发现。通过对准蚁族群身份认同的研究.发现个体媒介素养对身份认同产生分化作用的同时,也发现学校教育及社会舆论引导方面的不足。在对该群体身份认同的步骤和原理作出解释的基础上,针对该群体提出有益于社会和群体本身的建议。  相似文献   

蚁族话题自2007年起开始登上中国社会的话语舞台,在社会学领域被称作是继农民、农民工、下岗职工之后社会群体的第四次大发现。通过对准蚁族群身份认同的研究.发现个体媒介素养对身份认同产生分化作用的同时,也发现学校教育及社会舆论引导方面的不足。在对该群体身份认同的步骤和原理作出解释的基础上,针对该群体提出有益于社会和群体本身的建议。  相似文献   

青年政治素质的养成与学校教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青年的政治社会化主要在家庭、社会团体中和大众传媒等影响下进行.青年群体是一个思维活跃、性情张扬并充满活力的群体,这一群体的政治人格与政治素质关系国家政治民主化建设的未来.其政治人格与政治素质的形成主要是在青年时期.学校作为青年时期重要的政治社会化场所之一,其教育方式、组织形式以及教育理念均会影响到青年政治社会化的预期目标.  相似文献   

殷秀珍 《现代妇女》2014,(11):31-31
以前贫困一直和失业联系在一起,然而近年来在发达国家出现了一种新的贫困群体穷忙族,他们努力工作,却生活在贫困线以下。而且越来越多高学历的人才也被迫进入到这个群体,成为日本一个很严峻的社会问题。对于这样近年来备受关注一个社会问题,很多学者从市场、经济及国家政策等各方面进行了深入研究,本文将主要从教育方面探求其出现的原因及对策。  相似文献   

黄晨熹 《社会学研究》2007,22(1):137-160
影响低保对象求职行为的因素极其复杂,制度安排是通过影响主观心理和认知从而影响低保对象的求职行为和决策。本研究以上海市为例,以问卷调查、定性访谈和文献分析相结合的方法试图回答以下问题哪些因素会影响低保对象的求职行为?现行低保制度安排会对低保对象的求职行为产生哪些影响?定量研究发现,就业责任心、求职制约和受教育程度对求职强度有显著影响,而经济困难和求职自我效能以及救助变量对求职强度无显著影响。定性研究发现,影响低保对象退出、就业决策的因素除了替代率外,还包括其他一些重要因素。总体来说,虽然上海低保建立了旨在鼓励和强化求职行为的制度安排,但存在明显缺陷,其作用亦乏善可陈。对此,作者提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

穆灵敏 《职业时空》2009,5(7):79-80
教育实习是师范生完成从学生到教师身份转变的过程,许多心理因素干扰着实习生取得预期的实习效果。顺应环境、正确处理人际关系、正确领悟教师角色都是影响师范生实习效果的重要心理因素。  相似文献   

乡村教师是我国乡村教育的重要力量,也是实现我国教育振兴的重要组成部分,教师培训是帮助其实现专业发展的重要途径,其中"国培计划"是最为突出和系统的培训机制。参加"国培计划"的教师绝大多数为乡村中小学青年教师,他们来到大学后,环境、身份发生变化,产生各种不同角色身份;又因国家社会体制、培训机制、原始资本等社会成因的影响,深受社会角色的层层镣铐,这一特殊群体在"国培"中"被培训",表现出了作为知识分子、作为学生身份、作为陌生人、作为弱势教师群体的角色纠葛。为了帮助乡村青年教师摆脱囚徒困境,应从剥离乡村教师与知识分子的概念、调控利益相关者的权力制衡、改革培训机制本身、捍卫教师专业发展权利、鼓励社会资本流动等多个维度尝试解决。  相似文献   

王超 《社会学》2010,(3):35-40
在当前社会,如何通过高层次的教育平台,寻求更好的生存与发展,并体现自己的价值,是研究生最关注的问题。女研究生是我国高校中特殊的女性群体,作为高学历的优秀知识女性,她们的教育和婚姻是怎样的博弈关系?面对教育和婚育时,女研究生应该如何抉择?本文试从女研究生的教育现状、教育对女性婚育的影响及研究生婚育现状等方面,对女研究生的教育与婚育选择进行经济学分析,以期提供一个可参考的理论依据。  相似文献   

独立学院是适应我国高等教育大众化和人们对高等教育需求迅速增长而产生的一种新的办学形式,是高等教育大众化进程的主要推动力量.独立学院大学生求职礼仪教育和综合素质的高低,不仅影响了个人自身求职发展,而且直接影响了独立学院自身的可持续发展,更是影响社会精神文明建设的一个重要组成部分.通过对独立学院大学生求职礼仪教育探索研究,努力提升独立学院大学生求职竞争力以及实现独立学院的可持续发展.  相似文献   

基于参照群体的理论视角,研究校漂族角色期望中参照群体的转换和在此影响下社会认同的变化和困扰,力图揭示出"校漂"行为选择背后的个体成因和认同危机中的能动策略。选择"校漂"是因为在与隶属群体成员跨阶层比较中,他们习得的公平正义价值观和人的自由全面发展观陷入认同危机,他们以潜在的非隶属群体为参照取向,通过扮演学生角色实现预期社会化。"边际人"的身份在学校出现了认同的模糊化危机,此时他们转向寻求内群体的情感认同,并以理想认同来补偿情感认同的内卷化和疏离化困境。校漂族主体性的社会认同在校漂前后实质上经历了一个由断裂走向重构的过程,其中,参照群体的转换在这个过程中发挥了中介机制的作用。  相似文献   

This article shows that highly educated individuals are moreconcerned with personal attributes than less educated people.Moreover, both those at the high and low ends of the educationalladder express interest in trivial as well as important aspectsof candidates' attributes. Finally, personal attributes haveas large an impact on the vote of the best educated as on thevote of the least educated. These findings flatly contradictthe standard assumptions about the terms in which educated individualsevaluate presidential candidates.  相似文献   

Sociologists know little about how actors explain their attraction to a partner who grew up in a different social class or why their accounts are likely. This is problematic as one form of social class heterophily is relatively common—heterophily by class origin. Drawing upon data from interviews with college‐educated respondents in heterophilous marriages by class origin (n = 60) as well as interviews with college‐educated respondents in homophilous marriages by class origin (n = 20), this article shows that respondents in heterophilous and homophilous marriages say that they appreciate their spouse for different reasons. Whereas actors in homophilous relationships by class origin explain their appreciation for their spouse in terms of cultural similarities, respondents in heterophilous marriages by class origin explain their appreciation of their spouse in terms of “cultural complements”—the obverse of the dispositions they dislike in themselves and attribute to their own upbringing. The article theorizes that accounts of cultural complements are enabled by the social organization of culture by class.  相似文献   

Using data from 8,951 first‐time mothers in the National Survey of Family Growth, the authors analyzed trends in union contexts during the transition to motherhood by social class (proxied by maternal education). Conventional classifications of union contexts as married or cohabiting were extended by classifying births relative to union status at conception. The most conventional married birth type, in which the mother was married at conception and at birth, declined sharply, but only among low‐ and moderately educated women. Women with lower levels of education were instead more likely to have a birth in the context of a cohabiting union formed prior to conception. In 2005–2010, the adjusted probability of a low‐educated mother having a conventional married birth was 11.5%, versus 78.4% for highly educated mothers. The growing disparity in union type at first birth by social class may have implications for social and economic inequality.  相似文献   

This article examines the trends in the economic advantage that highly educated immigrants hold over less educated immigrants in Canada, focusing on the differences between short‐run and longer‐run outcomes. Using data from the Longitudinal Immigration Database covering the period from the 1980s to the 2000s, this study finds that the relative entry earnings advantage that higher education provides to new immigrants has decreased dramatically over the last 30 years. However, university‐educated immigrants had a much steeper earnings trajectory than immigrants with trades or a high school education. The earnings advantage among highly educated immigrants increases significantly with time spent in Canada. This pattern is observed for virtually all immigrant classes and arrival cohorts. The results suggest that short‐run economic outcomes of immigrants are not good predictors of longer‐run results, at least by educational attainment. The implications of these findings for immigration selection policy are discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

This article describes differences in perceptions of the child welfare work environment among Title IV-E educated individuals who remain within public child welfare and those who sought employment elsewhere after fulfilling a legal work commitment. Job satisfaction, emotional exhaustion, and personal accomplishment were predictive of staying versus leaving. The empirical evidence suggests that efforts to retain highly skilled and educated public child welfare workers should focus on creating positive organizational climates within agencies.  相似文献   

This study examines the association of girls' education and changes in attitudes and other socioeconomic changes in Sudan. Data were obtained from in-depth interviews, structured questionnaires, and secondary data among 810 educated Sudanese women who lived in the Central and Eastern Regions. Women responded to 10 opinions about the status of women. Findings show a significant association between level of education, even at the lowest levels, and the attitudes held by women. Women held relatively positive attitudes toward social change and economic development. Level of education was highly significantly associated with holding a view of educated women working. 54.1% of secondary school leavers agreed and 92% of well educated women disagreed with a family's objection to women having a job. 57% of secondary school leavers agreed that it is essential to give up work in order to care for family; however, 96% of postgraduates disagreed. 74% of respondents were indecisive, of which 44% were secondary school leavers and 2% had postgraduate degrees. Decisiveness increased with level of education. Only 32.6% of secondary school leavers agreed that most of a woman's time should be spent on family responsibilities. 100% of the highest educated women and 40% of secondary school leavers disagreed that women should take part-time work. 96% of postgraduate women disagreed and 73.6% of secondary school leavers agreed that women should not feel obligated to work after training. Employment was highly influenced by level of education. 83% of single women and 76% of married women agreed with using contraception. Rural women tended not to support women working and using contraceptives. Younger women were less traditional in their attitudes. Postgraduates came from families with high levels of income.  相似文献   

It is well documented that educational achievement in Western societies is related to family background. Yet we know less about how people who have completed university degrees experience the importance of their education. How is education related to the different culturally embedded structures of nation states? How do highly educated people perceive the pertinence of their education? Such questions are rarely posed in the literature on social class, but recent research on the middle class in Britain offers a background for comparisons. Based on results from interviews with a sample of people having higher educational diplomas, the article discusses the particularities of the Norwegian case. We find much ambivalence over class identification and there is a remarkable tendency to downplay the importance of education. Our findings indicate that the Norwegian middle class has internalized egalitarian values embedded in Norwegian culture and thus, compared to the British case, more often hesitates to set up boundaries between itself and other classes. We argue that such findings diverge from conventional typifications of western ‘middle‐classes’ and have wider methodological implications for the study of class systems.  相似文献   

Although the concept of evidence-based practice (EBP) eludes precise definition, it is used as a trademark label to ensure that practice is based on science and thereby effective and of high quality. Proponents of EBP have proposed that both education and practice in social work should be transformed according to the principle of EBP. They attribute critical opposition to EBP to a lack of knowledge of what EBP is. In this article, we endeavour to clarify the concept and present results from a survey among social workers (N?=?2060) from Norway. The survey results show that although many have heard of the concept, few have precise knowledge about it. However, the more educated social workers are (master’s level), the clearer their opinions, both critical and non-critical. The results are discussed in relation to neo-liberal governance and development of social work.  相似文献   

A social generation framework attends to how emergent historical patterns of social organization shape young adult contemporaries, noting shared strategies to constructing subjectivity within a common political, social, and economic milieu. However, the perspective has given scant attention to how young people engage in reflexive life management outside of well-documented Western contexts. Additionally, the framework needs further consideration of how youth lives are shaped by the social relations of globalization. To address these omissions, this article examines how educated, urban Russian young adults engage in reflexive life management. In drawing on a social generations rather than transitions approach, youth meaning-making is analyzed through grounded analysis rather than reliance on previously conceived categories. The study of youth reflexive life management can be reframed as a question: ‘what does making a life mean to educated urban post-adolescents in Russia?’ We explore how respondents interpret difference and inequality through transnational comparisons, center globality in the biographical project, and encounter citizenship constraints. We focus on three meaning-making projects: idealized globality, assuming nonlinear paths, and vigilant evaluative work.  相似文献   

This study investigates socio-economic and ethnic inequalities in social capital and their effects on the process of the labour market entry. We use longitudinal data about the transition from school to work of lower- and middle educated young people in Belgium. Social capital is measured with three robust position generator measures. In line with previous studies, there are substantial socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities in the access to social capital. Ethnic differences in social capital are, however, due to the socio-economic deprivation of ethnic minority groups in Belgium. Among the specific population of lower- and middle educated youth, knowing more people from the working class leads to a higher likelihood of entering the labour market versus continuing in education, whereas knowing more people from the higher service class results in a lower likelihood of entering the labour market. Especially the resources of strong ties such as relatives and friends are important for these decisions. In addition, once entered the labour market, social capital has an impact on the likelihood of getting a job. Lower- and middle educated labour market entrants who know more people from the working class are more likely to find work, whereas knowing people from the lower service class decreases the job chances. However, there is no evidence for social capital effects on the occupational status of the job among our population.  相似文献   

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