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在上海未来发展中,能源、土地、水资源等自然资源的供给约束已经成为影响上海经济社会发展的关键因素。特别是有限的土地供给成为上海"十二五"时期发展的重要瓶颈。清醒地认识土地资源约束的影响,通过优化土地空间配置和促进土地循环利用来破解土地资源困境,是促进经济社会发展转型和提升城市发展质量的前提,对上海"十二五"规划编制和上海2020年中长期发展战略至关重要。  相似文献   

我国是一个农业大国,约有9亿人口在农村,解决好农村社会养老问题,是建立健全社会保障制度的重要任务。农村社会养老与城市社会养老相比,农村人口众多,且又经济落后,经济基础显得十分薄弱,两者之间差距  相似文献   

最近,各大媒体纷纷报道东部沿海地区出现大规模的用工荒现象,大部分农民工因为工作待遇差、工资和福利水平低而纷纷退居二线城市或农村.这不禁让人想起了国家人力资源和社会保障部在2008年12月初完成的<经济危机对就业影响最新数据调查报告>所呈现的庞大数据,调查结果显示农民工返乡数总计有485万!同样是返乡,如果说经济危机时期的返乡是被迫撤退,返回到农村等待和寻找新的非农就业机会的话,那么今年年初出现的用工荒则是农民工主动出击,在国家健全强农惠农政策体系下,重操农业,依靠土地获得生活的保障和收入.  相似文献   

人肉搜索在今天已经不是个新名词了。虽涉世未深,却已名声大噪,让现代人为之叹服,就像《纽约时报》一个报道的标题《中国的“人肉搜索”让国际刑警黯然失色》。当然,“人肉搜索”并非中国特色,在英国、美国、韩国也都发生过震惊朝野的人肉搜索事件。  相似文献   

本文从世界土地资源及经济发展状况入手,比较了世界各国家和地区土地资源利用效益,并分析了影响土地资源利用效益的因素;指出土地资源的自然环境、自然丰度、自然区住等自然因素和人口、经济地理位置,交通条件、经济结构,集约化水平等社会经济因素是影响土地资源利用效益的主要因素.  相似文献   

从“他物权”看“土地换保障”——一个法社会学的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
统筹城乡社会保障体系和推动农村社会健康发展是我国正在推进的社会发展战略。文章以城市化为背景,主张吸取国企改革经验,将"保障"从"土地"中剥离出来,让二者各司其职,通过土地资源的流转整合来发展现代农业,通过社会保障体系的建立来保护农民的合法权益。作者从社会关系对社会法律规范的需求入手,通过分析改革开放以来"人—地关系"变化所带来的新型"地—权关系",推导出"土地换保障"的客观必要性,并从他物权的角度论证其合法性。然后,作者通过借鉴国外的典型经验和总结国内相关工作的得失,描绘了"土地换保障"的逻辑路径并对其具体实践进行了理性探索。  相似文献   

1引言在我国人多地少、人地矛盾十分尖锐的现实背景下,集约与节约利用土地资源,建设资源集约型、环境友好型社会,是实现我国社会经济可持续发展的必然选择,也是我国必须长期坚持的一项基本国策。2011年8月25日胡锦涛总书记在主持中共中央政治局就完善我国土地管理制度问题研究第三十一次集体学习的会议上强调:“要落实节约优先战略,  相似文献   

今天是第23个全国土地日。今年土地日的宣传主题是:"珍惜土地资源,节约集约用地。"土地是财富之母,是民生之本,是不可再生的宝贵资源,是人类生存和经济社会发展的重要载体,是实现伟大中国梦的战略基石。我国人多地少,土地后备资源匮乏,对土地资源  相似文献   

酝酿两年的《深圳市土地管理制度改革总体方案》于5月25日正式公布。事隔20多年后,深圳再次走在了新一轮“土地改革”的前列。  相似文献   

当前,面对国际金融危机冲击和国内经济增长放缓的严峻局面,保持经济平稳较快增长是首要任务。上海土地资源有限,劣势产业及时退出去才能实现“腾笼换鸟”,把优势产业引进来。优胜劣汰是市场竞争的基本原则,是提高经济运行效率、保持经济快速增长的源泉,而劣势产业退出机制的建立是实现优胜劣汰的前提。对上海而言,“调结构”是“保增长”的基础、捷径和出路。金融危机对我们是一个挑战,但也是产业结构调整和优化升级的一次机遇,顺势而为,把市场“倒逼”机制和政府的主动调整相结合,及时帮助劣势产业实现退出,对上海经济的长期平稳增长具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Much of the existing literature on cross-national differences in retirement wage policy has focused on the inception of programs and the factors leading to their introduction. The explanations may be less adequate in accounting for post-war changes in social security programs. To interpret the evolution of programs in the post-war period, we stress the importance of divisions among workers themselves. We argue here that such divisions may occur along three fault lines: (1) ethnic, racial, and linguistic differentiation (2) the split between heavily urbanized and other segments of the working population and (3) fractionalization brought about by domination of a single industry. Using a longitudinal design to measure changes in social security expenditures in 34 nations between 1965 and 1983, we test hypotheses asserting that fragmentation among workers is inversely correlated with expanded investment in benefits for workers. We find general support for these hypotheses.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of the visual social semiotics schema developed by Kress and van Leeuwen (1996) to sexual health leaflets and posters for young people (age 13 to 19 years) in order to explore how male heterosexuality is managed at a visual level. It illustrates the use of the method, and its advantages and drawbacks in comparison with other methods, and highlights the importance of visual representations as a source of sociological data. This analysis shows how social semiotics can be applied to reveal the discourses in images, and how sexual health materials reinforce dominant ideologies of masculinity. The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to the potential effectiveness of sexual health materials.  相似文献   

In urban China, the recipients' experiences living with social assistance are neglected. This article examines social assistance for poor children in urban China, mainly by interviewing parents and children from urban Dibao households in Tianjin and Chengdu. It finds that the recipients' feelings included gratitude, helplessness, shame and exclusion which reflected limited policy effect on material support and social exclusion prevention. It argues that the recipients are under-served and current social assistance policy for poor children which only includes differentiated aid and education aid is inadequate and should be further improved.  相似文献   

The social security programs that have become widely established in countries around the globe vary greatly in their design features. The difference among the programs invites questions regarding the relative strength of their designs. One hundred and sixty-four programs are assessed on three design dimensions: benefit eligibility, qualifying eligibility criteria, and benefit provision. The analysis shows that the best-designed old-age programs can be found in Western Europe and Australasia.  相似文献   

Research in social network analysis (SNA) faces unprecedented ethical challenges today due to both technological developments (‘big’ data) and a growing tendency toward institutionalization of ethics governance. We argue that a suitable response requires a more comprehensive approach to SNA ethics, and we identify two main paths toward this goal. First, we need to recognize the breadth of the subject, no longer limited to anonymity and consent. Second, we need to encourage the active participation and contribution of SNA scholars. We advocate a need for greater reflexivity at both individual and collective levels, whereby researchers can learn from their own and their peers’ experiences, and foster a more ethically ‘virtuous’ approach within the whole SNA community.  相似文献   

The question of whether social workers participate in continuing social work education because social service organizations regard continuing education of their staff essential for improved organizational performance, or because social workers regard it as essential for improved professional performance is examined using two data sources. The data suggest that social workers engage in continuing education programs primarily for professional rather than organizational reasons. The viability of these programs seems to depend on whether they are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and the opportunities they afford for intellectual stimulation. The discussion is set in an organizational environment perspective.  相似文献   

The issue of family–employment reconciliation has rapidly evolved from being ignored to a certain dejá vu perception in public debate, as a result of its media success during the last decade. This is even more the case in Spain, where it was only in the late 1990s, when a law was passed to regulate and extend parental and other leave for workers with close relatives in need of care, that reconciliation policies began to be generally discussed and considered. In a context of quick population aging as a consequence of low fertility, concern on labor force supply in the middle term is high on the agenda. Women are increasingly considered to be necessary both as workers and mothers (of future workers), thus raising awareness of the importance of social policies to make their double presence in both worlds possible. There is now general agreement from the right to the left on the urgency to develop family–employment policies. But what is not generally addressed is the impact of such policies on gender equality, a dimension which tends to be either ignored or taken for granted. Not all reconciliation measures have the same effects on the women and men relationship. Some of them push forward equality, whereas others go backwards. Efficiency in making job and family responsibilities compatible does not always go hand in hand with increasing equality. The paper presents a theoretical model for the reconciliation of work and family life from a gender equality perspective. The three main kinds of instruments available in social policy – services, leave, and cash – are examined in four different cases: care of under-threes, care of sick children, coordination of work and school schedules, and care of children during school holidays. Each case is looked at considering its effects on social and gender equality, as well as child welfare. The model includes as active agents of the system the State (promotes and regulates), families and individuals (those directly implicated), and the market as labor market, on the one hand, and supplier of private services, on the other.  相似文献   


Much of the existing literature on cross-national differences in retirement wage policy has focused on the inception of programs and the factors leading to their introduction. The explanations may be less adequate in accounting for post-war changes in social security programs. To interpret the evolution of programs in the postwar period, we stress the importance of divisions among workers themselves. We argue here that such divisions may occur along three fault lines: (1) ethnic, racial, and linguistic differentiation (2) the split between heavily urbanized and other segments of the working population and (3) fractionalization brought about by domination of a single industry. Using a longitudinal design to measure changes in social security expenditures in 34 nations between 1965 and 1983, we test hypotheses asserting that fragmentation among workers is inversely correlated with expanded investment in benefits for workers. We find general support for these hypotheses.  相似文献   

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