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A \(k\)-connected (resp. \(k\)-edge connected) dominating set \(D\) of a connected graph \(G\) is a subset of \(V(G)\) such that \(G[D]\) is \(k\)-connected (resp. \(k\)-edge connected) and each \(v\in V(G)\backslash D\) has at least one neighbor in \(D\). The \(k\) -connected domination number (resp. \(k\) -edge connected domination number) of a graph \(G\) is the minimum size of a \(k\)-connected (resp. \(k\)-edge connected) dominating set of \(G\), and denoted by \(\gamma _k(G)\) (resp. \(\gamma '_k(G)\)). In this paper, we investigate the relation of independence number and 2-connected (resp. 2-edge-connected) domination number, and prove that for a graph \(G\), if it is \(2\)-edge connected, then \(\gamma '_2(G)\le 4\alpha (G)-1\), and it is \(2\)-connected, then \(\gamma _2(G)\le 6\alpha (G)-3\), where \(\alpha (G)\) is the independent number of \(G\).  相似文献   

In this paper, a model is developed for the selection of personnel for a multiple phase project which takes into account the match between the skills possessed by each individual, the skills needed for each phase, and rather flexible budget considerations. The algorithm uses the fuzzy construct of compatibility to measure the fit of a person’s skill set to the goal set for each project phase. Based on the individual fuzzy compatibility measures, the team is formed from combined levels of compatibility and acceptable levels of quality defined for the goal set. 1 and 2 present the background information necessary to an understanding of project management phases and compatibility of skills. The development of the model and subsequent algorithm in 3 and 4, respectively rely on fuzzy measures of compatibility. Finally, an application is presented in Section 4 with conclusions stated in Section 5.  相似文献   

A safe set of a graph \(G=(V,E)\) is a non-empty subset S of V such that for every component A of G[S] and every component B of \(G[V {\setminus } S]\), we have \(|A| \ge |B|\) whenever there exists an edge of G between A and B. In this paper, we show that a minimum safe set can be found in polynomial time for trees. We then further extend the result and present polynomial-time algorithms for graphs of bounded treewidth, and also for interval graphs. We also study the parameterized complexity. We show that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the solution size. Furthermore, we show that this parameter lies between the tree-depth and the vertex cover number. We then conclude the paper by showing hardness for split graphs and planar graphs.  相似文献   

A common strategy in estimation is to decompose the quantity being estimated into several factors, estimate a value for each factor, and then reaggregate these values to obtain an overall estimate. Until now, the extent of decomposition to use has been considered largely a matter of judgment. However, both the extent of decomposition and the manner in which the results are reaggregated can have a significant effect on the resulting estimate. This paper discusses factors affecting the optimum level of decomposition, and presents examples showing that the use of nonoptimal decomposition strategies can lead to significant inaccuracies.  相似文献   

This paper has been devised with two different and at the same time complementary aims. First, to propose a methodology based upon goal programming that allows the aggregation of individual preferences provided by several social groups towards different criteria in a cardinal manner. The main feature of the procedure lies in the easy utility interpretation of the social consensus obtained. Second, to apply the proposed methodology to a case study on electricity planning in Spain within an environmental context, where several criteria of different nature and some social groups with different interests are involved. The social weights that have to be attached to the different criteria in a multi-objective programming model are obtained this way.  相似文献   


The notion of ‘project delivery’ is well embedded in and across the management and organizational sciences literature – generating a narrative that reflects and recognizes the instrumental nature of projects and programmes in strategy execution. Project management, as a distinct and well-established body of research enquiry, has increasingly sought to focus our attention on the impacts of complexity, risk and uncertainty in projects; the corollary being a desideratum to strengthen our theoretical understanding of how insight and learning from projects may influence improvements to organizational efficiency. The wider literature suggests that organizational learning remains a challenging proposition, particularly in the context of organizations operating in environments of high complexity. In this paper, we enhance the conversation on organizational learning through a series of case studies, generating evidence of thirteen ‘learning modes’. The paper proposes that mature organizations tend to exhibit a greater number of learning modes and that there is a tendency to capture and socialize knowledge with a greater emphasis on the context of the learning situation rather than the learning artefact in isolation. The empirical evidence gathered in this paper forms the basis of a capability model, characterized by the thirteen modes of learning. The model intimates that learning occurs, and is more effective, when knowledge and information are enacted in practice through the learning modes which form a nucleus of the organizational learning capability. The research concludes with a 'call to action' that emphasizes the strategic importance of learning practices and routines in project oriented-organizations.  相似文献   

Geographic information systems (GIS) have taken on an increasingly important role supporting decision making in many organizations. GIS have been used to support a breadth of tasks including oil and mineral exploration, facility location, logistics support, and facilities management decisions. The effectiveness of GIS as a decision support tool comes primarily from the visual display of data in the form of maps. When presenting information as a geographic map, the level of data aggregation potentially affects aspects of task complexity such as information load and the potential for pattern recognition by the user. Other task attributes expected to be related to data aggregation effects include problem size, the degree of data dispersion, and users' spatial orientation skills. We conducted an experiment to study these effects and their interactions. Subjects used a GIS including map-based information characterized by different levels of problem size, data dispersion, and data aggregation. Spatial orientation skill was examined as a covariate in the experimental treatments. The results indicate that all of these geographic information characteristics have significant impacts on decision performance. Moreover, many interactions are present among the factors. We evaluate these interactions in order to derive implications for practice and for future research.  相似文献   

Convex (concave) interaction weighting functions are combined with circular configurations of black and white sites to determine configurations that have minimum (maximum) weight. These configurations are called maximally even configurations. It is shown that for a given number of black and white sites, all maximally even configurations are equivalent under rotation and reflection, and a simple algorithm is constructed that generates these configurations. A number of equivalent conditions that determine a maximally even configuration are established. These equivalent conditions permit maximally even configurations to apply to a number of seemingly disparate problems including the dinner table and concentric circles problems, the one-dimensional antiferromagnetic Ising model, and musical scales. This paper is dedicated to the memory of John Clough (1928–2003). Without his seminal works in music theory and patient encouragement of others, this work and much of the work referenced herein would never have been started, much less completed. The field of mathematical music theory owes a great debt to John Clough. The authors are privileged to have known and worked with John Clough.  相似文献   

本文基于CVaR决策准则,通过构建需求依赖于促销的一般需求模型,其中包括加法和乘法需求模型作为特例,考察了一次订货和允许紧急订货两种模式下风险厌恶零售商关于促销和库存的联合优化问题。讨论了紧急订购成本、风险厌恶以及市场需求变动对最优策略的影响,并对两种模式下零售商的最优策略和收益进行了比较分析,结果表明:在两种订货模式下,零售商的最优订购量和促销努力均随风险厌恶程度的增大而降低;紧急订货模式下的促销努力和实现的收益大于一次订货模式,且在加法需求模型下,紧急订货模式下的初次订购量小于一次订货模式的最优订购量。运用随机变量一阶和二阶交替随机占优的概念刻画了市场需求变动下零售商如何调整最优策略的充分条件。最后实施数值实验验证了理论分析结果。  相似文献   

Supplier selection plays a very important role in supply chain management. This study intends to develop a novel performance evaluation method, which integrates both fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method and fuzzy data envelopment analysis (DEA) for assisting organisations to make the supplier selection decision. Fuzzy AHP method is first applied to find the indicators’ weights through expert questionnaire survey. Then, these weights are integrated with fuzzy DEA. We use α -cut set and extension principle of fuzzy set theory to simplify the fuzzy DEA as a pair of traditional DEA model. Finally, fuzzy ranking using maximising and minimising set method is able to rank the evaluation samples. A case study on an internationally well-known auto lighting OEM company shows that the proposed method is very suitable for practical applications.  相似文献   

This paper develops Porter's (1986) well-known configuration/coordination paradigm for strategy at corporate level into a model that may be applied to identify and evaluate strategy at subsidiary level. Four strategy types are identified: detached subsidiary (corresponding to Porter's export-based corporate strategy), autarchic subsidiary (corresponding to the country-centred corporate strategy), confederate strategy (corresponding to high foreign investment with extensive coordination), and the strategic auxiliary (purest global strategy). Empirical data were obtained from a postal survey of 500 randomly chosen foreign manufacturing affiliates in the UK, of which 171 responded. The proposed strategy types were identified using cluster analysis and verified using analysis of variance. The four subsidiary strategy types were found to be separated by a number of operational variables including market scope, flows of material inputs and outputs, the nature of manufacturing technology employed and the degree of R&D complexity. The proposed framework was thus found to be useful and robust.  相似文献   

This article discusses shifts in modes of governance in the Brazilian oil sector over a 60-year period. On the basis of Driessen et al.'s (2012) framework, we discuss the impact of these shifts on sustainable development. Our results suggest that changes in modes of governance were driven by regulation and mostly associated with shifts in both actors and institutional features but that the underlying rationale of prioritising economic outcomes remained unaffected. The results also confirm that a central governance structure remained in place over time and co-existed in different modes of governance. Petrobras was the backbone of this structure and instrumental in empowering and disempowering non-state actors. This article stresses that a mode of governance furthering sustainable development should promote interactions of large numbers of actors and may require active participation of Petrobras to encourage rationales that support improvements in social and environmental domains.  相似文献   

Performance feedback remains a commonly implemented and successful intervention within organizational behavior management, but a comprehensive understanding of the components that influence the effectiveness of feedback tends to be lacking. The present study sought to contribute by analyzing the variables of accuracy (contingent on or independent of performance) and evaluation type (supportive or critical judgments) on performance using a simulated work environment. A total of 75 undergraduate students were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 experimental conditions: (a) contingent and supportive feedback, (b) contingent and critical feedback, (c) independent and supportive feedback, or (d) independent and critical feedback. Outcomes suggested that contingent feedback improved performance relative to independent feedback, however, no differences were found between supportive and critical types of feedback. The need for additional research into the functional and formal elements of effective feedback is also discussed.  相似文献   

Sara Calligaris 《LABOUR》2015,29(4):367-393
Over the last two decades, total factor productivity (TFP) in Italy decreased by 0.2% per year, while increasing on average in the Euro‐area countries. This decline suggests the existence of large inefficiencies in the allocation of resources, making the Italian case particularly interesting and suitable in order to study the role of misallocation. In this article, I quantify the within‐industry misallocation of inputs in Italy over the period 1993–2011, by applying the Hsieh and Klenow's methodology. Using a micro‐level longitudinal dataset of Italian manufacturing firms, I find that, in the hypothetical absence of distortions, aggregate TFP in manufacturing would be boosted by 58% in 1993, by 67% in 2006 and by 80% in 2011. This leads to a twofold conclusion: first, misallocation plays a crucial role in determining the inefficiency level of the Italian manufacturing sector; second, misallocation has increased over time. Given the magnitude of the results obtained and the policy implications related thereto, I take a step ahead by checking to what extent the degree of misallocation can be attributed to specific characteristics of the Italian firms: it emerges that misallocation is higher for firms located in the south and at low‐technological intensity, as well as for small or young firms.  相似文献   

No public policy issue has been as difficult as high-level nuclear waste. Debates continue regarding Yucca Mountain as a disposal site, and—more generally—the appropriateness of geologic disposal and the need to act quickly. Previous research has focused on possible social, political, and economic consequences of a facility in Nevada. Impacts have been predicted to be potentially large and to emanate mainly from stigmatization of the region due to increased perceptions of risk. Analogous impacts from leaving waste at power plants have been either ignored or assumed to be negligible. This paper presents survey results on attitudes of residents in three counties where nuclear waste is currently stored. Topics include perceived risk, knowledge of nuclear waste and radiation, and impacts on jobs, tourism, and housing values from leaving waste on site. Results are similar to what has been reported for Nevada; the public is concerned about possible adverse effects from on-site storage of waste.  相似文献   

组织承诺周期模型的构建及实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩翼  廖建桥 《管理学报》2005,2(4):459-465
组织承诺已经被学者们从不同的方面进行研究,但先前的理论和实证研究是基于组织承诺水平随着雇员服务年限的变化而变化,在雇员刚刚进入组织时下降,尔后开始上升.在职业周期理论的基础上,提出了组织承诺水平周期变化模型.为了检验组织承诺随着服务年限变化的情况,使用了跨时间系列研究.然而,和现存的组织承诺发展理论相反,组织承诺周期理论揭示出雇员的组织承诺随其服务年限的增长表现出周期性变化,并且显著地划分为5个阶段震荡期、认同期、稳定期、反刍期、固化期.研究结果对于提高雇员组织承诺和预防雇员离职具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

This paper studies two companies in a period of turbulent technological change. Based on historical data for the 1980s, it examines the technology and human resource strategies of Lucas Industries PLC and Robert Bosch GmbH both at a group and plant level. It draws two main conclusions: first that stability in company strategy is a key to understanding competitive performance and second that the way in which strategy is transmitted to the individual plant level and diffused into actual working practices is similarly central to effective performance.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze how retailers change their inventory investment behavior in response to macroeconomic shocks. We examine if service level, as measured by the ratio of stockout to inventory holding costs, can explain the differences in observed behavior across retailers. We use data on macroeconomic indicators and quarterly filings of US public retailers from 1985 to 2009 to estimate a dynamic model of short‐ and long‐term impact of macroeconomic shocks on inventory investment. Our results show that retailers with a high service level increase their inventory investment significantly more than those with a low service level during expansion shocks. Conversely, retailers with a low service level curtail their inventory investment significantly more than those with a high service level during periods of economic contractions. Thus, we show that the aggregate change in inventory investment documented in prior macroeconomics research is driven by different sets of retailers, as predicted by newsvendor logic. We draw implications of our findings to retailers as well as their suppliers.  相似文献   

In this paper generalizations of Heilbronn’s triangle problem to convex hulls of j points in the unit square [0,1]2 are considered. By using results on the independence number of linear hypergraphs, for fixed integers k≥3 and any integers nk a deterministic o(n 6k−4) time algorithm is given, which finds distributions of n points in [0,1]2 such that, simultaneously for j=3,…,k, the areas of the convex hulls determined by any j of these n points are Ω((log n)1/(j−2)/n (j−1)/(j−2)).  相似文献   

品牌延伸已经成为企业推出新产品的主要策略之一,成功的品牌延伸可以帮助企业利用品牌这一无形资产,提高企业的绩效。本文首先回顾了品牌延伸的经典研究范式:从母品牌质量、母品牌与延伸产品匹配两个角度来研究品牌延伸评价,随后再从消费者个体属性视角来拓展此研究范式。在评价品牌延伸时,不同调节聚焦属性的消费者对于母品牌质量、母品牌与延伸产品匹配程度两个因素的相对重要性的判断存在差异:趋进型调节聚焦属性的消费者更加重视母品牌与延伸产品之间的匹配;规避型调节聚焦属性的消费者更加重视母品牌质量。在发现了调节聚焦对品牌延伸评价的影响后,本研究进一步揭示了母品牌类型、母品牌与延伸产品匹配的类型对上述影响的调节作用。  相似文献   

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