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最近,美国北卡罗来纳州国际家庭健康机构的研究人员设计、发明了一种新型避孕套——塑料避孕套,它和乳胶避孕套相比,不仅具有弹力强、失败率低的优点,而且使用时也相当舒适。国家健康协会为此给予这个非赢利性医学研究机构130万美元的实验经费,由一批自愿参加试验的夫妇进行临床试验,以确定这种塑料避孕套的安全性、有效性及可接受性。  相似文献   

中国避孕套使用现状及需求展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
避孕套已成为当今世界倍受推崇的屏障避孕工具,除了节育的目的之外,艾滋病的全球肆虐又促进了避孕套使用热的兴起。避孕套的使用和推广受诸多社会、经济、文化因素的影响。一个国家或民族的避孕套可接受性与民族传统,社会心理和性文化的认同有关。中国是世界上避孕套现用率较低的发展中国家之一。因此在我国推广包括避孕套在内的男性避孕方法,促进男性积极参与计  相似文献   

避孕套作为一种简便、高效、多功能的避孕工具 ,在避孕节育活动中发挥着十分重要的作用。本期“婚育视窗”栏目向读者系统介绍有关避孕套的知识 ,以帮助广大育龄群众在避孕节育方法知情选择中作为参考。  相似文献   

1.妇女患有生殖器炎症时,一方面要积极治疗,另一方面要选择适当的避孕方法,达到既能正常地进行性生活,又能避免加重炎症。轻度炎症时可选用避孕套或口服避孕药,炎症较重时则不宜使用宫内节育器或外用避孕药。2.妇女有乳房肿块时,应积极诊疗,未诊断清楚前,不要用口服避孕药或注射长效避孕针,可用宫内节育器或避孕套。3.女方患有高血压、糖尿病、心脏病时,不要用避孕药,可用工具避孕,如避孕套、宫内节育器或阴道隔膜,最好根据身体条件做结扎手术。患有严重心脏病者,即使没有孩子,也应首先顾及大人,施行绝育手术。4.一方患有乙型肝炎、性病或其…  相似文献   

周云 《人口研究》2004,28(5):85-91
作为男性避孕方法之一的避孕套在中国育龄人群中的使用率始终在 5 %左右。艾滋病和性别在中国已呈上升发展趋势 ,在人群中宣传和促进使用这种方法可以起到良好的避孕防病的作用。本文通过检索已有的相关文献 ,研究和分析了避孕套在我国的出现、宣传和推广使用的过程。发现这一方法从国外传入我国的时间不长 ;推广这种方法的人群在扩大、倡导的方式也在不断变化 ;法律法规的引导以及政府相关部门的介入与协作对宣传使用这种方法具有积极作用  相似文献   

避孕套采用优质天然乳胶经过加工、提炼而制成 ,一般来说 ,人们对它是不会产生过敏的 ,但由于人们的体质不一样 ,有个别人会产生过敏现象。对避孕套过敏的男性出现的症状表现为阴茎头部潮红 ,有的出现小丘疹、瘙痒和刺激痛 ,严重时由于抓搔还会破溃、糜烂 ,如不注意卫生还会感染 ;女子过敏时主要表现为外阴及阴道有瘙痒感 ,有的感觉烧灼 ,如果检查会发现阴道粘膜充血、水肿 ,还伴随白带增多等症状。发生过敏反应后应采取什么办法呢?首先 ,要停止使用避孕套 ,改用其他避孕方法。其次 ,暂停性生活。在治疗期间及治疗恢复正常后2周内停止性生…  相似文献   

临潼区:全区共设立各种宣传、服务、咨询点20个。发放资料3000多册,避孕套1000多盒,宣传展板50多块,播放录像、录音200多盘。雁塔区:在广场,“7.11世界人口日”和“关爱女孩”为主题的标语随风飘扬,30多个展台被咨询,索取资料及避孕药具的群众围得水泄不通。发放3万多份“关爱女孩”的宣传折页及16000只避孕套。20多位医务工作者为群众义诊。高陵县:一是在县政府门前进行集中宣传,发出“关爱女孩行动”,构建和谐新高陵”的倡议书;二是发放关爱女孩的法律法规等相关宣传手册;  相似文献   

日本人避孕方法偏好的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本人在避孕方法使用上有其非常独特的一面 ,也就是避孕套的高使用率。本文根据实地调查 ,分析这种方法形成的原因。其结果是人们的习惯、对自然的崇拜、学校的教育、避孕方法信息的导向、医务界的作用 ,以及用具的质量等因素影响着人们的选择偏好  相似文献   

<正> 由联合国人口问题研究活动基金会、国际计划生育联合会和人口委员会联合发起的有75个大部分为发展中国家和国际组织的150名代表参加的会议发表的文件说:据估计,目前全世界约有2.7亿人采用某种形式的避孕,其中2/3在发达国家,1/3在发展中国家。约有1/3采取了绝育措施,约有30%使用避孕药,15%使用节育环,10%使用避孕套,其余20%采用其他方法。此外,每年全世界估计有3,000—  相似文献   

艾滋病的漫延已引起各国政府的不安,一些国家纷纷采取相应的对策和措施。日本厚生省为了更有效地预防艾滋病,今年3月9日发出通知,解除对避孕套自动出售机安装场所的限制。1972年厚生省曾出于有益于青少年健康  相似文献   

As STD infections including HIV increase in the United States, it has become increasingly important to policy makers to ascertain the extent to which knowledge and perceptions of AIDS risk affect an individual's probability of altering their sexual or contraceptive behavior to avoid infection. This paper examines the extent to which women's perceptions of their own and their partners' risk of HIV infection affects the probability of using a condom for protection against sexually transmitted diseases. This paper also examines the extent to which HIV testing may affect motivation for condom use. Crosstabulations reveal that prophylactic condom use is more prevalent among women who have been tested for HIV and increase as perceptions of their chance (and their partner's chance) of being positive increases. The multivariate results from this study indicate that having an HIV test significantly predicts the likelihood of using a condom for STD prevention for US women. Furthermore, women who perceive themselves to be at least somewhat likely to be HIV positive have a higher probability of using a condom to prevent sexually transmitted disease, and women who perceive their partners to be HIV positive are twice as likely as other women to use a condom for STD prevention. However, women who consider themselves likely to be HIV positive are no more likely to use a condom than those who consider themselves not at risk.  相似文献   

Married and cohabiting women have been neglected in the promotion of condoms as the most effective prevention method of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. As a result, HIV prevalence is increasing in this population group in high HIV prevalence settings. The study assesses the prevalence of and identifies the predictors of consistent use of male condoms among married and cohabiting women, and examines its implications for HIV transmission. The data used were obtained from a cross-sectional survey on sexual and reproductive health conducted among women aged 18–49 years of age in Mahikeng Local Municipality in 2012 using mixed methods. A structured questionnaire and in-depth interview guide were used to collect quantitative data from 568 and qualitative data from 33 married or cohabiting women. The data were analysed using logistic regression and thematic content analysis methods. The results show that only 16.2% of the women consistently used condoms. Women having no and 1–2 surviving children, educated women, women in relationships in which most sexual decisions were jointly made with husbands/partners, women having high risk perceptions of STIs and HIV infection and women who negotiate condom use with and know the HIV status of their husbands/partners were significantly more likely to have consistently used condoms. However, women who perceived that condoms reduce sexual pleasure, feared they would be blamed for infidelity by husbands/partners, trusted that their husbands/partners were faithful and feared condoms could lead to relationship instability used condoms inconsistently. We conclude that the prevalence of consistent use of condoms by married and cohabiting women in the study is low, indicating that promotion of condoms among married or cohabiting women is neglected, which could increase the risk of HIV transmission. Based on our findings, we recommend the review of condom programmes with a view to targeting married or cohabiting couples as an important group for condom promotion and uptake.  相似文献   

Brazil is currently the number two country in the world for reported cases of AIDS, and the rate of heterosexually acquired cases is on the rise. Moreover, because of the changing focus of the epidemic, the ratio of male to female cases dropped from 28 : 1 in 1984 to 2.7 : 1 in 1997. While women's risk of infection continues to grow, there is evidence to suggest that traditional approaches to HIV risk reduction have not effectively addressed women's special needs. Within such a setting this study sought to introduce drug-involved women to the female condom – a female-controlled method of protection from HIV. As part of a larger HIV/AIDS intervention study targeting low-income, cocaine users, the primary aim of this initiative was to assess the level of acceptability of this new device among women at high-risk for HIV infection in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In conjunction with individual pre-test HIV prevention counseling, clients participated in a detailed education/demonstration session with the female condom. Women were asked to try the female condom with their partners and to report their experiences at two points of contact. Outcome data indicate that a sizable proportion (71.1%) of the sexually active women used the female condom during vaginal sex on one or more occasions. In addition, many women continued to use the female condom as a method of risk reduction over the three-month follow-up period. These data suggest that the female condom can have an important role in HIV prevention efforts in Brazil.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between gender roles and HIV risk behavior, and perceptions and acceptance of the female condom among college students (n = 410). It was hypothesized that high hyperfeminine females and high hypermasculine males – those adhering to traditional gender roles – would engage in more HIV risk behaviors, including alcohol and drug use and various sexual practices, than those with lower hyperfemininity and hypermasculinity. It was also hypothesized that higher hyperfeminine females as well as higher hypermasculine males would perceive the female condom more negatively and would be less likely to view the female condom as a viable form of protection in the future. It was also hypothesized that high hyperfeminine females and high hypermasculine males would not accept the female condom as an alternative form of protection. Implications for prevention interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports on older women’s experiences and advice on condom use, male-female relationships, HIV risk, and prevention education. It reports on findings from five written, open-ended questions with 110 ethnically and economically diverse women, 40–80 years old. Analysis revealed four themes: (a) Gap between condom use advice and condom use behavior; (b) invisibility with age; (c) negative expectations of men; and (d) desire for education that breaks the silence on sex. The article discusses the meaning of the findings as they relate to current knowledge about HIV prevention education and midlife and older women and offers recommendations for research and education.  相似文献   

This pilot study examined effects of HIV prevention messages about self and partner benefits of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and condom effectiveness on increased intentions for behavior change. Data were from Messages4Men, a study examining prevention messages among 320 HIV-positive and 605 HIV-negative Black and Latino MSM. Men completed a computer-based assessment after message exposure, and multivariable models controlled for risky sex and demographics. A majority of HIV-positive men reported increased intentions for ART use; 22% reported partner benefit information was new. HIV-positive men with a detectable viral load had significantly greater adjusted odds of reporting intentions for ART use. Over half of HIV-negative MSM reported ART benefit information was new, and 88% reported increased intentions to discuss ART use with infected partners. Black MSM anticipated they would increase condom use in response to the self and partner benefit messages. Tailored messages on benefits of ART are needed for MSM.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand how bear identity influenced condom use during the last anal sex event. Participants were recruited to complete an online, anonymous self-report survey through bear-related sexual and social networking websites. A total of 1,080 men who identified as gay or bisexual and as a member of the bear community and were 18 years or older completed the survey. Overall, fewer than a third of men reported condom use during the most recent receptive (28%) and insertive (30%) anal sex event. Men in bear concordant pairings were less likely to use a condom during receptive and insertive anal sex compared to those is discordant pairings (p < .05). Findings suggest that bear identity concordance influences condom use during anal sex after accounting for an individual’s relationship to their most recent partner as well as other confounding variables.  相似文献   

Limited research has focused on the sexual behaviors of men who have sex with men (MSM) from rural communities. We examined the sexual and health-related behaviors of MSM living in rural areas of the United States in order to understand the sexual health repertoire of this population. A total of 5,357 participants living in rural settings were recruited online and completed an anonymous Internet-based survey that assessed sexual behaviors, condom use, and men’s engagement with various community activities and events. These data provide a greater understanding of sexual health profiles that exist among rural MSM and will help inform the design of effective programs for men in these often underserved communities.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(4):507-521

This analysis measures prevalence and correlates of consistent lubricant use among a cohort of Thai men who have sex with men (MSM). Lubricant use was queried at the 12-month follow-up visit. Consistent lubricant use was evaluated with logistic regression. Consistent lubricant use was reported by 77.0% of men and was associated with consistent condom use with casual partners, while binge drinking, payment for sex, and inconsistent condom use with casual, and steady, partners were negatively associated. Though consistent lubricant use is common among this Thai MSM cohort, further promotion is needed with MSM engaging in risky sexual practices.  相似文献   

Cross‐nationally, observed fertility is well below mean levels of reported ideal family size and also usually well below survey respondents' fertility desires and intentions. The United States is an exception. In this article we: (1) discuss the importance of fertility ideals and intentions for understanding observed fertility levels, (2) propose a model that can account for variable attitude‐behavior consistency, and (3) use this model as a framework to examine trends in American women's fertility ideals, intentions, and actual fertility. Our study uses data from the General Social Surveys and the Current Population Surveys. We ask whether preferences and intentions for moderate family sizes have eroded with time. The answer is remarkably clear: the dominant American ideals and intentions are for two or three children, and these preferences have persisted across the last three decades. The unusual aggregate correspondence between fertility intentions and behavior in the United States is explained by an apparent offsetting of factors that increase/decrease fertility relative to intentions.  相似文献   

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