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60多岁了,业已退休,还年轻吗?是的,我还年轻。60多岁的人,30岁的心脏,眠食俱佳,作息如恒,便是明证。退休两年来,我一如从前,每天凌晨4点钟起床,闻鸡起舞,读书习文。这两年见诸报刊的文章有30余篇,与退休之前相比,有增无减。“读万卷书,行万里路”,是我年轻时候的向往,如今依然爱山恋水,志在畅游名山大川。2000年,我千里奔波,赶往浙江括苍山,冒着刺骨的寒风,踏上山顶,迎来了新世纪的第一缕曙光。7月,我拖着带伤的脚,又气宇轩昂地登上了中国奇险第一山———西岳华山。去年9月,又是单枪匹马走贵州,观赏驰名世界的…  相似文献   

林自仁 《老年世界》2006,(14):13-13
我退休后的生活,说起来很简单,就是:走走,看看,写写。 早先,我在乡下教书,上下班离不开自行车。退休后,随儿子进城住,开始弃车步行。这不仅为了安全,更重要的是锻炼身体。步行很有意思,自由自在,随随便便,愿意走就走,愿意停就停,眼观六路,耳听八方,城市风景,尽收眼底。  相似文献   

○军官,男, 28岁,身高 1. 78米,未婚,大专文化,中共党员,品正貌俊,精明沉稳,爱好广泛。诚觅 26岁以下,品貌端正,活泼聪慧,感情专一的未婚女性为终生伴侣,城乡不限,最好能随军。信照寄:北京市怀柔县南大街 313号张杰,邮编: 101400。   ○晓丹,女, 22岁,身高 1. 60米,未婚,初中文化,农户,温柔纯洁有修养,五官清秀气质佳,善解人意会理财。诚觅 33岁以下,有抱负踏实重情,稳重爱家的男士为伴。城乡户口不限。意者信寄 443500湖北省长阳县清江路 518号欧阳老师收转,必复。   ○未婚淑女, 22岁,身高 1. 62米,…  相似文献   

田妞,女,24岁,身高1.60米,中专文化,未婚,某医院工作。肤白秀丽,身材苗条丰满,举止文雅大方,诚实重情体贴人。找正直情专,身体健康,有一技之长,有事业心的男士为侣。意者信照寄湖北省鄂州市南浦路55号田芸转。邮编:436000。女,26岁,高中文化,身高1.59米,未婚,苗条聪慧,朴实善良,细致体贴,感情专一。寻一位善良有爱心,有责任感,有事业心,不怕吃苦的男士为侣。有意者信照寄湖北省当阳市南正街22号玉英转小英,邮编:444100,来信照必复。某男,33岁,身高1.76米,中专文化,英俊潇洒,宽宏大度,事业红火,经济雄…  相似文献   

小时闻“君子之交淡如水”的话,总感到不以为然。与人相交嘛,讲的是性情相投,要么不交,形如陌路,要交便是朋友。朋友之交应该胜似手足,应该甘愿两肋插刀,应该同生死共患难。这样的相交用水来形容,很使人不可思议。那时便会怀疑说这句话的人,大概是个没有血性的人,大概是个平的老夫子,起码是个明哲保身的孤独者。真要形容君子之交,那也该引如醇酒,热热烈烈,相合相凝,能点出火来。能你呼我应,能携手共进,一诺千金,誓共生死。多少年过去了,导人相交也多了。而今再来想“君子之交淡如水”这句活,觉得浅浅显显,却明明白白,…  相似文献   

我从小喜爱书法,但在岗时工作忙,没有时间练习。退休后,有了空闲时间,我每天除了读书外,就是临摹古今书法家的字帖,作为主要的休闲方式。一个人老闲着不干事,终究要闲出病来。我练书法一丝不苟,精神集中,运气又运力,手脑并用,身心协调。这些年来,不但练出了一手好字,而且练出了一个好身体。或许有人认为,练书法老坐着或站着,运动量小,怎么可能有健身的作用呢?其实,练书法恰恰有益身心健康。我的体会是,练书法能调动大脑的思维能力,因为要写好一个字,必须动脑筋想,脑子愈想愈灵活,就不会发生老年痴呆。一旦提起笔,脑…  相似文献   

认识她是在去年的夏委。这个忧忧郁郁的女孩子,穿一件雪样的长裙,轻轻行走在夏天里,像天空飘过的白云,惊起两旁星样的目光。她日日从我的办公楼窗下走过,不骑车,也不等公共车,永远地步行,像永远不需要赶时间。这样的女孩子,是不该让她匆匆忙忙的。我想结识她。那天,天空飘着细雨,我站在窗前等她出现、远远的远处,她果然走过来。风,吹她长发如瀑,白裙如练。她没带伞,走在雨里,如落魄的僧人,似远远地走了一个世纪。行路不搭车,雨里不撑伞,这样的女孩子,不多见。遇见了,我自然不会轻易错过。我抓了一把伞,匆匆下楼,追上…  相似文献   

有人说,爱情是女人生命的全部。实际上,对男人来说又何尝不是如此?更何况,在爱情的角逐中,男人又有其具”乎寻常的优势。理智的男人,很难有深刻长久的爱情。他们太冷静,想得过远过多,总是顾虑重重。往往爱情才钻出一点嫩芽儿,就被他自己踩死了。理智是爱情的头号敌人,多一点,浓一点,爱情就会少一点,淡一点。其实,爱情是根本就不需要理智的。男人,你最好永远别问为什么,会怎样,也别管以前、现在和将来。爱情需要智慧。那种能左右爱情的男人,是幸运且幸福的。对方的一切心理,都瞒不过他的眼睛。他知道在什么时候跪下来,瞄…  相似文献   

人老了,看什么都云淡风轻,少有好奇。 闲来无事,漫步在太平河畔。河中波光潋滟,河北岸绿茵如妆。一抬头,一组雕塑,让我情不自禁地走过去,绕像_三匝,注目不移。看清了,我看清了,是一组井陉“拉花”。好美哟!那浓浓的山沟沟味儿,那酽酽的乡亲之味儿,那醇醇的山胡桃味儿,真正地道的太行山乡里挖出来的,带着泥土的香气,灼灼逼人,让我感到醍醐灌顶,梦醉心迷。  相似文献   

老岳父已经六十有五,我对他印象最深的,除了他的又大又长且多肉的鼻子外,就是他惊人的干瘦,像颗葡萄干。据说他一辈子都是如此,高而瘦。如今,他退休在家,看看报纸,记记笔记,时不时地哼着小调,快活得很。岳父家高居8楼,爬楼是桩苦事。楼顶上有一个平台,每天晚饭后,老人家总爱上去散步,看黄昏日落。一天,他突然心血来潮,决意要在屋顶上种菜养花。他的想法引得全家人大哗,我尤以为不可。退休了就应当好好休息,怎能日出而作,日落而息,要是落个腰肌劳损,不是好玩的。老人家听了,只是淡淡一笑。我不久在屋顶上发现了20多…  相似文献   

This research contributes to the literature on work-related factors for parents raising a child with a disability. Specifically, we used questionnaire methodology to compare two parent families raising a child with Autism Spectrum (AS) with similar families raising ‘typical’ children. Our findings suggested that parents raising a child with AS self-report higher parenting stress and more mental health symptomatology, as well as lower overall job satisfaction, less satisfaction with supervisors and less workplace contentment. In addition, our findings suggested that parents raising a child with a disability self-report similarly to parents raising ‘typical’ children with respect to work interest, commitment and quality, as well as time missed. In conclusion, our results appear to suggested that despite increased parental stress related to parenting a child with AS, with respect to several work-related factors, there are more similarities than differences among these parenting groups.  相似文献   

Australian research has demonstrated that students with a disability are more likely to remain out of the full‐time workforce. These research findings have been the catalyst for a call for a comprehensive career development and transition planning approach for all students with disabilities in schools as well as for employers to rethink the role of people with disabilities in the workforce. In the Australian context the transition from school for individuals with a disability is complicated by a disparate and fragmented group of service agencies providing a range of services, including employment, supported accommodation, recreation and leisure pursuits, as well as training and placement, along with, at times, a deep‐seated prejudice towards people with disabilities in the market place. This paper reviews a number of issues and challenges confronting individuals with a disability making the transition from school to the post‐school environment.  相似文献   

由于计算机网络等通讯媒体的广泛使用以及经济的全球化,人们的社会交往模式发生了革命性的变化,即突破国家的界限,形成了以个体为核心的全球性的社会交往模式。“微全球化”研究是一种基于微观视野的全球化研究.其一般模式和共同特点是把个人层面上涉及跨国界和跨文化的行为、交往、关系等方面的变化作为其研究的切入点,并进而把握某种跨国界和跨文化的行为、交往、关系。“微全球化”现象泛见于与青年群体相关的各种活动和事件中,对青年的发展具有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

This article argues that universal documents on children’s rights can provide illustrative examples as to how childhood is identified as a unity using difference as an instrument. Using Gille Deleuze’s theorising on difference and sameness as a framework, the article seeks to relate the children’s rights project with a critique of representation. It seeks to illustrate how the children’s rights project seems to be promoting an image of childhood that is sharply contrasted by adulthood in a dichotomised sense, as well as how, in these documents, the fate of the child is being intertwined with the fate of the state.  相似文献   

This paper considers the use of identity boxes as a data collection method to elicit experiences. Participants were asked to respond to questions using objects to represent their answers. The rationale for using identity boxes was to allow for a more embodied, less textual approach. The identity boxes were then also used to create an artistic installation as one form of data analysis. The reflection section in this paper shows that the approach posed potential risks around the emotional vulnerability of participants, with participants experiencing the project as cathartic and therapeutic. Some participants struggled with the process of thinking through objects as difficult. Although using a less conventional approach to research led to deeper, richer reflections and thus relevant, interesting data, concerns were raised around relevance, generalisability, and more generally the evaluation of the research. The paper concludes with a reconsideration of the identity boxes as a method.  相似文献   

This article advances the scholarship on inhabited institutions with analysis of the professional socialization of new teachers. My findings show that incoming teachers develop a perspective I call an “injunction to adapt” to prospective classroom contingencies, and define this as fundamental to effective teaching. Teacher candidates become primed to perform prospective work in ways that are tightly‐coupled with institutional mandates of public schools in some ways, and loosely‐coupled with them in others. I argue that attention to professional socialization highlights the ways that people's sense‐making can be prospective and anticipatory as well as ongoing and retrospective. Furthermore, I argue that analyzing professional socialization as a process of “interpretive reproduction” offers fruitful opportunity to wed the key strengths of symbolic interactionism with new institutionalism, as it reveals ways in which interaction and sense‐making can serve to reproduce and maintain the legitimacy of institutional logics while also serving as a source of individual creativity.  相似文献   

Recent developments around the globe – from organization into forums such as the World Social Forum to smaller protests – have necessitated a review of the notion of movements/mobilizations. There is an enhanced focus on ‘mobilizing/organizing’ masses. The character of mobilizations is radically transformed and is in a constant flux leading to explorations of newer ‘experiments’. Central to such a conceptualization, given the state of mobilizations worldwide, is the need to grapple with the causal factors and the dialectics of systemic dynamics and mobilizations. This paper seeks to comprehend the dynamics of mobilizations, their rise and fall in the light of contemporary developments of rampant consumerism and individualization resulting in shrinking collective spaces. It argues that in the transformed setting, when liberalism coexists with mounting coercion of private capital through state as well as non-state institutions, mobilizations of changed character will be ultimate expressions of resistance leading in due course to a macro-assertion. Such a debate has not been taken up seriously in India with the same intensity as in the Latin American context or in Western sociology. The arguments made in the paper are based on interviews with activists, interaction with activists and their experiences in different meetings as well as research based on secondary material.  相似文献   

Dual diagnosis has gradually become a problem among adolescents in Hong Kong. In working with persons with dual diagnosis, professionals are accustomed to use a disease model in diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. By means of a case illustration, the writer tries to contrast a disease orientation and a strengths perspective in working with persons with dual diagnosis. The disease orientation stresses: addiction and mental illness; intoxication and dependence; symptoms and diagnosis; detoxification and treatment; confusion and control as well as resistance and labeling. The strengths perspective focuses on: decoding frustration and emptiness from addiction; searching for strengths to satisfy normal needs; establishing social support and encouraging participation in a healthy environment; re-anchoring self-confidence and capability development as well as maintaining empathetic trust. In this case, with the strengths perspective, the writer successfully helped an adolescent to re-build his self-confidence and re-establish a healthy social support system to live a normal life.  相似文献   

This article argues that interdependent relationships are key in realising inclusion and citizenship for people living with dementia. We focus on decision-making as one aspect of everyday life which reflects opportunities and challenges associated with citizenship. Accounts of everyday decision-making from people living with dementia provide insight into strategies for negotiating responsibilities as they shifted with dementia. An inductive, secondary data analysis developed decision narratives from the data of 61 interviews conducted in the United Kingdom. The interviews were with 12 people with a diagnosis of dementia plus their nominated care-partner in a qualitative study which focused on information management and sense of self. The secondary data analysis identified strategies for inclusion, emphasising relational interdependency amidst challenges. The five-stage framework of an Ethic of Care positions this interdependency as a response to barriers to inclusion and citizenship. Interdependency, therefore, emerges as key to realising relational citizenship.  相似文献   

In recent decades a style of preparing and drinking tea modelled largely on gongfu tea associated with the Chaoshan region of north-eastern Guangdong Province, China, has been taken up as a contemporary tea art in Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and elsewhere. This paper draws on fieldwork conducted in Chaoshan to examine gongfu tea as contemporary practice in its home setting. Three aspects are considered: gongfu tea as an everyday practice, as a refined practice, and as commercialised leisure in tea-houses. I argue that, as an everyday practice in Chaoshan, gongfu tea primarily serves to nourish social connectedness with family, friends and associates. It is regarded as an integral part of day-to-day life rather than a tea art. However, some people separate it from the everyday world by cultivating discernment and knowledge with regard to selected aspects, such as high-quality teapots or appreciation of different teas.  相似文献   

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