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如何提高即席讲话水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐东林 《领导科学》2007,(16):31-32
即席讲话,是指在特定的场合,在没有充分准备的情况下,当众临场发表的讲话.善于即席讲话,是领导干部必备的一项基本功,因为领导干部在参加一些礼仪活动,外出参观学习,下基层检查工作,向领导汇报情况,接待来访等诸多场合,都离不开即席讲话.  相似文献   

领导即席讲话,是指领导没有经过事先准备,在会议、视察等场合发表的讲话.讲话看似随意,其实是领导深思熟虑的结果,其中包含着领导的工作理念,体现着领导的工作思路,表现着领导的语言风格.  相似文献   

年轻干部怎样才能做到在既没有讲话稿子,又没有事先预约和准备的前提下,使讲话既有内容、有重点、有层次,又能将个人意愿表达充分,并对听众产生吸引力、感召力呢?  相似文献   

现实工作中,有些领导由于刚刚到新的工作岗位上,各方面的情况不是很熟悉,或者心理准备不足就有可能在即席讲话时出“洋相”。因此,如何提高即席讲话的质量,就成为新任领导普遍关注的话题。笔者认为,提高即席讲话质量,可在以下五个方面做些尝试。熟悉工作程序,突出一个“清字。熟悉工作程序是新任领导做好即席讲话的前提和基础。熟悉工作程序要做到内容熟、程序熟、方法熟、人员熟。当接到上级交给的任务或给部属安排工作时,要弄清这项任务该如何完成,交给谁去办合适怎样讲才能让其更好地领会上级意图,在完成过程中会出现什么问题…  相似文献   

听市长讲话,人们可能会认为,一定是非常严肃,每句话都是非常原则……其实不然,大连市长薄熙来就善于侃侃而谈,你听了后不由得引起许多联想。  相似文献   

杨大伟 《领导科学》2001,(16):32-32
最近,笔者到所属部队医院作了一场近三个小时的以理想信念为主题的报告,收到了意想不到的效果:场内400名听众无一人瞌睡、走动,报告期间掌声不断.会后大家异口同声地说报告作得好并向笔者索要讲稿.回顾这次成功的报告,觉得有四点可取之处.  相似文献   

<正>即席讲话是临时即兴发言,没有现成的稿子,也来不及深思熟虑,只能靠现场思考主题、组织语言和临场发挥。实际工作中,领导者经常在没有准备的情况下被邀请在公开场合即席发言。领导干部即席讲话的机会越来越多,如出席新闻发布会、参加座谈会、协调会、接  相似文献   

1、借“会旨”发挥。紧扣会议主旨;加以巧妙的联想生发,从而达到层层深入、深化主题的目的,如有一次,某宜传部长参加一个基层单位庆功表彰会。因是表彰会,这位部长致词时,一  相似文献   

即席讲话是领导者讲话的一种方式,在领导者全部讲话中占有一定的比重。比如,领导同志在汇报会、座谈会、记者招待会等场合的讲话,一般都是即席讲话。即席讲话是一种艺术,这是领导与群众之间交流思想、传递信息和沟通关系,体现领导者随机应变能力与分析总结问题水平的大好时机。精彩的发言,可以收到“一石激起千层浪”的效果,令听众动容,  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(5):929-946
Graphs show promise for improving communications about different types of risks, including health risks, financial risks, and climate risks. However, graph designs that are effective at meeting one important risk communication goal (promoting risk‐avoidant behaviors) can at the same time compromise another key goal (improving risk understanding). We developed and tested simple bar graphs aimed at accomplishing these two goals simultaneously. We manipulated two design features in graphs, namely, whether graphs depicted the number of people affected by a risk and those at risk of harm (“foreground+background”) versus only those affected (“foreground‐only”), and the presence versus absence of simple numerical labels above bars. Foreground‐only displays were associated with larger risk perceptions and risk‐avoidant behavior (i.e., willingness to take a drug for heart attack prevention) than foreground+background displays, regardless of the presence of labels. Foreground‐only graphs also hindered risk understanding when labels were not present. However, the presence of labels significantly improved understanding, eliminating the detrimental effect of foreground‐only displays. Labels also led to more positive user evaluations of the graphs, but did not affect risk‐avoidant behavior. Using process modeling we identified mediators (risk perceptions, understanding, user evaluations) that explained the effect of display type on risk‐avoidant behavior. Our findings contribute new evidence to the graph design literature: unlike what was previously feared, we demonstrate that it is possible to design foreground‐only graphs that promote intentions for behavior change without a detrimental effect on risk understanding. Implications for the design of graphical risk communications and decision support are discussed.  相似文献   

在管理社会事务的各个组织之间,有时也难免因为工作上的一些问题而发生磨擦与冲突。这些磨擦与冲突,一般可分为低级形态的和高级形态的。低级形态的,表现为不同的组织之间对于需要共同协作处理的事情,意见不相一致,态度不尽相同,组织的关系处于一种潜磨擦、潜冲突的状态;高级形态的,表现为因意见和态度不……  相似文献   

单位领导与下属在日常工作中由于沟通渠道不通畅、授权担责不适度、奖惩措施不完善,往往会出现心存隔阂、政令不畅、人浮于事的情况,导致工作氛围不融洽、执行力变差、单位业绩下滑,出现上级主管部门和本单位干部职工都不满意的局面。对此,单位领导要注重有效沟通,营造人人想干事的工作氛围;健全工作制度,搭建人人能干事的工作平台;完善评价体系,形成人人干成事的工作机制。  相似文献   

This article considers the debate over public policies to promote global corporate responsibility in the United States and in Europe. The debate and the response of policymakers is compared along with an explanation of how Europeans are developing a policy response encouraging corporate social responsibility. Finally, recommendations are made for U.S. policymakers based on encouraging ethical behavior around the world.  相似文献   

当前,部分乡镇党委和政府领导之间不团结的问题,突出表现在书记与乡镇长两个人身上,其原因既有主观上的,又有客观上的;既有历史遗留问题,又有现实矛盾,往往是多种因素共同作用的结果。乡镇党政班子之间不团结,其危害是十分严重的,必须引起高度重视。一、乡镇党政领导不团结的主  相似文献   

This paper makes a theoretical innovation by integrating two key principles – mutual forbearance and the principle of congruity – into one general process model. It examines the micro‐mechanisms underlying the formation of a mutual‐forbearance agreement and explicates the role of time and of individual actions. We further understanding of the process of cooperation building by drawing a parallel between early stages of the formation process of mutual forbearance and cooperation, and argue that mutual forbearance may, under certain conditions, lead to long‐term cooperation or, if mismanaged, completely smother any chances of it. A prospective agreement may be put at risk when potential contributions are evaluated differently by each party and no action to mitigate the consequences is taken; even more so in a mutual‐forbearance context when the parties can only observe their counterparts’ actions through the market. Our model takes into account the micro‐mechanisms associated with the time between the actions of one entity/individual (e.g. the top manager) and the reaction of another entity/individual, the boundary conditions of the background to those actions and the alternative actions available during this time. Propositions for further exploration and implications are drawn.  相似文献   

Risk perception has been largely examined in studies that have aimed to explain and predict preparedness behavior in the context of natural hazards. Findings from studies on the relationship between previous experience, preparedness, and risk perception in disaster situations have been inconsistent. Hence, the main goal of this work was to explore the influence of physical and emotional experience on risk perception regarding natural hazards. This study was conducted in a statistically representative sample of the city of Iquique, in northern Chile (n = 701), who completed a survey one month after the occurrence of an earthquake and tsunami (8.2 Mw). The survey assessed the experience and preparation actions of survivors in relation to this event. Using a structural equation model, we examined nine proposed relationships, six of which were significant. The final model had an adequate fit (χ² = 752.23, df = 283, comparative fit index [CFI] = 0.90, root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] = 0.049). Direct experience showed the greatest influence on risk perception: while direct physical experience (i.e., the physical and material consequences associated with the earthquake) maintained a direct positive effect on risk perception, direct emotional experience (i.e., the fear of experiencing an earthquake) produced an indirect positive effect (through worry). Emotional experience, however, did not directly influence current preparedness and risk perception. Implications for understanding the relationship between risk perception and direct experience are discussed.  相似文献   

A major issue in all risk communication efforts is the distinction between the terms “risk” and “hazard.” The potential to harm a target such as human health or the environment is normally defined as a hazard, whereas risk also encompasses the probability of exposure and the extent of damage. What can be observed again and again in risk communication processes are misunderstandings and communication gaps related to these crucial terms. We asked a sample of 53 experts from public authorities, business and industry, and environmental and consumer organizations in Germany to outline their understanding and use of these terms using both the methods of expert interviews and focus groups. The empirical study made clear that the terms risk and hazard are perceived and used very differently in risk communication depending on the perspective of the stakeholders. Several factors can be identified, such as responsibility for hazard avoidance, economic interest, or a watchdog role. Thus, communication gaps can be reduced to a four‐fold problem matrix comprising a semantic, conceptual, strategic, and control problem. The empirical study made clear that risks and hazards are perceived very differently depending on the stakeholders’ perspective. Their own worldviews played a major role in their specific use of the two terms hazards and risks in communication.  相似文献   

目前,大多数企事业单位仍然实行党政领导分设制.毋庸讳言,不少单位党政一把手的团结状况并不令人满意,轻则影响相互感情,重则影响单位全局工作.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that the choice of graphical format for communicating risk information affects both understanding of the risk magnitude and the likelihood of acting to decrease risk. However, the mechanisms through which these effects work are poorly understood. To explore these mechanisms using a real‐world scenario, we examined the relative impact of two graphical displays for depicting the risk of exposure to unexploded ammunition during potential land redevelopment. One display depicted only the foreground information graphically (a bar graph of the number of people harmed), and a second depicted the foreground and background graphically (a stacked bar graph representing both the number harmed and at risk). We presented 296 participants with either the foreground‐only or the foreground and background graphical display and measured a broad set of outcome variables, examining (1) the graphical display effect on each of the outcome measures and (2) the pathways by which any display effects work to influence decision making. We found that the foreground‐only graphical display increased perceived likelihood and experienced fear, which produced greater worry, which in turn increased risk aversion. In addition, a positive evaluation of the communication materials increased support for policies related to land redevelopment, whether those policies were risk taking or risk mitigating. Finally, the foreground‐only graphical display decreased understanding of the risk magnitude, showing that approaches to accomplish one risk communication goal (promoting risk‐averse decisions) may do so at the expense of another goal (increasing understanding).  相似文献   

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