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新加坡是一个重视教育的国家,拥有完整的教育制度、考试制度和奖励制度。新加坡政府重视学校以外的职业培训,各种基金组织和机构也为人才的培养提供资金援助,从而形成了新加坡的教育与人才培养机制。  相似文献   

美国全国科学院美中学术委员会和匹兹堡大学的邀请,我于1994年在匹兹堡大学社会学系和国际研究中心作为访问学者,从事教育社会学的研究。这期间,我充分领略了美国的教育状况。基础繁育及其分流美国的教育十分发达,高度普及,中小学教育均属义务教育,从小学到高中,入学不必经过考试,也无须缴纳学费。但到了高中阶段,学生开始分流。高中毕业以后升大学的意向明确的学生偏重于接受文化(学术)教育,他们选择就读的一般是普通高中;高中毕业以后就业的意向明确的学生,则偏重于接受专门的职业教育,选择的职业学校,或者是普通高级中学…  相似文献   

新加坡作为新兴工业国在经济起飞的同时,逐步建立起了与欧美国家不同的社会保障制度。由于目前我国也正处在经济起飞的过程中,而且我国与新加坡在风俗习惯、伦理道德等文化传统方面非常接近。因此,考察新加坡在社会保障方面的主要做法对我国具有重要的借鉴意义。一、新加坡中央公积金制度新加坡的社会保障制度的核心是中央公积金制,也就是“储蓄基金制”这种准保险的方式。此外制度中还包括有社会救助和雇主责任的社会保障内容。公积金计划涉及到退休、住房、保健、保险以及投资等五个方面。在新加坡,所有参加工作的人,不论是公职还是  相似文献   

孟雪  边地 《学术交流》2012,(6):195-197
高校教育基金会已经成为我国慈善事业的重要力量,教育基金性奖学金作为一种逐渐推开的新的奖励体系,有其独特的制度设计要求:基金性奖学金应注重激励,而非奖励;应统筹兼顾精英激励与大众启迪;应更多地奖励学生未来良好的发展机会,而不仅仅是奖励物质和荣誉;应通过恰当的奖励方式传承基金的精神寓意,引导学生学会感恩、回馈和奉献。  相似文献   

李国荣  杜萍 《社科纵横》2006,21(3):76-77
本文以腐败的内涵作为切入点,分析了腐败现象产生的原因,并结合香港、新加坡廉政建设的经验,指出遏制腐败一方面要重视思想教育,更重要的是要加强制度建设。  相似文献   

新加坡培养IT人才的政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新加坡注重信息技术的发展 ,更重视IT人才的培养和教育 ,政府将IT人才政策纳入国家的信息政策之中 ,并加大财政支持力度。这些政策成为新加坡信息技术发展的重要保证。新加坡的IT人才政策具有多层次性 ,形成了学生、教师、市民、官员一条龙的IT教育模式。政府还开辟多种途径以实现IT人才培养的最终目标  相似文献   

吴晓刚 《社会》2016,36(3):1-31
在现代社会中,高等教育在促进社会流动方面的重要性已毋庸置疑。以往的研究往往集中关注那些受过大学教育和没有受过大学教育人群之间的比较,将前者视为一个高度同质的群体,将大学求学过程当作一个"黑箱"。本文基于对"首都大学生成长跟踪调查"研究设计的介绍和首期数据的分析,揭示了中国高等教育内部的社会分层,即进入三种不同层次高校(清华大学、北京大学和中国人民大学等精英高校,"211大学"和其他非"211大学")的决定因素,特别关注家庭背景、招生制度、重点中学制度等中间机制的共同作用。研究发现,家庭社会经济地位和居住地对于进入不同层次的高校仍然有直接的影响,但是否重点高中,以及是否获得高考特殊政策的照顾,对进入什么层次的大学作用更加明显。重点中学主要影响学生高考分数,而招生的各种优惠政策明显有利于家庭社会经济条件好的学生。进入精英大学的学生更有可能入党,尽管他们的入党意愿低于其他类型高校的学生。这些发现对理解中国当代高等教育在精英形成过程和社会分层中的作用具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

韦文武 《创新》2010,4(4):34-37
冷战后,中国与新加坡建立了外交关系,双边关系得到全面发展。与此同时,中新在教育方面的合作也取得不断突破。中新教育合作是政治和经济合作之外重要的内容,是中国文化外交的重要方式,也是中国教育走向国际化的有益探索。中新教育合作得到双方高层的重视,目前发展迅速,但是仍然存在一些阻碍双方教育合作的障碍。  相似文献   

徐昀 《学习与探索》2012,(10):53-56
大众化抑或精英化是人民监督员选任制度的核心争论,但是,由于这一争论的前提不明,即国家的精英还是社会的精英,因而陷入了顾此失彼的困境。以国家与社会之分离为理论切入点,人民监督员制度的实质是市民社会对国家检察权力的监督。基于监督的专业性,人民监督员选任应该走市民社会的精英路线。在此视角关照下,人民监督员制度有助于在司法权领域建构国家与社会的良性互动。由此,最高检察院《关于实行人民监督员制度的规定》也存在不足而需要修正。  相似文献   

香港与新加坡高校人才培养共同点的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自60年代以来,香港和新加坡的经济得到了突飞猛进的发展。由于这两地都缺乏自然资源,而人力资源却相对丰富,因此,人才的培养是香港与新加坡经济发展的关键因素。事实已充分证明,它们经济的起飞得力于教育事业的发展,尤其是高等教育事业在促进经济发展中起了重要的作用。香港和新加坡高校的人才培养工作有三个共同点,具体表现在:一、香港和新加坡高校都重视应用型专门人才的培养香港和新加坡都是国际化城市,其经济与商业社会息息相关,因而高等学校普遍设有应用型的工商管理院系,财经院系,电脑、信息和社会工作院系。理工学院和大…  相似文献   

我国创业教育由于起步晚,处在探索阶段,成效不明显,存在发展的瓶颈。而美国、新加坡、英国、瑞典等国对创业教育越来越关注,不断营造有利的社会环境,建立完善的创业教育体系,为我国创业教育的发展提供了可借鉴的经验。为此,我国也应加大政府的政策扶持力度和社会各界的支持力度,营造有利的社会环境,建立完善的创业教育体系,促进创业教育...  相似文献   

构建终身教育体系,是我国进入新世纪以后,教育制度改革创新面临的重大课题。文章阐述了以制度创新为引领,终身教育体系的构建原则、基本架构以及相关问题的基本认识。  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2021,43(6):1354-1364
Several scholars have focused on the COVID-19 case studies in Europe and USA, leaving the people in Southeast Asia with little information about the lesson learned from their own case studies. This study aims to analyses case studies through the SEIR model in three Southeast Asia countries including Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The SEIR model incorporates two types measures including social behavior and lockdowns as well as hospital preparedness. The SEIR model reveals that Malaysia, despite its relatively low testing capacity but with the application of the national lockdown, can slash the coronavirus transmission while Indonesia has still struggled to contain the COVID-19 flow owing to partial lockdowns. Singapore, at one hand, can successfully contain the coronavirus due to the national lockdowns, and the better healthcare system. With this point in mind, it is not surprising that Singapore has very low fatality rates and significantly low cases after lockdowns. Better preparedness lockdowns, and sufficient testing capacity are keys to controlling the COVID-19 flow, especially if the development of vaccines or distribution of respective vaccines is under progress.  相似文献   

This article presents data from a national survey on social work intervention in cases of wife assaults in Singapore. The survey was conducted from March to July 1992 among 510 citizens, educated and over 17 years old. Trained interviewers during a 20-minute interview used a structured questionnaire divided into six major sections. Respondents were asked to choose from the four possible responses, namely: 1) work together with couple to solve their problems; 2) help the wife find another place to stay; 3) help the wife obtain a court order; and 4) help the wife get a divorce. Demographic variables are included in the analysis. About 92.4% of the respondents indicated that social workers should limit their intervention to ?work with the couple? in dealing with cases of minor assault occurring for the first time. About 35.8% opted to help the wife obtain a court order, and 22.3% chose separation or divorce in minor assaults. Majority suggested that social workers should help the wife obtain a court order and separation on major assaults. Findings suggest that social services in Singapore should focus their programs on battered women solely on conciliatory services outside the legal system.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop an integrated policy index system using a Surface Measure of Overall Performance (SMOP) approach to comprehensively evaluate and compare the policy input and social output of the retirement payment system in urban and rural China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. With this, a tool may be developed to help insightfully examine the old‐age income policies and appropriately, and perhaps theoretically in the future, categorize the types of retirement provisions or social security policies as a whole in the East and West. The results indicate that, particularly in urban China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, a low level of de‐familization and medium and high levels of gender equality are the common features of these five pensions in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. Furthermore, it is found that the retirement provisions in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan can well be divided into two groups based on the level of pension right protection and illustrate different characteristics between them accordingly. In addition, policy implications and suggestions for further reforms of these retirement payment schemes are elaborated in the light of the findings of this policy index system.  相似文献   

教学督导制度是教学质量保障体系中的重要环节。我国高等职业教育的教学督导制度正处在探索和发展阶段,还存在着诸多问题,如:督导定位不清晰、督导队伍结构不合理等等。文章围绕高职教育的教学督导机制体制、改革和督导队伍建设等方面进行了有益的探索,对建立符合高职教育特点的教学督导监控体系提出了具体措施。  相似文献   

Ng IYH. The political economy of intergenerational income mobility in Singapore This study used the Singapore National Youth Surveys of 2002 and 2010 to measure the intergenerational dependence of youths' income on their parents' income. The pooled estimate of 0.24 gave a scaled value of 0.44, which when compared internationally indicates an economy with moderately low intergenerational income mobility. The findings analysed against Singapore's political economy suggest that the 2009 recession, a widened safety net and immigration might have mitigated the negative effects that a developmental welfare state and rising inequality have on intergenerational mobility. The effects of Singapore's differentiated education system were unclear. However, despite the limitations in data and data availability in Asia, the findings provide useful points of departure for other countries. The findings also indicate the need for more extensive data and research on what effects the current economic and policy trends have on mobility.  相似文献   

本文系1998年诺贝尔经济学奖得主阿马蒂亚·森教授于2009年2月18日在新加坡“佛教横跨亚洲:物质、知识与文化交流的网络”学术研讨会上的主旨演讲。这次国际会议是新加坡近年来所举办的最大规模的佛教会议。佛教对于亚洲以及亚洲的文化互动曾产生重大影响,而且至今与现代世界息息相关。负责此次研讨会组织工作的亚洲佛教研究中心主任沈丹森教授嘱译者将阿马蒂亚·森教授的演讲译成中文。本刊特发此文,以飨读者。  相似文献   


Singapore has created innovative, inclusive and comprehensive asset-building policies designed to promote social stability and development. Asset building from early childhood is an important part of this overall strategy. In 1993, Singapore’s government initiated a universal child asset-building policy, Edusave, which provides resources for improving educational outcomes. Since then, three additional asset-building policies for children have been implemented: the Baby Bonus and Child Development Accounts (CDAs), Post-Secondary Education Accounts (PSEAs) and Medisave, a health savings account. We discuss each of these asset-building accounts for children in Singapore. We point out distinctive features and assess key elements in overall policy design.  相似文献   

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