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We consider a class of adaptive MCMC algorithms using a Langevin-type proposal density. We state and prove regularity conditions for the convergence of these algorithms. In addition to these theoretical results we introduce a number of methodological innovations that can be applied much more generally. We assess the performance of these algorithms with simulation studies, including an example of the statistical analysis of a point process driven by a latent log-Gaussian Cox process.  相似文献   

Propp and Wilson (Random Structures and Algorithms (1996) 9: 223–252, Journal of Algorithms (1998) 27: 170–217) described a protocol called coupling from the past (CFTP) for exact sampling from the steady-state distribution of a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) process. In it a past time is identified from which the paths of coupled Markov chains starting at every possible state would have coalesced into a single value by the present time; this value is then a sample from the steady-state distribution.Unfortunately, producing an exact sample typically requires a large computational effort. We consider the question of how to make efficient use of the sample values that are generated. In particular, we make use of regeneration events (cf. Mykland et al. Journal of the American Statistical Association (1995) 90: 233–241) to aid in the analysis of MCMC runs. In a regeneration event, the chain is in a fixed reference distribution– this allows the chain to be broken up into a series of tours which are independent, or nearly so (though they do not represent draws from the true stationary distribution).In this paper we consider using the CFTP and related algorithms to create tours. In some cases their elements are exactly in the stationary distribution; their length may be fixed or random. This allows us to combine the precision of exact sampling with the efficiency of using entire tours.Several algorithms and estimators are proposed and analysed.  相似文献   

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is an important computational technique for generating samples from non-standard probability distributions. A major challenge in the design of practical MCMC samplers is to achieve efficient convergence and mixing properties. One way to accelerate convergence and mixing is to adapt the proposal distribution in light of previously sampled points, thus increasing the probability of acceptance. In this paper, we propose two new adaptive MCMC algorithms based on the Independent Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. In the first, we adjust the proposal to minimize an estimate of the cross-entropy between the target and proposal distributions, using the experience of pre-runs. This approach provides a general technique for deriving natural adaptive formulae. The second approach uses multiple parallel chains, and involves updating chains individually, then updating a proposal density by fitting a Bayesian model to the population. An important feature of this approach is that adapting the proposal does not change the limiting distributions of the chains. Consequently, the adaptive phase of the sampler can be continued indefinitely. We include results of numerical experiments indicating that the new algorithms compete well with traditional Metropolis–Hastings algorithms. We also demonstrate the method for a realistic problem arising in Comparative Genomics.  相似文献   

Important empirical information on household behavior and finances is obtained from surveys, and these data are used heavily by researchers, central banks, and for policy consulting. However, various interdependent factors that can be controlled only to a limited extent lead to unit and item nonresponse, and missing data on certain items is a frequent source of difficulties in statistical practice. More than ever, it is important to explore techniques for the imputation of large survey data. This paper presents the theoretical underpinnings of a Markov chain Monte Carlo multiple imputation procedure and outlines important technical aspects of the application of MCMC-type algorithms to large socio-economic data sets. In an illustrative application it is found that MCMC algorithms have good convergence properties even on large data sets with complex patterns of missingness, and that the use of a rich set of covariates in the imputation models has a substantial effect on the distributions of key financial variables.  相似文献   


Fernández-Durán [Circular distributions based on nonnegative trigonometric sums. Biometrics. 2004;60:499–503] developed a new family of circular distributions based on non-negative trigonometric sums that is suitable for modelling data sets that present skewness and/or multimodality. In this paper, a Bayesian approach to deriving estimates of the unknown parameters of this family of distributions is presented. Because the parameter space is the surface of a hypersphere and the dimension of the hypersphere is an unknown parameter of the distribution, the Bayesian inference must be based on transdimensional Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms to obtain samples from the high-dimensional posterior distribution. The MCMC algorithm explores the parameter space by moving along great circles on the surface of the hypersphere. The methodology is illustrated with real and simulated data sets.  相似文献   

The analysis of infectious disease data presents challenges arising from the dependence in the data and the fact that only part of the transmission process is observable. These difficulties are usually overcome by making simplifying assumptions. The paper explores the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for the analysis of infectious disease data, with the hope that they will permit analyses to be made under more realistic assumptions. Two important kinds of data sets are considered, containing temporal and non-temporal information, from outbreaks of measles and influenza. Stochastic epidemic models are used to describe the processes that generate the data. MCMC methods are then employed to perform inference in a Bayesian context for the model parameters. The MCMC methods used include standard algorithms, such as the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm and the Gibbs sampler, as well as a new method that involves likelihood approximation. It is found that standard algorithms perform well in some situations but can exhibit serious convergence difficulties in others. The inferences that we obtain are in broad agreement with estimates obtained by other methods where they are available. However, we can also provide inferences for parameters which have not been reported in previous analyses.  相似文献   

We compare EM, SEM, and MCMC algorithms to estimate the parameters of the Gaussian mixture model. We focus on problems in estimation arising from the likelihood function having a sharp ridge or saddle points. We use both synthetic and empirical data with those features. The comparison includes Bayesian approaches with different prior specifications and various procedures to deal with label switching. Although the solutions provided by these stochastic algorithms are more often degenerate, we conclude that SEM and MCMC may display faster convergence and improve the ability to locate the global maximum of the likelihood function.  相似文献   

On Block Updating in Markov Random Field Models for Disease Mapping   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) models are commonly used to model spatial correlation in disease mapping applications. For Bayesian inference by MCMC, so far mainly single-site updating algorithms have been considered. However, convergence and mixing properties of such algorithms can be extremely poor due to strong dependencies of parameters in the posterior distribution. In this paper, we propose various block sampling algorithms in order to improve the MCMC performance. The methodology is rather general, allows for non-standard full conditionals, and can be applied in a modular fashion in a large number of different scenarios. For illustration we consider three different applications: two formulations for spatial modelling of a single disease (with and without additional unstructured parameters respectively), and one formulation for the joint analysis of two diseases. The results indicate that the largest benefits are obtained if parameters and the corresponding hyperparameter are updated jointly in one large block. Implementation of such block algorithms is relatively easy using methods for fast sampling of Gaussian Markov random fields ( Rue, 2001 ). By comparison, Monte Carlo estimates based on single-site updating can be rather misleading, even for very long runs. Our results may have wider relevance for efficient MCMC simulation in hierarchical models with Markov random field components.  相似文献   

This article focuses on simulation-based inference for the time-deformation models directed by a duration process. In order to better capture the heavy tail property of the time series of financial asset returns, the innovation of the observation equation is subsequently assumed to have a Student-t distribution. Suitable Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, which are hybrids of Gibbs and slice samplers, are proposed for estimation of the parameters of these models. In the algorithms, the parameters of the models can be sampled either directly from known distributions or through an efficient slice sampler. The states are simulated one at a time by using a Metropolis-Hastings method, where the proposal distributions are sampled through a slice sampler. Simulation studies conducted in this article suggest that our extended models and accompanying MCMC algorithms work well in terms of parameter estimation and volatility forecast.  相似文献   

Most Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) users address the convergence problem by applying diagnostic tools to the output produced by running their samplers. Potentially useful diagnostics can be borrowed from diverse areas such as time series. One such method is phase randomization. This paper describes this method in the context of MCMC, summarizes its characteristics, and contrasts its performance with those of the more common diagnostic tests for MCMC. It is observed that the new tool contributes information about third‐ and higher‐order cumulant behaviour which is important in characterizing certain forms of nonlinearity and non‐stationarity.  相似文献   

Summary.  We consider the application of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation methods to random-effects models and in particular the family of discrete time survival models. Survival models can be used in many situations in the medical and social sciences and we illustrate their use through two examples that differ in terms of both substantive area and data structure. A multilevel discrete time survival analysis involves expanding the data set so that the model can be cast as a standard multilevel binary response model. For such models it has been shown that MCMC methods have advantages in terms of reducing estimate bias. However, the data expansion results in very large data sets for which MCMC estimation is often slow and can produce chains that exhibit poor mixing. Any way of improving the mixing will result in both speeding up the methods and more confidence in the estimates that are produced. The MCMC methodological literature is full of alternative algorithms designed to improve mixing of chains and we describe three reparameterization techniques that are easy to implement in available software. We consider two examples of multilevel survival analysis: incidence of mastitis in dairy cattle and contraceptive use dynamics in Indonesia. For each application we show where the reparameterization techniques can be used and assess their performance.  相似文献   

As the number of applications for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) grows, the power of these methods as well as their shortcomings become more apparent. While MCMC yields an almost automatic way to sample a space according to some distribution, its implementations often fall short of this task as they may lead to chains which converge too slowly or get trapped within one mode of a multi-modal space. Moreover, it may be difficult to determine if a chain is only sampling a certain area of the space or if it has indeed reached stationarity. In this paper, we show how a simple modification of the proposal mechanism results in faster convergence of the chain and helps to circumvent the problems described above. This mechanism, which is based on an idea from the field of “small-world” networks, amounts to adding occasional “wild” proposals to any local proposal scheme. We demonstrate through both theory and extensive simulations, that these new proposal distributions can greatly outperform the traditional local proposals when it comes to exploring complex heterogenous spaces and multi-modal distributions. Our method can easily be applied to most, if not all, problems involving MCMC and unlike many other remedies which improve the performance of MCMC it preserves the simplicity of the underlying algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA) that uses convex analysis to simulate efficiently from high-dimensional densities that are log-concave, a class of probability distributions that is widely used in modern high-dimensional statistics and data analysis. The method is based on a new first-order approximation for Langevin diffusions that exploits log-concavity to construct Markov chains with favourable convergence properties. This approximation is closely related to Moreau–Yoshida regularisations for convex functions and uses proximity mappings instead of gradient mappings to approximate the continuous-time process. The proposed method complements existing MALA methods in two ways. First, the method is shown to have very robust stability properties and to converge geometrically for many target densities for which other MALA are not geometric, or only if the step size is sufficiently small. Second, the method can be applied to high-dimensional target densities that are not continuously differentiable, a class of distributions that is increasingly used in image processing and machine learning and that is beyond the scope of existing MALA and HMC algorithms. To use this method it is necessary to compute or to approximate efficiently the proximity mappings of the logarithm of the target density. For several popular models, including many Bayesian models used in modern signal and image processing and machine learning, this can be achieved with convex optimisation algorithms and with approximations based on proximal splitting techniques, which can be implemented in parallel. The proposed method is demonstrated on two challenging high-dimensional and non-differentiable models related to image resolution enhancement and low-rank matrix estimation that are not well addressed by existing MCMC methodology.  相似文献   

In complex models like hidden Markov chains, the convergence of the MCMC algorithms used to approximate the posterior distribution and the Bayes estimates of the parameters of interest must be controlled in a robust manner. We propose in this paper a series of online controls, which rely on classical non-parametric tests, to evaluate independence from the start-up distribution, stability of the Markov chain, and asymptotic normality. These tests lead to graphical control spreadsheets which arepresentedin the set-up of normalmixture hidden Markov chains to compare the full Gibbs sampler with an aggregated Gibbs sampler based on the forward – backward formulas.  相似文献   

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, including the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, are very commonly used in Bayesian statistics for sampling from complicated, high-dimensional posterior distributions. A continuing source of uncertainty is how long such a sampler must be run in order to converge approximately to its target stationary distribution. A method has previously been developed to compute rigorous theoretical upper bounds on the number of iterations required to achieve a specified degree of convergence in total variation distance by verifying drift and minorization conditions. We propose the use of auxiliary simulations to estimate the numerical values needed in this theorem. Our simulation method makes it possible to compute quantitative convergence bounds for models for which the requisite analytical computations would be prohibitively difficult or impossible. On the other hand, although our method appears to perform well in our example problems, it cannot provide the guarantees offered by analytical proof.  相似文献   

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms have revolutionized Bayesian practice. In their simplest form (i.e., when parameters are updated one at a time) they are, however, often slow to converge when applied to high-dimensional statistical models. A remedy for this problem is to block the parameters into groups, which are then updated simultaneously using either a Gibbs or Metropolis-Hastings step. In this paper we construct several (partially and fully blocked) MCMC algorithms for minimizing the autocorrelation in MCMC samples arising from important classes of longitudinal data models. We exploit an identity used by Chib (1995) in the context of Bayes factor computation to show how the parameters in a general linear mixed model may be updated in a single block, improving convergence and producing essentially independent draws from the posterior of the parameters of interest. We also investigate the value of blocking in non-Gaussian mixed models, as well as in a class of binary response data longitudinal models. We illustrate the approaches in detail with three real-data examples.  相似文献   

Bayesian analysis often requires the researcher to employ Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to draw samples from a posterior distribution which in turn is used to make inferences. Currently, several approaches to determine convergence of the chain as well as sensitivities of the resulting inferences have been developed. This work develops a Hellinger distance approach to MCMC diagnostics. An approximation to the Hellinger distance between two distributions f and g based on sampling is introduced. This approximation is studied via simulation to determine the accuracy. A criterion for using this Hellinger distance for determining chain convergence is proposed as well as a criterion for sensitivity studies. These criteria are illustrated using a dataset concerning the Anguilla australis, an eel native to New Zealand.  相似文献   

随着中国经济的高速增长,中国区域间贫富差距也日渐加大,在此背景下对中国城镇居民收入是否收敛进行检验并探究其影响原因十分必要。基于一个包括物质资本和人力资本投入的新古典增长模型,根据中国31个省市的1987—2013年数据,利用SDM模型和贝叶斯MCMC统计分析方法,研究城镇居民收入的收敛性问题,结果发现:中国城镇居民人均收入具有显著的空间差异,且在1987—2008年为发散、在2008—2013年以及1987—2013年为存在β收敛的变化趋势;物质资本对中国城镇居民收入增长的β收敛具有正向促进作用,而人力资本对其具有反向促进作用,增加物质资本投入有利于缩小地区收入差距,二者的不匹配可能是导致中国收入增长差距的原因。  相似文献   

We study the properties of truncated gamma distributions and we derive simulation algorithms which dominate the standard algorithms for these distributions. For the right truncated gamma distribution, an optimal accept–reject algorithm is based on the fact that its density can be expressed as an infinite mixture of beta distribution. For integer values of the parameters, the density of the left truncated distributions can be rewritten as a mixture which can be easily generated. We give an optimal accept–reject algorithm for the other values of the parameter. We compare the efficiency of our algorithm with the previous method and show the improvement in terms of minimum acceptance probability. The algorithm proposed here has an acceptance probability which is superior to e/4.  相似文献   

We consider analysis of complex stochastic models based upon partial information. MCMC and reversible jump MCMC are often the methods of choice for such problems, but in some situations they can be difficult to implement; and suffer from problems such as poor mixing, and the difficulty of diagnosing convergence. Here we review three alternatives to MCMC methods: importance sampling, the forward-backward algorithm, and sequential Monte Carlo (SMC). We discuss how to design good proposal densities for importance sampling, show some of the range of models for which the forward-backward algorithm can be applied, and show how resampling ideas from SMC can be used to improve the efficiency of the other two methods. We demonstrate these methods on a range of examples, including estimating the transition density of a diffusion and of a discrete-state continuous-time Markov chain; inferring structure in population genetics; and segmenting genetic divergence data.  相似文献   

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