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印度人移民海外始于近代,大致可分为两个时期、若干高潮。古代印度并无大规模移民海外的情况。首批印度海外移民是由英国殖民统治者组织的,其身份为契约劳工。其后的移民多为自发行为,人身也是自由的。独立前的海外移民和独立后的海外移民与印度的关系和对印度的感情是有一定差别的。关于近现代印度人移民海外的几大高潮的划分,在印度学界和官方仍存有一定的争议。  相似文献   

边际 《南亚研究》2003,(2):46-46
20 0 0年 11月 ,印度政府先后设立查提斯加尔 ( Chhattisgarh)、乌塔兰查尔 ( Uttaranchal)和贾坎德( Jharkhand)三个新邦。查提斯加尔邦位于印度中部 ,面积约 13 .5 2万平方公里 ,首府为赖普尔 ( Raipur) ,人口约 2 10 0万 ,主要语言为印地语。原为中央邦组成部分 ,2 0 0 0年 11月 1日成立。东面为贾坎德邦南部与奥里萨邦 ,西面为中央邦与马哈拉施特拉邦 ,北面为北方邦与贾坎德邦西部 ,南面为安得拉邦。该邦富于文化传统 ,拥有众多名胜古迹。乌塔兰查尔邦位于印度北部喜马拉雅山麓 ,面积约 5 .3 5万平方公里 ,临时首府为德尔拉敦( Dehrad…  相似文献   

李丽  李涛 《南亚研究》2009,(1):77-90
分布在世界各地的海外移民一直就与母国保持着紧密的经济联系,而印度拥有2500万海外印度人,自20世纪90年代以来其海外移民与印度的经济联系尤为突出.海外印度人是印度崛起的重要海外力量,是印度经济发展不可或缺的重要组成部分.海外印度人之所以与印度能保持紧密的经济联系,既有印度政府的政策因素也有非政策因素的积极推动.  相似文献   

孟加拉国人向印度移民有着历史、地缘、政治和经济因素。他们的大量涌入让印度非常担忧,认为它给印度的政治团结、经济发展、社会稳定和国家安全带来了威胁。为了防范和打击孟加拉国非法移民,印度采取了包括遣返、修建隔离网、筑造边界公路、增设边界哨所、实施"多用途身份证"在内的一系列措施。由于孟加拉国拒不承认非法移民问题,两国经常为此发生外交纠纷。非法移民问题日益成为制约两国关系改善的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

泰戈尔既是一位伟大的文学家 ,也是一位思想家。他非常关注印度的命运。他对印度社会诸多方面的论述至今依然具有现实意义。本文对此作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

印度自独立后 ,历届政府都把消除贫困作为一项重要的施政纲领。几十年过去了 ,印度的贫困问题依然令人担忧。据印度计划委员会的统计 ,1 973— 1 974年度 ,印度贫困人口总计 3.2亿 ,占人口总数的 5 4.9%。其中 ,农村贫困人口 2 .6 1 3亿 ,占农村人口总数的 5 6 .4%。到了 1 993—1 994年度 ,印度总的贫困人口仍然有 3.2亿 ,其中农村贫困人口保持在 2 .44亿。尽管印度政府每年都制定各种消除贫困的计划 ,向表列种姓、表列部族和落后阶层提供各种福利和援助 ,但贫困人口总数并没有大幅度减少。虽然贫困人口在人口总数中所占百分比由 5 0 %以上…  相似文献   

宋全成 《求是学刊》2006,33(2):138-144
自20世纪70年代以来,由于外来移民的大量涌入,导致法国存在着严重的社会问题,集中体现在:在社会层面上,强化了社会的不平等,冲击了法国的福利制度和政策,威胁了法国的非传统国家安全;在经济层面上,大量的外国移民的存在,减缓了经济发展的步伐,加剧了失业率和失业大军的攀升;在文化价值观层面上,诱发了法兰西社会文化的断裂;在政治层面上,推动了法国的极右翼政党在法国政坛上的异军突起。  相似文献   

本文阐述了当前全球化背景的基本特点及与非法移民的关系,并在阐明中国非法移民基本状况的基础上,提出了有针对性的解决办法。  相似文献   

水库移民问题中的公共政策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国的水库移民已达2000万人.近年来,水库移民引发的群体性事件不断发生,成为构建和谐社会中的一个极不稳定因素.水库移民问题的产生有其特殊的背景,作为一个不断庞大的社会群体,他们的呼声和要求不能不引起关注.从公共政策的制定与执行的角度去研究水库移民问题,对于进一步深刻认识移民问题,化解各种潜在的社会矛盾,构建社会主义和谐社会,无疑具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

梁启超与印度文化、印度文学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁启超既是我国近代最早的较为系统地研究印度文化的学者 ,也是最早进行中印比较文学研究的学者。他的许多研究成果 ,对后来的比较文学研究产生了极为深远的影响。特别是他提出的翻译文学的概念 ,对比较文学中翻译文学这一领域的研究具有重要的开拓性意义。本文从比较文化、比较文学的角度探讨了他对印度文化、印度文学的研究成就。  相似文献   

In this paper we suggest that there is a need to examine what is meant by “context” in Social Psychology and present an example of how to place identity in its social and institutional context. Taking the case of British naturalisation, the process whereby migrants become citizens, we show that the identity of naturalised citizens is defined by common‐sense ideas about Britishness and by immigration policies. An analysis of policy documents on “earned citizenship” and interviews with naturalised citizens shows that the distinction between “elite” and “non‐elite” migrants is evident in both the “reified” sphere of policy and the “common sense” sphere of everyday identity construction. While social representations embedded in lay experience construct ethno‐cultural similarity and difference, immigration policies engage in an institutionalised positioning process by determining migrants' rights of mobility. These spheres of knowledge and practice are not disconnected as these two levels of “managing otherness” overlap—it is the poorer, less skilled migrants, originating outside the West who epitomise difference (within a consensual sphere) and have less freedom of mobility (within a reified sphere). We show that the context of identity should be understood as simultaneously psychological and political.  相似文献   

Heeding the call put out by the New England Journal of Medicine (2017), we utilize an ecological–transactional model as a conceptual framework for understanding existing literature and for guiding future research on immigration enforcement threat and Latino child development. Using the World Health Organization's definition of violence, we draw on literature from psychology, medicine, social work, and developmental psychology to outline how the anti-immigrant climate in the United States and the threat of immigration enforcement practices in everyday spaces are experienced by some Latino children as psychological violence. Researchers, teachers, and practitioners are encouraged to be aware of how uncertainty and threat regarding familial safety adversely impacts the lives of Latino children in immigrant households, especially in charged, anti-immigrant climates.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to address the most common myths about immigration in the United States. Similar to the anti-immigrant sentiment of the 1800s, the immigration debate today is filled with misinformation and fear-inducing tactics. This misinformation colors the perspective of many, promoting a culture of xenophobia and fear of anyone who is foreign born. By reframing the often unchallenged narrative that immigration to the United States is a problem and in addressing some of the most common myths, social workers will be better equipped to engage in well-informed, balanced dialogue on this hotly debated topic.  相似文献   


This article explores the sociopolitical and intersubjective enactments that unfolded when working with a mixed-status immigrant family facing parental deportation. Through the integration of a sociopolitical and intersubjective conceptualization, dynamics pertaining to inclusion, exclusion, domination, and subjugation are examined. The psychological exploration of the clinical treatment is guided by Altman’s (2010 Altman, N. (2010). The analyst in the inner city: Race, class and culture through a psychoanalytic lens (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. [Google Scholar]) three-person psychology and Stolorow’s (1991 Stolorow, R. D. (1991). The intersubjective context of intrapsychic experience: A decade of psychoanalytic inquiry. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 11, 171184. doi:10.1080/07351699109533850[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 1993 Stolorow, R. D. (1993). Chapter 3 thoughts on the nature and therapeutic action of psychoanalytic interpretation. Progress in Self-Psychology, 9, 3143. [Google Scholar]) theory of intersubjectivity. The analysis also incorporates dynamics pertaining to the ethnocultural transference and countertranference (Comas-Díaz & Jacobsen, 1991 Comas-Díaz, L., & Jacobsen, F. M. (1991). Ethnocultural transference and countertransference in the therapeutic dyad. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 61(3), 392402. doi:10.1037/h0079267[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 1995 Comas-Díaz, L., & Jacobsen, F. M. (1995). The therapist of color and the white patient dyad: Contradictions and recognitions. Cultural Diversity and Mental Health, 1(2), 93106. doi:10.1037/1099-9809.1.2.93[Crossref], [PubMed] [Google Scholar]) and to associative identification processes (Shonfeld-Ringer, 2000 Shonfeld-Ringer, S. (2000). Close encounters: Exclusion and marginalization as an intersubjective experience. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 71(1), 5159.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The case illustrates how dynamics of racialization, embedded within an increasingly White Nativist, ideological deportation immigration context, infiltrated the intraethnic, therapeutic relational encounter. The therapist took part in an intragroup, racialized reenactment that could have led to the therapist becoming part of the oppressive structure, but the therapist avoided doing so, explaining her internal process for rectifying the situation.  相似文献   

We examined financial capability and asset ownership among low-income older Asian immigrants with special attention given to later-age immigrants who came to the United States when they were 55 years old or older. Survey data collected from supported employment program participants (N = 150) were used. The analyses demonstrated a low level of financial knowledge and asset ownership in the sample. The findings also indicated that later-age immigrants’ financial-management skills, knowledge of social programs, and asset ownership were significantly lower than those of young-age immigrants. These findings call for active interventions to enhance economic security among low-income older Asian immigrants.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the debate on the development of the future common European Union Policy on Asylum and Immigration. It seeks to explain the rationale behind the evolution of the Union's policy outlook on asylum and immigration. It then analyses the most recent Union‐wide policy tools available to address asylum and migration issues, arguing that common European asylum policies thus far have focused on containment of migration flows seen as a threat to the European internal security regime and in response to perceived populist pressures. The return and readmission clauses now being implemented, in agreements with countries outside of the Union, serve to illustrate this point, as does the political willingness to extra‐territorialize asylum processing. However, the focus on eliminating the root causes of migration flows is a relatively new paradigm, developed since the 1999 Tampere European Council. Although off to a slow start, the European Union Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument may become an institutional outlet to create a more normative framework for asylum and migration. The success of such a framework is contingent upon breaking with earlier conceptualizations of “asylum” as a security threat. Implicit in such a framework is the need to retain a clear distinction between asylum‐ and labour‐related migration. Partnerships must also be granted a budget sufficient for their establishment in real terms with countries of origin and transit. Lastly, there must be changes in modes of governance, as well as institutional reform, if efforts to elaborate a strategy on asylum and migration are to be executed successfully. Curiously, while the proposed Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe sought to abolish the pillar structure put in place by the 1992 Treaty of Maastricht, it would have retained the institutional inhibitions imposed by long‐existing tensions between national and community administrations and the “inter‐pillar” battles between the foreign policy, humanitarian and development dimensions of the EU apparatus. The current political debate about moving Europe “closer to its people”, following the rejection of the proposed Constitution at national referenda in France and the Netherlands, appears unlikely to solve any of these tensions.  相似文献   

张士尊 《学术交流》2007,(10):174-177
从顺治初年到同治初年的200多年里,清朝对中朝边境地区实行严格的封禁政策,造成这一带人口稀少,土地荒芜,从而导致"韩民越垦"发生。在中国边疆危机日益严重的大背景下,"韩民越垦"成了日本蚕食中国领土的借口。作为对策,清朝政府只好放弃长期奉行的封禁政策,实施"移民实边"。  相似文献   

In recent years, families with children from the Northern Triangle countries of Central America constitute a large and growing proportion of migrants and overall filed asylum claims. In an effort to deter overall immigration through the U.S.–Mexico border, the executive branch under the Trump administration has made substantial changes to federal immigration and asylum policy in recent years. Given the sensitive nature of early development and the hardship and trauma that many migrant children have experienced, immigration policies that do not prioritize child wellbeing, and in fact, neglect or harm it, can have lifelong negative consequences on physical and psychological wellbeing. In light of the scope of children and families affected by these policies and potential magnitude of their effects, the present review aimed to: 1) outline federal immigration policies under the Trump administration that primarily impacted migrant children and families; 2) review the research base regarding the effects of these policies on physical safety and health, development, mental health, family wellbeing, and education; and 3) provide policy recommendations to prevent further harm, mitigate the great harm already done, and prioritize child wellness moving forward. Findings from the review indicate that even short experiences of detention, particularly when children are separated from parents and caregivers, are associated with serious, lasting negative effects across every domain of functioning. The practices of separation, detention, and removal to temporary encampments compound traumatic experiences that migrant families are often fleeing, which in turn may set up already vulnerable children for a trajectory of continued marginalization. Future directions for research and implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether there are differences in Sweden between immigrants and natives in disposable income and in the probability of having a low disposable income. By investigating disposable income and the probability of having a low disposable income, our study illuminates to what extent taxes and transfers in the Swedish welfare state manage to compensate for differences in income from work between immigrants and natives. The study shows that there are differences between different groups both in disposable income and in the probability of having a low disposable income and that these differences remain when we control for factors such as age, gender, education and civil status. Early immigrants from the Nordic countries have a higher disposable income than does the native population whereas recent immigrants have a substantially lower disposable income and a higher probability of remaining poor than both earlier immigrants and the native population. In summary, our study shows that the differences in disposable income between immigrants and natives are indeed smaller than the differences in income from work but that the differences are not completely counterbalanced through the tax and transfer system.  相似文献   

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