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随着我国城市化水平的不断提高,一方面印证了我国经济社会等方面的快速发展;另一方面,也对城乡规划工作提出了更高的要求。在这种情况下,我们的城乡规划工作只有动员全社会的才智,群策群力,共同参与,才能更好应对快速城市化所带来的环境、卫生、治安等方面的问题。随着行政法治的逐步确立,我国政府部门行政行为的规范化、透明化程度逐步提高,城乡规划中的公众参与也有了长足的发展。  相似文献   

公民在理论上被认为是国家的主人,公民作为国家的主人,必然会渴望参与行政决策和执行,那么如何让公民参与行政决策呢?这是我们必须回答的一个问题。本文首先对公民参与的定义和参与的理论进行了阐述,通过对中国公民参与存在问题的分析,提出从公民行政参与机制的基本前提、制度基础、关键环节和重要途径等角度,详尽阐述了构建公民行政参与机制必须着重解决的问题。  相似文献   

本文从边界和适用条件两个角度分析公众参与的适用性问题。通过对边界问题的澄清论证事实上公众参与范围应当具有的宽度,并从适用条件角度的细化,突出强调了公众参与能够在一些方面的努力下获得更广泛的适用。  相似文献   

陆璐 《经营管理者》2009,(22):284-284
循环经济在中国是一个新的经济类型,这种经济是一种环保经济,这种经济制度要求信息的畅通,要求公众的广泛参与。我国现行法律制度中对于在循环经济中的公众参与是存在缺陷的,需要建立一个完善的公众参制度,多方位多方式的参与到循环经济中。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,环境问题越发突出。由于人们对于环境问题的认识不断深入,人们对于影响自身利益的环境行政执法的参与更加关注。但公众参与环境行政执法,必须克服其制度建设中的问题,方可充分发挥公众参与的作用。  相似文献   

城市拆迁关系到被迁拆人的基本权益。因此,如何扩大被拆迁人的参与,让其利益得到充分地表达,是城市拆迁决策过程中亟待思考的问题。这就引出了目前最值得探讨的在城市拆迁中公众参与的问题。  相似文献   

公共决策是指公共管理机构为实现公共利益就公共性问题做出的决策。它是公共管理的首要环节,贯穿于整个公共管理过程的始终。公共决策的本质是满足公众的利益,必然要求在公共决策过程中吸纳公众参与、符合公众的利益诉求。公民参与公共决策是保证满足公众的利益,实现公共决策民主化、科学化、法制化的突破口和重要途径。胡锦涛同志在党的十八大报告中指出,要完善协商民主制度和工作机制,推进协商民主广泛、多层、制度化发展,通过国家政权机关、政协组织、党派团体等渠道,  相似文献   

近年来,具有改革决策制定权的各级政府在改革决策制定过程中进行了一些开放的尝试,在信息公开和公众参与等方面做了一些努力,并取得了一些有益的经验,但仍存在一些不足,需要进一步完善和创新。本文拟就网络时代公众参与改革决策的模式创新问题做些初步探讨。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,市场经济的改革和发展既催生了多元化利益主体,又增强了民众的法制观念和权利意识,民众开始由"臣民"向"公民"转变,逐渐形成了参与公共生活的意识.但由于我国公民政治参与的制度化渠道不畅通,公众的参与诉求无法有效输入政治体系,从而使政治体系的运行出现断裂,大量的公众诉求被排斥并聚集在政治体系之外.当偶发性事件出现时,这些被聚集的公共诉求必然会通过非制度化的群体集会和抗议表达出来,如贵州瓮安事件、湖北石首事件等.近年来,群体性事件数量急剧增长,规模不断扩大,严重影响了我国的稳定与发展.因此,如何使公众通过制度化的渠道参与公共决策,保护公民的权益,是我国政府亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

This article takes as its case study the “GM Nation?” public debate, a major participation process on the commercialization of agricultural biotechnology, which occurred in Britain during the summer of 2003. We investigate possible self‐selection biases in over 36,000 open questionnaire responses on the risks and benefits of genetically modified crops and food obtained during GM Nation? A comparison sample of equivalent responses from a statistically representative sample (n= 1,363) of the British general public obtained shortly after the conclusion of the debate is reported. This comparison shows that the GM Nation? open responses were indeed not fully representative of British “public opinion” regarding agricultural biotechnology. Rather, such opinion is not a unitary whole, but fragmented, with considerable ambivalence coexisting alongside outright opposition to GM agriculture. The methodological implications for multistage participation processes are discussed: in particular, the need to anticipate outcomes of complex design decisions, and to include representative public surveys as standard where measures of broader public attitudes to risk are an important objective.  相似文献   

领导辅助决策支持系统研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对企业高层领导工作过程中辅助决策共作的特点,通过对领导思维活动特点的分析,提出了关于领导辅助决策支持系统设计的若干问题,并给出了系统设计实现的基本构架。  相似文献   

This article reports an extension of the Carnegie Mellon risk-ranking method to incorporate ecological risks and their attributes. On the basis of earlier risk-perception studies, we identified a set of 20 relevant attributes for describing health, safety, and environmental hazards in standardized risk summary sheets. In a series of three ranking sessions, 23 laypeople ranked 10 such hazards in a fictional Midwestern U.S. county using both holistic and multiattribute ranking procedures. Results were consistent with those from previous studies involving only health and safety hazards, providing additional evidence for the validity of the method and the replicability of the resulting rankings. Holistic and multiattribute risk rankings were reasonably consistent both for individuals and for groups. Participants reported that they were satisfied with the procedures and results, and indicated their support for using the method to advise real-world risk-management decisions. Agreement among participants increased over the course of the exercise, perhaps because the materials and deliberations helped participants to correct their misconceptions and clarify their values. Overall, health and safety attributes were judged more important than environmental attributes. However, the overlap between the importance rankings of these two sets of attributes suggests that some information about environmental impacts is important to participants' judgments in comparative risk-assessment tasks.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of critical task specialists in strategic decision making and presents a theoretical model relating critical task specialist participation in decision making to the organization's overall strategy and the nature of the decision. This exploratory study examines scope and intensity of physician participation in hospital decision making. Intensity of critical task specialist participation is explained by content of the decision and by the organization's strategy, while scope of participation is explained by decision content. The findings suggest the need for more complex models of participation than are normally used in decision-making research. The findings also suggest that executives, in managing strategic decision-making processes, should pay attention to questions of both scope and intensity of participation. The results suggest that critical task specialists play a different role in the decision process, depending on specific decision content and organization strategy.  相似文献   

信息技术的发展使公众参与社会治理形成主体多元化、过程协商化、效力实质化等新特点。然而,现行法制中规范体系的“二元化”立场、程序设计的事后监督倾向、问责机制的唯行政主体论等制度现状难以与公众参与需求相匹配。为此,应以正当程序原则下的实质法治为规范体系内核、以交往理性为基础的共同认识为程序设计目标、以行政效能为导向的责任配置为问责机制原则,设计全新的公众参与法治构造,以达成公众参与有效性、理性与效率的统一。  相似文献   

In any analysis of a decision problem involving public risks, ethical implications are introduced. In some cases, these ethical implications may be introduced simply because an analysis is being done. Additional ethical implications may be inherently part of the methodology being utilized or introduced into the specific analysis of the decision problem. In this paper, we investigate where and how ethical implications enter when using the methodology of decision analysis to examine problems involving public risks. We conclude that the methodology of decision analysis is sufficiently robust to allow for numerous different ethical viewpoints to be accounted for in any specific analysis. Stated alternatively, decision analyses of public risks can be conducted in a manner consistent with utilitarianism, deontological theories, libertarianism, egalitarianism, and so forth. However, any specific analysis has embedded within it numerous ethical implications. This suggests that the careful ethical scrutiny of analyses involving the methodology of decision analysis should be placed on the specific application and not on the methodology per se or on the fact that an analysis is undertaken.  相似文献   

采用文献的决策风格问卷,测试海峡两岸高阶管理人员的决策风格偏向。结果发现,相对而言大陆高阶主管比较呈现指示、结构及左脑型思考;台湾比较呈现观念、模糊及右脑型思考。总结过去的研究,发现华人的决策风格对于模糊的容忍度较低,因此,建议华人企业采用策略决策支持系统应该选择可以补足其弱点,而不是只采用适合自己决策风格的系统,也建议高阶管理教育应该重视观念决策力的培养。  相似文献   

论经理人股票期权激励的有效性   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
现代公司制企业最典型的委托人——代理人问题是公司的经营者,尤其是高层管理人员与公司的所有者——股东之间的利益冲突。为了解决这种冲突,代理理论提出,制定补偿政策会激励管理人员去选择和实施可以增加股东财富的活动。经理人股票期权制度就是此种补偿措施之一。本文分析经理人股票期权所提供的激励的程度和有效性。我们首先给出了经理人股票期权制度的含义和特征,指出经理人股票期权实际上是基于公司股票的看涨期权,然后建立了一个分析模型,模型的基本结论是:经理人股票期权确实对公司总裁有激励作用,但这种激励作用是有限度的;这种有限度的激励作用的发挥受许多因素的影响,如市场环境、企业的风险特征等;经理人股票期权制度的激励作用是有条件的,如资本市场特别是股票市场要有效率,亦即股票价格要能正确地反映公司的经营业绩,在这种情况下,股票市场的定价功能才能正确且充分地发挥作用。最后利用美国的资料,为模型的基本结论提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

Each time managers are faced with a strategic decision they decide how to decide. Specifically, they make choices about who has necessary information and, therefore, who needs to participate in the decision. Such responses to strategic issues are believed to be affected by the way in which decision makers interpret issues. However, organizations develop habitual responses to issues and may be predisposed because of their attention to rules and routines, or because of past performance, to respond to strategic issues in certain ways regardless of how issues are interpreted. We examined the direct and indirect effects of predisposition (rule orientation and past financial performance) and interpretation of strategic issues on the participation of internal stakeholder groups in strategic decision making. Executives in 52 organizations indicated that rule orientation and performance are directly linked to participation in strategic decision making, and that interpretation and rule orientation are directly linked to each other. Implications for managers include the notion that any effort to improve decision-making effectiveness by shaping how organizational members frame and interpret issues will be constrained by the organization's existing routines as well as its past performance.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(8):1541-1558
Risk analysts are often concerned with identifying key safety drivers, that is, the systems, structures, and components (SSCs) that matter the most to safety. SSCs importance is assessed both in the design phase (i.e., before a system is built) and in the implementation phase (i.e., when the system has been built) using the same importance measures. However, in a design phase, it would be necessary to appreciate whether the failure/success of a given SSC can cause the overall decision to change from accept to reject (decision significance). This work addresses the search for the conditions under which SSCs that are safety significant are also decision significant. To address this issue, the work proposes the notion of a θ‐importance measure. We study in detail the relationships among risk importance measures to determine which properties guarantee that the ranking of SSCs does not change before and after the decision is made. An application to a probabilistic safety assessment model developed at NASA illustrates the risk management implications of our work.  相似文献   

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