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This empirical study is a psychodynamic view of the supervision setting and key emotional parameters during the client assessment process. The supervisor, through reflectivity, studied his own supervision practice with undergraduate social work students during their first field practice placement. By using supervision critical incidents, he formulated the basic characteristics of the supervision setting, and followed it up with discussion on the key emotional parameters of the supervision process. Particular emphasis was laid on psychodynamic understanding of the supervision process and the consequences of supervisor's interventions for both supervisees and clients. The emotional context of the supervision process during the client assessment phase was predominantly shaped by four emotional parameters: (i) the supervisor identifying with both client and supervisee needs; (ii) the supervisor concentrating on exclusively the educational character of supervision by avoiding dealing with student's personality issues; (iii) the supervisor dealing with client and supervisee ‘transferences to the setting’; and (iv) the supervisor setting and safeguarding the supervision limits and boundaries.  相似文献   

On Parallel Process in Social Work Supervision   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recognition and study of parallel process in social work supervision offers both the social work supervisor and supervisee a rich learning opportunity at the moment when an impasse seems unworkable. The parallel process is an unconscious replication in the supervisory session of therapeutic difficulties which a supervisee has with a client. This replication may originate with the supervisor unwittingly modeling behavior that is then taken by the social worker into the therapeutic interaction with the client. This paper reviews the need for social workers to grasp the dynamics of the parallel process, discusses the literature for the historical development of the phenomenon, addresses supervisory methods that will uncover the process, and illustrates the supervisor's stages of exploration and modeling in addressing the parallel process.  相似文献   

This article discusses the complex dynamics and challenges of providing supervision to mental health clinicians working within an organisational context when the supervisor is not part of the organisation and has no formal managerial or accountability responsibility. It considers two models of supervision and their application to three supervisory relationships in an organisational context. It concludes that for supervision to be effective there needs to be a consideration of the social defences in operation within the organisation and how they are met by the anxieties and defences of the supervisor and supervisee. This requires a mixed approach by the supervisor of the technical with the inter-subjective as a reliance on one model of supervision risks limiting the effectiveness of the intervention. The role of the supervisor can enable the supervisee to establish a clinical framework and the necessary environment essentials for their practice.  相似文献   

Despite numerous suggestions to integrate culture, diversity and social justice issues in clinical supervision, empirical studies on cross-cultural supervision indicate limited uptake of such recommendations. We suggest that a comprehensive model of cross-cultural supervision could benefit the field by guiding supervisors in this task. A working model is proposed based on a foundation of the supervisory alliance and a focus on social work practice competence, integrating strategies to promote self- and relational-reflexivity within the supervisory relationship. The model is comprised of four components: component 1: goal setting to contract on cross-cultural integration in supervision; component 2: active listening for cross-cultural markers; component 3: bonding through the supervisor’s self-reflexivity to foster the supervisee’s self-reflexivity; and component 4: working through tasks for cultural integration in supervision by modelling the supervisor’s relational reflexivity in case formulation and treatment to foster the supervisee’s relational-reflexivity.  相似文献   

Empathy plays an important role in clinical supervision. It is the link between the client whose treatment is being supervised, the clinician/supervisee, and the supervisor. The supervisor uses an empathic capacity as well as theoretical knowledge to understand the clinical work and build the supervisory relationship. Often the progress of a case can be traced through the development of empathic understanding in the supervision. The transmission of empathy requires creativity and openness and is one of the major challenges in supervision. By analyzing the different uses of empathy in clinical supervision we can increase our understanding of the supervisory process.  相似文献   

The traditional role-set of the clinical social work supervisor has grown to be much more complex. From the exclusive position of teacher, administrator, and overseer she is now an integral part of a system wherein she is influenced not only by the therapist, client, and her own promptings but is a prime source of feedback to the client through the supervisee.As clinical social workers have shifted their conceptualization of therapy to a two-person psychology, this perspective has emerged as part of the supervisory process. Now the supervisor's countertransference responses to the supervisee, to his client, and to their interaction have assumed importance in supervisory work. This article is an attempt to demonstrate through case illustrations how the supervisor's disclosure of countertransference responses to the supervisee can strengthen the supervisory alliance which then enables the client and therapist to resolve therapeutic impasses.  相似文献   

The literature on supervision discusses processes occurring in the supervisor-supervisee relationship that are similar to, and have parallels in, a parent-child relationship. This slipping from the one type of relationship into the other can interfere with the process of supervision. This shift to the supervisee feeling like a child and the supervisor like a parent is liable to be the natural outcome of transference and counter-transference. The aim of this paper is to examine the pseudo-parental role of the supervisor, in order to make supervisors more aware of, and alert to, the possibility that their supervision of young workers may slip into a parent-child mode, to identify critical points where parental feelings may intrude on supervision, and to suggest a useful support model that can help prevent this intrusion.  相似文献   

The mandate to educate students to work toward ending oppression and other forms of injustice is clear, but there has been little discussion in the multicultural literature about the kinds of knowledge that are needed to prepare students for such work. This article discusses the need for a paradigm shift from liberal pluralism to a critical approach to social work education and practice. It also outlines a set of core themes to guide multicultural curriculum development. These include (a) culture, (b) race and racism, (c) oppression, (d) multiple identities, (e) power, (f) whiteness and privilege, (g) historical context, and (h) social change. Obstacles to incorporating these ideas into the curriculum and recommendations for overcoming such obstacles are also discussed.  相似文献   

Supervision is considered to be a determining factor in the quality of service to clients, the job satisfaction of social workers, and the level of professional development they achieve. How supervisors use their authority affects their relationships with subordinates, which in turn influences service outcomes. This case study reveals the micro-process of the interplay of power in the supervisor–supervisee dyad, the influence of cultural factors on attitudes toward hierarchical relationships, and subordination to authority in the supervisory dyad. Respondents who considered supervision to be counterproductive or disempowering employed tactics to hide their negative attitude, and concealed important cases and project materials, which hindered the disclosure of mistakes. Redistributing power in the current hierarchical supervisor–supervisee relationship could lead to fewer instances of game playing in the supervisory dyad and facilitate disclosure, which is important in ethical practice.  相似文献   

《Australian Social Work》2013,66(2):175-177
The move from social work practitioner to supervisor can cause a crisis in identity for some social workers, a point at which professional values, roles and commitment are questioned and re-analysed. Yet it is an area in which there appears to be little written to assist the worker to normalise their fears and anxieties, or to assist with making the process smoother for both supervisor and supervisee. Drawing on practice experience in a range of health and community service settings, the present study will examine some of the feelings, issues, challenges and dilemmas faced by new social work supervisors. It will also explore the preparation of supervisors, the use of power in the supervisory relationship and the need for training. It will then discuss tips and conditions for improving the supervisory relationship.  相似文献   

Participant supervision is a unique application of live supervision in which a supervisor and supervisee see clients conjointly. Although minimally discussed in the family therapy literature, it has notable advantages, chief among them being a shared clinical experience that increases attunement to supervisee skill and development, the modeling of skillful intervention, and a higher degree of collegiality. However, it is not without its challenges, including supervisee vulnerability and anxiety, diffusion of responsibility, and limited time for case discussion. This article highlights the experience of one supervisor and three doctoral‐level supervisees engaging in participant supervision over the course of a 2‐year period. Using illustrative examples, we discuss our experience of the advantages and challenges of participant supervision, and provide recommendations for establishing a collaborative relational context within which supervisory benefits can be maximized.  相似文献   

Many systems approaches speak to the importance of respectful mutual curiosity in supervision rather than linear teacher–learner didacticism. This paper provides an overview of collaborative approaches to supervision in family therapy. It then focuses on Bowen family systems and encouraging differentiation in the relationship process between supervisor and supervisee as a useful approach towards equal collaboration. The authors use case examples to illustrate what impedes and fosters mutuality in the supervision process where both supervisor and supervisee learn from each other.  相似文献   


The paper reviews the tensions, complexities, risks and ambiguities of the role and tasks of the social work supervisor: these can surface in efforts to negotiate individualised supervision agreements with colleagues and with students. Given the marked lack of national and international research attention to processes in social work supervision, the paper explores the skills, principles and arguments for a suggested model of ‘Developmental Supervision’ — in the context of a framework of supervision practice congruent with the knowledge, skills and values of social work. Finally, there is some exploration of the unintended consequences of ‘Quick-Fix’ Supervision for the cutture of decision-thinking and professional practice.  相似文献   


Twenty-two supervisors and 60 supervisees working in community counselling services in Melbourne were asked to rate the importance of 46 supervisory behaviours to good supervision, as well as listing behaviours that contribute to and detract from good supervision. In general, supervisors saw good supervision as relating primarily to feedback to the supervisee, while supervisees were interested in learning new skills and gaining assistance with conceptualisation in supervision. The responses confirmed evidence of differing supervisee and supervisor perceptions of supervision seen in previous research of students' supervisory needs in America.

Differences in responses from supervisees in this sample to the American sample suggest some cultural differences and some differing needs attributable to different levels of experience. Responses in the current research support a developmental model of supervision; that supervisees have different needs as they gain experience. Applying a process model to behaviours believed to contribute to and detract from good supervision revealed that the bulk of responsibility for a good supervisory relationship is attributed to supervisors. Neither supervisors nor supervisees indicated a high level of supervisee qualities and skills that contribute to good supervision. This has obvious training implications.  相似文献   

Social work, as a discipline, places considerable importance on the provision of supervision, promoting it as a key process supporting critical reflection and practice improvement. A supervision relationship built on trust has the potential to provide a safe context within which practice issues can be explored. This article reports on an Australian study of social work supervision and the ways in which a trusting supervision relationship supports safe practice and critical reflection. A context of trust within the supervisory relationship is found to promote safe practice, providing the basis for what supervisees felt was satisfying supervision. Within a trusted and supportive supervisory relationship participants wanted and valued challenge which was seen to promote professional growth and positive client outcomes. Whether this occurs, however, depended on how power was exercised and how safe they felt in the supervisory relationship. The research argues the need for social work to reclaim supervision through a revitalised commitment to advancing supervision practice, research, and research-based policies.  相似文献   

This article reports on a research project which explored how anxiety can be managed when social work students receive live supervision as they are learning counselling skills. Eight social work students volunteered to participate in an eight session project in which they role played counselling sessions and received live supervision of their work. Their subjective experience of live supervision was elicited via survey reported surveys over the course of the project. They also submitted pre-and post-project recordings of their counselling role plays which were evaluated for changes in skill level. The participants’ survey results showed that, over the course of the project, each participant became less anxious about live supervision and came to find it a valuable learning experience. Their recorded role plays all showed improvements in skill level across a range of domains. The authors contend the establishment and maintenance of positive and trusting relationships between participants and between participants and the supervisor was crucial to the success of this project, as was attention to power dynamics and differences in learning styles. These results suggest that, under the right conditions, live supervision can be a valuable addition to counselling skills teaching strategies with social work students.  相似文献   

In an era where black males increasingly lay victim to death at the hands of police officers in the United States, efforts must be made not only to address biases of individuals in power but also to intervene on institutional and structural levels. This paper aims to explore how dynamics of race, power, and a lack of critical consciousness play an instrumental role in a social work intern’s learning process, clinical efficacy, and adherence to professional ethical standards. Using a case vignette situated within the context of an agency setting, this paper follows a white intern’s process working with a black adolescent and his family to highlight decisions made by upper-level management in an agency that were discriminatory, reinforced power differentials, and resulted in interruption of services, lack of client self-determination, and missed educational opportunities for the intern. It addresses implications for clinicians at all stages of training with regard to the role of supervision and the importance of addressing racism, other forms of discrimination, and power differentials in practice.  相似文献   

Environmental injustice is a growing human rights issue as climate change and environmental degradation rapidly increases. As a social justice problem, it is relevant to the social work profession, yet not integrated into our curricula. This study of 373 social work professionals found that environmental justice is a significant practice issue across broad client populations and that professionals felt unprepared to address it. Qualitative and quantitative data revealed high levels of client exposure to environmental hazards with little power to change it. Respondents reported dissatisfaction with their education to help them understand environmental issues. Moreover, they indicated that they would like to see environmental justice integrated into social work education and better-prepared graduates entering the profession. Implications for practice and education are discussed.  相似文献   

This article analyses two cases from health and social care, adopting a psycho-societal approach. The analysis highlights how professionalism evolves and develops through an introspection of the relational and scenic processes between professionals, as well as between the professional and the client or patient. As a phenomenon at the core of professional practice, it will be argued that introspection needs to recognize and encompass the intra- and inter-psychic responses and understandings of professionals and their clients and patients. The first case places supervision as a learning space, where framing and complex exchanges of loss and confirmation, and of denial and displacement take place between a group of social workers and their supervisor. In the second case, it becomes apparent how the research interview opens up an opportunity for processing the emotions and socially critical experiences involved in hospital work.  相似文献   

Power imbalances between partners are intrinsic to relationship distress and intricately connected to emotional experience, couple communication processes, and socio cultural contexts such as gender. The ability to work with the power dynamics between partners is thus critical to the practice of couple therapy. However, few practical guidelines for dealing with this issue are available. The authors present seven clinical competencies regarding gender and power issues that they identified by examining their own work: (a) identify enactments of cultural discourse, (b) attune to underlying socio cultural emotion, (c) name underlying power processes, (d) facilitate relational safety, (e) foster mutual attunement, (f) create a model of equality, and (g) facilitate shared relationship responsibility. Each competency is illustrated through a case example. The competencies represent an over‐arching guide to practice that may be integrated with other clinical approaches and is particularly useful for training and supervision.  相似文献   

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