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全国社保基金理事会与爱尔兰国家养老储备基金(NPRF)是在同一时期成立的,至今爱尔兰国家养老储备基金的运行模式比较成功.我国社会保障基金的筹资、投资和监管方面有向其借鉴的必要性.本文介绍了爱尔兰国家养老储备基金建立的背景、管理框架、筹资以及投资策略,参考爱尔兰基金成功的运行经验,提出完善我国社保基金管理的建议.  相似文献   

对欧洲和世界具有深远的经济和政治意义的欧元于1999年1月1日诞生了.欧元的生成是欧盟各国利益妥协的产物,其生成过程既有文化传统的纠葛,又有现实利益的冲突,其中欧洲三大国英法德扮演了决定性的角色.在法德两国主导欧元生成的规则下,三国施展各自战略以求得利益最大化,虽然英国最终游离于欧元区之外,但互动的博弈进程充分体现了以权力和安全利益的竞争与冲突为核心的新现实主义理论在当今国际关系中的影响.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the roles and statuses of women from a comparative perspective. The subject countries cover a broad cross-section of ethnic, economic, and political differences. The authors report data and discuss such issues as the demographic characteristics of women (i. e., age distribution, marital status, and fertility rates), level of education, work force participation, political activity, military service, and access to health care. Social class and ethnic and racial differences among the women in each of the societies are also considered. They offer a short historical review of the major legislative and social changes that have occurred in the status of women in many of the subject societies during the past 50 years. The authors describe the degree of relative social freedom that women enjoy in the different societies and how their statuses differ from those of men. She is a recipient of an Equal Justice America fellowship and the winner of two Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) Gold Circle, Awards. She is the author and editor of numerous books, including Global Perspectives on Social Issues: Juvenile Justice Systems (with Paola Zalkind, lexington Books, 2004), and Adoption Across Borders (with Howard Altstein, Rowman & Littlefield, 2000).  相似文献   

主体的问题是现代社会大多数急迫问题的核心。自弗洛伊德以来,很多理论家都阐述了主体的分裂和虚构性。戏剧无疑是最适合表现这一主题的艺术形式。相比之下,爱尔兰剧作家赛缪尔.贝克特对这一主题的探索更加执著和持久。贝克特塑造的分裂的人物不仅对传统的戏剧审美观提出了挑战,而且以一种全新的角度来展现现实世界。在《最后的磁带》中,贝克特运用录音机,以39岁的这盘磁带作为一个交汇点,让29岁、39岁和69岁的克拉普通过录音机讲述自己,以克拉普的三段人生并置和相互参照,来探索自我的稳定性、真实性和进步性。  相似文献   

European settlement in Quebec (Canada) began in the early 17th century, with the arrival of French pioneers. After the British Conquest in 1760, immigrants from the British Isles began to settle in some parts of Quebec. Many of these immigrants were Irish Catholics. Historians and genealogists have identified several names of Irish origin in the French Canadian population, and many scholars have wondered about the importance of the integration of Irish migrants and their descendants within this population. The purposes of this study are to identify and characterize the founders of Irish origin to estimate the importance of their genetic contribution to the contemporary Quebec population, and to measure the variability of this contribution according to the founders’ period of arrival and county of origin in Ireland. Data was obtained from a set of 2,223 ascending genealogies going back as far as the early 17th century. The average genealogical depth is a little more than 9 generations, with many branches reaching 16 or 17 generations. Although Irish founders explain less than 1% of the total Quebec gene pool, results show that nearly 21% of the genealogies contain at least one Irish founder. These founders contributed to the peopling of all regions of Quebec, but there are some important variations from one region to another. A majority of the Irish founders immigrated during the 19th century, and most of them came from the counties of Southern Ireland.  相似文献   

爱米莉.劳利斯在爱尔兰文学界占有一个非常特别的位置。在爱尔兰文艺复兴中,她是为数不多在小说上有所成就的作家。多才多艺的她在文学、历史、博物学方面都发表了一些很有影响的作品。作为一个非常敏感的女性,她把历史、自然、文学完美的结合起来,来解释自然、人类与民族之间的关系和父权主义思维定式对三者关系的影响。作家在生态女性主义出现的70年前在这方面的探讨已经取得了一定的成就。  相似文献   

近代爱尔兰土地所有权问题牵涉三股主要力量:英格兰地主、英格兰资本家和爱尔兰佃农。爱尔兰佃农认为通过保障自己的土地使用权,能够最好的提升社会福利,提高农业生产水平。英格兰资本家主张培植一个资本化经营的租佃农场主阶层。英格兰地主坚持仍旧在爱尔兰实行大土地所有制。同时,他们用"自然财产权"的观念抵制佃农和资产家的要求,而佃农和资产家用"双重财产权"的观念驳斥它。第一次爱尔兰土地改革就是三方博弈的产物。  相似文献   

论格拉斯顿时期英国对爱尔兰的土地政策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
爱尔兰问题一直是国际上关注的一个问题 ,其核心是爱尔兰民族与英国殖民统治的矛盾 ,而土地问题则是矛盾的主要表现。格拉斯顿内阁时期 ,面对爱尔兰社会的长期动荡 ,基于英帝国利益的考虑 ,改变传统的掠取的土地政策 ,通过立法手段 ,逐步实现爱尔兰农业资本主义化的土地解决方案 ,对后世产生深远影响。  相似文献   

反腐败的关键在于各国的行政监督制度建设。英美两国作为议会制与总统制的代表,又同为西方重要民主国家,在权力制约与法治方面可谓不遗余力,两国在行政监督制度建设上亦颇有各自的特色。有鉴于此,试对英美两国的行政监督制度做出比较分析,找出其中的异同点,以期能对我国的行政监督制度的建设有些许借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Child health     
In "Child Health," Lorraine V. Klerman, a professor at Brandeis University's Heller School for Social Policy and Management, describes the difficulty of measuring welfare reform's impact on children's physical and mental health by using existing data sources and suggests additional approaches to consider. She relies on the following data sources: the Behavior and Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS); the Current Population Survey (CPS); the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS); the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS); the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES); the National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS); the National Household Survey of Drug Abuse (NHSDA); the National Immunization Survey; the State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey (SLAITS); the VSCP; and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS).  相似文献   

诗人谢默斯.希尼出生在北爱尔兰这个现代民族主义造成的殖民空间,同时又生活在试图超越民族主义的后现代时代,他的诗歌自始至终都贯穿着对爱尔兰民族身份的思考。希尼的民族观中既包含着后殖民杂合立场,又包含本质主义思维模式,反映了当代社会既立足民族主义,又试图超越民族主义的努力。他提出的将个人灵魂作为当代爱尔兰民族的立足点的看法,为如何在民族主义之后理解民族提供了一个可能答案。  相似文献   

从语言出发,探讨弗里尔在本族语言盖尔语面临英语入侵这一危机前如何通过《译文》反对英帝国英译爱尔兰地名的企图、发掘盖尔语背后深刻的文化内涵,唤醒爱尔兰民众对于本族语言的热爱。同时,弗里尔最后在剧中对英语的接受并非无奈的妥协,而是意图利用英语为武器,作为对英帝国的回击。  相似文献   

自上世纪80年代末以来,爱尔兰对国家发展战略作出了重大调整,并由此带动了国内许多产业的转型,其传媒产业即是一个突出的例子。本文试图从政治、经济与文化等三个控制因素入手,阐释全球化背景下爱尔兰大众传播政策、传媒经济结构,及其流行文化的变迁对爱尔兰大众传媒转型的影响,并分析这种转型的性质。  相似文献   

本文对15-17世纪中国和英国产生大量流民的原因、流民的流向及政府的不同流民政策和因之而来的不同效果作了比较分析,指出所以有此明显差异的根源是当时中、英两国在社会性质上存在重大差别。  相似文献   

20世纪早期英国女性作家在文坛上的地位已不可小觑,同时也令父权制度下的男性作家深感不安。在短篇小说《灵机一动》中,主人公福雷斯特夫人是专职作家,表面上她具有男性气质、创作多产且赞誉不断,实际上她被作者列为次等文人,她视丈夫为仆人与宠物,却最终被其抛弃。作家毛姆对此类女性形象含蓄、歪曲的刻画和嘲弄讥讽体现出他对女性、特别是当时的女性作家的反感态度,从而再次证明毛姆反女性的性别取向。  相似文献   

This article uses data from a longitudinal survey of youth to examine the effects of gender on the occupational expectations and attitudes of youth in the 1990s. Twelve hundred youth from central and eastern Canada were surveyed in 1989 and 1994. Results show few gender differences in the status rankings in the youths' expected occupations, or in their intentions to enter the paid labour force. However, there were differences in the ways females and males saw themselves combining work and family responsibilities—especially pre-school aged children. The attitudes and experiences of the young women's mothers appeared to affect these plans—plans that were unrelated to social class background. The results are discussed in the context of McCall's notion on gendered dispositions. where she has been faculty since 1975. Her research interests include the sociology of education, youth and gender issues. She currently holds two research grants funded by Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, one as principal investigator, the other as a member of a research network on longitudinal studies of youth. Her research interests include sociology of education and work, youth and gender issues.  相似文献   

叶芝处于爱尔兰民族解放运动风起云涌的时期,其创作深受这一时代氛围的影响。为了确立爱尔兰的文化身份,叶芝以英国作为标准进行了后殖民反写。在这种反写中,叶芝通过描绘爱尔兰的自然环境和人们的生存状态体现了作家的家园意识和对理想的生存方式的看法;其对爱尔兰古老泛神论宗教信仰的复兴所作的努力包含着对英国工具理性和机械逻辑的批判;而其创作中对系统性的强调和对爱尔兰文化构成的思考与当代的生态整体主义和文化生态等思想暗合。叶芝在爱尔兰文化身份的构建中,无意间蕴藏着深刻的生态伦理思想。  相似文献   

从爱尔兰诗人叶芝的政治诗歌出发,分析了诗人的爱国热情、其与民族解放运动领导人之间的关系以及诗人对待整个爱尔兰民族解放运动的复杂情感,指出叶芝不仅是蜚声世界的诗人,而且亦是争取爱尔兰民族解放的卓越战士。  相似文献   

清水江流域是中国苗族、侗族等少数民族的重要聚居区之一,同时也是中国传统糯禾的主要产区之一.笔者在参加国家社科基金重大项目“清水江文书整理与研究”的过程中,发现苗侗民族在清水江文书中使用一组特殊计量单位来计算传统糯禾的田地面积与收成产量。本文以清水江文书为中心,结合地方文献资料,具体考证并深入分析苗侗民族关于传统糯禾特殊计量单位的历史源流和主要特点,进而揭示了苗侗族的特殊本土智慧.  相似文献   

探析1970—1999年间中国光学学会和地方(省级)光学学会的历史关系,是一项填补空白的工作。早于中国光学学会成立的6个地方光学学会承担了相应的社会职能,中国光学学会成立后纳入并指导支持地方学会,形成中国科协领导下发展合作的新模式;地方光学学会先行成立的14个专委会发挥了同行聚合功能,而中国光学学会专委会的起点高、影响深、学术交流多,两级学会均设立对方未设立的专委会,体现出聚合的互补特性;地方光学学会的国内学术活动起步早,中国光学学会则一直为地方联合学术活动提供支持和保障,在推动全国范围内光学学术交流的繁荣上起到不可替代的作用。两级学会的历史关系不是简单的“业务指导”,而是呈现出“成立建设中交融、聚合功能上互补、学术交流间共进”的关系。  相似文献   

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