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This article shows that First Nations children diagnosed with autism in British Columbia, Canada are under-represented in publications regarding autism and the prevalence thereof, and that this group appears to be under-detected. The aim of this review of publications regarding autism and aboriginal populations in Canada and other countries is to examine possible explanations. The research review results suggest that possible reasons for under-detection of autism among aboriginal populations, and consequently First Nations peoples, can be diagnostic substitution and symptom presentation, ethnic or cultural, area of residence or the impact of historical oppression and discrimination.  相似文献   

There is a surprising paucity of information about urban Aboriginal gambling behaviours and practices, considering that the urban Aboriginal community is the fastest-growing demographic group in Canada and that indigenous people have some of the highest rates of gambling and problem gambling. Interpreting the focus group findings from First Nations and urban Aboriginal participants in Alberta, this study provides insights into urban Aboriginal and rural First Nations attitudes to gambling and the perceived value of the provincial First Nations gaming industry. Although the First Nations focus groups were aware of gambling's associated positive and negative outcomes, they were generally supportive of their communities' decision to pursue casinos. The urban Aboriginal focus group, however, identified little positive about the casinos, even if its participants supported the First Nations' capacity to pursue casino development. These tensions demand policymakers' attention.  相似文献   

A training project in a northern Canadian community providedan opportunity to examine participatory planning approachesand the meaning of work in First Nations communities. Focusgroups conducted three years after the unsuccessful interventionof a community economic development (CED) project suggest thatcomplex factors such as lack of support from community leadersand rate of pay for workers determine whether CED is alwaysappropriate in northern, First Nations contexts.  相似文献   



Public health concern surrounding the mental health needs of former system youth is escalating. We know very little about mental health service utilization on the other side of the developmental transition to adulthood. The purpose of this study was to explore the mental health service use experiences among former system youth with childhood histories which included mental disorder, use of publicly-funded mental health services, and use of additional public systems of care.


In-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted with 60 participants currently struggling with mental health difficulties regarding their service use experiences over the transition. Participants were recruited from one Midwestern state. Multi-phase analysis was conducted utilizing immersion/crystallization, constant comparison and concept matrices.


Few participants received continuous mental health care across the transition, with the majority experiencing interruptions or discontinuation of care. Important facilitators of service use emerged, such as physicians, former caseworkers and family. Health clinics and parenting programs emerged as potential entrée points for reconnecting disengaged young adults to mental health services. Insight, mistrust, and emotions emerged as novel factors associated with service utilization among young adults.


Mental health service utilization remains a complicated phenomenon over the developmental transition to adulthood. Future research is needed that closely examines the associations between insight, emotion, mistrust and service use among young adults.  相似文献   

Repeated reports indicate that First Nations children on reserve receive less child welfare funding than other children in Canada despite the fact that First Nations children have higher child welfare needs. After the Government of Canada failed to implement two joint solutions to address the inequality, First Nations organizations in Canada filed a human rights complaint alleging that the Government of Canada is discriminating against First Nations children on the basis of race and national ethnic origin. This historic case is now before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and marks the first time that Canada has been held to account before a legal body for its current treatment of First Nations children and their families. This opinion article presents the facts leading up to the filing of the human rights case, the grass roots advocacy and legal processes after the complaint was filed, and the implications for: First Nations children, individuals from minority groups, and the moral fabric of the country if the Government of Canada wins the case.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper analyzes cattle killing by First Nations in Southern Alberta in the 1890s in light of different theoretical approaches to the issue of First Nations crime. This paper suggests that this form of criminal behaviour was not a result of cultural differences or cultural misunderstandings between First Nations and Europeans. Rather, this type of First Nations criminality was rooted in material circumstances characterized by extreme hunger, and was reflective of a process of resistance to state policies. The crime of cattle killing was, in part, a political act that was part of Treaty Seven First Nations efforts to oppose and change the Department of Indian Affairs rations policy.  相似文献   

Our research sought to identify the barriers and facilitators experienced by policymakers and evaluation researchers in the critical early stages of establishing an evaluation of a policy or program. We sought to determine the immediate barriers experienced at the point of initiating or commissioning evaluations and how these relate to broader system factors previously identified in the literature.We undertook 17 semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of senior policymakers (n = 9) and senior evaluation researchers (n = 8) in Australia.Six themes were consistently raised by participants: political influence, funding, timeframes, a ‘culture of evaluation’, caution over anticipated results, and skills of policy agency staff. Participants also reflected on the dynamics of policy-researcher relationships including different motivations, physical and conceptual separation of the policy and researcher worlds, intellectual property concerns, and trust.We found that political and system factors act as macro level barriers to good evaluation practice that are manifested as time and funding constraints and contribute to organisational cultures that can come to fear evaluation. These factors then fed into meso and micro level factors. The dynamics of policy-researcher relationship provide a further challenge to evaluating government policies and programs.  相似文献   

The 2017 Traditional Owner evaluation of the implementation of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan developed an approach to evaluation that tested the use of Standpoint Theory in the field of natural resource management. This methodological choice was intended to enable First Nation approaches to data generation and use in equal measure to non-indigenous approaches. The method is implemented as a nested, up-hierarchy of scale, enabling a pan-optican dimension of vision from "below" and "above". The paper does not present the evaluative results regarding the implementation of the Plan because that information is co-owned by the participating Nations for their uses. Instead, and in respect of that arrangement, the paper presents the evaluation practices funded by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. The methodology was negotiated and implemented with the Nations in the pilot study as a co-production across cultural boundaries. The approach was then evaluated by the participants, and these results are reported. All those reviewing the methodology were directly involved in some aspect of the evaluation, 64 % of whom identified as Traditional Owners, 67 % of whom were involved in high level decision-making about the evaluation approach. Traditional Owners rated cultural competence of the tested approach at 68 %, the benefits of the approach at 75 %, satisfaction with the standard of the evaluation at 72 %, and satisfaction with complying with the Basin Plan’s requirements for evaluation at 78 %. Recommendations for broader engagement and better science communication are made.  相似文献   

First Nations ‘survivors’ are ageing in increasing numbers. Life-course stress and depression are of concern for older First Nations Australians, yet there are limited psychosocial interventions. This study aimed to co-design a culturally-grounded mindfulness-based program (‘Ngarraanga Giinganay’) and evaluate acceptability/feasibility with an Aboriginal community on Gumbaynggirr Country. An expert Working Group guided program development, with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal clinicians/consultants. A workshop, collaborative yarning group with older Aboriginal people (n = 9), and further consultation contributed to the design/refinement of the 8-session group-based program, ensuring content aligned with therapeutic principles of mindfulness and cultural understandings of the Gumbaynggirr community. A single-group pilot study was conducted (n = 7, 62−81 years), co-facilitated by an Aboriginal clinician and Elder. Outcomes were qualitative (understandings of mindfulness, program acceptability, benefits to health/wellbeing). Pilot results demonstrated feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effectiveness. The program enhanced understandings of mindfulness and participants highlighted benefits such as helping anxiety, relaxation, focusing on the moment and connection to Country/land. Trends were seen for reducing depression, anxiety and stress symptoms, and blood pressure. This study provides insight into partnering with underrepresented populations through ageing research, highlighting the effectiveness of this co-design approach. Ngarraanga Giinganay has considerable potential for supporting health and wellbeing of First Nations peoples.  相似文献   

Mental disorders impose an enormous burden on society. In developing countries like India, there is a lack of adequate number of trained mental health professionals to provide specialized care and 75–85 % of affected individuals do not have access to appropriate mental health services. The National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) is being implemented by the Government of India to support state governments in providing mental health services in the country. The Urban Mental Health Programme (UMHP) is a pilot initiative that has attempted the integration of mental health services in primary health care settings in two municipal wards in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. The overarching aim of this paper is to describe the methodology used for the evaluation of the community based mental health programme and to understand the processes of the programme in terms of barriers and facilitators. The current evaluation is based on a concurrent nested design, where qualitative and quantitative data are both collected at the same time but analysed separately and priority was given to qualitative data. This experience will contribute in helping other researchers to make some evaluations more effective, useful and manageable. Ethics approval was obtained from an institutional ethics committee of an organization (Ekjut) based in Ranchi, Jharkhand, India. The evaluation was undertaken by the George Institute for Global Health, New Delhi from February- June 2016.  相似文献   

This study sought evidence for the proposition that experiences with earlier‐born adolescents will improve parents' interactions with and parenting of later‐born adolescents. Participants were mothers, fathers, and both first‐ and second‐born siblings from 392 families participating in a longitudinal study. To collect information on siblings' family experiences, family members were interviewed individually in their homes. During the subsequent 2 to 3 weeks, 7 evening telephone interviews were also conducted, which focused on siblings' daily activities. Findings suggest that when parent‐adolescent relationships were measured at the same age for both siblings, parents experienced less conflict with their second‐born as compared with their firstborn adolescent offspring and exhibited greater knowledge of their second‐born offspring's daily activities as compared with their firstborns' daily experiences. These results are consistent with the notion that parents may learn from their childrearing experiences.  相似文献   


This study explores the ways Indigenous social workers experience and learn about colonization and provides suggestions for educators who are tasked with teaching that material. Nine First Nations and Métis social workers in British Columbia were interviewed. Data collection and analysis took place using the research praxis métissage as a theoretical framework and involved semistructured interviews. Thematic analysis revealed three themes: colonization as an unnamed lived experience; colonization as academic, cognitive knowledge; and colonization as a personal and professional reality.  相似文献   

This article outlines a framework for working with First Peoples. The framework supports respectful and mutually beneficial learning partnerships and culminates from 6 years of practice and research in arts-based service learning with Aboriginal communities in Australia. We begin by looking at synergies between global service learning and service learning with First Peoples. We then position this work within an international context, focusing on Indigenous frameworks for practice identified in service learning with First Nations communities in North America. We next describe the Australian context and touch on the multilayered intercultural processes and outcomes associated with the programmes across three universities. Finally, we introduce the framework and elaborate on its dimensions.  相似文献   

Au Canada, la Loi sur les Indiens interdisait aux femmes d'occuper des postes de leadership élus dans la gouvernance des réserves indiennes jusqu'en 1951. Cet article examine la situation des femmes dans la gouvernance des réserves et présente une analyse des femmes autochtones qui ont occupé des postes de chefs et de conseiller de bande à travers le Canada. L'auteur utilise l'approche «interactionist» basée sur le genre d'Amy Wharton pour explorer la situation sociale et politique exceptionnelle des dirigeantes. Est‐ce que le genre sexuel joue un rôle dans leur expérience de dirigeantes? The Indian Act banned women from elected leadership positions in reserve politics in Canada until 1951. This paper locates women in reserve politics and provides an analysis of the First Nations women who served as chiefs and councilors across Canada. Amy Wharton's gender‐based Interactionist Approach is used to explore the leaders' unique social and political situation. Does gender make a difference in their experiences as leader?  相似文献   

This review of qualitative research examining young Indigenous Australians’ sexual health highlights the profoundly social nature of young people’s sexual lives. Nineteen peer reviewed published papers were identified for inclusion. Findings reveal efforts made by some young Indigenous Australians to control their sexual lives, mitigate risk and maintain their sexual health. The review identified factors which are conducive to sexual health risks and vulnerability, including incomplete knowledge about STIs and safer sexual practices; gossip and ridicule concerning sexual activity and its consequences; damaging expectations about male prerogatives with respect to sexual relationships; limited inter-generational communication about sexual health issues; inadequate school-based sexual health education; and tensions between Indigenous and biomedical explanations of sexual health issues. Future research priorities include a focus on young Indigenous people in cities and towns across Australia, and in regional and remote settings in New South Wales and Victoria; understanding how Indigenous cultural values support young people’s sexual health; young men’s sexual and service-based practices; and the experiences of same-sex attracted and gender diverse youth. This research would inform the design and delivery of culturally safe and acceptable sexual health services and programmes, underpinned by an understanding of factors in young Indigenous Australians’ everyday sexual lives.  相似文献   

Analyzing interview data from 33 women and men, we examine how perceptions of sexual harassment are linked to age, experience, and historical context. Participants described workplace experiences from adolescence into their late twenties. Three themes emerged. First, as adolescents, respondents perceived some of the sexualized interactions they experienced at work as fun. Second, while participants did not define some of their early experiences as sexual harassment at the time, they do so today. Finally, participants suggested that prior work experiences changed their ideas about workplace interactions and themselves as workers. In sum, we find age is a fundamental dimension of power shaping individuals’ perceptions of sexualized interactions at work.  相似文献   

Clinical literature on incest trauma assumes a homogeneity of experience of all incest survivors including women of color. Experiences relating to community, culture, and family need to be acknowledged as salient aspects of the experiences of women of color who are also incest survivors. Twelve participants were interviewed regarding their experiences related to disclosure and coping. Participants described value systems, community mindedness, social attitudes, negative consequences amongst other social and cultural issues as factors affecting incest disclosure. Participants described cognitive reframing, determination and separation from the perpetrator as ways of coping with incest.  相似文献   


In Canada, 2015 will be remembered for the publication of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report which related to all Canadians the impacts of the Indian residential school system. The Commission invokes the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and uses the term reconciliation as a national strategy for moving forward. This paper employs an autoethnographic methodology and proposes that reconciliation might benefit by finding ways of confronting the Other within; I describe my reflections on a trip to the 2015 conference Learning at Intercultural Intersections at Thompson Rivers University. My social and cultural experiences as a Korean Canadian academic and administrator are challenged in order to consciously shift my own colonising mindset. Reconciliation in Canada will require significant personal, professional, institutional and sociocultural inquiry. What does it mean to discover the Other within? How do we walk with Indigenous peoples? How do educators come to be called ally by Indigenous peoples?  相似文献   

This article presents results of the outcome evaluation of Neighborhoods Working in Partnership (NWP), a community-based participatory research project of the Detroit Community–Academic Urban Research Center, designed to enhance policy advocacy skills through training and support, thereby increasing community capacity, engagement, and empowerment of Detroit residents to change policies. Focus groups and conversational interviews were conducted with NWP participants. Results indicate that the workshop empowered participants and enhanced dimensions of community capacity. Participants reported engaging in policy advocacy activities and various policy successes. Participants identified challenges and facilitating factors to their policy campaigns. Recommendations for similar trainings are provided.  相似文献   

Despite widespread availability of yoga in the Veterans Health Administration (VA), it remains unclear how to best evaluate yoga programs. This is particularly problematic for programs aimed at veterans with mental health concerns, as evaluation typically focuses narrowly upon mental health symptom severity, even though program participants may have other health-related priorities. We analyzed responses to free-text questions on 237 surveys completed by veterans with mental health concerns enrolled in a yoga program at six VA clinics in Louisiana to characterize veteran participants’ experiences with yoga. Qualitative analysis resulted in 15 domains reflecting veterans’ individual health-related values and priorities. We use results to illustrate the potential for analysis of free-text responses to reveal valuable insights into patient experiences, demonstrating how these data can inform patient-centered program evaluation. The approach we present is more accessible to those responsible for decision-making about local programs than conventional methods of analyzing qualitive evaluation data.  相似文献   

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