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Despite the progress in pharmaceutical and epidemiological tools for combating HIV spread, HIV stigma remains a significant social barrier impeding treatment and prevention efforts, potentially reducing the effectiveness of interventions to reduce HIV transmission. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to defining and estimating HIV stigmatization through the structure of sexual relations, as opposed to attitudes. We conceptualize structural stigma as arising from two mechanisms: (1) a reduced propensity towards HIV serodiscordant partnerships (exclusion); and (2) a reduced propensity towards partnerships with seroconcordant individuals who themselves have serodiscordant partnerships (ostracism). Both mechanisms can be assessed from observed partnership network data using exponential family random graph models (ERGMs). We demonstrate our approach on a sexual contact network of black men who have sex with men in the South Side of Chicago. We find a tendency for serodiscordant sexual relationships to be suppressed in the network (θ = −0.69, p < .05), as well as a suppressive tendency for HIV negative YBMSM to have sex with other HIV negative people in serodiscordant relationships (θ = −0.96, p < .05) suggesting that structural HIV stigma is present in this network. Potential relationships with attitudinal stigma and implications for epidemiological strategies for reducing HIV stigma are discussed.  相似文献   

Encephalitis is a clinical syndrome which can include altered mental status, motor and sensory deficits, altered behavior including personality changes, speech and movement disorders and seizures. While the overall incidence of encephalitis is not known, it is common enough that most pediatric and adolescent medicine physicians will have seen at least one case. Peak times of risk include the newborn period and middle-to-late adolescence.1 Dalmau J, Tüzün E, Wu HY, et al. Paraneoplastic anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis associated with ovarian teratoma. Ann Neurol. 2007 Jan;61(1):2536. doi:10.1002/ana.21050. PMID: 17262855.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] It is important for clinicians to have a working knowledge of the broad range of encephalitis etiologies: viral, post-viral, toxic, auto-immune, and paraneoplastic. We discuss two cases of encephalitis in young adult women with ovarian teratoma and production of anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antibodies.  相似文献   

This study examines the discourses collected in interviews with second-generation Chinese rural migrant women in Chongqing to unpack how they make sense of home. Guided by Blunt and Dowling’s (2006 Blunt, A., & Dowling, R. (2006). Home. New York, NY: Routledge.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) critical geography of home and Anzaldúa’s concept of borderlands, we interpret three overlapping themes: (a) constantly (re)making “home” that is neither here nor there; (b) bordering in-between aging parents and young child(ren); (c) social and political changes (un)making home in migration. Our findings endorse approaching “home” as a verb to better capture complex experiences with homing at borderlands.  相似文献   

Initially, the major focus of attachment theory was the parent–child relationship, but Bowlby (1988 Bowlby, J. (1988). A secure base: Clinical applications of attachment theory. London: Routeledge. [Google Scholar]) also described the attachment system as active over the entire life course. Accordingly, a proliferation of research on attachment theory in the past two decades has addressed an array of familial predictors as well as intrapersonal and relational outcomes of attachment. The purpose of this review is to present: 1) measurement of attachment, 2) family violence, parental depression, and parental divorce as predictors of attachment, 3) (in)stability of attachment over time, 4) impact of attachment on emotion regulation and psychopathology, and 5) influence of attachment on romantic relationship. Special attention is paid to the role of attachment as a mediator between family of origin experiences and outcomes among youth and adults.  相似文献   

Shafir et al. (1997) described money illusion as people’s inclination to think of money without taking inflation sufficiently into account, i.e., in nominal terms rather than in real terms. We successfully replicated Problems 1 to 4 of Shafir, Diamond, and Tversky’s study (1997) on money illusion (MTurk; N = 604). We found effect sizes in line with the original ones for assessments of income (Problem 1; original: Cramer’s V = 0.26, 95% CI [0.17, 0.37]; replication: V = 0.28 [0.21, 0.36]), transactions (Problem 2; original: 48% [42%, 52%]; replication: 70% [66%, 73%]), sales and consumption (Problem 3; original buy: 38% [33%, 43%]; replication buy: 47% [43%, 51%]; original sell: 43%% [38%, 48%]; replication sell: 43% [39%, 47%]), and contracts (Problem 4; original: V = 0.25 [0.13, 0.42]; replication: V = 0.17 [0.10, 0.25]). With an added extension, we found no support for the notion that knowing about or correctly estimating the inflation rate affected money illusion. We discuss theoretical implications for the study of money illusion and the psychological meaning of inflation, as well as for the understanding of the antecedents of money illusion. All data, code, and materials are available on https://osf.io/rv9mw/.  相似文献   

Atkinson’s book Inequality: What Can Be Done? (Harvard University Press, 2015) sets out a range of concrete proposals aimed at reducing income inequality, which cover a very broad span but include major changes to the income tax and social transfers system and the minimum wage. These are framed with specific reference to the UK but have much broader relevance in demonstrating how substantial the impact on inequality of such measures could be. This paper assesses the first-round effects of these tax, transfer and minimum wage reforms on income inequality and poverty based on a microsimulation approach using EUROMOD. The reforms involve a significantly more progressive income tax structure, a major increase in the minimum wage to the level which is estimated to represent the ‘Living Wage’, and alternative routes to reforming social transfers – either to strengthen the social insurance element or to restructure the entire system as a Participation Income (a variant of Basic/Citizen’s Income). The results show how the first-round effects of either set of tax and transfer proposals would be to substantially reduce the extent of income inequality and relative income poverty and the paper draws out how the two approaches differ in their effects. The additional impact of raising the minimum wage to the Living Wage is modest, reflecting in particular the position of beneficiaries in the household income distribution and the offsetting effects on household income of the withdrawal of means-tested cash transfers.  相似文献   


This article sets out key findings of an interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded project that uses Long Live Southbank’s (LLSB) successful campaign to retain London’s Southbank Undercroft for subcultural use – skateboarding, BMXing, graffiti art, etc. – as a case study to generate discussions about young people’s experiences and engagements with (sub)cultural heritage and political activism. At the heart of this inquiry is the perceived contradiction between the communicative practices of subcultures and social protest movements: the former typically understood to be internally oriented and marked by strong boundary maintenance, and the latter, to be successful, to be externally oriented to a diverse range of publics. In explaining the skaters/campaigner’s negotiation of this contradiction, we look to the inclusive and everyday concepts of ‘inhabitant knowledge’ [Ingold, T., 2000 Ingold, T., 2007. Lines: a brief history. London: Routledge.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]. The perception of the environment: essays in livelihood, dwelling and skill. London: Routledge], ‘vernacular creativity’ [Burgess, J., 2009. Remediating vernacular creativity: photography and cultural citizenship in the Flickr photosharing network. In: T. Edensor, D. Leslie, S. Millington, and N. Rantisi, eds. Spaces of vernacular creativity: rethinking the cultural economy. London: Routledge, 116–126] and ‘affective intelligence’ [Van Zoonen, L., 2004. Imagining the fan democracy. European journal of communication, 19 (1), 39–52]. In eschewing the exclusionary and contestatory language of (post)subcultural and spatial theories, this article proposes new frameworks for thinking about the political nature of young people’s bodily knowledge and experiences, and the implications of this for the communication of (sub)cultural value.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the longitudinal trajectory of daytime dysfunction (DD) and its relationship with fatigue by depression status in university students.

Participants: 243 students completed online surveys from September- December 2016.

Methods: Surveys were conducted at three time points over a semester period: the beginning of the semester, the end of mid-term and the end of the semester.

Results: Results indicated that the DD significantly increased in all students over the semester. Students with depression showed a higher initial level of DD and faster rate of change compared to those without depression. A faster rate of change of DD predicted a higher level of end-semester fatigue.

Conclusions: Depression is related to a higher initial level of DD and its faster rate change which in turn, predicted end-semester fatigue, identifying one of the possible pathways through which depression impacts the functioning and health of affected students.  相似文献   

Young people from lower income groups or with an immigrant background in public space are increasingly problematized in Belgium [Karsten, L., E. Kuiper, and H. Reubsaet. 2001. Van de straat? De relatie tussen jeugd en publieke ruimte verkend [Of the Street? Exploring the Relation between Youth and Public Space]. Assen: Van Gorcum; Rom, M., B. Vanobbergen, E. Coene, and N. Van Ceulebroeck. 2012. “Een reus op lemen voeten: GAS voor minderjarigen [A Giant with Feet of Clay: Municipal Administrative Sanctions for Minors].” In Jeugdwerk en sociale uitsluiting. Handvatten voor emanciperend jeugdbeleid [Youth Work and Social Exclusion. Tools for an Emancipating Youth Policy], edited by F. Coussée en L. Bradt, 61–72. Leuven: Acco.]. Building on the model of [Lavie-Ajayi, M., and M. Krumer-Nevo. 2013. “In a Different Mindset: Critical Youth Work with Marginalized Youth.” Children and Youth Services Review 35: 1698–1704. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2013.07.010], this paper discusses the variety of ways in which youth workers in five Flemish municipalities engage in strategic relational and narrative work with young people and actors in their institutional environment to develop alternative perspectives on young people in public space. Drawing on qualitative case studies, we identify critical youth workers’ successful and less successful strategies. Our study reveals how the possibilities for critical youth work to develop ‘counter-narratives’ and ‘loosen up’ public spaces in favor of young people [Tani, S. 2015. “Loosening/Tightening Spaces in the Geographies of Hanging Out.” Social &; Cultural Geography 16 (2): 125–145. doi:10.1080/14649365.2014.952324], are circumscribed by the particular institutional embeddedness of youth workers, as well as by the depth and dimensionality of conflicts.  相似文献   

In this article, I aim to cast light on the arguably indeterminate phenomenon of the global labour market (GLM) by placing the focus on an industry that has sometimes been perceived as epitomizing homogeneity and ‘world flatness’ in its deployment of geographically dispersed knowledge workers, that of international software development. Engaging in a sanguine analysis of this industry with reference to an empirical study of outsourcing to Ukraine it is revealed that labour markets servicing ICT (Information and communication technology) are subject to deep, if fluctuating, social stratifications. With reference to the notion of the global value chain (GVC), 1 1 1GVC analysis focuses on the governance patterns and relational dynamics between lead and supplier firms at the sectoral level. The GVC and its predecessor, the global commodity chain (GCC) focus on the inter‐firm linkages and especially power relations between different actors (Feuerstein 2013). The similar concept of global production network (GPN) concerns the broader set of relations of power, positionality and value capture between all relevant firm and extra firm actors within a network (Thompson 2013). For this study on sourcing in the global software industry, the term GVC will be utilized throughout.
the significance of factors such as knowledge, language, citizenship and age as labour market differentiators for knowledge work is brought to the fore.  相似文献   

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