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In the presence of heteroskedasticity of unknown form, the Ordinary Least Squares parameter estimator becomes inefficient, and its covariance matrix estimator inconsistent. Eicker (1963) and White (1980) were the first to propose a robust consistent covariance matrix estimator, that permits asymptotically correct inference. This estimator is widely used in practice. Cragg (1983) proposed a more efficient estimator, but concluded that tests basd on it are unreliable. Thus, this last estimator has not been used in practice. This article is concerned with finite sample properties of tests robust to heteroskedasticity of unknown form. Our results suggest that reliable and more efficient tests can be obtained with the Cragg estimators in small samples.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2013,32(2):219-241

In the presence of heteroskedasticity of unknown form, the Ordinary Least Squares parameter estimator becomes inefficient, and its covariance matrix estimator inconsistent. Eicker (1963 Eicker , B. ( 1963 ). Limit theorems for regression with unequal and dependant errors . Ann. Math. Statist. 34 : 447456 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and White (1980 White , H. ( 1980 ). A heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator and a direct test for heteroskedasticity . Econometrica 48 : 817838 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) were the first to propose a robust consistent covariance matrix estimator, that permits asymptotically correct inference. This estimator is widely used in practice. Cragg (1983 Cragg , J. G. ( 1983 ). More efficient estimation in the presence of heteroskedasticity of unknown form . Econometrica 51 : 75163 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) proposed a more efficient estimator, but concluded that tests basd on it are unreliable. Thus, this last estimator has not been used in practice. This article is concerned with finite sample properties of tests robust to heteroskedasticity of unknown form. Our results suggest that reliable and more efficient tests can be obtained with the Cragg estimators in small samples.  相似文献   

A number of recent papers have focused on the problem of testing for a unit root in the case where the driving shocks may be unconditionally heteroskedastic. These papers have, however, taken the lag length in the unit root test regression to be a deterministic function of the sample size, rather than data-determined, the latter being standard empirical practice. We investigate the finite sample impact of unconditional heteroskedasticity on conventional data-dependent lag selection methods in augmented Dickey–Fuller type regressions and propose new lag selection criteria which allow for unconditional heteroskedasticity. Standard lag selection methods are shown to have a tendency to over-fit the lag order under heteroskedasticity, resulting in significant power losses in the (wild bootstrap implementation of the) augmented Dickey–Fuller tests under the alternative. The proposed new lag selection criteria are shown to avoid this problem yet deliver unit root tests with almost identical finite sample properties as the corresponding tests based on conventional lag selection when the shocks are homoskedastic.  相似文献   

In linear and nonparametric regression models, the problem of testing for symmetry of the distribution of errors is considered. We propose a test statistic which utilizes the empirical characteristic function of the corresponding residuals. The asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic as well as its behavior under alternatives is investigated. A simulation study compares bootstrap versions of the proposed test to other more standard procedures.  相似文献   

The second-order local powers of a broad class of asymptotic chi-squared tests are considered in a composite case where both the parameter of interest and the nuisance parameter are possibly multidimensional for which no assumption has been made regarding global parametric orthogonality or curved exponentiality. The main result is that the second-order (point-by-point) local power identity holds if approximate third cumulants of a square-root version of the (modified) test statistic in the class vanish up to the second-order, which is an extension of Kakizawa (2010a Kakizawa , Y. ( 2010a ). Second-order power comparison of tests . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 39 : 14241436 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) in the absence of the nuisance parameter. It is also shown that in the presence of the nuisance parameter, such a third cumulant condition does not always imply the second-order local unbiasedness of the resulting test. Then, the adjusted likelihood ratio test by Mukerjee (1993b Mukerjee , R. ( 1993b ). An extension of the conditional likelihood ratio test to the general multiparameter case . Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 45 : 759771 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) can be interpreted as the second-order local unbiased modification after applying the third cumulant condition.  相似文献   

An important problem for fitting local linear regression is the choice of the smoothing parameter. As the smoothing parameter becomes large, the estimator tends to a straight line, which is the least squares fit in the ordinary linear regression setting. This property may be used to assess the adequacy of a simple linear model. Motivated by Silverman's (1981) work in kernel density estimation, a suitable test statistic is the critical smoothing parameter where the estimate changes from nonlinear to linear, while linearity or non- linearity requires a more precise judgment. We define the critical smoothing parameter through the approximate F-tests by Hastie and Tibshirani (1990). To assess the significance, the “wild bootstrap” procedure is used to replicate the data and the proportion of bootstrap samples which give a nonlinear estimate when using the critical bandwidth is obtained as the p-value. Simulation results show that the critical smoothing test is useful in detecting a wide range of alternatives.  相似文献   

This article makes two contributions. First, we outline a simple simulation-based framework for constructing conditional distributions for multifactor and multidimensional diffusion processes, for the case where the functional form of the conditional density is unknown. The distributions can be used, for example, to form predictive confidence intervals for time period t + τ, given information up to period t. Second, we use the simulation-based approach to construct a test for the correct specification of a diffusion process. The suggested test is in the spirit of the conditional Kolmogorov test of Andrews. However, in the present context the null conditional distribution is unknown and is replaced by its simulated counterpart. The limiting distribution of the test statistic is not nuisance parameter-free. In light of this, asymptotically valid critical values are obtained via appropriate use of the block bootstrap. The suggested test has power against a larger class of alternatives than tests that are constructed using marginal distributions/densities. The findings of a small Monte Carlo experiment underscore the good finite sample properties of the proposed test, and an empirical illustration underscores the ease with which the proposed simulation and testing methodology can be applied.  相似文献   

When testing treatment effects in multi‐arm clinical trials, the Bonferroni method or the method of Simes 1986) is used to adjust for the multiple comparisons. When control of the family‐wise error rate is required, these methods are combined with the close testing principle of Marcus et al. (1976). Under weak assumptions, the resulting p‐values all give rise to valid tests provided that the basic test used for each treatment is valid. However, standard tests can be far from valid, especially when the endpoint is binary and when sample sizes are unbalanced, as is common in multi‐arm clinical trials. This paper looks at the relationship between size deviations of the component test and size deviations of the multiple comparison test. The conclusion is that multiple comparison tests are as imperfect as the basic tests at nominal size α/m where m is the number of treatments. This, admittedly not unexpected, conclusion implies that these methods should only be used when the component test is very accurate at small nominal sizes. For binary end‐points, this suggests use of the parametric bootstrap test. All these conclusions are supported by a detailed numerical study.  相似文献   

We present a family of smooth tests for the goodness of fit of semiparametric multivariate copula models. The proposed tests are distribution free and can be easily implemented. They are diagnostic and constructive in the sense that when a null distribution is rejected, the test provides useful pointers to alternative copula distributions. We then propose a method of copula density construction, which can be viewed as a multivariate extension of Efron and Tibshirani. We further generalize our methods to the semiparametric copula-based multivariate dynamic models. We report extensive Monte Carlo simulations and three empirical examples to illustrate the effectiveness and usefulness of our method.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the local power of second generation panel unit root tests that are robust to cross-section dependence. This article derives the local asymptotic power functions of the cross-section argumented Dickey–Fuller Cross-section Augmented Dickey-Fuller (CADF) and CIPS tests of Pesaran (2007), which are among the most popular tests around.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2007,26(6):669-683
This paper is concerned with stochastic demand systems for continuous choices that arise from structural random utility models. It examines under which nonparametric conditions on the structural random utility specification the implied reduced form model is nonsingular and invertible. For parametric members within this class of random utility models, the paper provides conditions for local identification from the reduced form under moment assumptions.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with stochastic demand systems for continuous choices that arise from structural random utility models. It examines under which nonparametric conditions on the structural random utility specification the implied reduced form model is nonsingular and invertible. For parametric members within this class of random utility models, the paper provides conditions for local identification from the reduced form under moment assumptions.  相似文献   

This article generalizes Neyman's smooth test for the goodness-of-fit hypothesis using orthogonal polynomials of the density function under the null hypothesis, and derives a Lagrange Multiplier (LM) statistic based on the generalized form of the smooth test. Under the null hypothesis, using the joint limiting normality of the orthogonal functions imbedded into the smooth alternative density function and the restricted parameter estimators, the covariance matrix of the LM statistic can be estimated. The procedure of constructing monic orthogonal polynomials from a given moment function is developed. This procedure is applied to examples of testing for normal, Poisson, and gamma distributions.  相似文献   

We consider modeling the real exchange rate by a stationary three-regime self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR) model with possibly a unit root in the middle regime. This representation is consistent with purchasing power parity in the presence of trading costs. Our main contribution is to provide statistical tools for testing unit root versus a SETAR. First, we show that a SETAR with a unit root in the middle regime is stationary and mixing under reasonable assumptions. Second, we derive analytically the asymptotic distribution of our unit-root test under the null. Using monthly real exchange rate data, our test rejects the null of unit-root against a threshold process for five European series.  相似文献   

The composed error of a stochastic frontier (SF) model consists of two random variables, and the identification of the model relies heavily on the distribution assumptions for each of these variables. While the literature has put much effort into applying various SF models to a wide range of empirical problems, little has been done to test the distribution assumptions of these two variables. In this article, by exploiting the specification structures of the SF model, we propose a centered-residuals-based method of moments which can be easily and flexibly applied to testing the distribution assumptions on both of the random variables and to estimating the model parameters. A Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to assess the performance of the proposed method. We also provide two empirical examples to demonstrate the use of the proposed estimator and test using real data.  相似文献   

We extend Hansen's (2005) recentering method to a continuum of inequality constraints to construct new Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests for stochastic dominance of any pre-specified order. We show that our tests have correct size asymptotically, are consistent against fixed alternatives and are unbiased against some N?1/2 local alternatives. It is shown that by avoiding the use of the least favorable configuration, our tests are less conservative and more powerful than Barrett and Donald's (2003) and in some simulation examples we consider, we find that our tests can be more powerful than the subsampling test of Linton et al. (2005 Linton, O., Maasoumi, E., Whang, Y.-J. (2005). Consistent testing for stochastic dominance under general sampling schemes. The Review of Economic Studies 72:735765.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We apply our method to test stochastic dominance relations between Canadian income distributions in 1978 and 1986 as considered in Barrett and Donald (2003 Barrett, G. F., Donald, S. G. (2003). Consistent tests for stochastic dominance. Econometrica 71: 71104.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and find that some of the hypothesis testing results are different using the new method.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider two independent zero-inflated power series distributions and provide likelihood ratio test for equality of inflation parameters of the same. As an illustration, testing equality of inflation parameters of two zero inflated Poisson distributions is provided. Further, simulation study to investigate power of likelihood ratio tests has been carried out.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare Bartlett-corrected, bootstrap, and fast double bootstrap tests on maximum likelihood estimates of cointegration parameters. The key result is that both the bootstrap and the Bartlett-corrected tests must be based on the unrestricted estimates of the cointegrating vectors: procedures based on the restricted estimates have almost no power. The small sample size bias of the asymptotic test appears so severe as to advise strongly against its use with the sample sizes commonly available; the fast double bootstrap test minimizes size bias, while the Bartlett-corrected test is somehow more powerful.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider an entropy-type goodness-of-fit (GOF) test based on integrated distribution functions. We first construct the test for the simple vs. simple hypothesis and then extend it to the composite hypothesis case. It is shown that under regularity conditions, the null limiting distribution of the proposed test is a function of a Brownian bridge. A bootstrap method is also considered and is shown to be weakly consistent. A simulation study and real data analysis are conducted for illustration.  相似文献   

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