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垃圾是城市最严重的污染之一。中国是世界上人口最多的国家,现有城市600多个,城市人口2亿多,年产垃圾1.3亿多吨,并且每年以10%左右的速度在增长,预计到下个世纪将达到2亿多吨。以上海为例,生活垃圾是影响该城市环境的突出问题,目前上海的生活垃圾量每天高达1万吨,仅浦东新区就  相似文献   

美国地方自治传统的由来美国地方自治有着悠久的历史传统。早在诺曼征服之后,英国国王便通过颁布特许状的形式赋予城市以自由权。12世纪早期,伦敦市的市民便根据特许状获得了选举城镇长官,行政司法长官的权利。市民自治机构处理地方公共事物,管理地方财政。这种传统在17世纪英国移民渡海前往北美建立殖民地时又被带到了北美。新英格兰  相似文献   

当今的美国人在日常生活中,非常热心于作数字统计,在这些数字当中,却也不乏具有一些趣味性。密西根大学的高帝斯教授,近十年来研究了800余个美国人的头发后指出:聪明人的头发含锌和铜的成分比那些反应迟钝的人多出25%和18%。美国联邦调查局的统计数字称:每个月平均有6000位教师在学校遇到抢劫,2500位教师收到恫吓信电,2300位女中学生遭到性骚扰。同时,高中毕业生在高中阶段上课的时间为1万小时,用于看电视的时间为15万小时。再者,当今美国有600万人以英语为自己的第二种语言。美国平均每19秒钟就有…  相似文献   

传统节日是一个国家的文化精髓。从世界范围内看,中西方文化差异的存在导致传统节日也存在差异。虽然中西文化有所差别,但是文化没有优劣之分,更没有等级高低之分,理应受到合理的对待。  相似文献   

经济基础决定上层建筑,上层建筑反作用于经济基础。如果上层建筑同经济基础基本相适应,就会推动经济的发展。当前我国正处于经济平稳、快速发展的新时期,经济建设的欣欣向荣离不开国家政策的支持和保驾护航。实行改革开放、建设有中国特色的社会主义市场经济体制,计划与市场相结合,就是为了建立一个适合经济基础的上层建筑,从而开发出我国的发展潜能,焕发出社会主义制度的生命力和活力。改革开放三十多年的实践也充分证明了国家决策的正确性。  相似文献   

读罢张朝军撰写的《实行科学民主决策建设服务型政府》一文,纵观河北经济社会“大发展”、城镇面貌“大变样”的发展路径,顿有一种“希冀”“清新”之感。政府已显现出蓬勃生机和活力,并取得令世人瞩目的成绩。这既是大势所趋、人心所向,也是政府适应社会进步、经济发展的必然抉择。  相似文献   

从博弈论看城市管理的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
博弈论被称为20世纪人类最杰出的贡献之一,现已成为经济学的基本分析方法。1994年,博弈论专家纳什、海塞尼和塞尔腾获得诺贝尔经济学奖,这不仅是对其理论的肯定,而且显示了博弈论的蓬勃发展的趋势。城市现象和问题是城市发展中人与人相互作用的结果,因此博弈论可以在城市分析中有英雄用武之地。实际上,用博弈论的观点来分析城市问题或现象,更能透彻地洞察其内在根源,从而为解释现象、解决问题提供思路与借鉴。  相似文献   

成功的政府公关可以让企业的发展事半功倍,美国企业深谙这一点。1923年,35岁的罗伯特伍德鲁夫接替父亲当上了可口可乐公司的第二任董事长兼总经理。  相似文献   

Earlier studies of computing in American local governments focused on large cities (populations over 50,000) and counties (populations over 100.000). These studies showed, among other things, that routine housekeeping functions were the most likely governmental activities to be computerized, and that variables such as size, type and form of government were positively associated with computer adoption.This study in a single state in the Great Plains region of the United States produced largely similar findings for computer adoption and use among small local governments: most functions that were automated involved financial management, and the variables of size and type of government, although not necessarily form, were positively associated with computer adoption. Contrary to earlier studies, however, governmental size was inversely related to future plans to acquire computers; perceived financial condition was not related to whether local governments planned future computer system acquisitions.  相似文献   

韩占兵  周炯 《城市》2007,(12):53-56
一、引言 城市公用事业是城市为市民提供基础设施和公共服务的重要内容,包括城市供水、供电、供热、供气、公共交通、排水、污水处理、道路桥梁、市政设施、市容卫生、垃圾处理和城市绿化等方面.城市公用事业是城市经济社会发展的载体,直接关系到社会的公共利益和可持续发展.  相似文献   

This article begins with a brief review of the extensive literature dealing with the macroeconomic consequences of population aging in industrialized societies and places the question in the context of the political and economic framework of the United States. Next, we move to the fiscal ramifications of population aging for subnational units of government. The varying demographic sources of aging are then introduced and their economic implications are reviewed. The role of population aging within the context of subnational fiscal impacts is first examined by reviewing patterns of change in demand for state-government-provided public goods and services associated with an older population. These include primarily health care and income security. These considerations on the expenditure side are then extended to substate government, where primary and secondary education are easily the largest component of public budgets. Finally, the implications of demographic change on the revenue side of state and local public finances are considered, including potential impacts on sales, property, and income tax receipts.  相似文献   

The American Tax Reform Act of 1969 represented a major watershed in the law of philanthropy, introducing a new classification scheme —one that sharply distinguished between ‘private foundations’ and other charitable organisations- and, for the private foundation category, a new regulatory system, new regulatory sanctions, a new tax on investment income and new restricitons on the deductibility of property gifts. After briefly tracing the origins of this legislation, the paper sets forth five norms that should characterise the legislative process, and proceeds to explore, albeit in abbreviated fashion, the extent to which each of these norms was respected by the Congress in 1969. The paper then turns from an examination of regulatory principles to a consideration of regulatoryimpacts, dealing with several ways in which the 1969 Act appears to have caused diversion of resources, including: diversion of charitable giving from foundations to non-foundation charities (with consequences for the ‘birthrate’ of foundations); diversion of resources from charitable to non-charitable uses; diversion of funds from charitable channels to the US Treasury; and a diversion of resources from certain grantees to others. The mitigating effects of recent forms of deregulation are described, followed by the suggestion that more deregulation is desirable, in order to sustain the health and strength of America's private foundation sector. This paper has its origins in a talk (never published) that was given at a conference entitledTwenty Years Under the 1969 Act: Private Foundations 1969–1989, held on 2 May 1989 at the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.  相似文献   

经营城市是一个全新的理念,经营城市不仅为越来越多的管理者所认识,而且还在实践中不断地深化、创新.然而遂宁市市中区是一个没有城市的县级区,而经营城市的主体是城市,我们经反复思考,认为遂宁市中区应该认真学习其它经营城市成功经验,抓住当前经营城市的良好机遇,高度重视经营城市工作,提前抓好新城区规划建设,作好经营城市这篇文章.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyse the changing relationships between local government and voluntary organisations in the decentralised Danish welfare state within the field of social policy. Here major changes in public discourse have brought voluntary organisations more to the forefront in a welfare state model whose distinct public character might be fading. However, little attention has been devoted to potential problems resulting from intensified co-operation. The article explores these issues using evidence from a case study of the links between public authorities and seven voluntary organisations in the city of Aalborg in northern Jutland. This case study raises the question of whether voluntary organisations, as argued in public debate, can generally be regarded as the antithesis of the bureaucratically and paternalistically organised public social services. Rather, they seem to be co-actors, actively constructing new paradigms and practices in social policy, that cannot be captured in conventional dichotomous models. This suggests that the public bureaucracy versus altruistic voluntary organisation, or distinctions usually made between professional and volunteer motives, may be of limited use. The author wishes to thank Per Selle for his helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. Special thanks to Catharina J. Kristensen and Claus B. Olsen for their help with the English version.  相似文献   

城市经营误区的辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔卫华 《城市》2005,(2):34-36
相对于计划经济时期,城市政府提出经营城市是一种新思维和新课题,是城市在经历了外延式扩张阶段后,城市发展重心转向内部功能完善和优化的必然选择.据调查,全国目前已有200多个城市正在开展城市经营的试点和探索,显示了城市经营的蓬勃发展势头和重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

From Ellis Island to LAX: immigrant prospects in the American city   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"This article seeks to bring the ?urban' back into immigration research. Each immigrant receiving area has its own particular group of newcomers, and the economic and political structures of the immigrant receiving areas are also distinctive. Those structures are not all determining, as immigrant trajectories are shaped by the interaction between distinctive urban institutions and the specific characteristics of the relevant ethnic groups. But in the last analysis, the urban context makes a difference, as this study shows by examining the leading [U.S.] immigrant destinations--New York and Los Angeles."  相似文献   

This paper reports a study that sought to understand what facilitates engagement between parents and child protection workers and to ascertain the relationship between such engagement and intervention outcome. Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered through personal interviews with 131 worker-parent dyads (workers and corresponding parents receiving service) from 11 child protection agencies in Ontario, Canada. Measures included scales for engagement, parental well-being (depression and stress), and worker well-being (burnout, job satisfaction, stress). Outcome measures included perception of child safety, changed parenting practices and satisfaction. A relationship was found between workers' perception of parent engagement and parents' perception of their own engagement, as well as between the perceptions that workers and parents had around their own respective engagement. Workers who were satisfied with service outcomes were significantly more engaged than those who were unsatisfied. Parents thinking that their children were safer as a result of intervention were significantly more engaged than parents who thought that their children were less safe. The strongest reason given by parents for positive change was being able to trust their worker (p < .001) and believing that their worker was knowledgeable about parenting (p < .01). Qualitative data suggested that parents valued experienced workers because they thought such workers could better understand their problems and how to deal with them. Correspondingly, workers felt that experience enabled them to better understand clients' problems and provide more effective support. No relationship was found between parent engagement and parental depression or stress, but the mean depression score for parents placed them at risk of clinical depression. There was a negative correlation between worker stress and engagement. The study demonstrates that engagement between clients and workers is related to positive outcomes (as reported by workers and parents) and supports the contention that promoting engagement is integral to a successful child protection intervention.  相似文献   

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