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People living in the role of the “other” sex in Native American cultures, often entering into same-sex relationships, have been subject to various anthropological, historical, and psychological analyses and interpretations. Most recently, there has been a shift to an indigenist/decolonial interdisciplinary focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Native people. This article gives a discussion of approaches to the subject, with a focus on female gender variability. An overview is given of the latter, complemented by a discussion of the identities and concerns of contemporary Native lesbians, many of whom identify as “two-spirit,” a term that alludes to the dual, spiritually powerful nature traditionally attributed in a number of Native American cultures to individuals who combine the feminine and masculine.  相似文献   

We review three perspectives—demographic, relational, and cultural—that have dominated sociological research on organizations during the past four decades. These perspectives arose in reaction to the atomistic and rationalist–adaptationist assumptions of earlier perspectives on organizations. These perspectives have different conceptions of social structure and thus different conceptions of what creates opportunities for and constraints on action. The demographic perspective holds that social structure is constituted by distributions of social actors along salient dimensions of social and physical space; the relational perspective, by webs of social relationships; and the cultural perspective, by widely shared and patterned understandings of reality and possibility. These perspectives also have different conceptions of identity and therefore motivations for action. For demographers, identity derives from position, absolute or relative, along salient dimensions of social life; for relational scholars, from ties among individuals, groups, and organizations; and for cultural scholars, from social interaction. All three perspectives have been applied to explain behavior at five different levels of analysis: the individual, group or organizational subunit, organization, industry or organizational population, and field. Up to the 1990s, these perspectives were generally applied separately, but over the past two decades, studies have increasingly used multiple perspectives.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines sociological treatments of the concept of charisma. It demonstrates that the existence of diverse and conflicting views on charisma is due partly to sociologists' selection accentuations of the different types of charisma (magical, prophetic, and routinized) in Weber's writings. Reconsidering charisma as an expression of alienation, the paper also suggests a synthetic approach that may alleviate the conceptual anarchy surrounding it.  相似文献   

The field of science studies is the site of an explicit reflection on the ontological premises of sociology, with rival approaches defined by distinctive ways of specifying the basic constituents of reality. This article takes advantage of this debate to compare three types of ontological schemes in terms of their internal coherence and their consequences for sociology. Sociological humanism —represented by proponents of the sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK)—distinguishes between an immanent domain of social relations, a transcendent and meaningless material reality, and an intermediate, socially constructed level of knowledge, meaning, and culture. Symmetrical humanism —as found in the recent writings of Andrew Pickering—insists that society too should be placed among the constructions, thereby disqualifying it as a source of explanations for human agency and leaving a detached and self-moving human agent. The relational ontology —exemplified by the "actor-network" approach of Bruno Latour and others—makes no a priori distinctions between humans and others, or between transcendent reality and construction, treating these properties as outcomes. The two humanist approaches are found to be incoherent as ontological schemes and also, contrary to the assumptions of the current debate, inimical to sociological explanation. And contrary to the antisociological stance of the actor-network approach, it is found that the relational ontology provides a consistent basis for sociological explanations of human practices.  相似文献   

Disability in an Eastern Religious Context: historical perspectives   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Disability in the past of eastern religions has attracted little formal or comparative scrutiny. A range is sketched here of historical data, viewpoints and attitudes on disability in Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam, which continue to influence the thoughts of half the world's population. Approaches for more detailed studies are suggested, moving towards such global measures for understanding, remediating and accommodating disability as would be more appropriate and acceptable to the non-western majority. Popular notions associated with disabilities in these religions are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract In contrast to those of other industrialized western European countries, France's agricultural community continued to represent the majority of the national population for a long time and only became one of many minority groups at the end of the twentieth century. It then came under the influence of various trends, sometimes conflicting but nevertheless presenting a certain sociological and political unity. With the weakening of the demographic, territorial, economic, and political foundations of the French agricultural population, rural sociologists are now required to present a new analysis and a revised assessment of its position in French society. The object of this article is to promote better understanding of the reasons behind the blurring of images and representations associated with French agriculture. It invites readers to review and understand the different facets of an imagery that presents a paradox compared with the ideological constructs associated with the historical record of farming and the farming profession. Working in the tradition of the French school of rural sociology, we have set out to offer a sense of the social realities that now represent the main areas of analysis for French and European rural sociology.  相似文献   

村落共同体的当代命运:四个观察维度   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
去社会学化、去社会理论化的村庄研究忽略了以下四个问题:(1)在批判社会学的视野里,村庄面临市场力量的持续冲击,后者要求土地和劳动力全部从共同体中分离,纳入作为价格形成体系的市场。故村庄转型的核心问题就是听任市场力量,还是保留村落共同体。(2)在专业社会学的视野里,如果承认现代社会还需要小型、地方性共同体的存在,以满足非市场经济性质的互助与交换,并发挥情感和社会认知方面的功能,就意味着要承认村落共同体的农业经济支撑条件在现代可能松动剥离,但它作为社区共同体仍然是正常的现代社会的基本资源;它能否在空前复杂的推压力量下采取恰当的过海策略,实现与社会的联结,首先取决于国家和社会把何种社会视为正常。(3)在公共社会学的视野里,地方性共同体是否被视为公民社会的敌人,首先取决于公民社会被视为应基于方法论个人主义之上还是方法论社群主义之上。从后一立场看,恰当的村落共同体不是公民社会的敌人。(4)在政策社会学的视野里,国家应该在允许农村劳动力向城市转移的同时,积极发展乡村社区,并且在解决城乡社区的经济社会不平等问题的基础上发展城乡社区衔接,避免加快城市化与建设新农村两大国家战略之间出现断裂。  相似文献   

This paper responds to Julian Go's Lecture “Thinking against Empire. Anti-colonial Thought and Social Theory.” It proceeds in two parts: I first follow Go's invitation to read and reread Mabel Dove Danquah and Frantz Fanon and explore what their work contributes to our understanding of state-forms. I then examine the terms of Go's invitation more closely. I contrast Go's juxtaposition of imperial sociology on the one hand and anti-colonial sociology on the other hand, with the broader range of theoretical traditions and methods, which a practice-oriented sociology of sociology and an international history of sociology would highlight. I raise the question what “standpoint” adds to the authors Go discusses and the broader range of scholars who have engaged with post-colonial contexts in their research at this point in time. Calling for consideration of the anti-colonial standpoint is a particular choice, which has a distinctive heritage in Hegelian-Marxian projections of the social whole and is in tension with either deep exploration of particular thinkers or the middle-range theorizing that Go also seems to endorse. Defined at a level of abstraction that is “above” (or underneath) actual conversations in a range of fields and subfields, it can appear as a “test” for scholars who have long engaged with post-colonial contexts, which can have unintended consequences when coupled with the institutional power and asymmetric insularity of Anglo-American academia.  相似文献   

Marxism,functionalism, and game theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Theory and Society》1982,11(4):453-482

This article examines consumer perspectives on match-fixing in esports – professionalized competitive video game play – and the implications of these perspectives for understanding game and gambling integrity. The relationship between match-fixing, game integrity and gambling is a close one, as gambling markets are reliant on strong game integrity, but has not yet been studied in detail in the context of esports. Drawing on extensive qualitative data collected from esports fans around the world, this article examines perceptions of gambling awareness, integrity and esports gambling to assess esports consumers’ awareness of and attitudes towards gambling-related match-fixing. Results indicate that esports viewers are not deeply concerned by match-fixing. In addition, spectators typically view gambling as a cause of corruption among competitors, but also understand and accept some elements of the practice. Further, spectators tend to rely on rules to determine their assessment of what is ‘wrong’, rather than assessments based on ethics, and are often willing to forgive infractions through a range of reasons and justifications. We propose a need for education among esports spectators, extending existing anti-cheating programmes beyond just athletes to include the broader esports community.  相似文献   

This article reviews conventional theories about different aspects of labor migration: its origins, stability over time, and patterns of migrant settlement. For each of these aspects, the authors provide alternative explanatory hypotheses derived from the notions of increasing articulation of the international system and the social embeddedness of its various subprocesses, including labor flows. A typology of sources and outcomes of contemporary immigration is presented as a heuristic device to organize the diversity of such movements as described in the empirical literature.  相似文献   

This article argues that an ethic applying the technology assessment (TA)-method is only feasible as a risk ethic, since the consequences of technical action are ambivalent and uncertain. It first distinguishes possible strategies of justification for a risk ethic, that is (a) deontological, (b) teleological and (c) procedural approaches. On the basis of the critique of both (a) and (b), a central problem for the integration of discourse ethics in the TA-method is highlighted by reverting to a game theory modeling: As it turns out, mechanisms of self-selection undermine the representativity of discourses and thus its legitimation. In view of this dilemma, the article pledges for a complementary approach selectively integrating (a)–(c) into a “provisional moral”.  相似文献   

In the past decade, in Japan, a new light has been cast on youth poverty in the context of the middle-class impoverishment caused by the advance of neoliberalization. Thus, the socio-material arrangements, that is, the configuration of people and artifacts pertaining to poor Japanese children, was explored. The authors conducted a field survey in Tokyo’s Adachi Ward, where poverty and the problems it brings have become more serious, and then analyzed that data. In the analysis, we introduced a historical viewpoint to understand the changes in the socio-material arrangements of poor youth that have been brought about by neoliberalization.  相似文献   

L'auteur critique l'incapacité de penser le processus de reconnaissance sociale de l'art dans les théories de l'avant-garde proposées par Bürger et Poggioli. Sans cette dimension, leurs théories reposent sur une tautologie. Tout en reconnaissant l'apport que constitue la sociologie du goût élaborée par Bourdieu, l'auteur signale la préoccupation préponderante qu'accorde cette analyse à la stabilité des structures du champ artistique, préoccupation qui la conduit a renoncer aux prétentions de comprendre les conditions historiques de la naissance et de l'évolution des avant-gardes au sein dcs sociétés occidentales. The author criticizes the theories of the avant-garde advanced by Bürger and Poggioli for their incapacity to theorize the process of social recognition of art. Without this dimension, their theories are based on a tautology. While recognising the positive contribution of Bourdieu's sociology of taste, the author notes that this approach has emphasized the stability of the structural determinations of the art world and seems to have sacrificed the ambition of previous theories of the avant-garde to understand the historical conditions of its appearance and evolution in Western societies.  相似文献   

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