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China and the west, because of the influence of the different social, cultural, and historical background, have two different cultures. The industry of dinner table etiquette culture arises at the historic moment, and the dinner table etiquette culture is a part of the diet culture. The different Chinese and Western food culture is an important part of the cultural differences between Chinese and Western Nation. Each country, each region of nation in the diet consciously and unconsciously reveals their profound cultural background. This article focuses on the differences between Chinese and Western culture in table manners, which analyses the specific performance and origin of the cultural differences between Chinese and western table manners.  相似文献   

As an important aspect of international cultural exchange, the exchange of food and cuisine culture between China and the West is related to people's ordinary life. The wonderful Chinese cuisine boasts itself for its color, smell and taste, so as the names of dishes which reflect Chinese unique culture. The paper aims to standardize and unify the English translation of Chinese cuisine names and to spread Chinese dietetic culture throughout the world in an effective way.  相似文献   

Ethnic entrepreneurs in American society often carve out an economic niche by means of business enterprises and cultural events that are open to the general public and showcase ethnic culture. These locations depend upon a display of the ethnic culture that is simultneously seen as "authentic" and within the bounds of cultural expectations ("Americaized"). In a society that values toleration and cross-cultural contacts, many consumers desire a unique, yet comfortable experience, given their own cultural preferences. We focus on the presentation of ethnic food in four Chinese restarants in a small southern city. Ethnic tradition continues but in the context of a continuous process of adaptation. Authenticity is not an objective criterion but is socially constructed and linked to expectations. We contrast two broad classes of Chinese restarants—consumption-oriented and connoisseur-oriented—to describe strategies by which restaurateurs fit Chinese food into market niches. We conclude by suggesting some directions for the study of public ethnic culture.  相似文献   

积极的残障身份认同对残障者本身具有重要意义,残障身份发展是残障者实现身份认同的路径,理解残障身份发展的过程也可以让残疾人工作者更好地为残障者提供教育、康复等相关服务。本文通过梳理较为典型的西方残障身份发展理论,结合国内残障身份相关研究及本土社会文化背景展开讨论。文章认为,在西方残障身份发展理论框架下,残障者形成积极身份认同的关键在于认同并融入一套在残障社区内共享的残障文化,而在我国社会文化背景下,目前并没有一套成体系的残障文化,残障者也难以体会残障的文化身份感,国内残障者的身份认同缺少本土残障文化依靠。  相似文献   

埃及艾因夏姆斯大学语言学院中文系作为埃及汉语教学的重要基地,是在埃及高教部1958年批准试办的中文班基础上建立发展起来的。在度过试办初期至70年代末期这一徘徊阶段之后,从80年代至今,中丈系获得长足发展,先后为埃及外交、新闻、教育、贸易、旅游、轻工、建筑、食品等各行各业输送了本科和硕士、博士生400多名,在阿拉伯世界推广汉语和中国丈化传播等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

Wedding is a kind of ceremony to make sure the relationship between husband and wife in public places. So there is a custom to hold a wedding in every kind of culture. This paper analyzed the three rituals of Chinese Wedding and compare with the western wedding in terms of wedding places, the wedding banquet, and the wedding dress.  相似文献   

“时光中有青梅煮酒”,中国人会把“节气菜”做成尘世的一卷诗章,也会把山川风物收到盘中,让味蕾融入城市芳华,还会在盘中做一幅水墨画,彰显中华美食的“国风古韵”。曾经,我们在美食中回味成长的痕迹;当下,让厨房升腾起迷人的烟火,在“舌尖的幸福”中迎接新的一年。  相似文献   

当前,中国年轻一代在社会化方面遇到很多的困惑,而从西方"舶来"的"间隔年"对于年轻人的生活观纠偏、世界观重塑、价值观内化、人生观培育、生命观感悟以及正能量传递等方面有潜移默化的影响和积极的促进作用,"间隔年"加速了中国青年社会化的进程。  相似文献   

Review article     
This paper attempts to discuss the Chinese cultural implications of the recently proposed document: ‘Global Qualifying Standards for Social Work Education’ by the IASSW and IFSW. It seems that this document still embraces an ideology of western social work imperialism in perceiving the development of social work in other countries. With reference to Chinese culture and social work education in Hong Kong and in mainland China, the writer advocates that responsibility and rights, stability and changes, social norms and equality, as well as empowerment and relation, should be fully articulated in the definition, ethical principles, and core purpose of social work practice as well as in the mission and curriculum in social work education within Chinese communities.  相似文献   

青年文化塑造青年价值观,青年文化变迁必定会在青年价值观中得到反映,最终带动青年价值观的改变。青年价值观演变的总体态势和青年价值观当下的总体特征表明,逐渐被物化的时代背景并没有削弱主流价值观的影响力。但不同程度的价值观偏离正影响着部分青年群体。要以社会主义核心价值观为“魂”,融汇中西文化优秀成分,关注文化微观视域,大力推进青年文化建设。  相似文献   

This study examines the online expression of Chinese social networking site (SNS) users in a human brand crisis. Using the case of Sun Yang’s doping allegations controversy, the research employed content analysis to examine how Chinese users rendered social support and acted as surrogate crisis responders for Sun in a collectivist Chinese culture. The results indicate that (1) Sun’s supporters were most likely to display emotional support, and this pattern continued over time, (2) Chinese SNS users were inclined to implement the reputational defense strategies of attacking the accuser, denial, and reminding in response to their hero’s case, and (3) the prevalence of the three defense strategies varied over time. Theoretical and managerial implications are provided regarding how parasocial relationship with the accused human brand and in-group/out-group differentiation affect SNS users’ online expressions of social support and reputational defense in the Chinese culture.  相似文献   

柯可 《城市观察》2009,3(3):148-154
中华国学是民族智慧结晶,是文化创意火种,重视它才能认识并开发广州龙文化、羊文化、节庆文化的底蕴,以龙舟竞渡精神,将南海神庙、黄埔古港、南沙天后宫串联成线,利用广东文化强省的政策优势、传媒优势、智力优势、制造业、文化产业优势、商都消费优势等,建好广州棋都以及国际会展集团、名城旅游集团、海上丝绸之路、越秀中华文化城、南粤演艺大观园、羊城国艺创意园等,以中华国学创意促进广州文化产业大繁荣。  相似文献   

作为一名钟情于国学的作家、画家和道德经艺术馆的创办者,韩金英习惯于为自己的国学作品配图,这些图也是她对于生命的终极密码的探索。用油画手法表达对易经、风水、中医、智慧的领悟,是她未来不懈的追求。  相似文献   

中国的辣文化源远流长,随着数百年前辣椒传入中国,人们对辣食的嗜好已深入人心。如今,许多人津津乐道于过红火的日子吃火红的菜,辣对美女们来说有种爱情一般的诱惑,爱吃辣的美女们则更需要足够的勇气来摆平吃辣后的面容,越吃越美丽,越吃越健康。  相似文献   

This article discusses how popular rituals are used to achieve cultural reproduction in Banmai, a Yunnan Chinese village in northern Thailand where I conducted empirical fieldwork between 2002 and 2007. Most Banmai villagers were local militias originally associated with the Chinese Nationalist Party in western Yunnan Province. They went into exile on the Burmese side of the Golden Triangle in or shortly after 1949 when the People's Liberation Army swept through this region, and they ultimately settled in northern Thailand's hill regions in early 1960s. As the self-proclaimed preservers of authentic Chinese culture, Banmai villagers vigorously instituted many traditional practices, following the imagined Confucian orthodoxy, to build a reified community that represents an idealized Chinese spiritual world. Through their participation in popular rituals, we see clearly how villagers have been able to attain the cultural unification that has played a crucial role in meeting their spiritual needs at various levels: the individual, the family, the kin group, and the community.  相似文献   

Food preparation and consumption practices are considered integral to the maintenance or deterioration of bodily health. As a consequence, individuals in western societies are regularly exhorted to follow health guidelines in their everyday diets. However many fail to heed this advice. Various reasons have been proposed for lack of behavioural change, but few have fully considered the social function and symbolic meanings of food and eating. This paper presents the findings of an exploratory study using the innovative qualitative research method of memory-work to uncover the meanings surrounding food practices in developed societies. The data used are childhood memories about food written by students at an Australian university. The memories are examined for common themes and patterns, revealing important aspects of the ways in which food contributes to social relationships and cultural practices. The findings provide explanations for individuals' adherence to certain eating habits and avoidance of others, and point the way towards the further application of memory-work to elucidate the meanings and symbolic role played by food in western societies.  相似文献   

高校美女文化面临着泛化的倾向。造成这种现象的深层次原因与市场经济中女性地位的衰落直接相关。而高校社会性别教育的缺失削弱了女性的独立意识,大众文化的勃兴则强化着社会性别的刻板印象。高校美女文化的泛滥弱化了女大学生独立意识的形成,造成社会资源的浪费.也加剧了社会文化中男女不平等的局面,促使女性向传统价值观回归。为了重塑高校社会性别平等文化,应该使社会性别意识纳入政府决策主流,推动社会性别平等教育进入高等教学体系并实现学科建设主流化,培养大众传媒的社会性别意识。  相似文献   

This paper sets out to examine the ethics of Chinese and western accounting systems via a contrastive approach. Three dimensions are introduced, good nature vs. bad nature, sensibility vs. sense, demonstrative vs. normative. This contrastive ethical study casts light on the underlying reasons accounting for the differences between Chinese and western accounting systems.  相似文献   

This exploratory paper asks: ‘how do organizational food and drink rituals shape, reflect or create organizational culture?’ Adopting an embodied approach based on Merleau-Ponty's [1945. Phenomenology of Perception. Translated by C. Smith, 2003. London: Penguin. New York: Routledge] phenomenological work, this paper explores the significance of food-based rituals. Data were collected from different organizations using mixed methods and an embodied, reflexive approach – which is relatively novel in organizational research. Embodied experiences are potent, and this paper proposes that workplace food and drink rituals can powerfully influence perceptions of organizational culture. The unique contribution is in showing how embodied organizational rituals create and sustain organizational culture by using the pre-reflective moment of food ingestion to shape cognitive reconstructions of organizational culture. However, food rituals can be controlled and shaped by the organization to specifically influence employee perceptions of organizational culture. Control of food rituals can be perceived as a deliberate effort to create a constructive culture and encourage reciprocity through employee loyalty and effort.  相似文献   

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