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Intergenerational relations is a critical issue in South Africa's transition to democracy. Harsh apartheid laws as well as rapid urbanization have divided families and weakened the traditional mutual intergenerational support system. Earlier research indicated signs of alienation and conflict between the generations, particularly among urban black families (Ferreira et al., 1992). The paper reports on the role of everyday life in promoting solidarity in families and the well-being of members. A weekday time-use study was conducted among 300 multigeneration urban black households in two metropolitan areas. A time budget and questionnaire were administered to a high school pupil, a parent and a grandparent in each of the households (n900). Motivations underlying activities of the diary day were examined using the method developed by Elchardus and Glorieux (1992). Results suggest that generational norms exist regarding the allocation of time to social, physiological and personal gratification needs. Signs of alienation were found only among a minority of the oldest generation who gave a negative evaluation of their daily round of activities and reported depressed well-being. Results supported the idea that the urban black three-generation household represents a special case of family solidarity. Further research is needed to identify generational norms of time use in a wider range of South African family situations.  相似文献   

Intergenerational relations and reproductive behavior in Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The character of intergenerational relationships between parents and their adult unmarried children in Taiwan is consistently and systematically related to the later reproductive behavior of the children after they marry. The greater the extent to which the adult unmarried children are exposed to nonfamilial relationships and contexts in school, at work, in the use of wages, in marriage decisions, and in first place of residence after marriage, the fewer children they will have and want and the greater the likelihood that they will begin contraception for spacing rather than for limiting their number. These relationships are consistent with theories about the transformation of familial relationships and reproductive patterns in the course of development.  相似文献   

中国家庭代际关系的理论分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
中国家庭代际关系并非只有抚养-赡养一种关系形式.抚养行为发生在父母和未成年子女之间,赡养行为存在于壮年子女与老年父母之间.在成年子女和壮年父母之间还有另一种关系-交换关系.但抚养-赡养关系不能用交换关系去解释,因为它不是严格意义上行为主体之间的交换关系.完整的代际关系既有抚养-赡养关系,又有交换关系,两者具有并存特征.社会发展阶段不同,代际关系的层次和类型也有不同.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence has documented that the elderly are more religious and that religiosity is associated with better health and lower mortality. Yet, little is known about the reverse role of life expectancy or proximity to death, as opposed to age, for religiosity. This paper provides evidence for the distinct role of expected remaining life years for the importance of religion in individuals’ lives. We combine individual survey response data for more than 300,000 individuals from 95 countries over the period 1994–2014 with information from period life tables. Contrary to wide-held beliefs, religiosity decreases with greater expected proximity to death. The findings have important implications regarding the consequences of population aging for religiosity and associated outcomes.  相似文献   

中国家庭代际功能关系及其新变动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭代际功能关系是由义务和责任履行、权利享有、需求交换和情感沟通所组成的体系.社会转型之下,亲代对子代的教育义务增大,子代赡养亲代义务减轻;高龄和生活不能自理父母对子女尚有照料依赖.随着独生子女一代的长大,女儿在代际功能关系中的作用提高,甚至具有不可替代性;人口预期寿命提高,直系成员存世代数增加,4代存世家庭大幅度上升,可能加大子代的照料负担.整体看子代“回馈”亲代的功能下降,直接影响育龄夫妇的生育行为.子代代际功能关系履行降低有社会福利制度的替代、客观条件制约的作用,也有主观意识弱化的因素,还有约束性制度环境欠缺的问题.政府和社会组织应推动适应现代社会要求的新的代际功能关系的建立.  相似文献   

This paper examines perceptions of family relations, identity expression, and pro-lesbian/gay resources as factors influencing coming out to parents. One hundred seventy-two adolescents responded to a survey originating from a clinical support group for lesbian and gay youth. Findings indicate that weak family relations significantly detract from coming out to parents indirectly through identity expression and perceived resources. Excluding the effects of family relations, adolescents perceiving supportive resources and expressing their lesbian/gay identity were more likely to come out to parents.  相似文献   

基于一项具有全国代表性的抽样调查数据,文章通过Logistic多元估计模型与倾向值匹配等量化方法,以代际投入对农村老年人代际经济支持的影响分析为切入点,回应了代际合作与家庭效用关系的经典命题.结果表明:父代经济收入与子代数量,影响着子代投入与农村老年人代际经济支持之间的关系.在三代的代际交换中,给予孙代的投入对农村老年人代际经济支持产生显著性影响,并且存在着稳健性的正向效应.在三代的代际合作中,给予孙代的投入对家庭效用产生了正向显著性影响.文章指出了代际合作与农村老年人家庭效用之间的正向关系,生育偏好成为影响农村老年人家庭效用的重要参数,并说明了代际交换的不平衡以及子代家庭效用增长等问题.  相似文献   

刘泉 《南方人口》2014,(4):35-46
本文研究了我国家庭代际关系对老年男子(55岁及以上)生活幸福度的影响。根据代际连带理论,代际关系取决于不同的方面:居住安排,代际支持交换,代际情感以及代际准则。利用2006年中国综合社会调查数据,发现代际关系对老年男子生活幸福度有显著的影响。西方国家的相关研究曾指出老年父母在代际关系中充当给予者时,其生活幸福度会提高;然而本文的研究发现我国的情况恰好相反,父母得到子女支持越多时其幸福感越高。同时,代际情感也会显著地提高老年父母的主观幸福感。  相似文献   

农村男性精英在城市化的过程中 ,有追求向上流动的现实需求 ;拥有丰富的经济资本和社会资本的城市独生女家庭由于女性独有的社会生存能力缺陷 ,面临着养老危机。同时 ,在城乡计划生育工作的落实与控制机制的城乡差别作用下 ,城市独生子女家庭的出现较农村早得多 ,在这种现实背景下 ,二者的互补性促成结合 ,从而形成独特的、城乡互补的“填充”养老模式。  相似文献   

Wu  Fengyu 《Social indicators research》2022,160(2-3):1071-1098
Social Indicators Research - In the past few decades, Chinese families have experienced unprecedented economic growth. In addition to growth, public policies have changed and developed, internal...  相似文献   

中国农村老年人家庭代际交换的年龄轨迹研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于生命历程理论的研究视角,借助西安交通大学人口与发展研究所与美国南加州大学合作在巢湖农村进行的历时9年的四期纵贯调查数据,构建起代际交换变动的多层曲线增长模型,对老年人在60岁及以后的整个生命阶段中,个体年龄、出生队列和家庭生命阶段三方面因素对家庭代际交换的效应进行了分解,并描绘了代际交换的年龄发展轨迹。结果表明,代际交换的发展动力源自于社会、家庭、个体三个层面,其动态轨迹既是个体发展过程和历史过程,也是家庭策略,其水平的高低取决于个人时间、历史时间和家庭时间的同步。  相似文献   

劳动力外流下农村家庭代际支持性别分工研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所2001年、2003年和2006年"安徽省老年人生活福利状况跟踪调查数据",采用随机效应的Logistic模型,从老年父母和成年子女两个角度研究农村老年人家庭代际支持性别分工机制的变化。结果发现,农村老年人家庭代际交换仍然符合合作群体模式,由于不同性别在家庭中的角色和性别分工不同,老年父亲从子女外出中直接获益更多,老年母亲更多地是获得补偿性支持;儿子仍然在家庭养老中承担主要责任,女儿得到老年父母帮助时提供的补偿性支持更多,劳动力外流促使儿子和女儿对老年父母代际支持的性别差异缩小,女儿在家庭养老中的地位和作用显著提高。  相似文献   

中国城乡迁移带来的家庭结构的改变有可能影响中国农村传统的家庭观念和养老方式。文章利用深圳市外来农村流动人口调查数据,分析深圳市外来已婚农村打工者的性别因素对流动后其对仍生活在农村的父母及配偶父母的经济支持的影响。结果显示,男女打工者在流动后都增加了对父母的经济支持,但女性打工者在流动后更可能增加给配偶父母的经济支持。这一结果说明,依靠儿子养老的传统养老模式仍然占主导地位,但外出打工女性正在缩小这种社会性别差异。  相似文献   

Traditionally, the fertility behaviors of Chinese people have been deeply influenced by the entrenched patriarchal, patrilineal, and patrilocal systems. Women’s fertility decisions and behaviors are significantly influenced by their parents and parents-in-law. Given the current social changes with low fertility levels and intentions in China, it is still unclear about the actual link between the fertility behavior and the intergenerational effect. Therefore, we utilize data from 1577 questionnaires, conducted in 2013 in the Shaanxi Province of northwest China about fertility intentions and behaviors, and use the event history analysis method and the Cox proportional hazard model to explore the association between intergenerational effects and women’s second childbirths. “The number of the parental generation’s children” and “the living arrangements of the parental generation” are employed to measure the intergenerational effect. The findings show that there is an existence of intergenerational transmission of fertility between women of childbearing age and their parents-in-law, rather than their biological parents when considering the effects of their parents-in-law. In addition, the study finds a significant correlation between women’s second childbirth and the living arrangements of their parents-in-law, but no significant association with the living arrangements of their biological parents. These results support that the patriarchal, patrilineal, and patrilocal systems play a role in women’s fertility behaviors in contemporary China.  相似文献   

This study examined gender differences in the influence of marital status and marital quality on life satisfaction. The roles of intergenerational support and perceived socioeconomic status in the relationship between marriage and life satisfaction were also explored. The analysis was conducted with data from the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) in 2006, representing 1,317 women and 1,152 men at least 25 years old. Chi-squared tests and logistic regression models were used in this process. Marriage, including marital status and relationship quality, has a protective function for life satisfaction. Marital status is more important for males, but marital quality is more important for females. The moderating roles of intergenerational support and perceived socioeconomic status are gender specific, perhaps due to norms that ascribe different roles to men and women in marriage.  相似文献   

家庭代际支持对中国高龄老人死亡率的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张震 《人口研究》2002,26(5):55-62
利用中国高龄老人健康长寿跟踪调查数据 ,分析代际支持对高龄老人死亡率的影响及其机制 ,力求为中国养老机制的建立及培育提供决策的参考。分析结果表明 ,来自子女的生活照料和感情支持对高龄老人的存活具有显著的积极影响 ,而经济支持却在统计上对老年人的存活不具有显著影响。同时 ,有家庭支持的老人的存活状态要明显好于无家庭支持的老人 ,但家庭支持与居住安排及老人健康状况间的交互效应表明 ,应该对这种影响得以产生的条件予以充分的认识和重视  相似文献   

李姗 《人口学刊》2016,(5):83-91
流动人口群体较低的养老保险参保水平一直是我国养老保障制度建设中的薄弱环节,代际差分和户籍之别进一步加剧了这一群体在参保中的弱势地位。2013年东北地区流动人口调查数据研究显示:个体特征、流动特征和经济社会特征对流动人口参加养老保险具有显著影响,这种影响在群体内部的代际差分和户籍之别上更加明显;平均参保优势的代际差异主要由禀赋特征差异所引起;地域歧视是造成平均参保优势城乡户籍差异的重要原因,在诸多因素上由乡村劣势引起的歧视影响要显著大于城镇优势所引起的歧视程度。  相似文献   

I employ high quality register data to present new facts about income mobility in Sweden. The focus of the paper is on regional differences in mobility, using a novel approach based on a multilevel model. This method is well suited when regions differ greatly in population size, as is the case in Sweden. The maximum likelihood estimates are substantially more precise than those obtained by running separate OLS regressions. I find that few regions are statistically significantly different from the Swedish average when measuring mobility in relative terms, while a greater number of regional differences emerge when focusing on absolute outcomes. Compared to growing up in the least favorable region, children from the most favorable region with parents located at the 25th percentile in the income distribution reach higher income ranks corresponding to approximately one monthly salary for an average Swedish worker per year.  相似文献   

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