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我希望世上没有患者,如同我们希望世界没有污染,而美好的希望和现实是不一样的。I wish that there were no patients in the world,but good wishes are different from the reality.  相似文献   

The development and utilization of global/world models in the context of political implications of world economic trends is overviewed in terms of three streams of research, that of the multidisciplinary social scientists, of the econometricians, and of the system engineers. Socio-political processes impinge on world economic trends, just as such trends in turn impact on politics, both national and international. The use of simulations rich in system dynamics for the study of international affairs is found to have much potential, as documented in findings obtained by researchers throughout the world.  相似文献   

最近.日内瓦大学相蓝欣教授一篇名为《戒言崛起,慎言和谐》的文章(原载新加坡《联合早报》),觉得有些问题很值得一谈。相教授不太同意“和谐世界”的口号.不过他对“和谐世界”的批评似乎不太靠谱。相教授认为:“‘和谐世界’被译为‘theharmonious world’是极不准确的”,应当翻译为“to harmonize the world”。相教授认为,“和谐世界”的口号非常“危险”,因为它似乎暗示着中国要来领导世界走向和谐。这个理解恐怕让人有些难以理解。  相似文献   

Hester Prynne and Tess Durbeyfield were two eminent female figures in the world by Thomas Hardy and Nathaniel Hawthone.Although the two female leading characters were in different time and place,their tragic experiences were almost the same.However,they were separated in the end.From the comparison of their personalities and the social situation they involved in,we would try to explore the origins of their similarity and ending by this article with the aim of alerting the world.  相似文献   

More than ninety years have elapsed since Walt Whitman, the celebratedAmerican poet, breathed his last. His poetry, however, is still sung far and widewith vitality and power. His rise to popularity has been so rapid that Leaves ofGrass has heen printed in almost all the world’s major languages. The great voiceof the New World is now speaking for people all over the world. In that sense,Whitman’s brilliant poetry has become part not only of the rare heritage ofAmerican literature but also of the rare heritage of world literature.  相似文献   

1.THE NECESSITY OF BILINGUALTEACHING IN IT FIELDSSince China has joined the WTO and the speed ofglobalization in our country.The professionals with both upto date technological knowledge and good English areneeded urgently.Today the centers of world science,technology,and economy are in the United States andEurope,but the spread of science and technology is fromthese world leaders to the developing countries.China is adeveloping country.Under such a situation,it is a greatc…  相似文献   

朝向灵性的世界,杨诗粮以精神的意象,完成了一次次内敛而又坚持的叩拜,也同时完成着自身创作的转化与蜕变——从形式美到人性美,那份深层情感的孜孜挖掘。In the spiritual world,Yang keeps moving toward his worship.And at the same time he transformed his creativity from beauty in form to beauty in humanity,which digs up heart feelings.  相似文献   

The time after the Civil War until the end of the First WorldWar was an important period in American history.During this periodAmerica witnessed not only the great development in industry andagriculture but also the world war.The forces that have made Americaan affluent one materially have been working toward the disruptionof the family,and especially the disillusionment against the forme  相似文献   

Joseph Heller and Kurt Vonnegut Jr. are contemporary American writers. As seen from Catck-22 and Slaughterhouse Five, they share a belief that their world is disjointed and purposeless. Their age is an age of distress and absurdity, in which nothing and none, not even God can make sense of the human condition. But at the same time, it is obvious that they differ from each other in their responses to such a world.  相似文献   

吸收外来词是语言发展的趋势,也是丰富本民族语的一种手段.随着世界文化交流的发展,语言之间相互借用现象越来越频繁.Pico Lyer在题为Making a Deal for 1997一文中对中英谈判期间香港局势,运用了外来词打了个比喻,作了有声有色的描写,全句如下:That,of course,is of paramount importance to both countries.Whilethe Chinese dragon and the British lion have been warily circling eachother,the world’s third largest financial center has responded to every shiftin the bargaining like a sampan in a typhoon.  相似文献   

周礼 《山西老年》2013,(3):47-47
在英国伦敦泰晤士河北岸的威斯敏斯特大教堂内,竖立着一座无名墓碑,上面刻着一段发人深省的文字,大意是:当我年轻的时候,我雄心勃勃,想要改变这个世界;可是当我历经了世事的沧桑后,我发现我根本不能改变这个世界,于是我将目光放短了些,决定只改变我的国家;可是当我进入晚年后,我发现我根本不能改变我的国家,于是我决定只改变我  相似文献   

在威斯敏斯特教堂地下室英国圣公会主教的墓碑上写着这样的一段话: 当我年轻无拘无束的时候,我有丰富的无边的想象力,我梦想要改变整个世界。当我渐渐成熟,越来越明智的时候,我发现这个世界是不可能改变的,于是我将眼光放得短浅了一些,那就只改变我的国家吧。  相似文献   

我不知道语言在这个世界上已经美丽多少年了,我只知道,岁月的尘沙无法剥蚀它的容颜。在时间的陀螺旋转中,它永远是那么生机勃勃。我只知道,这个世界上,没有谁能代替它的色彩和魅力!  相似文献   

在英国最古老的建筑物威斯特教堂旁边,矗立着一块墓碑,上面刻着一段非常著名的话:“当我年轻的时候,我梦想改变这个世界;当我成熟之后,我发现我不能够改变这个世界,我将目光缩短了些,决定只改变这个国家;当我进入暮年以后,我发现我不能够改变我们的国家,我的最后的愿望仅仅是改  相似文献   

Nature of Western International Politics:Mighty and Narrow Nationalism HAN Min-qing Shandong Institute of Social Sciences, Jinan 250002, China )
In politics not just spite of the effect of western countries to the developmemt of modern world, the western international holds a nature of mighty and narrow nationalism which is of historic rationality, but its limitations could be washing away. On the one hand,  相似文献   

<正>一、e-learning,经济引擎的双翼"You have the monetary,you control the whole world!"毫无疑问,金融业是现代经济发展的核心,是国家经济的命脉。基于金融行业所承载的重大使命,来自各方面的挑战层出不穷。  相似文献   

Pygmalion is one of Shaw′s best-known plays. It has been an enormous success all over the world. Pygmalion is quite distinctive in all Shaw′ plays. Generally speaking, Shaw′s plays don′f pay much attention to plets, but the plot of Pygmalion is very interesting and attractive. Seemingly, the  相似文献   

小青苹果挂在枝头,对妈妈说:"我要改变世界。""好啊。说说看,你为什么要改变世界?"妈妈问。"那样,我就是英雄了。""你为什么要做英雄呢?""英雄受人尊敬啊。""怎么做才能改变世界呢?"  相似文献   

"Okay,guys,today we are going to let you plan a trip in US.If you were the richest people in the world,where are you going to go?"(同学们,今天我们的作业是制订一个在美国国内的旅行计划。如果你  相似文献   

100years ago, Ivy Lee founded modern publicrelations by establishing the first news agencyin the US. During the two world wars, public rela-tions services made much progress throughout theworld. After the reform and opening-up, publicrelations, as a management function, was introducedinto China along with western modern management,was gradually accepted and acknowledged by theChinese society, and had formed a new professionalservice market by the end of last century. For everyPR practitione…  相似文献   

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