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This paper systematically studies the impact of fertility, mortality, initial age structure and rural-urban migration on population aging in rural and urban China from 2000 to 2010. The results show that urbanisation plays a crucial role in population aging in both rural and urban areas and its inf luence is closely linked to the age pattern of the migrants. One third of young rural population transformed into urban population during that period. The contribution of rural-urban migration to population aging in rural areas is 43.4 percent, which is higher than any inf luences from population’s natural changes, and is dominant in population aging in the countryside. Rural-urban migration contributes-118.0 percent to population aging in urban areas by reducing the proportion of aged population and its influence was only lower than that of the initial age structure. The impact of urbanisation on population aging in towns is relatively limited. Among factors from population’s natural changes, the inf luence of the initial age structure is higher than those from changes of mortality and fertility. The paper discusses the causes and developmental trends of impact of urbanisation on population aging between rural and urban areas, and addresses some policy recommendations to deal with socio-economic challenges.  相似文献   

China’s low fertility combined with increase in average life expectancy is leading to disappearing demographic dividend and population aging crisis. In this case, we may have a policy choice to raise the retirement age. Because the disappearing of demographic dividend gradually and the reversal of labor supply and demand may be the driving force of raising the retirement age, and the payment crisis of pension system which caused by the population aging may be the pulling force of raising the retirement age. If we consider the impact of this policy on urban employment and the laborheterogeneity in current conditions, we should carry out the practical policy which raise the retirement age slowly progressive and gradually.  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively explores the size of rural labor force transfer and the specified flow nonagricultural industries, and the corresponding contribution of the increase of labor force utilization and productivity to economic growth from 1991 to 2011. The transfer size increased from 86.73 million people in 1990 to more than 250 million people in 2011. In 2011, 53.7% of the transfer labor worked in second industry, the others in third industry. By using growth accounting, this paper decomposes GDP growth into three growth components: working age population, labor force productivity and labor force utilization. Firstly, the paper calculated the real average annual growth rate of these three factor from 1991 to 2011 and their contributions to GDP growth. Then we calculated the changes of three factors and GDP'growth rates under the scenario without rural labor transfer, and finally got the contribution of rural labor transfer to GDP growth by comparing the difference between real and assumption scenario. The resuit shows that from 1991 to 2011, the real average annual growth rate of three factors were 1.3%, 9.3% and-0.3%, and their contribution the GDP growth was 12.2%, 90.2% and-2.4%separately. Under the scenario without rural labor transfer, the average annual growth rates of labor force productivity and labor force utilization would reduce to 8.9% and-1.4%, while the GDP average annual growth rate would reduce from 10.3% to 8.8%. The profound analysis in details shows that the transfer promoted labor force utilization by 30.7%and productivity by 23.9% annually on average, therefore promoting GDP by 63.7%, and GDP growth rate by 1.6% annually on average. On the one hand, through the utilizing of the ‘surplus rural labor force', the transfer promoted the labor force utilization, then made the potential population dividend brought by the increase of working age population size practical; on the other hand, through promoting of labor force industry structure, the transfer promoted the total productivity. The transfer has been and will be an important driving force of economic growth in China.  相似文献   

Do an increase in ageing in developed countries and "getting old before getting rich" in developing countries indicate that fluctuations in the population age structure have produced a qualitative change? What is a qualitative change and what is a quantitative change'? Here we propose a new concept of Shadow Population,then establish a new standard for evaluating population age structure,finally present a typical five stage population age structure type transition model. The model simulation shows that all world regions are still in the adult stage and that population ageing belongs to the category of quantitative change. However, sustained low fertility will lead to a qualitative change in the ageing population. The current pressure of population aging in the adult stage placed on the pension security system shows that this system is truly not retirement age and Long-term stability in a sustainable system,Gradually raising the replacement fertility is the key to solving the socioeconomic development dilemma presented by future population ageing in low fertility regions or cotlntries,but the latter is more urgent.  相似文献   

By adopting the AECI Index Method proposed by the author and using method of population simulation,this paper analyzes quantitatively the trend,intensity and regulation of the economic pressure of population ageing in China,and compares China with other countries.It draws the following conclusions:(1) China will face great economic pressure due to population ageing in the first half of this century.According to the medium projection,the pressure will increase most rapidly during the period from the middle of 2020s to the end of 2030s,and reach its peak around 2040 when the intensity of the pressure may quadruple that in 2010.(2) The great economic pressure of population ageing may remarkably reduce China’s development momentum.(3) To ease the pressure,we should rely mainly on economic measures,supplemented by population control measures.(4) To gradually liberalize the prevailing birth control policy on the premise of sticking to the state policy of family planning is a rational approach to regulate the economic pressure of population ageing in China.On the one hand,this can ease the possible economic pressure of ageing in the future,and on the other hand,it can control the pressure of population size within an endurable limit.  相似文献   

(July 26, 2002) We have learned that the government of the United States of America has decided that the United States will not pay its $34 million annual contribution to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). We regret such a decision and believe it will no doubt produce a negative impact on international cooperation in the population and development arena. During the first half of this year, we received a delegation from the British Parliament and also a team from the U.S. St…  相似文献   

The Relationship between sex ratio at age 0 to 4 and altitude in China is quantitatively investigated by using Geographical Information System(GIS)technology in this paper.The results show that the counties with high sex ratio at age 0 to 4 in 1990 and 2000 are mainly distributed on the east of the well-known Chinese population division,Anhui-Tengchong line,and there is high negative correlation between sex ratio at age 0 to 4 and altitude in Chinese counties. There are highest sex ratio at age 0 to 4 in the regions under 100 meters,but this ratio over 3200 meters falls into the normal range.And the sex ratio at age 0 to 4 continues to fall down when the altitude rises. So the geographical environment evidently affects the sex ratio at birth.There is higher sex ratio at birth in lower-altitude regions.The effect with altitude may be associated with the ambient tempeture.  相似文献   

Cheap land and cheap labor have made the most important contribution to the rapid development of China’s urbanization during the past 30 years.However,this pattern of urbanization, which is factor-driven, dependent on land bonus and demographic dividend, is unsustainable.Excessive dependence on cheap land not only leads to inefficient allocation of urban resources, but also has negative impacts on the process of urbanization.Heavy reliance on demographic dividend would no longer be sustainable in the context of changing population structure.There is a need for urbanization reorientation, from a factor--driven to an innovation--driven approach.Innovation--driven urbanization requires industrial upgrading in urban areas so that new industrialization and new urbanization could be in synchronous progress.Smart city construction would facilitate integration of urbanization,industrialization and informatization.  相似文献   

According to China News Net, a large-scale birth cohort study, in line with international norms, will be started in the second half this year in Shanghai, and in full expands next summer. It is reported that the project will be led by Professor Zhang Jun,director of Department of Environment and Children’s Health of Shanghai Xinhua Hospital and Shanghai Key Laboratory.  相似文献   

Using census and sampling survey data of China and other countries, this paper studies demographic and statistic methods of monitoring the changes of sex ratio at birth. In the demographic approach, the basic character and basic changing pattern of sex ratio at birth , sex ratio by birth order and sex ratio by parity progression are summarized. In the statistic approach, methods of monitoring sex ratio at birth by small sample are summarized. From the simulation, this paper has confirmed that the Bayes method is more suitable than other simple statistic methods to monitoring sex ratio at birth.  相似文献   

基于人口分布指数和空间自相关分析方法,研究2008-2017年珠江—西江经济带包括广东及广西共11市的人口分布时空演化特征以及影响因素。结果表明:珠江—西江经济带人口密度呈现“东高西低”的分布格局,且地区差异显著;低、中、高值地区人口密度的年均增长量上升,人口分布地区差异扩大;人口分布具有不断集中的趋势,且不均衡状态加剧;Moran’s I值不断增大,珠江—西江经济带地区人口密度不断集聚,分布的空间相关性也不断强化。在分析影响因素时,引入空间计量模型,经判别检验后,确立SLM为最优模型,SLM的计量分析结果显示:人均GDP、职工平均工资、产业结构、公共服务水平都对经济带人口分布产生正向影响。因此,要想促进珠江—西江经济带人口合理分布,可以通过加快产业结构调整,推进经济带内一体化发展,提高公共服务水平和加大基础设施建设来实现。  相似文献   

张小平  何伟 《西北人口》2010,31(4):112-116
随着知识生产与创造的高素质科技劳动者逐步成为一个地区能否吸引现代经济活动的关键.人力资本在区域经济增长中越来越受到人们的关注。文章从时间和空间两方面入手.探讨了90年代以来甘肃省人力资本水平的空间差异及其变化状况。结果表明:甘肃省区域人力资本水平得到明显提高。人力资本水平的地理空间格局由1990年的中部高、西北和东南部低的“凸”字形分布渐渐转向2000年的中西北部高。而东南部低的倾斜式分布:区域人力资本水平差异仍然较大,其增长幅度的区域差异也十分显著。文章还就人力资本差异的形成机制进行了探讨,并提出了促使区域人力资本可持续发展的相关建议和对策。  相似文献   

本文以广东省1990、2000、2005、2010年的人口普查数据和GDP数据为主要指标,通过运用GeoDA软件的空间自相关分析模块,分析各县(市区)人口、经济集聚特征及两者空间上的协调关系及差异。结果表明:(1)广东省各县(市区)的人口和GDP空间分布表现出显著的高值和低值集聚特征,人口和经济空间集聚格局变化平稳但区域间经济发展差异日益扩大;(2)广东省人口与经济空间集聚均形成珠三角高高集聚和粤北山区低低集聚的基本格局;(3)广东省各县(市区)人口与经济发展存在明显的地域不均衡性,协调发展类型可划分为高水平协调型、低水平协调型、滞后型和超前型四类。分析指出广东人口与经济发展空间差异的主要影响因素是自然条件、历史发展基础、区位条件、区域政策和区域空间效应等,并提出增强珠三角辐射带动能力和发展粤东西北经济增长极等促进区域协调发展的建议。  相似文献   

人口迁移流动是改变人口数量和人力资本空间分布格局的重要因素,人口迁移流动造成的人口数量和人力资本空间分布变化是否一致及其对区域经济社会发展的影响是一个需要更加深入研究的问题。本文针对我国人口流动过程中形成的人口素质结构转变进行理论思考和实证研究,探讨其形成的经济原因和造成的经济影响。相关数据显示我国高等教育群体和中等教育及以下群体长期以来一直处于净流向相同的状态,而2013-2015年以来各省陆续出现净流向相反的现象,形成了人口数量和人口素质的替代效应。高等教育人才的净流入地区是经济发达省份、地理条件优越省份以及少数民族自治区,北京、天津、上海、浙江、江苏以及广东省等三大都市圈内的六个省市的高等教育净流入人才占跨省高等教育净流入总人口的绝大多数。人口替代对当地的经济影响表现为三点:第一,改变当地劳动力资源禀赋结构,使高等教育群体及中等教育群体人数的比较优势发生变化;第二,改变地区平均受教育年限,影响地区科技创新能力;第三,拉大地区劳动力收入差距。据此提出两点政策建议:首先,地方省市可以通过市场化的产业结构调整手段控制相应的流动人口群体规模,而不必依靠限制人口流动的政策以及硬性提出人口调控目标来管理流动人口规模。其次,地方政府要做好地区经济规划以及定位,充分认识现在的人口替代对于未来地区创新能力以及劳动力收入差距的影响。  相似文献   

伴随着经济地理格局的空间演变,我国人口迁移流动更趋活跃。文章在梳理已有研究基础上,首先基于新空间经济学理论构建了多区域人口区位选择模型,揭示了人口空间流动的影响机制;然后以西北地区为例,选取2017年CMDS微观个体数据和城市层面特征数据匹配,通过构建Logistic模型检验人口流动决策的影响因素及其内在机理。研究发现:从西北地区整体来看,区域地方品质、经济发展水平、市场潜能、收入水平是影响人口域外流出的主要因素,而提高第二产业比重及工业化水平有助于抑制人口域外流出;从西部地区分省区来看其影响因素具有区域异质性,宁夏人口域内外流动对于地方品质敏感度最大,接近陕西的16.47倍、甘肃的2.72倍,产业结构对宁夏地区人口流动的影响也很大,而收入水平对陕西人口域内外流动具有显著影响;从流动人口受教育水平看其影响因素亦具有人力资本异质性,大专及以上流动人口对于地方品质的敏感度最大,约是初中及以下流动人口的1.90倍、高中与中专流动人口的1.39倍;地方品质是影响未来人口流动的决定性因素。研究结论可为优化西北地区人口资源空间配置,推进西部大开发形成新格局提供有益参考。  相似文献   

通过全国第五次和第六次人口普查数据对比分析,发现十年间我国人口流动的区域分布格局变化不大.东部沿海仍然是最主要的人口流入地.中部地区人口大量外迁的趋势依旧.西部地区作为人口流入地的吸引力有所下降;越来越多的人选择城市作为流动目的地.超一半的流动人口来自于镇;流动人口的受教育程度略有提升但务工经商人群文化程度普遍偏低,外出年龄有所推迟:留守儿童与留守老人数量激增。造成上述特征及变化的原因主要有区域经济发展格局、城乡发展差距与要素集聚格局以及流动人口接纳安置能力与政策等方面的因素。今后我国人口流动需要随着区域经济发展格局的变化.以及新型城镇化、主体功能区等新思路的安排进行舍理引导与配置。  相似文献   

黄砺  王佑辉 《南方人口》2012,27(6):60-68
为了系统考察和分析我国建设用地扩张和人口、经济发展的协调状况,本文引入了建设用地人口密度和经济密度这两个观察指标,通过1995—2008年间31个省市的面板数据,对我国建设用地人口密度和经济密度的区域差异及其收敛性进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:我国建设用地人口密度南高北低,建设用地经济密度东强西弱;建设用地人口密度在研究期内有所下降,而建设用地经济密度则显著提高;建设用地人口密度不存在δ收敛格局,但存在绝对β和条件β收敛格局,九大土地利用区中仅西南区和苏浙沪区存在俱乐部收敛;建设用地经济密度既不存在δ收敛格局,也不存在绝对β收敛格局,但存在条件β收敛格局,且九大土地利用区均呈显著的俱乐部收敛特征。基于上述研究结论,本文有针对性地提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Nhtional Health and Family Planning:Commission (NHF(PC) held a Working Meeting on Establishment of National Resident Physician Standardized Training System in Shanghai on February 13' 2014, to formally launch the construction of resident physician standardiZed training system with fire-year undergraduate medical education plus three-year resident physician training as the main mode It will bring about profound changes to medical education in China.  相似文献   

区域经济结构和空间结构是区域结构的两个重要方面。人口是区域特别是经济区域的基本特征之一。各行业门类人口的就业结构和空间分布则同时反映了区域的经济结构和空间结构特征。我们对环渤海湾地区所有的449个县、市、区的就业人口结构和空间分布特征进行主成分分析和聚类分析,探讨相应都市区的结构特征以及都市区的空间组合特征等,进而确定了环渤海湾地区的内部结构。从分析结果来看,环渤海湾地区内部结构相对松散,不是一个紧凑的经济实体单元。作为一个整体,环渤海湾地区远远未达到都市连绵区的水平,虽然其京津地区以及辽中地区初显其连绵区特征。  相似文献   

利用K信息量指数,考察中国90年代人口-经济区域配置关系及其变动,可以发现中国90年代人口-经济区域配置的差异变动总体上呈扩大趋势。人口-经济区域配置关系的差异及变动,主要由GDP分布的变化引起,构成人口-经济区域配置总体差异的地带间差异和地带内差异的作用大小发生逆转,东、中、西三地带之间的人口-经济区域配置差异超过三地带内的差异,成为影响中国90年代人口-经济区域配置差异呈扩大变动的主要方面。  相似文献   

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