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Examining China’s population changes in the past three decades demonstrates that China’s demographic transition has been successfully completed with a splendid and zigzag path.There are profound historical experiences and lessons.This paper reviews China’s fertility transition which is divided into four periods and argues that fertility changes are a result of the interactions between socioeconomic development,fertility behaviors and fertility policies.Substantial resistance to the "one-childpolicy" during 1979 to 1984 resulted in rebounding and fluctuating fertility.The baby boom occurred in the period 1985 to 1991 was a manifestation of the inherent laws of demographic dynamics,and subsequently forceful birth control was again mobilized.The period from 1992 to 1999 witnessed large declines in fertility which penetrates the replacement zone,showing that China was completing the fertility transition.China’s stabilizing low fertility and emerging population structural issues since 2000 call for comprehensive ways in addressing the population problems.  相似文献   

Since the establishment of the new Chinese,family planning policy in our country has experienced the development course of wave type.We found that changes in fertility policy along with the continuous adjustment of social mechanism,from the 1950s mainly by administrative plan and control mode,gradually to the 1990s mainly by guide-service and security mode.The current fertility policy,leap the limitations of pure administrative orders,under the care of social mechanism,soften the institutional power single implied in the whole social framework,through the power system of multi level,reconcile the gap between national population awareness and individual reproductive behavior,provide the harmonious strength for population development.  相似文献   

Wu  Lili  Chen  Wei  Zhao  Yong 《当代中国人口》2008,25(2):14-21
In China, the total fertility rate has remained at a low level since the 1990s. The evaluation, causes and impacts of this low fertility rate is an important research area. In 2006, research on population and childbirth behaviour in China concentrated on estimation of the current fertility rate and on future family planning policies; attention was also given to a new childbirth culture.  相似文献   

正On 2 July 2014,National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC)issued Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Fundamental Family Planning Work at Grassroots Level,(hereinafter referred to as Guiding Opinions).The document is interpreted as follows.Necessity for Formulating Guiding Opinions The central government has emphasized for many times that family planning can only be strengthened but not weakened in the work of institutional reconstruction and adjustment and improvement of fertility policy.In order to  相似文献   

National Teleconference on Family Planning Work was held in Beijing on February 27,2014. Li Keqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of CPC Central Committee Political Bureau and Premier of the State Council made important instructions, "Adjusting and improving fertility policies is related to the overall economic and social development and in line with the wishes of the vast masses. While adhering to the basic national policy of family planning,  相似文献   

正In order to fulfill the requirement of further promoting the reform of household registration system,accelerate orderly citizenization of permanent residents and give impetus to full coverage of urban basic public services for permanent residents,the State Council has issued the following opinions recently.Overall Requirements Guiding Ideology To meet the needs for advancing new urbanization,further promote the reform of household registration system and carry out the policies  相似文献   

The different in the fertility of the rural and urban and future changing trend are very important questions to understand China’s population problem. This paper calculates the fertility of the urban and the rural since 2000 based on the statistical data and compares the fertility rate in the urban and the rural population since 2000. The finding shows that the TFR in the rural is less than 1.8 while the TFR in the urban is less than 1.3 and the difference is narrowing year by year. The fertility difference is mainly caused by the second child, generally speaking the second child fertility tend to increasing slightly while the first child fertility shows dramatic fluctuations because of the Chinese folk culture, the fertility fluctuation in the rural is much dramatic than that in the urban. The mean age at childbearing (MAC) has been delaying in both the rural and the urban areas in the decade.  相似文献   

正To fully understand the levels and changing trends of health attainment of China’s urban and rural residents,comprehend health-related policies and effects of health education programmes and provid escientific basis for governments and health and family planning administrative departments at various levels to formulate health  相似文献   

The increasing serious population aging is one of the challengeable problems attracting attentions of the international communities. "Active aging" theory provides another perspective in problemsolving for how to meet the challenge of population aging. By reviewing both the development of international active aging theories and practices and China's changes in population aging policies and practices, this article tries to analyze the aging problem in China in the political, economic, and cultural view to describe the realistic picture of China's aging and to find a proper road for China's active aging.  相似文献   

Background of the News On January 14, 2013, National Conference on Population and Family Planning Work will be convened in Beijing. The conference will deepen and develop understanding of relevant spirits of the Party’s Eighteenth Congress and arrange implementation of related work. After keeping the low fertility rate for more than 10 years, shall China continue to adhere to the basic national policy of family planning? How shall we improve the quality of life of the newborns and reduce birth defects?  相似文献   

The floating population in an important force in China's economic and social development.To better serve and manage this huge population.the Chinese Government has introduced on after another relevant policies for the reform of household registration,  相似文献   

China is making a special Program to Support Development of Small Minority Groups (2005-2010), according to Mao Gongning, director general of policies and regulations at the National Commission for Ethnic Affairs.The plan calls for the eradication of poverty at poverty-stricken ethnic-inhabited areas in six years. Those that have met their basic needs for subsistence should be able to reach middle-income levels and others even higher levels. Of the 55 ethnic minority groups in China, acc…  相似文献   

With drastic changes in both the international and domestic environment for population and family planning development, China faces nine major challenges in its efforts to further its population and family planning program, said Zhang Weiqing, Minister of the National Population and Family Planning Commission, in an article in Qiushi (seeking truth), a journal published by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The challenges include: 1. Unstable low fertility level. Th…  相似文献   

I n 2001, under the leadership of the Central Party Committee and the State Council of China, governments at all levels rigorously implemented a series of policies aiming at expanding domestic demand, as well as a pro-active financial policy and a sound monetary policy. Due attention was focused on cultural and ethical progress. With the joint efforts made by people of all nationalities, the national economic and social development achieved remarkable progress, laying a solid foundation for…  相似文献   

B ased on the 1997 national FP/RH survey, this survey was conducted by the State Family Planning Commission in the 31 mainland provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities from July to September 2001. Four types of questionnaires are designed respectively for residents, individuals, township FP service stations and village communities and contents include fertility, contraception and reproductive health conditions of people of childbearing age, FP/RH services provided by township (t…  相似文献   

The talent is the engine factor for Shanghai while transforming the economic development model in the 12the-five-year-plan period.Today the talent development strategy in Shanghai is not only facing the great challenges from international metropolis and domestic cities,but also exists a series of structural problems for itself.To acquire and maintain its competitive advantages in an era of global brain battle in future,Shanghai needs to definitely orient its mission towards a global talent hub,accelerate the pace of talents internationalization, strengthen the adjustment effort to talent structures,enforce the market allocation mechanism,optimize the talent ecosystem and innovate the system and mechanism.  相似文献   

Background■Basic data of population in China in 2000:Population is 1.266 billion; Growth rate is 8.77? Total fertility rate is below than 2; Average life expectancy is 69.36 years for male and 73.11 years for female.■ The family planning network has covered 95% of China's population in China. There is a MCH system undertaken by the Ministry of Health in China, but majority of its exists only in the cities' areas. There are 4,000,000 family planning cadres and full-time workers in the n…  相似文献   

Realizing and confirming that young people have the right to access to knowledge,education and service on sexual and reproductive health(SRH). Recognizing that supportive policies are instrumental to the protection of the SRH rights of young people. Concerning that the existing policies are not sufficient and adequate to meet the SRH needs of all young people.  相似文献   

Do an increase in ageing in developed countries and "getting old before getting rich" in developing countries indicate that fluctuations in the population age structure have produced a qualitative change? What is a qualitative change and what is a quantitative change'? Here we propose a new concept of Shadow Population,then establish a new standard for evaluating population age structure,finally present a typical five stage population age structure type transition model. The model simulation shows that all world regions are still in the adult stage and that population ageing belongs to the category of quantitative change. However, sustained low fertility will lead to a qualitative change in the ageing population. The current pressure of population aging in the adult stage placed on the pension security system shows that this system is truly not retirement age and Long-term stability in a sustainable system,Gradually raising the replacement fertility is the key to solving the socioeconomic development dilemma presented by future population ageing in low fertility regions or cotlntries,but the latter is more urgent.  相似文献   

Based on domestic and international researches, this paper points out time banking will enable the nation to accelerate the nation’s social service for elder people. Its pattern of service exchange suits China’s low-cost strategy of dealing with the population aging; It is also in accordance with our attempt of multi-level old-age service system; And it is in favor of our construction of spiritual civilization. Hence, it is necessary for the state government to provide the related policies, to promote the system construction from high level to low level, and to finally realize the whole country’s system framework and the mutual information exchange.  相似文献   

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