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张雪筠 《城市》2014,(2):33-37
正农民市民化是中国城市化、现代化过程中的重要一环。不同于其他国家的"一步转移",在国家制度、政策的影响下,中国农村人口的城市化被分割成两个子阶段:第一阶段是从农民(农村剩余劳动力)到城市农民工的过程;第二阶段是从城市农民工到产业工人和市民的职业与身份的变化过程。随着农民第一阶段城市化转移的实现,存量农民工的市民化已经成为目前中国城市化进程中的焦点,也是学术研究必须面对和关注的重大实践与理论问题。  相似文献   

荷兰病是典型的资源转移效应,中国是人口大国,劳动力资源丰富,中国式荷兰病是中国典型的"资源"转移效应。三螺旋模型原指政府—产业—大学间相互作用的关系,本文以三螺旋算法为理论基础,类比于政府—产业—大学体系,用三螺旋模型研究在中国,资源转移效应—劳动力分布—城市化之间的关系。研究得出,由于全国的产业发展和地区经济发展的差距造成了中国的劳动力资源转移,使得劳动力集中分布在东部沿海地区、经济发达的城市和第一产业、第三产业中,这样的劳动力分布情况,使得人口逐渐从农村转向城市,许多乡镇也越来越小城市化,同时城市化也会加剧劳动力资源的转移效应。即资源转移效应影响劳动力分布,劳动力分布进而影响城市化,城市化也反过来对资源转移效应造成影响,他们三者是相互影响的,这就是他们三者之间的"三螺旋"。  相似文献   

城市化是人们追求幸福、享受幸福的过程,而我们的城市化却实现了四个伪幸福,被城市化——强加的幸福,物质城市化——表面的幸福,人口城市化——虚假的幸福,静态城市化——搁置的幸福。  相似文献   

由于我国城市化进程的特殊性,我国人口的城市化和经济的城市化难免存在不一致的情形。需要思考的是,我们是需要大量农村人口从身份上变为城市人口的城市化?还是农业人口不仅在身份上而且在经济就业上也同时实现城市地区非农就业的城市化?  相似文献   

城市化既是“人口的城市化”,也是“空间的城市化”。随着城市化发展,城市内部空间结构重组明显,社会分层现象明显体现在居住空间分化上,城市居住空间分异程度加剧。通过上海人口城市化的发展历程分析,对城市化进程中的上海市城市居住空间结构演变及特征进行剖析,进而对农民工居住空间演变、特征及存在问题进行分析和研究,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

资源对城市化进程约束的理论分析与对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王家庭  赵晶晶 《城市》2008,(6):28-31
一、引言城市化是一种世界性的社会经济现象,是乡村分散的人口、劳动力和非农业经济活动不断进行空间上的聚集.逐渐转化为城市的经济要素.城市相应地成长为经济发展的主要动力的过程。城市化的发展水平是一个国家和地区经济发展的重要标志。美国地理学家诺瑟姆通过对各个国家城市人口占总人口比重变化的研究发现.  相似文献   

21世纪将证明,人类注定是一种城市化的生物。在20世纪初,全球居住在城市的人口只有1.5亿,占世界总人口的比例不足10%。但是到了20世纪结束之时(1999年10月),世界上的城市人口已经超过总人口的50%,达到30亿,绝对数增加了20多倍。全世界拥有百万以上人口的大城市有143个,并有23个具有800万人口以上的特大型城市,其中亚洲就占了13个。如果说居住改变了中国,那么这种改变的最宏观描述就是——城市化。十几年间,中国已经有数以亿计的农村人口涌进了城市,而这一切仅仅还只是个开始。据联合国预计。从2000年到2010年中国还将有2亿人从农村贫困地区流向城镇,而亚洲发展银行预测,到201O年,中国将有3亿人口成为城镇新居民。这种人口流动大潮将使中国转变为一个城市化国家,根据《2001—2002中国城市发展报告》中提出的中国城市化的11项战咯目标,它的主要内容有:用50年左右的时间,全面超出世界中等发达国家的城市水平;建成具有容纳11~12亿人口的城市容量,形成结构合理、功能互补、整体效益最大化的大、中、小‘城市体系’;城市化进程中土地占用面积不得超过国土总面积的2%。但其辐射带动的地理空间不得小于自身面积的50倍等。同时。大、中、小城市协调发展是中国城市化战咯的核心,构筑开放、流动、有序、互补的中国城市体系,是解决“中国大城市不大、中城市不活、小城市不强”的根本途径。然而城市人口骤增经常意味着城市设施不能满足需求及公共机构的能力常常跟不上需求。由于建筑不断崛起,风景遭到破坏,人的感觉会变差。在生存压力之下,人们可能作出糟糕的决定。按照经验推断,如果管理不善或经济增长长期停滞不前,各大城市很快就会出现大片的贫民窟,就如印度和拉丁美洲发生的情况那样。如何为迅速增长的城市人口提供净水、下水道、学校、医院,将是一个大问题,尤其是那些现在已有很大压力的公共服务。因此,城市居住的合理发展,对这一切关系重大。未来的中国,什么样的城市才能使生活更美好?  相似文献   

当下,我国社会主义建设进程一个重要缩影便是快速城市化。然而城市化所带来的不仅是飞速的经济发展,同时也伴随着大量的人口涌入和高度的资源聚集。农村劳动力不断进入城市,在2050年之前,中国城市化规模将达到百分之七十以上,这就意味着每年由农村进入城市的人口规模在一千万到一千二百万区间内,与之伴随的是农村劳动力的飞速流逝,同时由于资金、政策等种种原因,农村劳动力在进入城市时往往会将自己的孩子留在农村,这就造成了一个规模巨大的、特定历史背景下的群体"留守儿童"。根据社会学概念,留守儿童指的是父母双方或一方外出务工另一方无监护能力且不满十六周岁的未成年人。教育部2012年公布的数据显示,仅义务教育阶段留守儿童达两千两百万。留守儿童的教育、心理问题逐渐成为社会主义建设进程中必须解决的公共问题。  相似文献   

王桂新  魏星 《科学发展》2009,(10):38-57
人口转变是人口自然变动的基本规律,率先在西欧主要发达国家开始显现。随着19世纪的西欧工业化、城市化迅速发展,西欧人口出现了死亡率率先下降,随后生育率持续下降,自然增长率稳定在低水平的人口变动规律。兰德里(A.Landry)、汤普森(W.Thompson)在总结多个国家人口死亡率、出生率规律的基础上,分别在20世纪初、20世纪30年代提出人口转变理论,即人口发展由原始阶段向现代阶段转变(从高出生率、高死亡率和低自然增长率转变为低出生率、低死亡率和低自然增长率)与演进过程、根源、机制及后果的规律。人口发展过程和社会经济发展密切联系,人口转变以社会经济条件的根本性变化为前提。经济发展、城市化、工业化、现代化是人口转变的内在动力。同时,非经济因素作用,如社会变动中教育、宗教、道德、婚姻、家庭、心理等因素也对人口转变产生影响。本文主要依据现代人口转变理论,对上海的人口转变和人口老龄化状况及其对策进行分析研究。  相似文献   

自工业革命起,城市成为经济增长的中心,城市化强有力地推进社会经济的发展,理论界及政府对此高度重视。城市化是社会发展必然经历的阶段,是人类社会结构转型发展的重要线索。进入21世纪,城市化推进了中国经济的发展,并影响世界经济的发展。在中国城市化进程中,其中最为突出的问题之一是城市犯罪率的提高,严重威胁到居民生命财产安全,也不利于城市经济和社会的发展。以广西为研究对象,对广西城市化发展进行研究,分析广西的人口流动及犯罪率的问题,并提出一些对策建议。  相似文献   

I analyze the current return of academic rural doubt in the US in terms of an old intellectual quandary: what is the rural? I argue that scholars have two dominant epistemologies of the rural, what I term first rural and second rural, and correspondingly different political visions. By first rural I mean the material moment of the rural, to which we typically grant priority. By second rural I mean the ideal moment of the rural, which we typically regard as secondary, even when we argue that it is the only remaining rural. I analyze the origin of this priority of the rural in terms of the modernist/postmodernist divide, which I trace through the current American emphasis on first rural and the current European and Antipodean emphasis on second rural, noting how each emphasis often develops to the exclusion of the other. I trace as well the association of first rural with a modernist politics of defense of the rural boundary, and of second rural with a postmodernist politics of discourse that engages by deconstructing the rural. I argue for a rural plural vision that embraces first rural and second rural equally, stimulates a correspondingly more inclusive and practical politics of the rural, and keeps our understanding of the rural forever moving on.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》1998,14(1):107-117
Taking the differentiating countryside as a major feature of rural spatial change, this paper explores some of the key development spheres which are influencing the process of differentiation with reference to the British case. Combinations of local and non-local networks, supply chains and regulatory systems incorporate different rural spaces. Four particular development spheres: mass food markets, quality food markets, agriculturally related changes and rural restructuring implicate, in their different combinations, the different rural spaces. This analytical framework raises some important concerns for the governance of differentiating rural space in its regional context. In particular, it suggests that notions of integration and holism of rural spaces will be difficult to achieve; and that governance and regulation becomes highly variable according to the relative significance of local/non-local networks. In conclusion, the implications of the analysis are examined in relation to the growing rural development policy discourse. This suggests the need for more regionally and spatially orientated policy which is more customized to the internal and external conditions different regional-rural spaces experience.  相似文献   

Considerations of lay discourses of the rural - people's everyday interpretations of rural places and ideas of the rural - have become increasingly evident in some key articles addressing the theory and practice of academic rural studies. A major element of the retheorization of rural studies, which itself is set within the broader contexts of recent developments in social theory, considerations of lay discourses have concerned themselves with the nature and implications of everyday interpretations and constructions of the rural, and, in some cases, how academic discourses are complexly bound up with such processes. This paper sets out to review some of the key examples of how and why lay discourses are being used in academic approaches to the rural, and how some of these are also addressing the key question of the problematic relationship between lay and academic discourses. It then aims to develop these initiatives, firstly, by suggesting some clarification of what lay discourse is; how other discourses, particularly popular and professional, should be identified; and why close attention should be paid to how they link up. Secondly, drawing on qualitative case study material gathered from an academic incursion into lay discourses of a small village in south west England, it is suggested that the very different nature of lay discourses has not been fully appreciated, and this has led to only partial success in some academic attempts to assimilate them into new approaches to rural studies, particularly in the ongoing debate about definitions of the rural. It is shown that lay discourses of the rural, such as they are, can be expected to be both spatially and conceptually complex and incoherent to an extent that will make it difficult for them to be incorporated into established (modern) academic rural approaches and thus leads to conclusions that in part support Murdoch and Pratt's (1993) concept of the ‘post-rural’.  相似文献   

Dutch rural areas have changed into a post-modern countryside and have become marketable commodities. The demand for rural space and rural amenities has increased, with concomitant tensions on the rural housing market, tensions which are enhanced by the restrictive spatial policy in Dutch rural areas. The demand for rural residential environments appears to be large. This paper reports the results of our research into the preferences of urban households for living in a rural residential environment. These preferences will be linked with images and representations of the countryside. It is assumed that individual images of the countryside (whether idyllic or not) affect residential preferences and these preferences have, in turn, their effect on migration behaviour. Empirical evidence suggests that perceptions, preferences and behaviour pertaining to rural residential environments are indeed interrelated. The Dutch countryside commands a very positive image and the demand for residential environments with rural characteristics is considerable. Consequently, a rural idyll can be identified in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》1996,12(2):101-111
The existence of a ‘rural idyll’ has been widely accepted by social scientists working within the rural field. Yet the term itself has received relatively little critical attention. In particular, the variable characteristics and impacts of the rural idyll amongst different groups within the rural population has been largely overlooked. The cultural turn in rural geography and the emphasis which has recently been placed on identifying and studying the rural ‘other’ provides an important opportunity for the notion of a rural idyll to be unpacked from the perspective of different rural dwellers. This paper investigates the role of the rural idyll in maintaining rural gender relations. It examines women's attitudes towards and experiences of two key elements of the rural idyll; the family and the community. Drawing on material from interviews with women in rural Avon in the south west of England, the paper shows how women's identity as ‘rural women’ is closely tied in to their images and understanding of rural society. It is argued, in particular, that the opportunities available and acceptable to women are built on very strong assumptions and expectations about motherhood and belonging within a rural community. Some of the more practical implications of these expectations are explored in the context of women's involvement in the community and in the labour market.  相似文献   

Change in rural activities is frequently seen as: (1) reaction to changes in other areas and sectors, and (2) negative. This downplays the role and importance of entrepreneurs, both farm and non-farm, in sustaining the vitality of rural areas. The notion of entrepreneur can be extended to entrepreneurial activity by other people, e.g. local government activity, which is an integral part of rural community economic development. Both the entrepreneur and the quasi-entrepreneur in local government are critical leaders in urban fringes and other rural areas alike. Their activity in an area is partly dependent upon the broader political, social and economic environment which influences: (1) the need to change and (2) whether any “benefit” can be derived from entrepreneurial activity. A framework is presented in this paper to place entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial activity into the context first, of decision-taking generally in the rural environment, and second, of the broader “enabling” environment. It is argued that constraints originating in this broader environment are often necessary, but they may have unforeseen side-effects in discouraging innovation. Changes in such constraints or in the manner in which they are implemented may be a necessary ingredient to maintain rural vitality through encouraging entrepreneurial activity.  相似文献   

城乡一体化过程中上海农村社会事业发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾海英 《科学发展》2010,(11):52-77
城乡一体化是经济社会发展的一般规律,是传统农业社会向现代工业社会演变的必然过程,也是现代化的组成部分。城乡一体化的核心是城乡居民的地位一体化、机会一体化、保障一体化。必须从制度上建立一套保障城乡一体化的系统,其中,推进农村社会事业发展更是至关重要。农村教育、卫生、文化、体育、社会保障、社会服务等社会事业的发展水平,某种程度上可以用来衡量一个国家或地区经济社会的发展水平。因此,加强上海农村社会事业发展不仅与广大农民群众的切身利益和农村、农业的发展需要密切相关,而且对于破除城乡二元结构、加快城乡一体化进程、建设现代化国际大都市,实现"四个率先",以及对于探索转型期农村公共产品供给制度的创新、建立与完善农村公共产品和服务供给模式等,具有重要的战略意义、理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

A new form of rural governance is emerging in more peripheral parts of the UK. As European Structural Fund monies come to play a greater role in financing development projects, so new ways of making decisions about rural development are being initiated. The rural development component of the Structural Funds (Objective 5b) requires that development objectives be prioritized by means of a ‘programming approach’ which brings together a wide range of actors in new institutional arrangements. This reconfiguration of rural development is examined in this paper using case study material from the Northern Uplands — the largest Objective 5b area in England. The paper concludes by drawing out a set of further research questions the Objective 5b programme raises regarding the tensions between centralization and localization, the role of rural communities in their own governance, and the new techniques and technologies of rural governance.  相似文献   

The recent Rural White Paper represents an extensive statement on government analysis of rural issues and its approach towards rural policy in England. It is an important document in demonstrating the extent to which the accepted premises have shifted over the past fifteen years. It shows in considerable detail many local initiatives that have been taken, especially within the private sector, and the role of government in stimulating and disseminating information on good practice. However, it fails to analyze fully the major forces underlying change, generally originating beyond rural areas and commonly from outside of the U.K., which will have major significance in determining the prospects for those living in rural areas and for the quality of the rural environment.  相似文献   

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