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A general canonical variate model is derived when the observations are spatially correlated. For spatial covariance structures resulting from dependence of a pixel on its nearest neighbours, the solution reduces to an analysis of neighbour-corrected values. The usual analysis, in which spatial correlation is ignored, gives similar canonical vectors but over-estimates the canonical roots. A formula for approximating the reduction in the canonical roots to adjust for the spatial correlation is given.  相似文献   

Solving label switching is crucial for interpreting the results of fitting Bayesian mixture models. The label switching originates from the invariance of posterior distribution to permutation of component labels. As a result, the component labels in Markov chain simulation may switch to another equivalent permutation, and the marginal posterior distribution associated with all labels may be similar and useless for inferring quantities relating to each individual component. In this article, we propose a new simple labelling method by minimizing the deviance of the class probabilities to a fixed reference labels. The reference labels can be chosen before running Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) using optimization methods, such as expectation-maximization algorithms, and therefore the new labelling method can be implemented by an online algorithm, which can reduce the storage requirements and save much computation time. Using the Acid data set and Galaxy data set, we demonstrate the success of the proposed labelling method for removing the labelling switching in the raw MCMC samples.  相似文献   

In this study, an evaluation of Bayesian hierarchical models is made based on simulation scenarios to compare single-stage and multi-stage Bayesian estimations. Simulated datasets of lung cancer disease counts for men aged 65 and older across 44 wards in the London Health Authority were analysed using a range of spatially structured random effect components. The goals of this study are to determine which of these single-stage models perform best given a certain simulating model, how estimation methods (single- vs. multi-stage) compare in yielding posterior estimates of fixed effects in the presence of spatially structured random effects, and finally which of two spatial prior models – the Leroux or ICAR model, perform best in a multi-stage context under different assumptions concerning spatial correlation. Among the fitted single-stage models without covariates, we found that when there is low amount of variability in the distribution of disease counts, the BYM model is relatively robust to misspecification in terms of DIC, while the Leroux model is the least robust to misspecification. When these models were fit to data generated from models with covariates, we found that when there was one set of covariates – either spatially correlated or non-spatially correlated, changing the values of the fixed coefficients affected the ability of either the Leroux or ICAR model to fit the data well in terms of DIC. When there were multiple sets of spatially correlated covariates in the simulating model, however, we could not distinguish the goodness of fit to the data between these single-stage models. We found that the multi-stage modelling process via the Leroux and ICAR models generally reduced the variance of the posterior estimated fixed effects for data generated from models with covariates and a UH term compared to analogous single-stage models. Finally, we found the multi-stage Leroux model compares favourably to the multi-stage ICAR model in terms of DIC. We conclude that the mutli-stage Leroux model should be seriously considered in applications of Bayesian disease mapping when an investigator desires to fit a model with both fixed effects and spatially structured random effects to Poisson count data.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method for estimating the parameters in a generalized linear model with missing covariates. The missing covariates are assumed to come from a continuous distribution, and are assumed to be missing at random. In particular, Gaussian quadrature methods are used on the E-step of the EM algorithm, leading to an approximate EM algorithm. The parameters are then estimated using the weighted EM procedure given in Ibrahim (1990). This approximate EM procedure leads to approximate maximum likelihood estimates, whose standard errors and asymptotic properties are given. The proposed procedure is illustrated on a data set.  相似文献   


A common Bayesian hierarchical model is where high-dimensional observed data depend on high-dimensional latent variables that, in turn, depend on relatively few hyperparameters. When the full conditional distribution over latent variables has a known form, general MCMC sampling need only be performed on the low-dimensional marginal posterior distribution over hyperparameters. This improves on popular Gibbs sampling that computes over the full space. Sampling the marginal posterior over hyperparameters exhibits good scaling of compute cost with data size, particularly when that distribution depends on a low-dimensional sufficient statistic.  相似文献   

We propose a method for estimating parameters in generalized linear models with missing covariates and a non-ignorable missing data mechanism. We use a multinomial model for the missing data indicators and propose a joint distribution for them which can be written as a sequence of one-dimensional conditional distributions, with each one-dimensional conditional distribution consisting of a logistic regression. We allow the covariates to be either categorical or continuous. The joint covariate distribution is also modelled via a sequence of one-dimensional conditional distributions, and the response variable is assumed to be completely observed. We derive the E- and M-steps of the EM algorithm with non-ignorable missing covariate data. For categorical covariates, we derive a closed form expression for the E- and M-steps of the EM algorithm for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs). For continuous covariates, we use a Monte Carlo version of the EM algorithm to obtain the MLEs via the Gibbs sampler. Computational techniques for Gibbs sampling are proposed and implemented. The parametric form of the assumed missing data mechanism itself is not `testable' from the data, and thus the non-ignorable modelling considered here can be viewed as a sensitivity analysis concerning a more complicated model. Therefore, although a model may have `passed' the tests for a certain missing data mechanism, this does not mean that we have captured, even approximately, the correct missing data mechanism. Hence, model checking for the missing data mechanism and sensitivity analyses play an important role in this problem and are discussed in detail. Several simulations are given to demonstrate the methodology. In addition, a real data set from a melanoma cancer clinical trial is presented to illustrate the methods proposed.  相似文献   

Proschan, Brittain, and Kammerman made a very interesting observation that for some examples of the unequal allocation minimization, the mean of the unconditional randomization distribution is shifted away from 0. Kuznetsova and Tymofyeyev linked this phenomenon to the variations in the allocation ratio from allocation to allocation in the examples considered in the paper by Proschan et al. and advocated the use of unequal allocation procedures that preserve the allocation ratio at every step. In this paper, we show that the shift phenomenon extends to very common settings: using conditional randomization test in a study with equal allocation. This phenomenon has the same cause: variations in the allocation ratio among the allocation sequences in the conditional reference set, not previously noted. We consider two kinds of conditional randomization tests. The first kind is the often used randomization test that conditions on the treatment group totals; we describe the variations in the conditional allocation ratio with this test on examples of permuted block randomization and biased coin randomization. The second kind is the randomization test proposed by Zheng and Zelen for a multicenter trial with permuted block central allocation that conditions on the within‐center treatment totals. On the basis of the sequence of conditional allocation ratios, we derive the value of the shift in the conditional randomization distribution for specific vector of responses and the expected value of the shift when responses are independent identically distributed random variables. We discuss the asymptotic behavior of the shift for the two types of tests. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary. A Bayesian method for segmenting weed and crop textures is described and implemented. The work forms part of a project to identify weeds and crops in images so that selective crop spraying can be carried out. An image is subdivided into blocks and each block is modelled as a single texture. The number of different textures in the image is assumed unknown. A hierarchical Bayesian procedure is used where the texture labels have a Potts model (colour Ising Markov random field) prior and the pixels within a block are distributed according to a Gaussian Markov random field, with the parameters dependent on the type of texture. We simulate from the posterior distribution by using a reversible jump Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, where the number of different texture components is allowed to vary. The methodology is applied to a simulated image and then we carry out texture segmentation on the weed and crop images that motivated the work.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The goodness-of-fit of the distribution of random effects in a generalized linear mixed model is assessed using a conditional simulation of the random effects conditional on the observations. Provided that the specified joint model for random effects and observations is correct, the marginal distribution of the simulated random effects coincides with the assumed random effects distribution. In practice, the specified model depends on some unknown parameter which is replaced by an estimate. We obtain a correction for this by deriving the asymptotic distribution of the empirical distribution function obtained from the conditional sample of the random effects. The approach is illustrated by simulation studies and data examples.  相似文献   

Parametric mixture models are commonly used in the analysis of clustered data. Parametric families are specified for the conditional distribution of the response variable given a cluster-specific effect, and for the marginal distribution of the cluster-specific effects. This latter distribution is referred to as the mixing distribution. If the form of the mixing distribution is misspecified, then Bayesian and maximum-likelihood estimators of parameters associated with either distribution may be inconsistent. The magnitude of the asymptotic bias is investigated, using an approximation based on infinitesimal contamination of the mixing distribution. The approximation is useful when there is a closed-form expression for the marginal distribution of the response under the assumed mixing distribution, but not under the true mixing distribution. Typically this occurs when the assumed mixing distribution is conjugate, meaning that the conditional distribution of the cluster-specific parameter given the response variable belongs to the same parametric family as the mixing distribution.  相似文献   

An analytical expression is obtained for the marginal posterior density for a structural coefficient in a simultaneous equations system based on a limited information Bayesian analysis. A con- ditional posterior density is obtained given reduced form para- meters. This conditional posterior density is in univariate student t form. Numerical examples suggest that the conditional density hasa tighter distribution around the posterior mean than the unconditional density when the correlation between the endo- genous variables and the structural error term is high.  相似文献   

As assumed hypothetical consensus category corresponding to a case being classified provides a basis for assessment of reliability of judges. Equivalent judges are characterised by the joint probability distribution of the judge assignment and the consensus category. Estimates of the conditional probabilities of judge assignment given consensus category and of consensus category given judge assignments are indices of reliability. All parameters can be estimated if data include classifications of a number of cases by 3 or more judges. Restrictive assumptions are imposed to obtain models for data from classifications by two judges. Maximum likelihood estimation is discussed and illustrated by example for the 3 or more judges case.  相似文献   

In many experiments, several measurements on the same variable are taken over time, a geographic region, or some other index set. It is often of interest to know if there has been a change over the index set in the parameters of the distribution of the variable. Frequently, the data consist of a sequence of correlated random variables, and there may also be several experimental units under observation, each providing a sequence of data. A problem in ascertaining the boundaries between the layers in geological sedimentary beds is used to introduce the model and then to illustrate the proposed methodology. It is assumed that, conditional on the change point, the data from each sequence arise from an autoregressive process that undergoes a change in one or more of its parameters. Unconditionally, the model then becomes a mixture of nonstationary autoregressive processes. Maximum-likelihood methods are used, and results of simulations to evaluate the performance of these estimators under practical conditions are given.  相似文献   

In the context of regression rnodels with random effects, repeated response are traditionally assumed to be mutually independent conditional on the random effects. In order to asseess the validity of such an assumption and its impact on parameter inference, we propose an estimating equation methodology where both random eifects and within-subject correlation are modeled. This fllows a subsequent analysis on the statistical sianificance of the conditional correlation. We illustrate this method with the epilepsy data of Thall and Vail (1990), and find our method useh in a proper representation for khe random effect modeling.  相似文献   

Liang and Zeger (1986) introduced a class of estimating equations that gives consistent estimates of regression parameters and of their asymptotic variances in the class of generalized linear models for cluster correlated data. When the independent variables or covariates in such models are subject to measurement errors, the parameter estimates obtained from these estimating equations are no longer consistent. To correct for the effect of measurement errors, an estimator with smaller asymptotic bias is constructed along the lines of Stefanski (1985), assuming that the measurement error variance is either known or estimable. The asymptotic distribution of the bias-corrected estimator and a consistent estimator of its asymptotic variance are also given. The special case of a binary logistic regression model is studied in detail. For this case, methods based on conditional scores and quasilikelihood are also extended to cluster correlated data. Results of a small simulation study on the performance of the proposed estimators and associated tests of hypotheses are reported.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new risk measure, the so‐called conditional tail moment. It is defined as the moment of order a ≥ 0 of the loss distribution above the upper α‐quantile where α ∈ (0,1). Estimating the conditional tail moment permits us to estimate all risk measures based on conditional moments such as conditional tail expectation, conditional value at risk or conditional tail variance. Here, we focus on the estimation of these risk measures in case of extreme losses (where α ↓0 is no longer fixed). It is moreover assumed that the loss distribution is heavy tailed and depends on a covariate. The estimation method thus combines non‐parametric kernel methods with extreme‐value statistics. The asymptotic distribution of the estimators is established, and their finite‐sample behaviour is illustrated both on simulated data and on a real data set of daily rainfalls.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a new statistical method for images which contain discontinuities. The method tries to improve the quality of a 'measured' image, which is degraded by the presence of random distortions. This is achieved by using knowledge about the degradation process and a priori information about the main characteristics of the underlying ideal image. Specifically, the method uses information about the discontinuity patterns in small areas of the 'true' image. Some auxiliary labels 'explicitly' describe the location of discontinuities in the true image. A Bayesian model for the image grey levels and the discontinuity labels is built. The maximum a posteriori estimator is considered. The iterated conditional modes algorithm is used to find a (local) maximum of the posterior distribution. The proposed method has been successfully applied to both artificial and real magnetic resonance images. A comparison of the results with those obtained from three other known methods also has been performed. Finally, the connection between Bayesian 'explicity and 'implicit' models is studied. In implicit modelling, there is no use of any set of labels explicitly describing the location of discontinuities. For these models, we derive some constraints of the function by which the presence of the discontinuities is taken into account.  相似文献   

In many practical situation the regression analysis with stochastic regressors is used. The estimations of this model are often influenced by a high degree of multicollinearity. For avoidance of this fact a criterion and a procedure for the selection of an optimal subset for regression will be derived on the base of the partition of the moments of the conditional normal distribution of the regressand under the condition of the regressors. Further two stage procedures improving the result of the subset regression. based also on the partition of the conditional moments will be given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a fully Bayesian quantile inference using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for longitudinal data models with random effects. Under the assumption of error term subject to asymmetric Laplace distribution, we establish a hierarchical Bayesian model and obtain the posterior distribution of unknown parameters at τ-th level. We overcome the current computational limitations using two approaches. One is the general MCMC technique with Metropolis–Hastings algorithm and another is the Gibbs sampling from the full conditional distribution. These two methods outperform the traditional frequentist methods under a wide array of simulated data models and are flexible enough to easily accommodate changes in the number of random effects and in their assumed distribution. We apply the Gibbs sampling method to analyse a mouse growth data and some different conclusions from those in the literatures are obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider posterior predictive distributions of Type-II censored data for an inverse Weibull distribution. These functions are given by using conditional density functions and conditional survival functions. Although the conditional survival functions were expressed by integral forms in previous studies, we derive the conditional survival functions in closed forms and thereby reduce the computation cost. In addition, we calculate the predictive confidence intervals of unobserved values and coverage probabilities of unobserved values by using the posterior predictive survival functions.  相似文献   

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