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This study investigates the negotiating styles of Saudi industrial buyers. Thomas’s Topology as measured by Rahim’s instrument is used in this study. The results suggest that three are two dominant styles of negotiation in the Saudi context, namely: the competitive and collaborative styles.  相似文献   

The literature has often suggested that network leadership is different from leadership in hierarchical/single-agency structures. While this difference has been assumed, relatively little research has been conducted to determine whether such a distinction between network and hierarchical leadership actually exists. This study addresses this gap in the literature using data from 417 public sector leaders. We compared the leadership behaviors exhibited by a leader in their government agency with the behaviors exhibited by that same individual while leading his or her network. The leadership behaviors were classified into one of three categories common in the leadership literature. The results indicate that while the frequency of organization-oriented behaviors vary widely between the agency and network contexts, leaders in their networks focus more on people-oriented behaviors and less on task-oriented behaviors when compared to leading their agency.  相似文献   

Investments in information technology (IT) are now a major part of corporate investment, and the management of IT is essential to performance. In general, IT is expected to have performance effects when it is judiciously used to complement existing corporate capabilities. In this research, we examine how IT can complement diversification strategy. Using hypotheses and measures suggested by information processing theory and the theory of corporate strategy, testable hypotheses are derived to examine how IT can complement diversification. Results suggest that spending on computer technology significantly complements a strategy of unrelated diversification. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

James C Taylor 《Omega》1978,6(2):153-160
A factor analysis was undertaken in an effort to investigate the underlying structure of the quality of working life (QWL) construct. The responses of 95 managers to 42 items were used to derive Varimax factors obtained from rotating the first five principal components. Some affinities with existing a priori lists of QWL criteria or categories are noted. But the total structure derived is superior to any of these, since it simultaneously deals with separate criteria which focus on individual and collective QWL concepts. Scales are produced which are explicable on the apparent meaning of the items which cluster. Adequate orthogonality and internal consistency are reported for the scales, and these in turn lead to increased confidence in the meaning of the structure obtained.  相似文献   

The author suggests that a critical factor in bringing about an overall improvement in the UK's economic performance is an improvement in Industrial Relations—with the aim of achieving levels of productivity which match the best in the world. The article asks how this is to be done; what has gone wrong; and, more importantly, what can be done to improve the situation in the future.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 463 technology evaluations, this paper demonstrates empirically the conceptual split between “technological attractiveness” – which is outside of the control of the company and “technological competitiveness” – which is within the company's control. The 16 “technological attractiveness” criteria produced by the literature review gave a set of six different factors (62.5% of variance) depicting potential value. The 16 “technological competitiveness” criteria derived of the literature review were summarized with only four questions (58% of variance) depicting accumulated value. As such, this research shows that managers assess technologies on the basis of a limited set of criteria. These results have practical implications as they enable us to target technology audits to a more workable set of questions at the operational level.  相似文献   

Strategic SME networks have received significant policy attention, yet a review of the current literature reveals limited attention to the factors that contribute to network innovation. This study examines the influence of the number of member firms (network size), the extent to which a network is based on firm incentives (bottom-up formation), and the extent of development of the governance structure (size of administrative function) on a network's innovative performance. Latent growth modeling with longitudinal data from 53 networks reveals that larger networks and bottom-up formed networks achieve greater innovative performance, and that the administrative function partially mediates these effects.  相似文献   

This article is based upon a paper presented to a meeting of the Society for Long Range Planning. In it the author considers the future of industrial relations against the backcloth of the existing UK environment.  相似文献   

Understanding how a firm's scientific capability influences its technology development has important implications on the firm's research and development (R&D) strategies. However, the current literature reveals a puzzling outcome in its empirical investigations on the science–technology relationship. While many studies show the positive influence of a firm's scientific capability on its technological performance, a few others indicate that if a firm focuses its attention more on cutting edge science, its overall technological performance will suffer. We suggest that these findings can be reconciled by conceptualizing and measuring the scientific capability of the firm differently. This paper attempts to demonstrate how different notions of scientific capability are associated with different performance outcomes. Furthermore, a firm's scientific capability facilitates the integration of new knowledge to produce valuable technologies when a firm broadens its search for new knowledge. The paper highlights the nuances of conceptualizing and measuring the firm's scientific capability in two different ways: number of scientific publications and non-patent references. The findings also shed light on the mechanism through which science accelerates technological progress inside a firm.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(3):65-76
The consensus approach to industrial relations has served Sweden well for 30 years in achieving industrial peace, thus enabling the economy to thrive. In recent years the consensus approach has broken down in three important areas, namely the worker funds, the law on co-determination at work and in pay negotiations. The causes of the breakdown are analysed and possible future developments are discussed with some reference to the political and economic background. The author charts the major trends and develops a number of scenarios for the future.  相似文献   

While there is a large body of academic debate surrounding human resource management issues in multinational corporations (MNCs), industrial relations (IR) issues often fail to receive the same degree of attention. This paper attempts to move the debate forward by critically reviewing some of the key debates surrounding IR in an international context. First, some key themes surrounding the comparison of industrial relations across borders and IR in multinational companies are delineated and defined. Then, the reasons why an international IR (IIR) perspective has been under‐represented in the literature to date are considered. The paper then explores the contribution which an IIR perspective can bring to the study of management practices in MNCs. This is discussed in terms of IIR's potential contribution as an alternative analytical approach and also differences in its substantive coverage. The impact of IR systems on MNC location and relocation decisions, key issues for employees, trade unions and managers of MNCs, is then discussed as an example of the former. The potential for, and evidence of, international collective bargaining as a potential counter‐balance to the power the MNC in the global environment is then considered as an example of a differing area of substantive coverage of IIR. Finally, some avenues for potential study are outlined.  相似文献   

试论国有纯粹型产业控股公司的特性及功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
芮明杰  袁安照   《管理科学》2000,3(1):94-99
控股公司是指一公司拥有其他公司的决定性表决权的股份 ,从而行使控制权或经营管理权的公司 ;纯粹型产业控股公司是指公司拥有子公司决定性表决权的股份 ,通过股东大会和董事会行使控股权 ,它本身不从事产业的生产经营 ;国有纯粹型控股公司是我国企业制度改革的一个结果 .我们认为 ,国有纯粹型控股公司应具备如下四个方面的功能 :1产权经营 ;2行业协调和监管的功能 ;3战略管理的功能 ;4社会性功能  相似文献   

Malcolm Warner 《Omega》1984,12(3):203-210
This paper argues that the effects of the new microprocessor technology such as FMS, CAD/CAM, CNC systems and so on, on industrial relations are relatively indeterminate, given that new production-systems may permit a range of organizational and manpower solutions. Examples are cited from a number of cross-national empirical studies, relating to selected countries in Western Europe. The first deals with the impact of technology on industrial democracy; the second, with the effect on skill-polarization and hence on employee-involvement. The problems of assessing causal relations are then discussed and the paper concludes that whatever the impact of technology on industrial behaviour, the impact of formal participative norms appears to be greater.  相似文献   

In this article, the author takes to task those who use the indicator of “strike activity” to measure the state of industrial relations. The case study is specifically that of the United Kingdom, but it has applications elsewhere as well.When this is done, and when it is pointed out that such a measure ignores complexities like the distribution curve of strikes and the qualitative gains from negotiations, it becomes clear that strike-prone British industry is a chimera.Nonetheless, Marchington warns against complacency. Even techniques of increased employee involvement and workplace flexibility, like briefing committees and quality circles, may not bring equal benefits to employers and employees.  相似文献   

Strategic technology alliance termination: An empirical investigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is growing consensus that overall alliance termination rates are high. However, despite this track record of termination and despite unsurpassed growth rates of strategic technology alliances, little is known about the reasons for their termination. Typically strategic alliances have been characterized as inherently instable, i.e. often involving unplanned and premature termination of the alliance by partnering firms indicating alliance failure. The literature on strategic technology alliances, however, proposes that alliance termination does not always indicate failure, but can be intended and can be a sign of strength. We examine these different perceptions by using a sample of 48 strategic technology alliances in different high-technology industries. The findings in the paper confirm that the rates of termination are rather high for strategic technology alliances. Overall, we found that in particular negative prospects about future cooperation, negative perceptions about joint benefits and the lack of a win-win situation had an impact on the decision to terminate a strategic technology alliance. Also, the fact that some companies opt only for short-term (not for long-term and renewed) cooperation seems to introduce a negative factor into the longevity of strategic technology alliances.  相似文献   

Universities play an important role in the development of a country in this age of the knowledge economy. As government subsidies to universities have been reducing in recent years, the more efficient use of resources becomes an important issue for university administrators. This paper applies data envelopment analysis (DEA) to assess the relative efficiency of the academic departments at National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. The outputs considered are total credit-hours, publications, and external grants; and the inputs utilized by the departments are personnel, operating expenses, and floor space. An assurance region is constructed by the top administrators of the university to confine the flexibility in selecting the virtual multipliers in DEA. Four groups of departments of similar characteristics are categorized via an efficiency decomposition and cluster analysis. The aggregate efficiency indicates whether the resources have been utilized efficiently by a department and the efficiency decomposition helps identify the weak areas where more effort should be devoted so that the efficiency of the department can be improved.  相似文献   

This paper extends the upper-echelons theory by examining if observable demographic characteristics can be used to predict CEO selections. Based on an empirical analysis of recent successions at USA Fortune 200 companies, it identifies international experience as an important construct associated with accession to the CEO position of large corporations. The study also finds that CEO international experience is higher in firms that are highly international in terms of sales and assets. Firm and individual control variables are discussed and included in the empirical analysis. Managerial implications and suggestions for related future research are provided.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that language competence has an effect on foreign subsidiary control but its precise nature remains unclear. In a sample of 119 Western-owned subsidiaries in Finland and China, we empirically tested how foreign subsidiaries with varying degrees of language competence were controlled. We carried out structured interviews with the general managers of these subsidiaries in order to assess the effect of language at the level of specific control mechanisms. According to our findings, the subsidiaries with low language competence were controlled to a greater extent by centralization and formalization than units with high language competence. Output control and socialization mechanisms appeared unaffected by language competence of subsidiary staff.  相似文献   

信息技术战略价值及实现机制的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究信息技术战略价值及其实现机制,基于企业资源观、竞争战略理论和核心能力理论,构建了信息技术资源、信息技术应用能力、战略层面的信息系统能力、环境动态性和企业绩效之间关系的研究模型,应用结构方程模型对233家中国企业的调查问卷进行数据分析和模型拟合.研究结果表明信息技术资源和信息技术应用能力都无法直接影响企业绩效,其战...  相似文献   

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