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Zusammenfassung  Der Beitrag beschreibt Planung, Verlauf und abschlie?ende Beurteilung eines gruppendynamischen Seminars, in dem für angehende Supervisorinnen und Supervisoren das Thema Organisations-Entwicklung dargestellt und vermittelt werden sollte. Ausgangspunkt war die Kl?rung des Inhaltsraums von Organisations-Entwicklung als geplantem sozialen Wandel, der auf sozialwissenschaftlicher Grundlage zielgerichtet, strategisch und mit Zeitperspektive in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen externer und interner Sach-, Prozess- und Entscheidungskompetenz durchgeführt wird. Als Ziele des Seminars wurden festgelegt, Organisations-Entwicklung als sozialwissenschaftliches Instrument zu begründen, Organisations-Entwicklung-Schritte zu konzipieren und sie kollegial zu kommunizieren. Darüber hinaus wurden Qualit?tskriterien für das Seminar formuliert: Praxisn?he, Kl?rung des Inhaltsraum Selbstorganisation, Selbststeuerung, Ressourcenaktivierung, Konfliktregulierung, Analyse des Gruppenprozesses, Nutzung von Feldkompetenz und Verhaltensmodellen, Etablierung von Feedbackschleifen, Koordination und Synergie, kollegialer Austausch und Kl?rung pers?nlicher Organisations-Entwicklungs-Fragen. Bausteine und Lernorte des Seminars waren das Plenum, die Lernpartnerschaft, das OE-Team, die Beobachterfunktion, die Tagesreflexion, die Sitzung Frage und Antwort, die Darstellung von Praxisf?llen, das Plenum-Feinsteuerung, die Analyse der Arbeitsprozesse des OE-Teams sowie Transfer und Auswertung. Der tats?chliche Verlauf des Seminars wird aus der Perspektive des Leiters kommentiert. Anhand von Verlaufsbeobachtungen und Teilnehmer?u?erungen wird der Eindruck begründet, dass diese Form des Vorgehens als lernintensiv, autonomief?rdernd und für die zu erwerbende Supervisionskompetenz als praxisrelevant betrachtet werden kann.
This article describes the plantification, progress and final evaluation of a group-dynamic seminar for future supervisors in which the topic organization development was presented and introduced. The content of organization development was first defined as a planned social change which is executed based on social sciences in a goal-oriented, strategic way which considers the time perspective of the cooperation between external and internal specialised-, process- and decision competence. Goals of the seminar were to justify that organisation development is a social science tool, to plan organization development steps and to communicate them to peer seminar participants. Further more, the following quality criteria for the seminar were formulated: practice orientation, definition of self-organisation content, self regulation, resources activation, conflict regulation, group process analysis, field competence and behaviour models usage, feedback establishment, coordination and synergy, mutual peer exchange and finding answers to personal questions about organization development. The building blocks and learn places of the seminar were the plenary sessions, the learning partnership, the od-teams, the observer function, the day analysis, the questions and answers session, the case study presentation, the analysis of the work processes as well as transfer and evaluation. The progression of the seminar is commented from the point of view of the seminar leader. Progress observations and participant’s feedback justify the impression that this way to conceptualise provides an intensive learning experience, supports autonomy and provides relevant and practical supervision competence.

J?rg Fengler ist Professor der Psychologie an der Universit?t zu K?ln, Heilp?dagogische Fakult?t. Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind u.a. P?dagogische und Klinische Psychologie. Er ist Herausgeber dieser Zeitschrift.  相似文献   

This article describes the planification, progress and final evaluation of a group-dynamic seminar for future supervisors in which the topic organization development was presented and introduced. The content of organization development was first defined as a planned social change which is executed based on social sciences in a goal-oriented, strategic way which considers the time perspective of the cooperation between external and internal specialised-, process- and decision competence. Goals of the seminar were to justify that organisation development is a social science tool, to plan organization development steps and to communicate them to peer seminar participants. Further more, the following quality criteria for the seminar were formulated: practice orientation, definition of self-organisation content, self regulation, resources activation, conflict regulation, group process analysis, field competence and behaviour models usage, feedback establishment, coordination and synergy, mutual peer exchange and finding answers to personal questions about organization development. The building blocks and learn places of the seminar were the plenary sessions, the learning partnership, the od-teams, the observer function, the day analysis, the questions and answers session, the case study presentation, the analysis of the work processes as well as transfer and evaluation. The progression of the seminar is commented from the point of view of the seminar leader. Progress observations and participant’s feedback justify the impression that this way to conceptualise provides an intensive learning experience, supports autonomy and provides relevant and practical supervision competence.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of strategic measures for organizational development in small and medium sized companies, it often remains quite difficult to integrate such activities. Access to consultancy and continuing education on offer in this field is being impeded by lack of resources, such as time, personnel and finance, as well as by the abstract nature of the theme itself and the lack of familiarity with this learning and counseling situation. Three fields of tension are focused on: Teaching and learning as a management of contradictions, strategy between myth and reality, and the role that tools play in working with strategies. Against the backdrop of the experiences in a project that combined elements of research, counseling and continuing education the article points out challenges for institutions promoting economic development, for entrepreneurs, and for researchers or consultants in such a context.  相似文献   

The theory and practice of Organizational Development and Consulting are in a phase of transition from classic to reflexive modernization. While the readiness to not perform the modernization of organisations according to classic rational models is growing, conflicting expectations ensure their persistant use in practice. Using various research concerning the transformation process in Eastern Germany it is shown that this phase did not create a break with the classic rational model of organization. The theory of Organizational Development and Consulting needs to reflect on this and other problems of the transitional phase and itself become more reflective on the relationsship of the theory and practice of organizational development.  相似文献   

Organizational development as a profession is still ongoing a continuous evolution of its theory foundation, methodology, as well as its subject matters. Organizational development is on the one hand a well appreciated and a welcomed part of corporate development but is threatened on the other hand to miss the connection to the radical changes which are occurring in companies as well as in general to economy and society. Some statements in this paper show possible ways to establish a foundation for organizational development in order to use the valuable accumulated experience in a constructive manner.  相似文献   

Organizational development needs a theory of the subject and a theory of change. The underlying values and mental models of learning, constraint, free will and mainting and/or disintegrating a system shape the theory of change. The objective of this essay is to increase the complexity of the theory and as a result, increase the ability of consultants to come in contact with different mental models that occur in organizations.  相似文献   

“How can I successfully offer my counseling services to the market?”. The question of promoting oneself is a crucial one, not only for counselors at the beginning of their career but also for experienced colleagues. The problem of attracting clients occupies counselors and supervisors at different levels: At the personality level as well as at the professional and role understanding level. Promoting oneself implies “selling” one’s performance and ability and therefore touches topics which are normally taboo: money, market, ethics, self-respect, competition and status.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der Zuwachs der ?lteren Bev?lkerung wie auch der für sie bereitgestellten Versorgungseinrichtungen stellt die in der Altenpflege T?tigen vor vielf?ltige und schwierige Aufgaben. Vor dem Hintergrund einer verbreiteten, unbewu?ten aversiven Konnotation des Alterns stellt die Autorin das Spektrum von fachspezifischen Schwierigkeiten in der Supervisionsarbeit dar. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass feldspezifische Anforderungen im Umgang mit ?lteren in den Supervisionsprozess mit einzubeziehen sind und in weitere Schritte der Organisationsentwicklung münden k?nnen.
The increased numbers of elderly and old people within our society as well as the growing number of institutional facilities for their support confronts those who work with them with manifold and difficult problems. Considering the background of a widespread, mostly unconscious negative connotation of age and ageing the author presents the spectrum of specific difficulties related to the specialised field of supervising work. It is shown that field-specific requirements in the relation with elderly have to be included and recognized in the supervising process and can lead to further organizational developments.

Dr. phil. Gabriele Junkers ist Psychoanalytikerin und Lehranalytikerin (DPV/IPA), Generalsekret?rin der Europ?ischen Psychoanalytischen F?deration (EPF) Gerontologin. Supervision und Organisationsberatung.  相似文献   

The increased numbers of elderly and old people within our society as well as the growing number of institutional facilities for their support confronts those who work with them with manifold and difficult problems. Considering the background of a widespread, mostly unconscious negative connotation of age and ageing the author presents the spectrum of specific difficulties related to the specialised field of supervising work. It is shown that field-specific requirements in the relation with elderly have to be included and recognized in the supervising process and can lead to further organizational developments.  相似文献   

I personally understand succession processes as an interface of organization evolutions. The way in which these are settled indicates the development direction of the organization as a conservative or a progressive one. The following will discuss organization changes regarding fluidity and virtuality.The limits of such an organization are more and more psychological, the management personality has a big influence regarding the chances related to changes.In how far, at the leadership level, the deviation readiness can be established through arranged successors, essentially determines the organization’s chance to adjust to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Zuwachs der ?lteren Bev?lkerung wie auch der für sie bereitgestellten Versorgungseinrichtungen stellt die in der Altenpflege T?tigen vor vielf?ltige und schwierige Aufgaben. Vor dem Hintergrund einer verbreiteten, unbewu?ten aversiven Konnotation des Alterns stellt die Autorin das Spektrum von fachspezifischen Schwierigkeiten in der Supervisionsarbeit dar. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass feldspezifische Anforderungen im Umgang mit ?lteren in den Supervisionsprozess mit einzubeziehen sind und in weitere Schritte der Organisationsentwicklung münden k?nnen.
The increased numbers of elderly and old people within our society as well as the growing number of institutional facilities for their support confronts those who work with them with manifold and difficult problems. Considering the background of a widespread, mostly unconscious negative connotation of age and ageing the author presents the spectrum of specific difficulties related to the specialised field of supervising work. It is shown that field-specific requirements in the relation with elderly have to be included and recognized in the supervising process and can lead to further organizational developments.

Dr. phil. Gabriele Junkers ist Psychoanalytikerin und Lehranalytikerin (DPV/IPA), Generalsekret?rin der Europ?ischen Psychoanalytischen F?deration (EPF) Gerontologin. Supervision und Organisationsberatung.  相似文献   

Intercultural aspects are becoming more and more important for personnel development, team building and organizational development due to internationalization and globalization. This contribution describes fundamental principles with regard to the relevance of intercultural aspects in these three intervention fields and summarizes scientific research on this topic. Following a clarification of basic concepts, intercultural training and intercultural assessment centers — as specific personnel development activities — are treated, results of evaluation research are presented and recommendations for the application of these instruments are given. Team development is discussed with special regard to processes and effectiveness of multinational work groups. Intercultural influences on participation and intergroup relations are described as two main aspects of organizational development.  相似文献   

Potentials of organization development (OD) are discussed from the perspectives of organization/client, counselling and science. The focal questions of the discussion are: What can OD achieve compared to strategy consulting? How can both forms be sensibly combined? What are the potentials of a psychologically based form of organizational counselling? Which (potentially latent) functions do organizational consulting / OD fulfil for the client organization? The discussion closes with considerations regarding a potential professionalization and the future of OD.  相似文献   

This essay discusses the work of external consultants in the context of urban development processes. It suggests that this new field can profit from theories, methods and experiences from the area of organizational development and explores what elements are adaptable. On the basis of the comparison of different approaches to change in organizations and in spatial contexts first conclusions concerning external consultation in spatial development processes are drawn. A neighbourhood development process in the city of Winterthur, Switzerland is analyzed using the case study research method. The evaluation of the case study shows that a similar framework of interventions has been used as in organizational development and points at the need for combining specialist and process consultation in neighbourhood development. Finally, on the basis of the theoretical and empirical findings a conceptional structure for external consultancy is suggested.  相似文献   

Organisations are marked by contradictions: change and continuity, health and sickness, men and women, creativity and linearity, past and future and freedom and restriction are only a few poles in which these contradictions are made visible. Organisations try to give answers to these contradictions and give space for both: freedom and restriction. Here, systems and individuals are related in mutual challenge and in permanent negotiation. It is therefore important for management and employee to reflect on the preconditions for the chance of freedom and restriction. The organisation has to provide the possibility to legitimize the ‘Management of Paradox’ in order to generate answers which are necessary to guide change and contradiction.  相似文献   

Supervision and coaching have, among others, a threefold function. They are used for the analysis (elimination and clarification) as well as the development of possible action alternatives. The main question within the clarification phase is often which alternative, from the two or more available ones shall be chosen for its best potential for success and development. In this study a situation is analyzed where a coaching partner has to decide between a series of alternatives otherwise somebody else would take the decision instead of him. Supervision and coaching used as decision processes show in this case that the coach repeatedly focuses on the available options and assists in the decision taking process, guaranteeing by this his own action space.  相似文献   

Recently bargaining models became a popular theoretical concept within family research. Especially compared to household economic theory, bargaining models are less abstract and provide a tool for analysis of conflicting interests and their consequences in family relationships. However, although there are many different topics which can be tackled with this kind of theory, there is still a lack of direct empirical tests concerning this concept. The aim of this article is to provide such a test by using a special type of a quasi-experimental research design. With a so-called factorial design we vary systematically incentives for a household move in order to model different structural conditions of a relationship like earning possibilities or chances for a career of a partner. This allows us to observe varying power allocations within the relationship. The empirical results support the hypotheses derived from the bargaining model: the respondent anticipates a loss of his or her bargaining power as well as an increasing power of the partner. Consequently they answer such a change with a reduced tendency for a household move and a higher perceived potential for conflicts within the relationship. However, due to our limited knowledge about the validity of the quasi-experimental design these results need to be validated by future research.  相似文献   

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