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Although interest in the ecological impacts of urbanisation has increased, very little is known about its impacts on freshwater turtles in Australia. This study investigated the abundance and diversity of turtles in lakes in an urbanised subtropical landscape, Brisbane, Australia. It was found that turtles were abundant throughout the lakes surveyed, with four native species and one introduced species being detected. A total of 371 individuals were captured, 77.7% of which were Brisbane River turtle (Emydura macquarii signata). The lakes surveyed were estimated to support a population of 63–269 individuals for all species combined with most lake populations containing less than 100. Turtle demographics may be classed into three stages of population growth: recovery or nascent; intermediate; and climax. Turtle reproductive success is a major concern for the survival of turtles in urban areas. Continued monitoring is needed to establish if population declines are occurring. This study suggests that while turtles are persisting in this urban environment of Australia the pressures of urbanisation, such as habitat loss, increased predation on both nests and juveniles and pollution of waterways may pose on-going risks to their survival.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation plays a major role in species extinction around the globe. Previous research has determined that species richness in fragments is affected by a number of characteristics. These include fragment age, size, and isolation, edge effects, vegetation coverage, habitat heterogeneity, and matrix content. Although most studies focused on one or a few of these characteristics, multiple characteristics work together to affect species richness, showing that the effects of habitat fragmentation are complex. The goal of our study was to partition the complex effects of habitat fragmentation by determining the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of multiple habitat fragment characteristics on rodent species richness. In 2013, we determined rodent species richness in 25 habitat fragments within Thousand Oaks, California. In addition, we measured the following characteristics for each fragment: fragment age, area, isolation, shrub coverage, habitat heterogeneity, perimeter/area ratio, and percent non-urban buffer. Path Analysis was used to test the hypothesized model which described the direct, indirect, and cumulative effect of each habitat fragment characteristic on rodent species richness. Overall, the path model explained 67 % of the variation in rodent species richness among habitat fragments. Habitat heterogeneity had the greatest direct and total effect on rodent species richness. Fragment size had the next greatest total effect on rodent species richness but this was nearly entirely indirect through its influence on habitat heterogeneity, suggesting that large fragments containing the greatest diversity of habitats will support the most species. Our study shows that large habitat fragments support the greatest habitat diversity, which provides the highest likelihood of conserving rodent species richness in an urban landscape.  相似文献   

Pressures of rapid development continue to increase, and recreational activities are becoming a prominent driving force in many urban wildlife communities. Freshwater turtles live in many urban environments, yet little attention has been given to the impact of human recreation upon these communities. We examined the response of basking turtles to observer presence along the towpath of a recreational canal in central New Jersey. All species, except for turtles of the family Kinosternidae, were more frequently observed basking on substrate with less than 50 % canopy cover, log substrate was most preferred, and turtles on the towpath side basked an average of 3 m from the towpath. Turtles were vigilant and over 75 % of C. picta, T.S. elegans, and P. rubriventris responded to observer presence by retreating (swimming away). The distance from the towpath turtles were first seen basking by the observer (approach distance) was significantly correlated with the flight-initiation distance (distance of first respond to observer). Nearly 80 % of the variability in flight initiation distance for Kinosternidae was accounted for by the percent canopy cover, percent cloud cover, and height basking above the water. Researchers aiming to quantify and manage human recreational impact on turtles should examine flight-initiation distances. We encourage wildlife managers of urban parks to construct towpaths or recreational areas at a minimum of 7 m from the water’s edge, maintain moderate vegetation in basking areas, and construct additional basking platforms opposite from towpaths or at great distances from human recreational areas.  相似文献   

Urbanisation is one of the most severe drivers of current global biodiversity loss and has contributed to severe declines in many amphibian species. The aim of this study was to determine whether artificial stormwater ponds, designed to control water flow, can act as refuges for amphibians in urban areas. Moreover, we analysed the influence of habitat and landscape quality on amphibian species richness of 46 stormwater ponds (STOPON) in comparison to 46 control ponds (CONTROL).Our study revealed that environmental conditions clearly varied between STOPON and CONTROL. The most pronounced differences were that STOPON were larger, shallower, sunnier, more isolated by streets and had a greater cover of built-up area and lower cover of arable land surrounding them. Nevertheless, the amphibian assemblages of STOPON and CONTROL were very similar. All nine amphibian species (including three threatened species) detected in this study were found in both pond types. Moreover, species richness (2.8 ± 0.2 vs. 2.3 ± 0.2) and the frequency of each species did not differ between STOPON and CONTROL. The only exception was Pelophylax spp., which occurred more regularly in STOPON. Both habitat and landscape quality affected amphibian species richness; however, the explanatory power of the habitat models was about twice as high as those of the landscape models.In conclusion, stormwater ponds play an important role for amphibians in urban areas. In comparison to CONTROL, the low landscape quality in the surroundings of STOPON seemed to be compensated by a higher habitat quality due to regular management.  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Urban areas attract birds during the winter when cities provide a predictable source of food and relatively stable weather conditions. However, many other factors determine the...  相似文献   

The expansion of urban areas into native habitat can have profound effects on avian populations and communities, yet little is known regarding the effects of urban features on avian reproductive success. The objective of this study was to examine the reproduction of an urban-enhanced species, the mourning dove, to determine how tree and urban landscape features affect nest-site selection and nest success. Mourning dove nests were located by systematically searching potential nest sites on a weekly basis from late-March through mid-September in 2003 and 2004. A total of 1,288 mourning dove nests were located and monitored on the Texas A&M University Campus. Of these nests, 337 (26.6%) were successful (fledged, ≥1). An equal number of potential nest sites were randomly generated in ArcGIS and assigned to non-nest trees to evaluate habitat variables associated with nest-site selection. Mourning dove nests were located in trees with a larger canopy diameter and diameter at breast height (DBH) than the computer generated potential nests and nest trees were located closer to roads and farther from buildings than non-nest trees. Within the study area, nest success was predominately influenced by the proximity of urban features with successful nests being located closer to roads and farther from buildings than unsuccessful nests.  相似文献   

Landscape change is an ongoing process even within established urban landscapes. Yet, analyses of fragmentation and deforestation have focused primarily on the conversion of non-urban to urban landscapes in rural landscapes and ignored urban landscapes. To determine the ecological effects of continued urbanization in urban landscapes, tree-covered patches were mapped in the Gwynns Falls watershed (17158.6?ha) in Maryland for 1994 and 1999 to document fragmentation, deforestation, and reforestation. The watershed was divided into lower (urban core), middle (older suburbs), and upper (recent suburbs) subsections. Over the entire watershed a net of 264.5 of 4855.5?ha of tree-covered patches were converted to urban land use??125 new tree-covered patches were added through fragmentation, 4 were added through reforestation, 43 were lost through deforestation, and 7 were combined with an adjacent patch. In addition, 180 patches were reduced in size. In the urban core, deforestation continued with conversion to commercial land use. Because of the lack of vegetation, commercial land uses are problematic for both species conservation and derived ecosystem benefits. In the lower subsection, shape complexity increased for tree-covered patches less than 10?ha. Changes in shape resulted from canopy expansion, planted materials, and reforestation of vacant sites. In the middle and upper subsections, the shape index value for tree-covered patches decreased, indicating simplification. Density analyses of the subsections showed no change with respect to patch densities but pointed out the importance of small patches (??5?ha) as ??stepping stone?? to link large patches (e.g., >100?ha). Using an urban forest effect model, we estimated, for the entire watershed, total carbon loss and pollution removal, from 1994 to 1999, to be 14,235,889.2?kg and 13,011.4?kg, respectively due to urban land-use conversions.  相似文献   

Urban areas are increasing in number, extent, and human population density worldwide. There is potential to mitigate negative impacts of urbanization to native pond-breeding amphibians by providing habitat in both remnant natural and constructed wetlands. This study examines amphibian use of potential breeding sites in natural and constructed ponds in a large metropolitan area to investigate habitat characteristics that are associated with successful breeding. I surveyed 62 ponds over three breeding seasons in Portland, Oregon, measuring eleven habitat characteristics that may influence their successful breeding: pond depth, nitrate level, aquatic refugia, aquatic vegetation, surrounding vegetation, pond permanence, presence of fish and of introduced bullfrogs, surrounding road density and forest cover, and whether they were constructed or remnant natural ponds. Five of the six native pond-breeding species that occur in the region were regularly found breeding in city ponds. Surrounding forest cover and amount of aquatic vegetation were highly associated with breeding, indicating that preserving and planting vegetation likely benefits urban amphibians. Non-native bullfrogs were not associated with native species richness. Surprisingly, whether a pond was natural or constructed was also only weakly associated with native species breeding, and the trend was towards higher presence for all species in constructed ponds. This indicates that novel, human-dominated areas can provide habitat for these species. Consideration of habitat characteristics associated with breeding success in urban pond management will likely benefit native amphibians in these rapidly expanding landscapes.  相似文献   

Pollen specialization by solitary bees in an urban landscape   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Many polylectic bee species are known to specialize locally on one or a few pollen types to increase foraging efficiency. What is relatively unknown is how different landscapes influence foraging decisions, and whether habitat alteration, such as that resulting from urbanization, influences broad-scale foraging activities of bees. This study evaluates the type and diversity of pollen collected by two solitary bees that are common in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the native Osmia pumila and the exotic O. caerulescens, sampled in trap nests set up in urban parks and gardens. We found that the dominant pollen in every successful brood cell was either of one widespread, cosmopolitan lawn-invasive plant species (Trifolium repens) or one of two wind-pollinated tree genera (Quercus spp. and Betula spp.). In combination, these three represented more than 90 % of all pollen collected by each bee species. Despite considerable overlap in the dominant pollen types collected by each bee species, the exotic O. caerulescens was significantly more specialized than the native O. pumila. Brood cells with Betula as the dominant pollen type were more pollen species-rich than those cells having Trifolium or Quercus as dominant, perhaps a result of the comparatively low protein content in Betula pollen.  相似文献   

Monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) are the most abundant and widely distributed of the naturalized parrots in the United States. Their presence is simultaneously encouraged by some humans (through use of bird feeders) and discouraged by others (through removal of their nests) and, as a result, they show an interesting spatial distribution across urban areas. We used an online public survey and field surveys to examine the influence of human activities and land use on the distribution of this exotic species around Chicago, IL (USA). These efforts resulted in detection of 249 nesting structures and approximately 778 birds across the region. A CART analysis successfully separated nesting sites from random sites and correctly classified 90?% of the nesting sites. The most important factor in the model was land use, with nests typically found in areas with less than 84?% residential zoning. We found nests on a wide variety of substrates including trees, cell phone towers, and stadium lights. Spatial point pattern analysis indicated that nests in trees and nests in built substrates were significantly dissociated with each other at all scales. Nests on built substrates were closer to railroads and highways or in areas with lower human population density, suggesting either a difference in substrate availability or human tolerance between these settings. While humans may have a positive effect on distribution of monk parakeets at large spatial scales, at the scale of this study we see a potentially negative effect of too many humans on the distribution of monk parakeet nests.  相似文献   

Mediterranean landscapes resulted from complex land uses that produced a mosaic of extensive crops, grasslands, scrublands and scattered woodlands. During the twentieth century the decrease in traditional agriculture triggered a decrease in open habitats and an increase in forests. In the meantime urban centres grew dramatically. Both spread of forest and urban areas have been suspected to participate in the decline of typical Mediterranean bird species and, in general, to cause faunal loss. However, modern cities offer a variety of landscape types and, in the Mediterranean, their value for native bird species has been little assessed. We compared the bird communities from an urban landscape, including built up and natural or semi natural units within the limits of the city of Montpellier, to the bird communities from non-urban habitats (cropland, grassland and woodland) located nearby but away from direct urban influence. Fifty four percent of the bird species recorded in the non-urban habitats also occurred in the urban landscape. On average, estimated species richness in the urban landscape was similar to values obtained for non-urban habitats. Within the urban landscape species richness was lowest in the dense historical centre and highest in the residential areas. The residential areas and urban woods were suitable habitats for most generalist species but also for several more specialized species recorded in the non-urban habitats. Some species actually reached their highest observation frequency in the urban landscape. Urban landscape was least favourable to the same farmland and open-habitat specialists that have been negatively affected by agricultural abandonment in the region. Finally, five of the species common in the urban landscape had an unfavorable conservation status in 2004 in the EU. This study emphasizes that Mediterranean urban areas have the potential to host a diverse native bird community. Finding ways to improve their carrying capacity for the local avifauna might be a worthwhile objective for animal conservation.  相似文献   

Urban forest fragments can potentially be ‘habitat islands’ for native birds, but pedestrian traffic could influence the composition and conservation value of their bird assemblages by reducing the representation of disturbance-sensitive species. Winter bird assemblages and pedestrian traffic rates were documented in twelve forested parks in suburban Melbourne, Australia. Native birds comprised 87% of sightings, but two exotic species were common. Bird species' distribution among the parks was significantly nested. However, park rank orders for bird assemblage nestedness and mean pedestrian traffic rate were not correlated and only one species' distribution was nested with respect to this variable. The observed correlation between park area and bird assemblage nestedness may have been partly due to passive sampling. Degree of isolation of parks influenced nestedness less than park area. Forested parks provided habitat for species that occur at intermediate to low densities in other suburban habitats and for ecological specialists otherwise rare in suburbia. Larger parks contained more species than, and many of the native species found in, smaller parks. However, smaller parks each had 25% of the native bird species inhabiting the suite of fragments and thus had both aesthetic value and some potential to enhance city-dwellers' awareness about biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Despite the clear importance of conserving biodiversity in urbanized areas, research on how bats are influenced by urbanization has is only recently catching up to the more established body of research for urban birds. Much of the extant research has been limited to urban parks and other natural areas. Here I present the results of an acoustic survey of bats throughout the agricultural/forest/suburban/urban mosaic of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. Activity indices by each of the six recorded species (Eptesicus fuscus, Lasiurus cinereus, Lasiurus borealis, Lasionycteris noctivagans, Myotis sp., and Perimyotis subflavus) were used as response variables with land cover variables in a series of statistical models. Because bats may perceive the landscape at different scales, candidate models included land cover variables within 100, 500 and 1,000?m of the sampling location. Activity of L. noctivagans was negatively related to the amount of impervious surface and open habitat in the immediate landscape. L. borealis activity was positively correlated with immediate tree cover and with impervious surface at the 1,000?m scale. Tree cover and proximity to water were positively related to activity levels of Myotis sp., L. cinereus and P. subflavus, but only the latter was influenced by the amount of surrounding impervious surface. These results suggest that a one-size fits all approach to bat conservation in human modified landscapes is not appropriate, but also that certain species appear to do well in urban environments provided that there is sufficient tree cover.  相似文献   

Research has shown that reinforcing novel behaviors can increase the number of different ways that an individual behaves (Goetz & Baer, 1973; Pryor, Haag, & O'Reilly, 1969). However, it was not until more recently that researchers began to consider variability to be a reinforceable operant in and of itself (Neuringer, 2002). More specifically, Neuringer suggested that variability can be taught using a Lag x schedule of reinforcement, in which x refers to the number of previous responses from which the current response must differ in order for reinforcement to occur (Page & Neuringer, 1985). The purpose of the present study was to extend one of the first studies of a Lag x schedule on verbal responses with human subjects (Lee, McComas, & Jawor, 2002), by increasing the lag criteria while attempting to address some of methodological limitations of the study. The participant was a 7-year-old male with autism. A changing criterion design was used and results showed that 3 novel responses were acquired and varied according to the lag schedule of reinforcement.  相似文献   

Despite their designation as nationally important habitats in the UK, ponds are among the least well studied of urban habitats. Ponds, as well as existing in a physical landscape, are part of human socio-economic landscapes, especially those in towns and cities. Socio-economic, ecological and land cover data were collected from thirty seven ponds in the urban area of Halton, northwest England over a 3?year period. Significant variation was observed in the CCI Scores for ponds in different Output Area Classifications. Within postcode districts there was a significantly negative correlation between increasing house prices and decreasing BMWP scores. This research offers insights into the impact of urban development on pond ecology, and suggests the potential impacts of future developments and how these may be ameliorated. The research contributes towards the understanding of freshwater systems in the urban context and the relationship between the human and natural elements of urban green and blue spaces.  相似文献   

Mayer  Martin  Sunde  Peter 《Urban Ecosystems》2020,23(3):543-554

Despite the accelerating global urbanization and its associated implications for wildlife and humans, we know little about the biology of urban ecosystems. Here, we investigated colonization and habitat selection of the European hare (Lepus europaeus), a declining farmland species, in urban areas in Denmark, using a combination of citizen science data and transect counts. Further, we estimated the population density of urban hares in Aarhus, Denmark’s second largest city. Our results provide the first evidence that hares have established populations in urban areas, potentially in response to decreasing habitat quality in rural areas due to agricultural intensification. The hare density in Aarhus was ca. 8 hares per km2, which is comparable to or slightly higher than hare abundance estimates from various pastural areas in Europe, suggesting that urban areas provide suitable habitat for hares. Hare habitat selection was generally associated with areas consisting of large lawns, such as high buildings and parks, which potentially provide high-quality forage throughout the year. Considering the increasing expansion of urban areas and deteriorating habitat quality of agricultural areas, urban planning that incorporates habitat requirements for wildlife could help to support urban animal populations, especially for species of conservation concern.


Floyd Bennett Field (FBF), 579 ha in extent, is a division of Gateway National Recreation Area. It is the site of a former airfield, constructed by filling salt marshes with dredged materials. Except for the portion known locally as the North Forty, all sections of FBF have been cut over to maintain low vegetation. A grassland management plan (GRAMP) for 165 ha was initiated in 1986, to maintain habitats for open-country birds. Over the next few years, encroaching woody vegetation was removed manually and mechanically from the management area. Since then, it has been maintained as a grassland and receives annual mowing, as well as continued manual removal of the larger woody sprouts.A portion of the GRAMP management area (III) was selected for intensive study of vegetation composition. A grid system was created and vegetation cover was estimated in 127, 1 m × 1 m quadrats. The quadrats were subjected to cluster analysis (CA). Eleven clusters were recognized. These clusters were treated as plant associations. The following types were distinguished: (native) little bluestem–dewberry grassland, six-weeks fescue annual grassland, a grass marsh, a rush marsh, a switchgrass dry grassland, and a deer-tongue panicgrass grassland; (exotic) mugwort herbland, oriental bittersweet-Japanese honeysuckle vineland, Kentucky bluegrass-mixed grassland, Japanese knotweed tall herbland, and spotted knapweed-common St. Johnswort herbland. The little bluestem–dewberry association accounted for nearly half of all quadrats; six subclusters were recognized. The plant associations determined by CA were compared with plant lists compiled during traverses of all of the map categories in the six GRAMP Areas (I, II, III, IV, V, VI). A table was created to relate the quantitative data of the plant associations to the appropriate map categories. A nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination (NMDS) was performed on the quadrat data. Finally, the plant associations were compared with those described in the literature of local vegetation studies. The mowing program has been effective in decreasing woody plant cover and has permitted the invasion of a few taxa into monospecific communities, but attendant disturbance of the substrate is likely to cause an increase in exotic plant taxa. As earlier studies noted, mowing has caused the increase in cover of sod-forming grass, and bare ground has virtually disappeared in the managed area. This has negative implications for the maintenance of those grassland bird species that require open ground for nesting.  相似文献   

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