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城市景观设计与城市生态平衡关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市规划是城市发展的战略、纲领和管理城市的依据。按照深入贯彻落实科学发展观的要求,现代城市规划更加注重城市生态的内涵,包括生态城市规划、生态城市设计和生态城市建设。生态城市设计是以真实地实现城市生态化目标,较好地体现不同城市拥有的城市生态环境、城市文化、城市形象和城市风格为基本出发点和归结点。城市景观设计与城市产业设计、城市住区设计一起,构成生态城市设计的三大基本设计方面。本文主要是从城市景观设计方面来探究与城市生态平衡的关系,发挥和提升城市景观设计在规划、设计、建设和管理生态城市中的功能性作用。  相似文献   

陈群  卢华华 《城市》2011,(3):69-71
城市与水密不可分,这是不可争辩的事实。城市滨水区是人类漫长文明进程的起点,是城市的诞生地。城市景观规划设计的发展是城市财富膨胀、城市功能由生产型转变成消费型的必然结果。现阶段,我国经济与社会已经进入了持续高速发展时期,  相似文献   

袁大昌  赵博阳 《城市》2007,(11):61-63
一、引言 城市开敞空间是在城市建筑实体以外存在的开敞空间体.是人与社会、自然进行信息、物质和能量交换的重要场所。绿地系统作为城市开敞空间的主体,对于城市生态、城市环境、城市空间都有着重要的意义。因此,在我国城市规划学科体系中很早就将绿地系统规划设置为城市总体规划中的一个重要的专项。  相似文献   

Shaped by European influences, the Brazilian urban landscape was marked by the predominant use of exotic species in planted areas. In the 19th century along the city streets of Rio de Janeiro, trees were planted at a standard distance from each other. With time, native species began to be used in the urban landscape. Our purpose was to evaluate the utilization of exotic plant species in the urban landscape of Rio de Janeiro, evaluate the city’s arboreal deficit, and relate its neighborhood arboreal density to its economic index. Arboreal deficit represents the negative difference between the total number of expected trees and the observed number in the streets based in the standard distance used in the past. Twenty native and 40 exotic species were found in the 1701 streets sampled. A high percent of streets did not have any planted trees and the number of trees was greater in wealthier neighborhoods. The strong prevalence of exotic species is indicative of the negative impact of human activity on the biota. Since the municipality of Rio de Janeiro harbors forested areas, the risk for dissemination of exotic species is high.  相似文献   

基于景观生态学的城市绿地系统规划探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
周劲松  何邕健  汪磊 《城市》2005,(5):44-45
一、城市绿地系统规划中的景观生态学原理 (一)绿地系统规划应该在景观生态学的指导下进行 城市绿地系统规划主要解决的是城市地区土地资源的生态化合理利用问题,总体上要按照功能为主、生态优先的原则进行空间布局,并应充分考虑满足城市景观审美的需要进行相应的规划设计.  相似文献   

The aesthetic, economic, and environmental benefits of urban trees are well recognized. Previous research has focused on understanding how a variety of social and environmental factors are related to urban vegetation. The aim is often to provide planners with information that will improve residential neighborhood design, or guide tree planting campaigns encouraging the cultivation of urban trees. In this paper we examine a broad range of factors we hypothesize are correlated to urban tree canopy heterogeneity in Salt Lake County, Utah. We use a multi-model inference approach to evaluate the relative contribution of these factors to observed heterogeneity in urban tree canopy cover, and discuss the implications of our analysis. An important contribution of this work is an explicit attempt to account for the confounding effect of neighborhood age in understanding the relationship between human and environmental factors, and urban tree canopy. We use regression analysis with interaction terms to assess the effects of 15 human and environmental variables on tree canopy abundance while holding neighborhood age constant. We demonstrate that neighborhood age is an influential covariate that affects how the human and environmental factors relate to the abundance of neighborhood tree canopy. For example, we demonstrate that in new neighborhoods a positive relationship exists between street density and residential tree canopy, but the relationship diminishes as the neighborhood ages. We conclude that to better understand the determinants of urban tree canopy in residential areas it is important to consider both human and environmental factors while accounting for neighborhood age.  相似文献   

Studies on bird fauna of urban environments have had a long history, but the potential of studies mapping the distribution of birds in cities probably has not fully developed. The bird fauna of the municipality of Valencia (Spain) was studied to determine the influence of urbanization on bird species richness and abundance. Birds were censused during winter and the breeding season of years 1997–1998 in 197 squares measuring 49 ha each from a rural and an urbanized area. Across seasons the number of species decreased around 40% in the city compared with the rural landscape surrounding it. Such pattern could be attributed to the low number of farmland species capable to use the habitats inside the city, and the limited ability of urban parks in attracting woodland species. In the urban landscape, the influence of the dimensions and spatial arrangement of habitat patches was outweighed by the amount of each habitat per square. Bird richness and the abundance of most species were negatively related with the amount of built-up habitat per square and positively with the amount of urban parks, and of habitat diversity. Conversely, bird fauna was largely independent of mean park size per square especially during winter, indicating that at the landscape scale even small patches of habitat could play an ecological role. Conservation of urban bird diversity could benefit of two complementary strategies: (i) the protection of the surrounding rural landscape from urban development; (ii) habitat enhancement within the city. Particularly, a proper design and habitat management of urban parks could improve their suitability for urban bird fauna.  相似文献   

陈畅  周威 《城市》2010,(2):56-59
商业街是一个城市体现经济繁荣、彰显商业文明的窗口,它浓缩了城市的历史文化,体现了城市的地域特征,反映了城市风貌、表达了城市精神。消费行为、购物方式、消费需求是商业街存在的基础,其变化迫使商业街的业态配置和空间环境必须作出相应的调整和提升。  相似文献   

郑蔚 《城市》2004,(3):52-53
城市、建筑、园林三者密不可分,三位一体.只有认识到这一点才能继承和发展具有中国特色的建筑科学.现代城市是一个开放复杂的巨系统,建筑科学大部门也是开放复杂的巨系统.在具体研究建筑科学时,必须注意定性与定量相结合,正确处理开放复杂的巨系统与其众多子系统的关系.  相似文献   

关于住宅小区景观设计的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李嘉明  马德良 《城市》2007,(8):47-48
随着我国城市建设的快速发展,居民的住宅条件得到明显改善,具有整体规模的居住区将逐渐取代原有的无序居住格局,并将在未来一个相当长的时期内成为居民生活的主要场所.  相似文献   

现代居住区景观设计浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈洁 《城市》2006,(4):56-58
随着经济发展水平的提高和人们对更高品质生活的需求,景观设计日益成为现代居住区设计不可缺少的要素之一.住宅的建筑风格和户外环境是整个居住区形象最直接的外在表现,人们习惯于通过对其外在形象的评价,来感知和判断居住区的格调和品质.如何形成优美的户外环境?这绝不是单纯的栽花种草可以做到的,而需要对居住区环境进行系统而完整的专业景观设计.优秀的景观设计应与住宅有机联系,与周围的自然环境和谐统一.景观的布局应与建筑设计同步进行,要以文化为背景,以建筑为依托,以人为本,因地制宜,不断创新,从而使居住环境变得更具亲和力和地方特色.  相似文献   

As low and middle-income countries, such as Vietnam, experience the health transition to chronic diseases, the morbidity and mortality from hypertension will rise. Twenty-five percent of the adult population in Vietnam has hypertension, but less than half are aware of their condition. Blood pressure is one important risk factor for managing many chronic diseases. The use of home blood pressure monitoring(HBPM) to assess hypertensive control is unknown in Vietnam. This study determined using rate Home blood pressure monitoring in Lam dong province, Vietnam. Participants were mainly recruited from six medical center wards at the Lam dong province hospital and twelve health stations in Da lat city. A total of 325 hypertensive patients were selected in 2 months only 22.2 % used HBPM. From this result, we had been some suggestions for the management of hypertension in Vietnam.  相似文献   

Modeling urban landscape dynamics: A case study in Phoenix,USA   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
Urbanization has profoundly transformed many landscapes throughout the world, and the ecological consequences of this transformation are yet to be fully understood. To understand the ecology of urban systems, it is necessary to quantify the spatial and temporal patterns of urbanization, which often requires dynamic modeling and spatial analysis. In this paper, we describe an urban growth model, the Phoenix Urban Growth Model (PHX-UGM), illustrate a series of model calibration and evaluation methods, and present scenario-based simulation analyses of the future development patterns of the Phoenix metropolitan region. PHX-UGM is a spatially explicit urban landscape model and is a modified version of the Human-Induced Land Transformations (HILT) model originally developed for the San Francisco Bay Area. Using land use and other data collected for the Phoenix area, existing growth rules were selectively modified and new rules were added to help examine key ecological and social factors. We used multiple methods and a multi-scale approach for model calibration and evaluation. The results of the different evaluation methods showed that the model performed reasonably well at a certain range of spatial resolutions (120–480 m). When fine-scale data are available and when landscape structural details are desirable, the 120-m grain size should be used. However, at finer levels the noise and uncertainty in input data and the exponentially increased computational requirements would considerably reduce the usefulness and accuracy of the model. At the other extreme, model projections with too coarse a spatial resolution would be of little use at the local and regional scales. A series of scenario analyses suggest that the Metropolitan Phoenix area will soon be densely populated demographically and highly fragmented ecologically unless dramatic actions are to be taken soon to significantly slow down the population growth. Also, there will be an urban morphological threshold over which drastic changes in certain aspects of landscape pattern occur. Specifically, the scenarios indicate that, as large patches of open lands (including protected lands, parks and available desert lands) begin to break up, patch diversity declines due partly to the loss of agricultural lands, and the overall landscape shape complexity also decreases because of the predominance of urban lands. It seems that reaching such a threshold can be delayed, but not avoided, if the population in the Phoenix metropolitan region continues to grow. PHX-UGM can be used as a tool for exploring the outcome of different urban planning strategies, and the methods illustrated in this paper can be used for evaluating other urban models.  相似文献   

旧桥改造与景观兼配的设计探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵欣  梅永建  李伟 《城市》2009,(1):69-70
近年来,市政道路建设飞速发展,一些原有的旧桥甚至未完工的桥梁已不能满足日益增长的交通量的需要.实践证明,采用适当的加固和拓宽措施,恢复和提高旧桥的承载及通行能力,延长桥梁的使用寿命,满足交通的需求,既可以节省投资,收到良好的社会经济效益;又可以通过维修和改造旧桥,消除安全隐患,提高道路的通行能力.  相似文献   

任彬彬  李建华 《城市》2006,(2):71-73
当前我国城市化率已超过40%,正进入快速发展期,城市的迅速发展使空间布局与城市特色越来越引起人们的关注.但由于设计师对城市设计的经验不足以及对空间完整性和文脉理解的偏差造成许多城市的空间缺乏特色和魅力,以致"千城一面".许多专家学者呼吁"建筑设计应考虑城市整体形象,城市规划需要文化眼光的涵养."  相似文献   

王海天  盛逵 《城市》2007,(2):55-58
"人要衣装,佛要金装",对于桥梁建设来说,景观效果就是凸显其建筑风格、艺术特点的华服.我国的造桥历史源远流长,历史悠久的"卢沟桥","卢沟晓月"美景作为燕京八景之一闻名中外,桥上数不清的石狮子,更突出了它神秘的吸引力;而有"百尺高虹横水面,一弯新月出云霄"之赞誉的赵州桥,更以世界现存最古老、最雄伟的石拱桥的姿态,为我们展现了古人在桥梁建筑美学上的深厚造诣.  相似文献   

居住区水景规划设计探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贾秉志 《城市》2006,(2):74-75
近几年来,人们在改善居住条件的同时,对住宅的自然环境也提出了越来越高的要求,比如绿化景观、水面景观等.其中水面景观是美化居住区环境最重要的方式之一,它带给居住者幽静、温馨和浪漫的环境,使开发者和居住者无不对它珍视有加,常常充分利用条件或创造条件去实现它.  相似文献   

Although interest in the ecological impacts of urbanisation has increased, very little is known about its impacts on freshwater turtles in Australia. This study investigated the abundance and diversity of turtles in lakes in an urbanised subtropical landscape, Brisbane, Australia. It was found that turtles were abundant throughout the lakes surveyed, with four native species and one introduced species being detected. A total of 371 individuals were captured, 77.7% of which were Brisbane River turtle (Emydura macquarii signata). The lakes surveyed were estimated to support a population of 63–269 individuals for all species combined with most lake populations containing less than 100. Turtle demographics may be classed into three stages of population growth: recovery or nascent; intermediate; and climax. Turtle reproductive success is a major concern for the survival of turtles in urban areas. Continued monitoring is needed to establish if population declines are occurring. This study suggests that while turtles are persisting in this urban environment of Australia the pressures of urbanisation, such as habitat loss, increased predation on both nests and juveniles and pollution of waterways may pose on-going risks to their survival.  相似文献   

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