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While welfare reform altered entitlements, introduced time-limited benefits, and capped reimbursements for administrative costs, little was done to control service utilization by those who remain on welfare, or to realign the financial incentives and administrative infrastructure for the delivery of social services. This essay explores the advent of the Social Service Maintenance Organization and discusses the steps that social service agencies need to take to ready themselves for this altered system of service delivery. Without a thorough understanding of the way in which managed care delivery systems operate, as well as the sophisticated information systems and the financial resources necessary to assume risk, social service agencies will find themselves increasingly ill-equipped to meet the challenges of this new environment.  相似文献   

Data about 233 new car models were collected, and a measure of customer success in bargaining for a new car (alpha) was created by computing the ratio between the discount received on the manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) and the negotiable range (MSRP − dealer's car cost). One hypothesis was that customers who purchase more expensive cars succeed less in bargaining because of their higher time value. A second hypothesis was that a positive correlation between the negotiable range and alpha should exist, because of either customer incentives to bargain or dealer's bargaining strategy. Both hypotheses were supported by the data.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an experiment in which mothers and their child separately chose between relatively healthy foods (flasks of stewed apples) and relatively unhealthy foods (candy bars). Each participant first filled up a first bag for her/himself, and then, a second one for the other person of the dyad. A simple nutritional message on vitamins and sugar contents of foods was then provided, and subsequently each participant filled up a third bag for her/himself and a fourth one for the other person of the dyad. The results show that before revealing the nutritional message, mothers are, on average, “indulgent”, which means that they choose a lower number of relatively healthy foods for their child than the one they choose for themselves. Children tend to be rather “paternalistic”, which means that they choose a higher number of relatively healthy foods for their mothers than they choose for themselves. The nutritional message leads many mothers and children to significantly increase the number of relatively healthy foods selected for themselves and for the other person. The mothers’ indulgence versus the children’s paternalism, along with the children’s reactivity to the message, suggest that mothers underestimate the children’s acceptance of healthy food.  相似文献   

Alien squirrels may seriously threaten native species by means of interspecific competition. In our work, we analysed whether the distribution of alien Siberian chipmunks within the Sigurtà Garden urban park (north-eastern Italy) changed after the natural spread of native Eurasian red squirrels in a 20-year period. Distribution of both squirrels was estimated through a citizen-science approach, in the first 10-year after red squirrel arrival 1 (i.e. Decade 1: 1997–2006) and in the second 10-year interval (i.e. Decade 2: 2007–2017). We compared habitat use of both species and we assessed whether a vertical segregation occurred through a dissimilarity index. Woodlands were selected by both species in both decades. Red squirrels also selected tree lines in Decade 1. A vertical segregation was apparent in Decade 1, whereas in Decade 2 both squirrel species were observed on the lowest branches or on the ground, where they are fed by humans. This was also confirmed by the habitat niche-overlap index, which increased in Decade 2. The extent of occurrence of Sciurus vulgaris increased throughout the park, whereas those of Eutamias sibiricus decreased. Differently from what is usually observed with alien squirrels, the spread of the native species appears to be halting and reversing the expansion of the non-native one.  相似文献   


Point/Counterpoint is a regular feature of the Journal of Social Work Education. Its purpose is to provide a vehicle for the expression of contrasting views on controversial topics in social work education. Our goal is to illuminate important debates and explore the diverse perspectives that are shaping social work education.

In each issue of the Journal two social work educators are invited to comment on a topic about which they have differing viewpoints. Each commentator is given an opportunity to make a brief rebuttal. In this issue, Barbara Simon (Associate Professor, Columbia University) and Bruce Thyer (Professor, University of Georgia, Athens) address the question: Are theories for practice necessary?  相似文献   

Media reports on incidences of abuse on the internet, particularly among teenagers, are growing at an alarming rate causing much concern among parents of teenagers and prompting legislations aimed at regulating internet use among teenagers. Social networking sites (SNS) have been criticized for serving as a breeding ground for cyber-bullying and harassment by strangers. However, there is a lack of serious research studies that explicitly identify factors that make teenagers prone to internet abuse, and study whether it is SNS that is causing this recent rise in online abuse or is it something else. This study attempts to identify the key factors associated with cyber-bullying and online harassment of teenagers in the United States using the 2006 round of Pew Internet™ American Life Survey that is uniquely suited for this study. Results fail to corroborate the claim that having social networking site memberships is a strong predictor of online abuse of teenagers. Instead this study finds that demographic and behavioral characteristics of teenagers are stronger predictors of online abuse.  相似文献   

This is a literature review about a growing trend in meeting the needs of students in recovery who wish to attend an institution of higher education. The trend is campus-based recovery community programs and, more specifically, campus-based recovery houses. The need for, development mechanisms for, and models of different recovery houses are discussed. Trends, disagreements, and gaps in the literature are addressed, as are recommendations for future research. To better understand the context of this type of intervention for recovering college students, long-standing formal and informal recovery tools are defined and addressed. Social support, a significant element of recovery, is given special attention as key to the success of campus recovery programs and houses.  相似文献   


Numerous mental health disorders plague our veterans when they return from deployment including anxiety and depressive disorders, which have been linked to elevated suicide risk when left untreated. Family factors, such as parenthood status, may serve as a protective factor against these mental health issues. This study examined the role of parenthood status of male veterans (N = 234) based on age of the child in order to determine whether a child’s age (minor children v. adult children) affects the likelihood of meeting diagnosis criteria for anxiety, depression, and suicide ideation after controlling for marital status. Three hierarchical binary logistic regression models were constructed to assess the predictive influence of children 18 years old and younger, children older than 18, and no children with the results indicating that parenthood status did meaningfully enhance the prediction of suicide ideation. Complete findings, clinical implications, and future considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

Shared living arrangements can provide housing, economies of scale, and other instrumental support and may become an important resource in times of economic constraint. But the extent to which such living arrangements experience continuity or rapid change in composition is unclear. Previous research on extended-family households tended to focus on factors that trigger the onset of coresidence, including life course events or changes in health status and related economic needs. Relying on longitudinal data from 9,932 households in the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), the analyses demonstrate that the distribution of economic resources in the household also influences the continuity of shared living arrangements. The results suggest that multigenerational households of parents and adult children experience greater continuity in composition when one individual or couple has a disproportionate share of the economic resources in the household. Other coresidential households, those shared by other kin or nonkin, experience greater continuity when resources are more evenly distributed.  相似文献   

Consumers in many countries often give voluntary payments of money (tips) to the workers who have served them. These tips are supposed to be a reward for service and research indicates that they do increase with customers’ perceptions of service quality. This paper contributes to the service-tipping literature by examining numerous potential moderators of this relationship in two studies. Results indicate that the service-tipping relationship is robust across meal type, day of week, sex and race of server as well as customers’ alcohol consumption, education, income, race, worship frequency, and hospitality work experience, but that it is stronger for older consumers than for younger ones and for parties with large bills than for parties with smaller bills. The practical and theoretical implications of these and other findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Is there a need for a theory of urban ecology?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Although urban ecosystems are governed by the same ecological laws as rural ecosystems, the relative importance of certain ecological patterns and processes differs between the two types of ecosystems. For instance, as compared to rural areas, urban habitats are usually more islandlike, more often represent early successional stages, and more easily invaded by alien species. All these features are results of the intense human influence on urban landscapes. The question then arises whether a distinct theory of urban ecology is needed for understanding ecological patterns and processes in the urban setting. The answer is no, because urban ecosystems can be successfully studied using existing ecological theories, such as the metapopulation theory. However, due to the intense human presence approaches that include the human aspect are useful in studying urban systems. For instance, the human ecosystem model, which emphasizes human impact by identifying social components with connections to ecology, is a useful approach in urban studies. This model, combined with the urban–rural gradient approach, forms an effective tool for studying key ecological features of urban ecosystems. Better understanding of these features would increase our ability to predict changes that land use causes in urban ecosystems, and would help to integrate ecology better into urban planning.  相似文献   

Growing evidence demonstrates the importance of transportation in improving family economic well being. This article sheds light on the hardship that one important transportation asset, private vehicles, may exert on families. Data from the Iowa Transportation and Employment Survey provided a unique opportunity to understand how vehicle access enables households to meet their basic needs, but may exacerbate their problems through the creation of additional demands on resources. Approximately 26% of the sample reported having experienced transportation hardship. The strongest predictors of transportation hardship were the presence of children in the household, low income, driving less reliable vehicles, and the unavailability of transportation assistance from someone outside the household. How to help families meet their transportation needs in light of this evidence remains open to debate.  相似文献   


Objectives: Online sexual activities (OSA) and sexting are often framed as risk behaviors in adolescents. This study investigates experiences of adults. Methods: Based on the positive sexuality approach, the current study measured prevalence, predictors, and perceived outcomes of OSA and sexting in a national online sample of N?=?1,500 participants from Germany (ages 18–85). Results: 68% of adults reported previous involvement in OSA and 41% in sexting. Perceived positive OSA and sexting outcomes outweighed the negative. Conclusions: Sexual health professionals should acknowledge online sexual expression in adults of the general population as normal and mostly positive behavior.  相似文献   

Rape and sexual assault remain major criminological problems in the United States. However, there are a number of reasons for future optimism. American society appears to be gradually evolving in important ways, and changing attitudes reflect more appreciation for human rights, human equality, and support for victims of sexual violence. In addition, advances in technology offer new ways for the justice system to catch and prosecute sex offenders, and the scholars researching these crimes continue to make important strides in critical areas. Furthermore, several data sources suggest that the prevalence of rape and sexual assault has decreased over the past 40 years. As long as Americans continue to demand more progress and more justice, they may have a chance to make that happen.  相似文献   

Developing sociocultural competence in a new country is essential for migrants practising social work within new and distinct cultures. An argument for interventions needed to support the cultural transitioning of a migrant social work workforce is made, informed by findings from a mixed methods study of the experiences of overseas-qualified social workers in New Zealand. One of the main findings relates to migrant social workers' professional adaptation to the new environment. We focus the discussion here on how the perceptions and practices regarding the cultural dimensions of the transition informed their adaptation. Although this is a highly contextual example of social work practice in a foreign setting, the dynamics have equivalents in many international contexts as migration of labour is common globally. We argue that a greater focus on the migrant workforce is required in debates on globalisation. The discussion of the findings will highlight the need for culturally informed interventions to enable an increasingly global workforce to successfully make a professional cultural transition.  相似文献   

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