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The issue of "road rage" has received increasing media and scholarly attention in recent years. Using a representative sample of 2610 adults from Ontario, involvement with road rage was surveyed across demographic subgroups. Incidents of road rage were divided into two categories, verbal-gesturing road rage and physical-threats road rage. Drawing upon violence and criminological literature, experiences of road rage victimization and offending were explored, as well as the extent to which individuals were simultaneously the victims and perpetrators of road rage. Results challenge findings from the violence literature that males and young adults have the greatest propensity for violent victimization. Road rage offending was predominantly a male activity, while there were no gender differences in victimization. Moreover, road rage was not isolated among young adults; rather, road rage was prominent across all ages, with the exception of seniors. Consistent with the existing literature, road rage was higher in urban settings.  相似文献   

A broadened version of the perceptual load model was utilized to explore systematically the influence of four variables on driver's behavior: a. levels of load on the road; b. levels of load at the sides of the road; c. event's initial location (on the road vs. at the sides of the road); and d. the presence and size of advertizing billboards. 18 participants participated in two experimental sessions in a driving simulator. One of the sessions contained advertizing billboards and the other session did not. The results indicated that billboards can have a considerable effect on various aspects of driving like the time required responding to a potentially dangerous event or simply the number of accidents occurring during driving, but importantly the effect of billboards on driving was modulated by the levels of perceptual load.  相似文献   

调整我们的思路和政策:以创新驱动发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新是经济社会发展的永恒主题,也是经济社会发展的不竭动力。世界主要发达国家把科技创新作为国家的发展战略,走创新驱动发展之路,已经成为创新型国家。中国提出到2020年进入创新型国家行列的宏伟目标,这就要求我们必须调整发展的思路和政策,坚持走有中国特色的自主创新道路,实现发展模式从要素驱动和投资驱动向创新驱动转变。  相似文献   

Conclusion The basic conclusion of the analysis of this article is that for a combination of economic and political reasons, a capitalist road to communism is implausible, and for political reasons a socialist road is more likely to succeed than the mixed road. The pure capitalist road is impossible because capital flight would immediately undermine the economic base of the communism-inducing universal grant proposal, and because even if this problem were solved, the political use of disinvestment would make the system unreproducible. The mixed road, combining elements of capitalist and socialist property relations, is economically feasible, but would be politically precarious. Only in a socialist society would the political conditions for a stable growth of the universal grants be secure enough to make movement along the road to communism likely.This general conclusion is based on what is a largely unargued assumption present thoughout this article, namely that socialism itself is unambiguously compatible with the emergence and development of communism- that collective ownership of the means of production by workers is compatible with a gradual growth in the realm of freedom, in the predominance of distribution according to need. Following VP, I acted as if the only issue were the extent to which capitalism might also be so compatible, and if not, the extent to which certain aspects of capitalism might be compatible in what I have called the mixed road.The assumption that socialism is compatible with the growth of communism rests on two more basic claims: first, that eliminating capitalist property relations does not necessarily produce authoritarian-bureaucratic forms of the state and politics, and, second, that in democratic socialism productivity will continue to increase (for without increasing productivity, expanding the sphere of distribution according to need becomes very problematic). While I will not attempt to defend them here, I believe both of these claims to be true. If either of these assumptions is false, however, then the only feasible road to communism, no matter how precarious it might be politically, may be the quasicapitalist/quasi-socialist mixed road described above, a road that combines elements of substantial state control over investments with capitalist economic rationality.  相似文献   

The turnpike companies of early America (roughly 1795–1840) were very unprofitable but conferred vast benefits to communities served. Purchasing stock was like paying for the road since such purchases were necessary to complete the road and unprofitability was foreseen. Thus the turnpikes would appear to have been public goods. Yet hundreds of turnpikes were provided through voluntary association. The free rider problem was overcome by an almost vigilant impulse to participate and to see that your neighbor did likewise.  相似文献   

山区公路长大纵坡路段是交通事故多发段,目前多集中于长大下坡的研究,却忽略了纵坡上坡路段行车安全研究。对于长大纵坡上坡路段,设置爬坡车道是降低事故率的有效途径之一,通过对上坡路段车辆运行现状分析,并参考国内外有关爬坡车道的研究成果,提出山区公路爬坡车道的设置条件和方法。  相似文献   

Detrimental effects of road deicing salt on vegetation are well known and have been well studied, with the exception of typical green roof plants, which could experience damage on green roofs with public access and green walls near roadways in cold climates. Two studies were conducted comparing salt tolerance of five Sedum species, two Allium species and a mixture of turf grasses when exposed to six levels of salinity applied either as foliar spray or as liquid applications to the soil. A third study compared salt tolerance when plants were placed at three distances from a major highway. Response variables measured included survival, a health score from 0 to 5, and a growth index. Allium cernuum, A. senscens and S. ellecombianum were relatively tolerant of both saline spray and soil inundation at high saline concentrations in terms of survival, mean health scores, percentage of healthy plants and growth index. Sedum reflexum was much less tolerant of saline spray at higher salinity concentrations and soil inundation regardless of salinity levels. Distance from the road had no effect on plant survival rates but plants farthest from the road had higher mean health scores and a greater percentage of healthy plants than plants closer to the highway.  相似文献   

Lately, with the goal of improving road safety, car makers developed and commercialised some Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) which, through the detection of blind spot areas on the vehicle's sides, could help the drivers during the overtaking and the change lane task. Despite the possible benefits to reduce lateral crashes, the overall impact on road safety of such systems have not been deeply studied yet; notably, despite some researches have been carried out, there is a lack of studies regarding the long-term usage and drivers' acceptance of those systems. In order to fill the research gap, a methodology, based on the combination of focus groups interviews, questionnaires and a small-scale field operational test (FOT), has been designed in this study; such a methodology aims at evaluating drivers' acceptance of Blind Spot Information System? and at proposing some ideas to improve the usability and user-friendliness of this (or similar) device in their future development.  相似文献   

A questionnaire to measure factors and motives of unsafe behaviors of road users was constructed. This study tool was applied on a final sample of 5586 drivers in twelve out of forty eight districts in Algeria. The aim of the present study was to sort out the different factors and motives that make road users opt for the unsafe behaviors. The latter were determined mainly on the results of a previous study carried out on a final sample of 7058 drivers in twelve out of forty eight districts in Algeria in order to find the most frequent and dangerous unsafe behaviors of road users. The main unsafe and dangerous behaviors were then used in the present study. Friedman ranking means test was applied to rank the factors and motives selected under each unsafe behavior of road users. The whole results were summarised in seven axes of factors and motives causing: dangerous manoeuvrings by drivers, aggressive behaviors by drivers, negligence and ignorance of maintenance principals by drivers, lack of responsibility and engagement by drivers, cyclists and motorcyclists and their companions, as well as pedestrians and workers of road maintenance. The results are discussed in view of the previous studies and many recommendations have been made.  相似文献   

This study utilizes data for 144 countries from 1991 to 2010 to present the first international estimates of the gasoline price elasticity of road fatalities. We instrument each country's gasoline price with that country's oil reserves and the yearly international crude oil price to address potential endogeneity concerns. Our findings suggest that the average reduction in road fatalities resulting from a 10% increase in the gasoline pump price is in the order of 3%–6%. Around 35,000 road deaths per year could be avoided by the removal of global fuel subsidies. (JEL R41, H23, O18, Q43)  相似文献   

The introduction of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) could be very helpful for making the longitudinal driving task more comfortable for the drivers and, as a consequence, it could have a global beneficial effect on road safety. However, before or during the usage of the device, due to several reasons, drivers might generate in their mind incomplete or flawed mental representations about the fundamental operation principles of ACC; hence, the resulting usage of the device might be improper, negatively affecting the human-machine interaction and cooperation and, in some cases, leading to negative behavioural adaptations to the system that might neutralise the desirable positive effects on road safety. Within this context, this paper will introduce the methodology which has been developed in order to analyse in detail the topic and foresee, in the future, adequate actions for the recovery of inaccurate mental representations of the system.  相似文献   

The elderly represent the fastest growing driving population. Older drivers have a high crash rate per distance traveled, a high risk of injury or death in traffic accidents, and are commonly found to be ‘at fault’ in crashes. This reality has focused more interest on issues associated with the fitness to drive and the safety of older drivers. Many older adults depend greatly on their personal vehicle for transportation and suffer a marked loss of quality of life when, as a consequence of no longer being able or permitted to drive, their mobility becomes significantly restricted. The reasons for the deterioration of driving performance that occur during the aging process are multi-factorial and a great deal of research has focused on the identification of those factors. Nevertheless, some studies incorporating training programs have tried, with some success, to improve the driving-related abilities of older drivers. It has been demonstrated that physical activity can promote several skills that are associated with driving performance in older drivers. Few studies, though, have conducted exercise interventions among older drivers intended to enhance their driving-related abilities and promote road safety. In this context, the purpose of this work consists of examining the perceptual, cognitive, health, and physical factors related to fitness to drive in older adults and identifying possible strategies that can enhance their driving-related abilities. Moreover, potential mechanisms underlying the relationship among physical activity, driving ability, and road safety are discussed.  相似文献   


The paper takes the form of a broad-based exploration of the visual representations of refugees across a range of media forms. Firstly it suggests that these media images have origins in Christian iconography. Then the discussion considers the treatment of forced migration in the fiction film, proposing that cinema representations often conform to the "road movie" genre. A discussion of contemporary issues in the media representation of refugees points to the necessity and direction for future research on the subject.  相似文献   

Stormwater ponds now comprise a significant portion of standing water in urban areas. These ponds act to sequester excess run-off and pollutants, such as road salt deicers. While these man-made ponds are not intended to serve as freshwater ecosystems, it is becoming clear that they do provide habitat for many organisms, but we know little of their ecosystem structure, function and interactions with pollutants. From April through June 2009, we surveyed 8 stormwater ponds in the Red Run Watershed, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA to describe patterns in aquatic food webs associated with a gradient in road salt inputs. Periphyton, phytoplankton and zooplankton samples were collected from each pond every 4–6 weeks. Specific conductance, a measure of chloride salt loading, among the 8 ponds varied widely throughout the survey, ranging from 99 μS cm−1 to 19,320 μS cm−1. Low (average = 404 +/− 82.6 (SE) μS cm−1) and medium (average = 1749 +/− 267 (SE) μS cm−1) conductance ponds had lower algal biomass and higher densities of zooplankton taxa relative to high (average = 7231 +/− 2143 (SE) μS cm−1) conductance ponds, which were largely devoid of all zooplankton through the end of May. The observed decline in zooplankton density along an increasing chloride gradient is consistent with experimental results of road deicer effects, suggesting algal resources are possibly freed from grazing pressure as zooplankton consumers are negatively impacted by road salt exposure. Our results highlight the potential for both direct and indirect effects of road deicers on freshwater communities.  相似文献   

<正>长江桥隧开通后,申崇交通格局发生了重大变化,由以前单一的水上交通方式变成了"水上+陆上"的交通模式。由于地面公交客流量迅速增长,水上交通客流量急剧下降,水上运营企业陷入巨额亏损,经营举步为艰。如不对申崇水陆交通的发展进行总体平衡与合理  相似文献   

Large investments in road infrastructure continue to be high on the agenda of many African countries, only a few of which have actually amended their investment strategy. In many cases, there seems to be a preference for a status quo that can easily be explained by political‐economy factors driving policies in the sector. After presenting data on the state of roads in sub‐Saharan Africa (length, density, condition), this article demonstrates how most countries’ transport strategies are based on certain misperceptions and recommends better prioritisation of investments, better procurement and contract management, better projects implementation and better monitoring to improve the developmental impact of recent road investments.  相似文献   

分析交通拥挤下的控制理念,提出此时高架道路的控制目标,以此确定高架道路上的最佳车辆密度。结合地面拥挤对高架道路产生的影响分析,提出交通拥挤下出口匝道优先控制的理念及其控制策略。针对上海市高架道路存在的问题提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Cost–benefit analysis is a common method for evaluating the social economic impact of transport projects, and in many of these projects the saving of human lives is an issue. This implies, within the framework of cost–benefit analysis, that a monetary value should be attached to saving human lives. This paper discusses the ‘Value of a Statistical Life’ (VoSL), a concept that is often used for monetising safety effects, in the context of road safety. Firstly, the concept of ‘willingness to pay’ for road safety and its relation to the VoSL are explained. The VoSL approach will be compared to other approaches to monetise safety effects, in particular the human capital approach and ‘quality adjusted life years’. Secondly, methods to estimate the VoSL and their applicability to road safety will be discussed. Thirdly, the paper reviews the VoSL estimates that have been found in scientific research and compares them with the values that are used in policy evaluations. Finally, a VoSL study in the Netherlands will be presented as a case study, and its applicability in policy evaluation will be illustrated.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed an expansion in international investment in large‐scale infrastructure projects with the goal of achieving global economic integration. We focus on one such project, the Inter‐Oceanic Highway in the “MAP” region, a trinational frontier where Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru meet in the southwestern Amazon. We adopt a resilience approach as an integrative framework to understand various types of road‐paving impacts. We focus on migration activity as an indicator of retention of collective memory, a concept associated with resilience. We pursue a comparative analysis of the three sides of the MAP frontier as well as subregions within each side. Since road paving may be mediated by other factors, we distinguish among the effects of multiple explanatory factors. Data come from a multinational survey of rural communities. The findings show considerable net migration and turnover, both indicative of eroding collective memory and a lack of demographic resilience to externally induced change in the MAP frontier. The findings indicate variation across the frontier, which road paving helps explain, along with some of the mediating factors. These findings contribute to the literature on the impacts of new infrastructure and integration as well as the study of social‐ecological resilience.  相似文献   

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