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Social Indicators Research - The mechanisms underlying the SES-psychological distress association are not fully explored. Based on representative cross-sectional data from Israel for the year 2017...  相似文献   

柳建平  张永丽 《西北人口》2008,29(3):91-94,100
本文利用对甘肃省国家扶贫开发重点县六个样本村的调查资料。在总结贫困地区致贫基本原因的基础上,运用Probit模型,研究了劳动力流动及其相关因素对缓解农村贫困的作用。研究结果表明,家庭劳动力数量、外出劳动力数量、流动者年龄及受教育程度、流动时间的长短、流动的稳定性、流动区域等因素对缓解家庭贫困具有十分积极的作用,外出打工已成为农村缓解贫困的主要途径。  相似文献   

梁柠欣 《南方人口》2009,24(4):19-26
使用广州和兰州的实证数据,在对贫困居民的社会资本测量的基础上,对贫困居民所拥有的各种资本包括社会资本、人力资本和传统体制资本与贫困居民的贫困缓解关系进行探讨。结果表明,个体的社会资本对居民的贫困缓解具有显著意义,但是人力资本、体制资本对个体生活机遇建构无显著意义。文后对市场转型论进行回应,并对城市贫困居民主要资本类型作用的制度环境进行了解释与讨论。  相似文献   

The Italian National Statistical Office is implementing a new project for computing sub-national Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) on a regular basis, which is based on an appropriate use of existing Consumer Price Index (CPI) data and new sources of data. Concerning the use of CPI data, in this paper the role of the Country Product Dummy (CPD) method for compiling sub-national PPPs at Basic–Heading (BH) level is analysed together with the specific issues that arise in this context, such as the need to take spatial autocorrelation among price relatives into account. The results of various experiments based on CPI data concerning 7 BHs and 19 Italian regional chief towns are presented and discussed with the aim of exploring the performance of various CPD models and analysing to what extent the type and characteristics of the data affect the estimates obtained. The statistical uncertainty associated with the ranks derived from the regional PPPs was then calculated by means of a simulation procedure. Our findings prove to be interesting and confirm that methods and CPI data for spatial comparisons are reciprocally influenced.  相似文献   

Using micro data from the 2010 National Survey on Households’ Budget, Consumption and Standard of Living, this study aims to investigate main factors contributing to poverty distribution, one of the most severe socioeconomic problems in Tunisia. To this end, we use a multilevel Logit model and a multilevel mixed linear model to simultaneously analyze the micro-level (household) and macro-level (governorate) factors that might affect the household poverty status. Household size, household composition, occupation, education levels, the gender of the household head and the number of earner by household variables were assessed at the micro-level. Unemployment rate, poverty rate, industrial and agriculture parts and the migration are included to control the effect of contextual effects. Our findings showed that the likelihood of household being poor is positively and significantly related to household size, more children and lower education level. Extreme poverty is more likely to occur in rural than urban areas. Macro-level analyses indicated that greater neighbourhood unemployment rate was associated with higher odds of poverty, while greater industrial agglomeration and migration balance were associated with reduced odds of poverty.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate factors contributing to poverty, one of the most significant social problems in Western societies. To this end, 13 countries that have made a variety of efforts to reduce poverty, and therefore experienced similar development processes related to welfare, were selected. To overcome the methodological limitations of previous studies, the study utilized a Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model to simultaneously analyze individual-level and state-level factors that might affect the poverty status of a household, employing household data from the fifth wave of Luxembourg Income Study and Comparative Welfare State data. By comparing the magnitude of individual- and state-level effects in the analysis process, the model can empirically illuminate which of the two levels is more responsible for households’ destitution. Furthermore, by analyzing the level of and characteristics of poverty in each country, this study examines whether there are discrepancies in the level of poverty across types of welfare states and what factors contribute to these discrepancies.  相似文献   

For most immigrants and ethnic minority groups, everyday life in the country of settlement raises question of adaptation and belonging. Aside from factors such as lower income, lower education and poorer health, being an ethnic minority member carries additional factors that can lower general life satisfaction. Using data from two studies the present paper shows that ethnic minority group members (Turkish-Dutch) have lower general life satisfaction than a comparable majority group (Dutch) because they are less satisfied with their life in the country of settlement. In addition, Study 2 showed that higher perceived structural discrimination was associated with lower life satisfaction in the country of settlement, but also with higher ethnic group identification that, in turn, made a positive contribution to general life satisfaction.  相似文献   

文章主要以浙江省城镇贫困的实证分析为例,探讨城镇反贫困的有效政策。作者测定了近两年的浙江省城镇居民收入贫困线和有关贫困指数、1997年以来相对贫困的变动轨迹、低保规模和标准,分析了影响浙江省城镇贫困的若干原因,在此基础上提出了城镇反贫困的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the association between social capital and subjective well-being (life satisfaction) by using multilevel analysis considering both individual and area-level social capital while adjusting for various control variables at multiple-levels in Seoul, South Korea. The data was from the 2010 (Wave 2) Seoul Welfare Panel Study, conducted by Seoul Welfare Foundation. The final sample for this study consisted of 5,934 individuals aged 18 years or older in 2,847 households within 25 administrative areas. Three-level multilevel linear regression analyses, with random intercept models, were applied. Our results provide evidence that various dimensions of social capital both at the individual and area-level are positively associated with subjective life satisfaction, even after controlling for various factors at the individual, household, and area-levels. All of individual-level social capital variables including organizational participation, perceived helpfulness, trust in authorities were positively associated with subjective life satisfaction. Except for trust in authority, area-level organizational participation and perceived helpfulness were positively associated with subjective life satisfaction. These results suggest that decision makers should consider both individual and area-level social capital targeting to enhance one’s well-being.  相似文献   

Brady D  Burroway R 《Demography》2012,49(2):719-746
We examine the influence of individual characteristics and targeted and universal social policy on single-mother poverty with a multilevel analysis across 18 affluent Western democracies. Although single mothers are disproportionately poor in all countries, there is even more cross-national variation in single-mother poverty than in poverty among the overall population. By far, the United States has the highest rate of poverty among single mothers among affluent democracies. The analyses show that single-mother poverty is a function of the household’s employment, education, and age composition, and the presence of other adults in the household. Beyond individual characteristics, social policy exerts substantial influence on single-mother poverty. We find that two measures of universal social policy significantly reduce single-mother poverty. However, one measure of targeted social policy does not have significant effects, and another measure is significantly negative only when controlling for universal social policy. Moreover, the effects of universal social policy are larger. Additional analyses show that universal social policy does not have counterproductive consequences in terms of family structure or employment, while the results are less clear for targeted social policy. Although debates often focus on altering the behavior or characteristics of single mothers, welfare universalism could be an even more effective anti-poverty strategy.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - In India, despite heavy constitutional protection, due to caste-based discrimination, millions of residents are still struggling to access their basic rights such as...  相似文献   

Child marriage (before age 18) is a risk factor for intimate partner violence (IPV) against women. Worldwide, Bangladesh has the highest prevalence of IPV and very early child marriage (before age 15). How the community prevalence of very early child marriage influences a woman’s risk of IPV is unknown. Using panel data (2013–2014) from 3,355 women first married 4–12 years prior in 77 Bangladeshi villages, we tested the protective effect of a woman’s later first marriage (at age 18 or older), the adverse effect of a higher village prevalence of very early child marriage, and whether any protective effect of a woman’s later first marriage was diminished or reversed in villages where very early child marriage was more prevalent. Almost one-half (44.5 %) of women reported incident physical IPV, and 78.9 % had married before age 18. The village-level incidence of physical IPV ranged from 11.4 % to 75.0 %; the mean age at first marriage ranged from 14.8 to 18.0 years. The mean village-level prevalence of very early child marriage ranged from 3.9 % to 51.9 %. In main-effects models, marrying at 18 or later protected against physical IPV, and more prevalent very early child marriage before age 15 was a risk factor. The interaction of individual later marriage and the village prevalence of very early child marriage was positive; thus, the likely protective effect of marrying later was negated in villages where very early child marriage was prevalent. Collectively reducing very early child marriage may be needed to protect women from IPV.  相似文献   

农村光棍成为当前精准扶贫的重要对象.光棍群体的贫困主要有经济性贫困、社会性贫困和文化性贫困三种类型.经济性贫困是光棍贫困的最明显特征,光棍群体的劳动力残缺或劳动动力不足导致其收入较少、财富积累少.社会性贫困指光棍群体在村庄社会中的结构性地位低,处于村庄社会阶层中的边缘位置和最底层.光棍的文化性贫困主要是指他们在生活意义和价值层面上的缺失,进而形塑出光棍群体在家庭和村庄社会内消极性的生活态度和行为表现.针对光棍群体的精准扶贫,不仅仅要健全社会保障体系,还需要加大对光棍的培训引导,在社会层面形成对光棍群体的支持和帮助.  相似文献   

The objective is to analyze the relationship between job resources (i.e., job autonomy and social support) and work engagement in nurses. Hypotheses have been tested through hierarchical linear modeling using data from 313 Portuguese nurses (individual level) nested in 33 work teams (team level), after aggregating individual perceptions to the group level and testing the agreement among these perceptions using the rwg(j) and the intraclass correlations indices. Results confirmed first, that individual job autonomy and team-level social support (from the supervisor as well as from co-workers) are positively related to individual work engagement and second, that team-level social support has a moderating effect on the relationship between individual job autonomy and individual work engagement (but not in the case of co-workers’ support). This study provides evidence that nurses’ work engagement results from individual job autonomy and collective social support. Accordingly, fostering job autonomy and social support in order to promote work engagement among nurses can be useful for both hospital managers and practitioners.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyze the relationship between the various dimensions of social capital and subjective wellbeing. Data used in this study come from the fourth wave of the European Social Survey and different measures of wellbeing are used to take account of both the cognitive and affective processes of individual wellbeing (i.e. life satisfaction, happiness, and subjective wellbeing). A factor analysis is performed to summarize information coming from a large set of variables into different components corresponding to each dimension of social capital (i.e. networks, norms, and trust). Among the results, we find that the impact of social capital on subjective wellbeing differ depending on the component of social capital which is under analysis. In particular, social networks, social trust and institutional trust are the components that show a higher correlation with subjective wellbeing. Furthermore, in addition to the positive effects of the individual variables, our results suggest that social capital at the aggregate level positively correlates with individual wellbeing, thus pointing to an external or environmental effect of social capital.  相似文献   

社会资本与农民工的城市融合   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
刘传江  周玲 《人口研究》2004,28(5):12-18
20世纪 90年代以来 ,农民工已经成为一个庞大的弱势群体 ,其边缘性地位使他们在生活的城市找不到归属感和认同感 ,一系列的经济、社会和文化冲突和矛盾日益凸现 ,他们与城市社会的融合显得十分必要。农民工的边缘性地位与其社会资本的占有和使用具有高度的相关性。只有改善农民工社会资本匮乏和质量低下的状况 ,构建农民工社会资本的积累和形成机制 ,才能促使农民工更快完成城市化和市民化的过程 ,更好地融入到城市社会生活之中  相似文献   

本文采用定量统计和回归分析的方法,试图从借贷网络视角来考察大龄未婚男性的社会资本状况,以发现婚姻状况和地域差异是否会影响农村大龄未婚男性的社会资本。结果表明,不同婚姻状况的农村男性和不同地域的农村大龄未婚男性社会资本数量和来源有显著差异,婚姻状况对农村男性社会资本不存在影响,地域因素对大龄未婚男性社会资本也不存在影响。  相似文献   

Despite a large body of literature on depression, previous studies have focused on either intra- or interpersonal factors but not multilevel influences, which potentially could buffer depression in late life. The intent of this study was to identify whether the impact of poverty might be moderated by multilevel factors such as sense of control, social support, and neighborhood environment. The results showed that the elderly poor, especially older women, were more likely to be depressed. Support from friends significantly moderated the association between depression and poverty among older women. Implications for critical feminist gerontology and for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

我国农村的扶贫实践活动取得了举世瞩目的好成绩,然而新时期中国的减贫战略却面临着理论与实践两个困境:贫困内涵的转变,农村反贫困实践难度越来越大,贫困率的下降日渐趋缓。为打好新一轮扶贫攻坚战,必须坚持开发式扶贫方针,加大投入力度,强化社会保护政策减贫效应,将开发式扶贫政策与社会保护政策有效衔接起来,联合建构协同推进,构建集“开发性、预防性、发展性”于一体的新型减贫战略体系,针对不同贫困群体充分发挥各自减贫优势,让贫困者摆脱贫困的同时,自身发展能力也有所提高。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of within group social comparisons on the life satisfaction of different racial and ethnic groups in the US. For Whites, we find that higher group income levels are associated with lower levels of life satisfaction, a result that is consistent with a preference for within group status. In contrast, life satisfaction is increasing in group income for Blacks. This result is consistent with the existence of social norms that emphasize Black solidarity. It is also consistent with an information effect in which Blacks rely on peer income levels to form expectations regarding their future prospects. We introduce a theoretical framework to help to distinguish between solidarity and information effects. Our empirical results provide strong support for the hypothesis that solidarity rather than information accounts for the positive relationship between average Black income and the subjective wellbeing of US Blacks. Finally, we consider two theories of social solidarity and find support for social salience but not social density in determining the strength of solidarity effects.  相似文献   

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