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中国教育个人收益率研究:一个文献综述及其政策含义   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
文章通过对中国教育个人收益率研究的文献回顾,揭示了教育与收入、收入分配及劳动力市场之间的关系及其政策含义。首先说明教育个人收益率研究的意义与方法,然后依次概述了中国教育收益率的基本特征、从制度和技术角度对教育收益率估计值的解释、计量方法的改进对估算教育收益率的影响、转型期中国教育收益率的特点以及教育收益率的变化特征对收入不平等的影响。  相似文献   

家庭教育背景对个人教育回报和收入的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家庭背景是个人收入的重要影响因素,忽略家庭教育背景会导致个人教育回报的高估。随着个人受教育水平的提高,家庭教育背景对个人教育回报的影响逐渐增大;与父亲的教育背景相比,母亲的教育背景对个人教育回报的影响相对较大。随着父母受教育水平的提高,其对个人收入的正面影响逐渐增大;与父亲的教育背景相比,母亲的教育背景对个人收入的影响相对较大。因而,教育投资不仅可以提高劳动者自身的收入水平,而且可以对其子女的收入水平起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   


This article uses a task-based approach to measure labour market mismatch and to study the wage effects of mismatch. We propose a new indicator—cognitive mismatch—and contrast it with the commonly used overqualification indicator. We argue that considering the tasks performed in each occupation captures more adequately the complexity of job requirements and tackles the major drawbacks of the existing approaches measuring mismatch. Using rich administrative data from the German Sample of Integrated Labour Market Biographies, we find that 4.8% of the total employment episodes are matched in terms of qualification but mismatched in terms of the tasks performed. Fixed Effects models show that the largest wage loss occurs in cases of mismatch in both education level and tasks performed at work. We conclude that each indicator is capturing different facets of mismatch and that they should be used complementarily in labour market mismatch analyses.


Terra Mckinnish 《Demography》2008,45(4):829-849
An important finding in the literature on migration has been that the earnings of married women typically decrease with a move, while the earnings of married men often increase with a move, suggesting that married women are more likely to act as the “trailing spouse.” This article considers a related but largely unexplored question: what is the effect of having an occupation that is associated with frequent migration on the migration decisions of a household and on the earnings of the spouse? Further, how do these effects differ between men and women? The Public Use Microdata Sample from the 2000 U.S. decennial census is used to calculate migration rates by occupation and education. The analysis estimates the effects of these occupational mobility measures on the migration of couples and the earnings of married individuals. I find that migration rates in both the husband’s and wife’s occupations affect the household migration decision, but mobility in the husband’s occupation matters considerably more. For couples in which the husband has a college degree (regardless of the wife’s educational level), a husband’s mobility has a large, significant negative effect on his wife’s earnings, whereas a wife’s mobility has no effect on her husband’s earnings. This negative effect does not exist for college-educated wives married to non-college-educated husbands.In the substantial literature on the relationship between migration and earnings, an important finding has been that the earnings of married women typically decrease with a move, while the earnings of married men often increase with a move. This is consistent with the notion that married women are more likely to act as the “trailing spouse” or to be a “tied mover.” This article considers a related but largely unexplored question: what is the effect of having an occupation that is associated with frequent migration on the migration decisions of a household as well as on the earnings of the spouse? And how do these effects differ between men and women?There are three reasons to move beyond the previous analysis of household moves to studying the effect of occupational mobility on migration and earnings. First, the analysis of changes in employment and earnings of movers is only part of a broader discovery concerning the extent to which the earnings of husbands and wives are affected by the ability to move to or stay in optimal locations. Second, the existing literature relies on the comparison of movers to nonmovers. Even longitudinal comparisons will not completely eliminate the bias in this comparison because movers likely differ in their earnings growth, not just the level of premigration earnings. Third, the methods used in the literature often do not adequately adjust for occupational differences between men and women, so it is difficult to know whether the current findings in the literature are the result of differences in jobs held by men and women, or rather are the result of differences in influence on location decisions. The question pursued in this article is, controlling for an individual’s own occupation and the earnings potential in that occupation, how does the migration rate in a spouse’s occupation affect one’s own labor market outcomes?This article uses the Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) from the 2000 U.S. decennial census to calculate mobility measures by occupation and education class. Mobility is measured by the fraction of workers who, in the past five years, have either (a) changed metropolitan area or (b) if in a nonmetropolitan area, changed Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA).1 Using the sample of white, non-Hispanic married couples between the ages of 25 and 55 in the 2000 census, I perform migration and earnings analyses separately for four groups of couples: both have college degrees (“power couples”), only the husband has a college degree, only the wife has a college degree; and neither has a college degree.Results indicate that the mobility rates in both the husband’s and wife’s occupation affect the household migration decision, but mobility in the husband’s occupation matters considerably more. Comparison analysis for never-married individuals indicates that among individuals with college degrees, never-married men and women are equally responsive to occupation mobility in their migration behavior.The earnings analysis uses occupation fixed-effects and average wage in occupation-education class to control for substantial heterogeneity in earnings potential. For couples in which the husband has a college degree, the wife’s mobility has no effect on the husband’s earnings, regardless of the wife’s education. However, the husband’s mobility has a large, significant negative effect on the wife’s earnings. This negative effect does not exist for couples in which only the wife has a college degree.  相似文献   

In this paper we attempt to measure the educational mismatch, seen as a problem of overeducation, using a multidimensional and fuzzy methodology. Educational mismatch can be difficult to measure because many factors can converge to its definition and the traditional unidimensional indicators presented in literature can offer a restricted view of the problem. We discovered two dimensions that properly define overeducation. The first includes information regarding job satisfaction, the use of expertise and the coherence between study and work, but also the measure on which the traditional indicator is based and the second concern earning aspects. We then calculate a degree of membership to the set of overeducated workers using the defined dimensions. We believe that in this manner we can partially overcome the rigidity of the traditional measures. Our findings suggested that generally women have a degree of mismatch higher than men and the graduates in Pharmacy, Medicine and Engineering are the least overeducated in terms of the first dimension, even if in terms of the earnings dimension they have similar mismatches to the other fields of education. Self-employment and collaboration contracts reduce overeducation when the first dimension is considered; on the other hand, when the second dimension is taken into account graduates with collaboration contracts are the most mismatched out of those having a job. Additionally, university reform introduced in the academic year 2001–2002 in the Italian higher education system is shown as not contributing to a reduction of the overeducation phenomenon.  相似文献   

Individual and couple intentions for more children: A research note   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The question, “Do you and your husband intend to have a (another) child?” has become standard on fertility surveys. It is almost always asked of the wife, but is treated as the couple’s joint intention. How reasonable is such an assumption? Do husbands’ and wives’ reports of couple intent correspond closely? Do spouses know the fertility wishes of their partners? Do they take these wishes into account when reporting couple intent? Analysis of a sample of fecund, white, urban U.S. couples shows each question answered affirmatively. Reports from either spouse appear to be good, although admittedly imperfect, indicators of couple intent.  相似文献   


This think piece provides a critical analysis of the terms lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) from an international perspective that draws on citizenship studies, providing some indications of the implications for LGBTQ studies. It outlines difficulties with the LGBTQ acronym in the Global North and South. Internationally, scholarship to support the human rights of non-heterosexuals and gender-diverse people is badly needed, but the think piece concludes that it is crucial to consider the social context of different cases, and to address the materialist, cultural, neo-colonial, and other forces that affect the formation of non-heterosexual and gender-diverse identities.  相似文献   

职位性别隔离与收入分层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在从职位隔离的角度考察性别不平等问题,并为性别收入分层提供新的解释.利用1978年-1988年的企业调查数据发现,由于存在纵向的职位性别隔离,使得同工同酬和男女收入差距这对看似矛盾的命题可以并行不悖.而来自2003、2006和2008年全国综合社会调查数据的证据表明,近十年来职位隔离对男女收入差距的作用上升,超过三分之一的性别收入差距是由于女性集中于职位“金字塔”结构的底端.因此,缩小男女收入差距,必须促进女性职业地位的上升.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory is becoming an increasingly important perspective in many social science disciplines. Ironically, the impact of evolutionary theory has been minimal in the study of human population although among the social sciences it is in demography and related fields that evolutionary approaches would be most appropriate. In this paper I review varying perspectives within evolutionary theory, proceeding to a brief review of theoretical paradigms within the field of demography. I then examine how evolutionary perspectives can interface with these theories, showing how evolutionary approaches elaborate, strengthen, and unify these outlooks. Lastly, I explore the implications of evolutionary approaches for research and policy.  相似文献   

养老保险个人帐户制度:经济分析与政策选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
耿志民 《人口研究》2001,25(1):39-43
尽管个人帐户的预缴专款备付金积累方式使其较社会统筹制更能适应我国经济体制改革及养老保险制度发展的需要 ,但这一储蓄资本金制度会因其资产管理的不确定性而带来多种风险 ,这要求结合我国的实际情况 ,加强养老保险基金管理 ,构造以大帐户小统筹为特点的动态养老保险财务结构。由此出发 ,政府应深刻认识个人帐户“空帐化”作为制度转轨主要支撑技术的本质及其可能产生的消极后果 ,积极推进个人帐户的“实帐化  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - While there is renewed interest in earnings differentials between social classes, the contribution of social class to overall earnings inequality across countries and...  相似文献   


Quality of Life (QoL) is a multi-dimensional idea that includes various distinctive dimensions and its estimation is considered as an essential factor for policy assessment. The study estimates the inter-district variation in QoL in Pakistan by using a data set of Household Integrated Economic Survey of 2010–2011. Objective and subjective indices are constructed to measure QoL with 7 domains and 31 indicators within 89 districts of Pakistan by employing the principal component analysis. The leading result of the study reveals that top ranked district is Jhelum in term of QoL and Tharparkar is at the bottom. The analysis also reveals that the most of the top ranked districts are located in Punjab province. This reflects the better performance of the province in term objective and QoL indices. Whereas, the districts of Balochistan emerge at the lower end in terms of objective and QoL indices. Majority districts of Punjab shows a modest level of satisfaction regarding the facilities provided by the government and the least satisfied districts belong to KPK and Sindh. It is interesting to identify that disparity in the objective index and subjective perceptions are representing QoL differences.


This study investigates the relationships among religious attendance, mortality, and the black-white mortality crossover. We build on prior research by examining the link between attendance and mortality while testing whether religious involvement captures an important source of population heterogeneity that contributes to a crossover Using data from the Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly, we find a strong negative association between attendance and mortality. Our results also show evidence of a racial crossover in mortality rates for both men and women. When religious attendance is modeled in terms of differential frailty, clear gender differences emerge. For women, the effect of attendance is race- and age-dependent, modifying the age at crossover by 10 years. For men, however; the effect of attendance is not related to race and does not alter the crossover pattern. When other health risks are modeled in terms of differential frailty, wefind neither race nor age-related effects. Overall, the results highlight the importance of considering religious attendance when examining racial and gender differences in age-specific mortality rates.  相似文献   

Cause-specific mortality studies are vital for a full understanding of the determinants of mortality and epidemiological transitions. The exceptional detail and accuracy of archival materials in Finland, as well as the length of the period covered, offer an ideal opportunity for such analyses. Focussing upon the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the history, decline, and eventual eradication of smallpox is detailed. It has often been argued that primary vaccination in childhood was the major factor responsible for the decline and subsequent elimination of the disease in Finland. This perspective is probably correct for the initial decrease in smallpox mortality. To interpret the final phases of smallpox history in Finland, however, several factors must be taken into consideration. These include revaccination, virulence of the virus, containment (quarantine) of infected individuals, vaccination of contacts, and importation of the virus from surrounding countries. While these factors were not of equal causal importance, they exerted a synergistic effect on the course of Finnish smallpox history. This in-depth historical case study demonstrates that multiple factors must be taken into account when disease control policies in developing countries are formulated to-day.  相似文献   

In recent years the political economy of the world-system approach to macrostructural change has asserted itself as a dominant paradigm in the sociology of development. Increasingly, comparative urban researchers have pointed to the linkages between the growth of Third World cities and the role these places play in the changing international system. This article begins by summarizing the major elements of this perspective on “dependent urbanization.” Then the urban experiences of the less-developed nations of East Asia are interpreted using this approach. This analysis leads into a discussion that centers on the main objective of the article, which is to tie the dependency/world-system perspective to policy-making and planning. How can this research contribute to debates about practical problems and suggest realistic, implementable solutions? The article concludes with some general comments about the relationship between theoretical analysis, planning, and action directed at bringing about social change.  相似文献   

To disclose the interplay between psychosocial antecedents of adolescents' decisions to leave their parental home in an ecologically sensitive region, we used structural equation modeling to analyze data from in-person interviews of members of 220 households in Wolong Nature Reserve for giant pandas (China). We further divided our data into two sub-samples by gender to test the hypothesis that model parameters differ for females and males. Our findings indicate that parental attitudes/behavior, peer behavior, and perceived availability of material/non-material resources play a critical role in adolescents' home-leaving decisions. This study demonstrates an important link between psychosocial factors and biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

We inspect the relationship between quality of work and productivity. Using Spanish aggregate data for the period 2001–2006, we find that quality of work is an additional factor to explain productivity levels in sectors and regions. Consequently, quality of work is not only an objective per se, but it also may be a production factor able to increase the wealth of regions. In our work we use two alternatives definitions of quality of work, coming respectively from survey data and from a social indicators approach. Besides, we employ two different measurements of labour productivity, in order to test the robustness of our result. We estimate our model using a simultaneous equation model for our panel of data, and we find important differences in high and low human capital sectors. The former display a positive relationship between quality of work and productivity, while the latter show a negative relationship.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the mismatch between occupation and schooling attainment, the imbalance between occupation-specific demand for labor and schooling-level-specific labor supply. A framework for measuring the prevalence of mismatch is given, and a simple index derived from it gives plausible results and robust inferences about differentials and time trend. This approach can be applied to existing data, yields comprehensive and current social indicators, and can be used with a minimum number of assumptions. Trends for the U.S. labor force over the 1969-1980 interval are examined. Results show that there has been a dramatic and general increase in mismatch prevalence. Various demographic explanations of mismatch trends are examined.  相似文献   

Individuals recently released from prison confront many barriers to employment. One potential obstacle is spatial mismatch—the concentration of low-skilled, nonwhite job-seekers within central cities and the prevalence of relevant job opportunities in outlying areas. Prior research has found mixed results about the importance of residential place for reentry outcomes. In this article, we propose that residential location matters for finding work, but this largely static measure does not capture the range of geographic contexts that individuals inhabit throughout the day. We combine novel, real-time GPS information on daytime locations and self-reported employment collected from smartphones with sophisticated measures of job accessibility to test the relative importance of spatial mismatch based on residence and daytime locations. Our findings suggest that the ability of low-skilled, poor, and urban individuals to compensate for their residential deficits by traveling to job-rich areas is an overlooked and salient consideration in spatial mismatch perspectives.  相似文献   

劳动力资源与经济发展的区域错配   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章基于效率损失测度法定量测算了各省劳动力资源的平均素质水平和考虑劳动力素质后的劳动力利用效率,发现当前中国存在着劳动力资源与经济发展的区域错配问题,中西部地区的劳动力平均素质显著高于东部地区,但劳动力利用效率却低于东部地区。这主要是由于中西部地区经济发展较慢、产业结构升级相对滞后,不能为高素质劳动力提供充足与适合的工作机会。解决劳动力资源与经济发展的区域错配问题,将是进一步促进区域经济协调发展的有益思路之一。  相似文献   

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