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Anational debate has been raging on over whether women should work periodically or even go home to take care of the family. The debate was touched off in October 2000, when a government document, called 揜ecommendations of the Chinese Communist Party on the Formulation of the 10th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, mentioned 搕he creation of a mechanism for periodic employment? The All-China Women抯 Federation, the country抯 chief watchdog for women抯 rights, h…  相似文献   

China is a transitional and developing country with the largest population and number of farmers in the world, and shows a striking feature of urban-rural dual structure. The major content in China's rising modernization is the process of urbanization transformation, urbanization of small and middle-sized city in China should become the basic path selection. Which involves three important issues: concept, people, and institution. Only based on the modernization of concept, people and institution, there will automatically generate the modernization of industry, agriculture, technology and national defense, and thus consistently developing prosperous of both the country and the citizens.  相似文献   

Background■Basic data of population in China in 2000:Population is 1.266 billion; Growth rate is 8.77? Total fertility rate is below than 2; Average life expectancy is 69.36 years for male and 73.11 years for female.■ The family planning network has covered 95% of China's population in China. There is a MCH system undertaken by the Ministry of Health in China, but majority of its exists only in the cities' areas. There are 4,000,000 family planning cadres and full-time workers in the n…  相似文献   

tatusoftheElderlyinFamilyThesupportandrespectfortheelderlyhavebeenregardedastraditionalvirtuesoftheChinesepeoplesincetheancie...  相似文献   

AnAnalysisoftheStatusofOut-of-SchoolChildreninChina¥YangShuzhang(YangShuzhangisaseniorresearcherfromtheChinaPopulationInforma...  相似文献   

Greatertoleranceofpremaritalsexandimprovedhealthcareandnutritionhaveledtodrasticincreasesinpremaritalsex,pregnanciesandinducedabortions.Thishasarousedconcernforthereproductivehealthofyouthsanditsimpactonthefamilyplanningprogram.AdvancedmaturitySurveysoverthelasttwodecadesconsistentlydemonstratethatnationwide,Chineseadolescentsaresexuallymaturingatanearlieragethanpreviousgenerations.A1988two-per-thousandnationalsamplingsurveyoffertilityandbirthcontrolshowedthattheaveragefirst-menstruationagewa…  相似文献   

An indirect method of mortality estimation developed by Y. Courbage and P. Fargues is evaluated using incomplete data from a demographic survey carried out in Togo in 1971. The author concludes that the method gives good results in this case. The method is used to estimate life expectancy at birth to be 40.51 for men and 43.12 for women.  相似文献   

1. Introduction Population databases contain information about people and the conditions surrounding them. This information can be obtained from population censuses, demographic surveys, or vital registrations. Since the 1950s, we have conducted five censuses and many sampling surveys on population in China. Millions of dollars have been spent to produce data, but these data cannot be shared. Though population data abound at present, it does not necessarily mean that information is being ful…  相似文献   

In recent decades significant changes in Nepalese society have greatly contributed to the increase in age at marriage of girls in Nepal. Factors responsible for these changes include educational development, urbanization and development of mass communications. However, many parents still marry their daughters at very young ages and this practice is particularly prevalent in the Terai region. This paper examines several demographic data sets with a view to assessing their utility for understanding the determinants of early age of marriage of girls in the Terai. The Nepal Family Health Survey (1996), Nepal Demographic and Health Surveys (2001, 2006), the Nepal Adolescents and Young Adults Survey (1999) and the 2001 Population Census of Nepal describe changes in at marriage over time. Factors such as sex, religion, education, geographic region, place of residence (rural/urban), economic status of the household and of women, and occupation are included in these data sets. However, other factors such as age at menarche, dowry and cost of marriage and cross-border marriage migration, which have been found to affect the prevalence of the lower age at marriage of girls in the Terai region, have not been included in the existing demographic surveys. Findings from the current study suggest that these variables should be included in future demographic surveys.  相似文献   

TheBejjingMunicipalGovernmentconducteditsfirstevercensusofthefloatingpopulationonNovember1,1997,inthe18urbandistrictsandcountiesunderitsjurisdiction.ThetargetpopulationofthecensuswasmigrantslivingorstayinginBeijingatthetime,butwiththeirhukou(householdregistration)elsewhere,excludingthePLAmembersandarmedpolice.Followingarethemajorresultsofthecensus.sizeandchangesinthenumberofthefloatingpopulationCensusdatashowBeijinghadafloatingpopulationof2.859million,includingpeoplefromotherprovinces,muni…  相似文献   

PatternsofPovertyAlleviationinMountainAreas¥LiYining(ProfessorLiYiningisawell-knowneconomistwithPekingUniversity.)Basedonthef...  相似文献   

FertilityDesiresofMariedTibetanWomenofChildbearingAgeinTibetChenHuaThePopulationResearchInstituteoftheUniversityofTibetconduc...  相似文献   

ProjectionofChangeintheAgeStructureoftheWorldPopulationBythemid-21stcentury,theworldpopulationisprojectedtotoptenbillion,ofwh...  相似文献   

SummaryoftheBulletinontheStateoftheEnvironmentofChinain1993¥//PollutionincertainareasofChinahasbeenbasicallybroughtundercontr...  相似文献   

Previous research has revealed much global convergence over the past several decades in life expectancy at birth and in infant mortality, which are closely linked. But trends in the variance of length of life, and in the variance of length of adult life in particular, are less well understood. I examine life-span inequality in a comprehensive panel of 180 countries observed in 1970 and 2000. Convergence in infant mortality has unambiguously reduced world inequality in total length of life starting from birth, but world inequality in length of adult life has remained largely unchanged. Underlying both of these observations is a growing share of total inequality attributable to between-country variation. Especially among developed countries, the absolute level of between-country inequality has risen over time. The sources of widening inequality in length of life between countries remain unclear, but signs point away from changes in income, leaving patterns of knowledge diffusion as a likely candidate.  相似文献   

AComparisonoftheAgingSpeedinSelectedCountriesoftheWorldThenumberofyearsrequiredforthepercentageofpopulationaged65andovertomov...  相似文献   

FertilityIntentionsofChildbearingAgeCouplesinShanghaiDirectedbytheShanghaiPopulationInformationCentre,thefertilityintentionso...  相似文献   

APreliminaryAnalysisofSingle-parentFamiliesinChinaLiuHongyanThetotalrateofsingle-parentfamiliesdroppedfrom12.59%in1982to7.58%...  相似文献   

Researchers forecast that in the 2100s, China willexperience four periods of population aging:Period of accelerated increase (1999-2010): Theproportion of the elderly will rise by an annualaverage of 0.1 percentage point. China has alreadybecome all aged society; however, the pace of aginghas not been so fast.Period of fast increase (2010-2040): This is theperiod when China's population aging develops thefastest. Annually, the proportion will increase by 0.4percentage point oil average.Perio…  相似文献   

ShengChanglietalZhejiangisamoreeconomicallydevelopedprovincewithalargefloatingpopulationcoveringmostpartoftilecountry.Themobilityofthepopulationhasboomedeconomicdevelopment,whileaddingdifficultytofamilyplanningmanagement.Asamplingsurveyofthefamilyplanningstatusofthel%out-migratingpopulationandin-migratingpopulationwasconductedbytheZhejiangFamilyPlanningCommitteeinOctober1996tounderstandthegeneralsituationoffamilyplanning.Tilefollowingarethecharacteristicsofthefloatingpopulation,fertilityfea…  相似文献   

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