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文章探讨在当前我国社会化养老初级阶段,家庭在老年照料中的不可替代角色及家庭照顾者的重要作用。借助于问卷调查收集数据资料,分析被照顾老年人的基本特征,探析作为主要照料者的家庭成员的照料负担、照料内容、希望得到的支持与帮助;并探寻从经济支持、替代性照顾服务、心理支持、培训服务等方面构建以家庭照顾者需求为导向的支持体系。  相似文献   

生产成为社会化的了,养老方式不可能仍然保持传统的方式,代际交换的方式也就从家庭范围转变到社会范围,社会化的养老已经成为当今社会不可回避的重要话题。  相似文献   

沉重的家庭照料负担极易导致农村重度残疾人家庭陷入致贫返贫风险.对河北、河南、山东、湖北及广东等地428个农村重度残疾家庭的调查显示,家庭成员是重度残疾人最主要的照料者,以提供生活照料为主.农村重度残疾人家庭不仅面临着医疗康复等客观负担、照料者的精神负担和心理压力,还面临着因照料重度残疾人所产生的机会成本.当前,农村重度残疾人照料负担的社会分担机制存在着明显的短板.为巩固拓展残疾人脱贫攻坚成果,防止贫困边缘群体返贫,需要大力整合残疾人社会救助、老年福利及扶贫政策资源,扩大集中托养服务覆盖面,开展照料者照料知识和技能培训,构建照料负担的多元参与分担机制.  相似文献   

随着我国步入老龄化社会,现代化生活节奏的加快以及“四二一”家庭增多,传统的家庭照料正受到严峻挑战,养老作为一个严峻的社会问题日益凸显。2005年底在北京召开的两岸四地社区服务交流大会上,宁波市海曙区被评为全国唯一的“居家养老示范区”,其社会化养老模式得到专家认同。“海曙模式”把机构养老与家庭养老结合起来,引入专业化服务,符合传统伦理道德,满足了老年人对精神慰藉的需求,同时又经济可行,开辟了社区就业的新空间。这种既无离家之苦,又有托老之乐的养老模式,目前已在宁波市海曙区65个社区全面推广,使600多名80岁以上高龄的困难孤寡老人安享晚年。  相似文献   

随着我国步人老龄化社会,现代化生活节奏的加快以及“四二一”家庭增多,传统的家庭照料正受到严峻挑战,养老作为一个严峻的社会问题日益凸显。几年来,宁波市海曙区探索了一条既满足老年人对精神慰藉的需求,又能开辟社区就业的新空间;既无离家之苦、又有托老之乐的养老模式,使海曙区65个社区600多名80岁以上的高龄的困难孤寡老人安享晚年。  相似文献   

林州市是革命老区、红旗渠的故乡,辖16个乡镇、4个街道办事处、545个行政村、37个居民委员会,总人口98万人,其中60岁以上的老年人107万人,占总人口的10.2%,历史上“二十四孝”中的郭巨埋儿和王祥卧冰的故事就发生在这里,世称“孝道之乡”,2003年被安阳市委、市政府命名为“敬老模范市”。  相似文献   

老龄社会呼唤养老社会化服务 我国已经进入老龄社会,一方面老年人的生活照料需求增多,另一方面家庭照料资源减少,如何解决这一对矛盾,已引起全社会的关注。  相似文献   

青岛市于2006年开始发展老年日间照料中心养老服务,经过十多年的摸索,老年日间照料中心已取得一定的成果。本文在对青岛市老年日间照料中心调查基础上,分析其现状和发展过程中存在的问题,最后,提出了完善青岛市老年日间照料中心服务的建议,以期给青岛市老年日间照料中心的发展提供有价值意见。  相似文献   

随着我国进入老龄化社会,养老机构、助老服务社像雨后春笋一样在城乡出现,各类养老服务政策陆续出台,为老年人的社会化养老服务编织了一张安全网络。  相似文献   


The demographic statistics in developed countries suggest growth in the elderly segment of the population. At the same time, other studies forecast a shortage of nurses, increasing the pressure on hospitals to provide treatment for longer periods of time. These trends suggest a need for new ways of taking care of the elderly population that support safe, comfortable, and independent living. Meanwhile, prominent advances in information and communications technology (ICT) have enabled new systems that address various needs of the elderly. This article presents a case study of a rehabilitation facility located in Tampere, Finland, that uses an automation system in which ambient assisted living (AAL) and building automation (BA) system functionalities are combined. It details a field study summarizing the needs of the users, describes functional scenarios supported by the system, and reports the results of the first usability tests suggesting acceptance of a new technology by residents and caregivers. The unique combination of ambient assisted living and building automation offers a safer and more comfortable environment for the elderly as well as helps caregivers on-site in managing their workloads.  相似文献   


With the introduction of economic reforms, families in China are challenged by a variety of family-related problems. Demographic and social changes are affecting both the capacity and willingness of the family to provide care for the elderly. The Chinese Government is aware of the importance of the family in the welfare of its citizens, and has promulgated a series of laws and regulations prescribing family obligations. Yet formal services supporting families are extremely underdeveloped, and it is urgent that the government formulate an effective policy to facilitate, support, and maximize family care.  相似文献   


This article discusses major issues and concerns regarding family support for parents and elderly people in industrialized and urbanized Korea. It summarizes new trends in family support for elderly members, continuing influences of the traditional value of family support (filial piety), growing needs for public services for elderly people and their families, urgent calls for the state to assume greater responsibilities for providing social security and services for the elderly, needs for cross-cultural studies of family support, and certain cultural similarities and differences to be considered. The article concludes with some suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(1-2):137-156
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Many youth leave foster care with disrupted relationships with their family and others in their social networks. Previous research has documented the severe adversity that former foster youth face in the transition to young adulthood. Perhaps some difficulties are at least partially related to a lack of social support that results from frayed relationships. This article reviews the literature on social support, particularly as it relates to foster youth, for the purpose of examining the role that formal and informal supports play in the transition to adulthood. The implications of this literature for successful transitions for former foster youth are discussed, as well as ways child welfare workers can engage youth and their families, and help them develop supportive social networks.  相似文献   

One of the most pervasive patterns in living arrangements observed among today's elderly has been the increasing propensity to live alone. This paper assesses the extent to which living along, living with a spouse, or living with others (no spouse present) affects several dimensions of informal social support. The data for this study are from a 1983 survey focusing on living arrangement choices among elderly persons living in London, Ontario, Canada. Overall, living arrangement is considerably more important as a determinant of instrumental support than social contact. Elders choosing to live alone appear to sacrifice some degree of mutual exchange for privacy and independence. They also tend to rely on friendship to a greater extent than marred elderly or those who co-reside with others. Implications for support services and changes in the family are discussed in the context of living arrangement selection in later life.  相似文献   

The aging population of Japan is causing serious concern among social policymakers. The most urgent issue is to find a way to pay for the health and social care of the frail elderly. After universal coverage of pension and health insurance was achieved, but just before the economic growth rate was considerably slowed, in part, because of the oil crisis, the Japanese government more than doubled pension benefits and made medical care for the elderly free. Since the early 1980s, the government has tried hard to cut and control these benefits, only with moderate success. With a consumption tax rate of only 5%, rather than the proposed 7%, the government is now considering establishing a new health and social care insurance scheme for the elderly to finance the increasing cost of their care.  相似文献   


Demographic, functional and social characteristics of residents living in a low-income senior housing complex are explored. These variables and perceptions of social support were analyzed for their effects on depression. The strongest predictor of depression was perceptions of social support. The findings are consistent with the research which shows that support through family and friends is important to consider when older adults experience health problems that lead to functional disability.  相似文献   

With increasing longevity, family care of the Chinese elderly in Hong Kong is evolving as a "caring trap" for female caregivers, especially unmarried daughters. Despite this, as Hong Kong is still a patriarchal Chinese society, most of the major decisions affecting the destiny of frail elders are made by sons or other male members of the family. The unequal gender roles, obligations, and division of caregiving responsibilities within the Chinese family and their effects on the caring relationship are discussed. Implications of this injustice based on gender regarding family care of the elderly and the possibility of its elimination are examined.  相似文献   

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