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赵琨 《安家》2009,(8X):82-87
2004年开始,随着中国房地产牛市的兴起和发展,地产营销代理行在国内如雨后春笋般迅速发展起来。在那个时代诞生了一批知名的地产营销代理英雄。2008年中国房地产进入熊市,地产链条上的营销代理行也进入了冬季。在这场生死考验中,有的代理行顺利过关,并逐渐强大;也有的代理行被吞并甚至关张。进入2009年,随着地产市场"阳春"时节的到来,代理行业再度兴盛起来。但与昔日不同的是,过去许多依靠个人英雄主义支撑公司发展的代理行因为核心竞争力单一,而逐渐被团队作战的强势公司超越和取代。如今,这些依靠团队经验和集体智慧的地产营销代理行已经成为行业风向标代表着营销界的巅峰水平。那么这些巅峰上的地产营销代理行在房地产营销理念和方法上有着怎样的独到之处?精彩"对话"正在展开……  相似文献   

个人简介: 黄文仔,籍贯广州番禺,广州宏宇集团有限公司董事长、全国政协委员、省工商联副会长、广州市海珠区政协副主席、广州市海珠区工商联会长、广州市私营企业商会主席.1994年组建广州宏宇集团,主要从事商贸活动、房地产开发,物业管理、工业制造业及教育事业,目前拥有国内外企业十多家,注册资本7.3亿元,现有资产21.9亿元,职工2000多人.  相似文献   

2009年10月,在捷克比尔森举办的联合国环境署第13届"LIVCOM国际花园城市与花园社区"总决赛中,来自北京的中国高端项目合生·霄云路8号从全球32个知名社区中脱颖胜出,最终以总分第一的成绩夺得金奖,为此次出征捷克比尔森的中国代表团赢得了世界至高荣誉.  相似文献   

央行22日起下调存贷款基准利率 11月21日晚,央行发布消息:11月22日起下调金融机构人民币贷款和存款基准利率,金融机构一年期贷款基准利率下调0.4个百分点至5.6%;一年期存款基准利率下调0.25个百分点至2.75%;s年期以上贷款基准利率为6.15%(此前为6.55%),其他各档次利率相应调整。按照市场分析,此次降息对于楼市来说绝对是大利好。  相似文献   

1北京市第十四届人大常委会第十二次会议审议了《北京市城镇基本住房保障条例(草案)》《北京市控制吸烟条例(草案)》《北京市居家养老服务条例(草案)》。根据《草案》,经适房、限价房拟退出历史舞台,由"配售型保障房"取代。配售型保障房将不再采取备案家庭轮候的方式,而是采用类似目前自住型商品房的项目登记制度。  相似文献   

詹伟锋 《安家》2007,(1):插22-插23
星河湾二期于一期品质之上全面升级,无论园林景观、内部装修、教育配套,均有超越性的大幅提升,加上区域交通、商业和高端楼盘的推波助澜,星河湾钻石品质更获得超凡升值空间.目前,星河湾二期的套内面积售价突破29000元/平方米大关,而每月租金的平均水平更高达每平米14美金,未来可以预期的增值趋向,引起市场热烈追捧,一套价值千万的房子被数位意向买主争相抢购,在别处可能是天方夜谭,在星河湾却属平常现象.  相似文献   


This study analyzes (1) the effects of affluence perception on anomia and (2) the importance of affluence perception as an intervening variable interpreting the effects of race, education, and income on anomia. The analysis uses survey data from a probability sample of adults in Hamilton County (Cincinnati), Ohio. Affluence perception is found to be positively related to anomia and to account for part of the effects of race, education, and income on anomia. The three demographic variables, however, have stronger independent effects on anomia that cannot be accounted for by perception of affluence.  相似文献   

Changes in party identification are examined from 1952 to 1988,with a special emphasis on the findings from the 1988 CPS SuperTuesday Study. It is found that in 1988 Republicans clearlyoutnumbered Democrats among southern whites for the first timeever. Demographic patterns of partisanship in 1988 are comparedto those from the 1950s. Most important is the relationshipwhich now exists between age and party identification. Republicansnow have a 29 percent lead over the Democrats among southernwhites under 30 years of age. While firm black support of theDemocratic party should prevent the South from becoming as solidlyRepublican as it once was Democratic, there is good reason toexpect further Republican gains in the South throughout theremainder of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the phrase ‘visual culture’ has come to identify a variety of interdisciplinary approaches to the visual in everyday life. While analytic perspectives may come from gender, race or media theory, political economy, psychoanalysis, and so forth, there is an apparent agreement about the critical relation the visual has to subjectivity and social organization. The travelling of critical and cultural theory across disciplinary boundaries has given ‘visual culture’ an institutional form through new degrees, programmes, cross-faculty appointments, courses, introductory textbooks, and research publications. This paper comments on the intellectual history of ‘visual culture’, identifies cultural aspects of visual performance that have been understated in recent formulations of visual culture and visual studies, and argues that the current institutional form of visual culture research has contributed to the disappearance of cultural and anthropological approaches within visual culture. The paper is developed in relation to a case study involving popular photography as a cultural performance of the Canadian north, and considers the contribution of performance to visual culture.  相似文献   

Abstract  In examining the growing inter-ethnic complexity as an issue of social change in major Japanese cities since the mid-1980s, it is essential that in addition to learning from the experience of Western society.
  • 1) 

    this discussion be carried out in the context of research on Korean residents in Japan, and

  • 2) 

    the analysis include an examination of the inter-ethnic relationships.

These two essential points have largely been ignored in previous research on the internationalization of the Japanese city. This paper is based on field research from the Ikaino district of Osaka city, which is the largest non-Japanese "ethnic" community in Japan. The research reveals hitherto neglected aspects of contemporary urban internationalization by examining the Korean community from the point of view of the relationship between the Korean and Japanese communities. We find that:
  • 1) 

    A Japanese community exists within Ikaino (widely known as "Korea town").

  • 2) 

    The Korean and Japanese communities live side by side but emphasize their separate identities.

  • 3) 

    The only condition which offers hope for cooperation between the two groups is a common feeling of loss and deprivation.

Arguments for and against the employment of unskilled foreign laborers continue to be heard. It is the task of the sociologist to provide an objective, unbiased analysis and to accumulate relevant data, rather than to attempt a quick resolution by supporting one side or the other.  相似文献   

This article examines the discursive and material presence of the “rural” in the “urban,” relating it to the historical and contemporary production of African American culture and identity. By using the case of the Great Migration, it discusses how African Americans negotiated and shaped their urban surroundings and formed individual and collective identities by drawing on their rural, southern histories. It then suggests the relevance of these broad historical processes to contemporary analyses and interventions in the urban environment of Baltimore, Maryland. This article challenges assumptions that obscure the agency of urban residents in the formation of identity and the establishment of community. It demonstrates ways in which the historical movement from rural South to urban North was accompanied by a range of cultural resources that have been adapted, discarded, or reconstructed.  相似文献   

The intent of the present research is twofold. First, this study explores racial and class equity in the remediation of Superfund sites in the South (EPA Region IV) over three time periods related to reform in Superfund. Second, this research expands our conceptualization of procedural equity by assessing the impact of community involvement on site remediation and by exploring factors that predict community involvement. This research explores whether active communities realize greater rewards in terms of more desirable cleanup outcomes and a quicker pace of cleanup and examines who participates in remediation. Findings indicate that higher levels of community involvement can lengthen the remediation process as well as result in some less desirable forms of cleanup. Results also show that sites with a greater percentage of racial and ethnic minorities are less likely to participate in remediation, but the opposite is true for lower income communities. Implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


In comparison with other South Asian countries, Sri Lanka maintains well-developed health care systems. Nonetheless, limited health care services are provided to mothers and children in the hill country. This research raises a series of questions concerning current challenges for safe motherhood, such as health care services already present, spatial distribution of health care professionals, and health policy in the hill counties of Sri Lanka. The authors argue that to understand the existing infrastructure of health care systems and future challenges to provision of health care services, it is important to depict the spatial location of health care units and to recognize the complexity of interactions between these units and the social, economic, and health environment. Such assessment provides a human geography approach that investigates health care systems in spatial dimensions. This study uses the geographical techniques of Geographic Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems to answer the fundamental questions of “what is where,” “why is it there,” and “why do we care.” The questions underline the importance of spatial methodology in assessment of safe motherhood and the importance of accurate and precise knowledge about the status of maternal health.  相似文献   

This is a case study of Filipino migrant workers, most of whom are low-wage factory workers living in an industrial city of suburban Seoul in Korea. Filipino Village is the centre of their community in the city. This study describes Filipino immigrants’ housing and their community in the city. Factory jobs, cheap rental rooms, and the support of the church and migrant centre made the Filipino Village today. It explores the meaning of ‘the place’ that Filipino workers occupy in Korean society. Their basement rooms and furniture taken from the street clearly show the nature of their lives. The boundary between Koreans and immigrant workers is obvious and deep. Korean society continuously gives immigrant workers the strong message that Korea cannot be the dream country where they settle with their children.

Este es una investigación del caso de los trabajadores inmigrantes filipinos. La mayoría de ellos trabajan en las fábricas recibiendo un bajo salario, y viven en las ciudades industriales en el suburbano de Seúl, Corea. El barrio filipino es el centro de su comunidad en la ciudad. Los trabajadores de fábrica, viviendas baratas, el soporte de la Iglesia y el Centro de inmigrantes formaron el barrio de hoy. Esta investigación analiza el sentido del término ‘lugar’, donde ocupan los filipinos en la sociedad coreana. Las habitaciones subterráneas y los muebles recogidos de la calle demuestran claramente sus vidas. El límite que hay entre los coreanos y los trabajadores inmigrantes es lógico y profundo. La sociedad coreana da continuamente un fuerte mensaje de que Corea no es el país soñado en que ellos desean establecerse con sus hijos.  相似文献   

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