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<正>创新是一种思想以及在这种思想指导下的实践,是一种原则以及在这种原则指导下的具体活动,也是管理的一项基本职能。在某种意义上,管理内容的核心是:维持与创新。任何组织系统的任何管理工作无不包含在"维持"与"创新"中。维持与创新是管理的本质内容,有效的管理在于适度的维持与创新的组合。作为管理的基本内容,维持与创新对系统的存在都是非常重要的。维持是保证系统的活动顺利进行的基本手段,也是系统中大部分管理  相似文献   

唯物辩证法认为,“度”是事物的质与量的统一.是事物突破原有质的量的限度。“适度”原则不仅是马克思主义重要的方法论原则,而且也是一种重要的领导艺术。领导干部把握和运用这一原则对于进行科学领导、提高领导效能有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

<正>哲学用语“三分法”即一分为三,也称“三点论”“三元论”。宣传文稿在拟定标题、理顺逻辑、应用文字的过程中,常常从三个层面明确方向、搭好框架、开展论述,是运用“三分法”的集中体现,具有一定的普遍性和可操作性,对宣传文稿的起草具有借鉴参考意义。一、从标题出发,建强主旨支撑点(一)归纳法使用“三分法”拟定标题,可采用归纳法。在拟定一级标题时,对二级标题进行高度总结凝炼,直观表现为共用高频词语,合并同类项,是从“具体”到“一般”的过程。  相似文献   

通过苍南县各城镇居民对农村的留恋,以及居住区规划存的问题,提出了社区概念,居住环境规划要注重社区性,以及苍南县当前居住区面临的主要问题所在——构成社区的三要素:边界、中心、连续,并阐述了规划以人为本,社区性是居住区规划的指导性依据和指标,是以人类的生存、情感的寄托、文化追求的观点。  相似文献   

"公文正文三要素说"揭示了公文正文的内在规律,对党政军各类公文,以及其它司法、经济等公文的写作均具有很好的指导作用.笔者在申论辅导教学中又发现,如果运用"公文正文三要素说"的有关理论来解答申论试题也是一个行之有效的好办法.为此,特撰文以飨广大读者.  相似文献   

关凯 《办公室业务》2012,(15):191-192
人才是企业的生命线,一个企业要想发展,缺的并不是环境、市场,缺的是人才。习惯上,都认为高学历、高层次的人,但我认为学历固然重要,而品格更不可少。同时,随着社会化分工愈来愈细,职业和工作种类越来越多,各种专业的、单一的、多角度的职业也越来越多,如"产品经理"、"品牌经理"、"财务经理"、"财务总监"、"财务主管"、"知识总监"等等新名词,这样为越来越多的形形色色的人提供了更多展示和成才的机会,正所谓"三百六十行,行行出状元"。  相似文献   

发展与教育心理学的研究表明:兴趣是一种带有情感色彩的认识倾向.它以认识和探索某种事物的需要为基础,是推动人去认识事物,探求真理的一种重要动机,是学生学习中最活跃的因素.  相似文献   

"创新"是指它对原有事物及现有状态所进行的具有积极意义的改变.创新的关键是:"改变".作为一种改变,它的领域是全方位的,有简单的改变,也有复杂的改变,有低级的改变也有高级的改变.在中等师范阶段我们开展创新教育中对创新的要求由于各种原因不能太高,在化学教学中,我们应该充分利用化学学科的独特魅力开展适合创新意识和创新思维习惯的培养.  相似文献   

一、年鉴的定义 美国图书馆情报学家卡茨曾给年鉴下过这样的定义:"有关国家(地区)、人物、事实、专题等方面的有用资料和统计资料的摘要. 它是一种不加修饰,去掉形容词和副词……的特殊条目百科工具书. "一种普遍认同的提法为"系统汇集上一年度重要的文献信息,逐年编纂连续出版的资料性工具书". 所以,年鉴是以全面、系统、准确地记述上年度各方面或某一方面事物现状、变化、发展情况为主要内容的逐年编纂连续出版的资料性工具书.  相似文献   

少数民族人事制度是国家人事制度的重要组成部分之一,是关系民族平等能否实现、民族经济能否发展、国家现代化建设能否顺利推进的重要制度.在深化干部人事制度改革大幕已经拉开之际,深入研究"干部民族化"问题对民族自治地方的干部人事制度改革有着重大的指导意义.本文从政党、民族、国家三个层面入手,依托三个行政案例,分析"干部民族化"这一政策在实践运作中的"张力",以期为"干部民族化"的有效运作提供更好的路径选择. 一、政党、民族、国家——"干部民族化"的三维价值定位 (一)政党:党管干部原则  相似文献   

多银行贷款池的组合违约风险研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
资产组合的违约风险是决定其定价的重要因素.根据多银行贷款池这样一类特殊的资产组合的契约特征,可将其组合违约风险的影响因素分解为:1)宏观的系统风险因素;2)各贷款银行的风险因素;3)各债项的异质风险因素.在此基础上,构建了反映这类贷款池的违约风险和相关性结构的多因素模型,并在条件独立性假设和多元正态分布假设下,得到了该贷款池的违约行为随机特征.数值分析表明,多元正态分布的因素模型能够比较清楚地刻画所研究的多银行贷款池的组合违约风险.  相似文献   

The Group Technology theory identifies and groups similar parts into families and machines into cells, advantages being in the similarity of the parts made in each cell, and designing and manufacturing. The benefits are: simple material flow, cost reduction in material handling, reduction in work in progress, reduction in the cycle time and set-up time, increased manufacturing flexibility, increased quality, and increased job satisfaction. The objective of the work presented in this paper was to develop a Group Technology (GT) algorithm by means of cell analysis for the design of the productive system to batch production, e.g. water heater manufacturing, system manufacturing, lathes manufacturing, etc. The TGIP algorithm allows the definition of technical and economical parameters for the application of Group Technology, also taking into account the demand for the performance of the algoof heating gasrithm. The benefits of the algorithm developed are the focus on solving the case of multiple machines and the assignment of the parts to the groups related to the load of the machines; also it allows the definition of technical and economical parameters to differentiate the machines that do the same operation or even the consideration of the demand for a certain period of time.  相似文献   

In the weighted link ring loading problem, we are given an n-node undirected ring network. Each of its links is associated with a weight. Traffic demands are given for each pair of nodes in the ring. The load of a link is the sum of the flows routed through the link, and the weighted load of a link is the product of its weight and the smallest integer not less than its load. The objective of the problem is to find a routing scheme such that the maximum weighted load on the ring is minimized. In this paper we consider three variants: (i) demands may be split into two parts, and then each part is sent in a different direction; (ii) demands are allowed to be split into two parts but restricted to be integrally split; (iii) each demand must be entirely routed in either of the two directions, clockwise or counterclockwise. We first prove that the first variant is polynomially solvable. We then present a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for the second one. Finally, for the third one, whose NP-hardness can be drawn from the result in the literature, we derive a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS).  相似文献   

评价分析中小企业的成长性有助于中小企业的发展,越来越多的研究从各个角度来评价其成长能力。本文以中小上市公司为样本,在已有的较为成熟的指标体系中加入市场风险的在险价值因素,并通过实证研究对考虑市场风险因素与未考虑市场风险因素两个排名作有效性检验及比较分析,得出考虑市场风险因素的排名结果更为有效。以不同公司作为样本对成长性排名与市场风险做回归分析,发现对总体样本而言,成长性排名与市场风险呈显著负相关关系。  相似文献   

产品伤害危机及其处理过程对消费者考虑集的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
“考虑集”形成是消费者购买决策中的重要阶段,产品只有进入考虑集才有可能最终被消费者购买。本研究在上海通过现场实验获得311名消费者的考虑集信息,检验了企业营销中的产品伤害危机事件及其处理过程对消费者考虑集的影响。研究结果表明产品伤害危机事件及其处理过程对危机产品是否进入考虑集有显著影响;与没有危机事件比,有事件无响应会对危机产品进入考虑集产生负面影响,并且对危机产品在考虑集中偏好顺序也产生负面影响;与有事件无响应比,企业响应、专家响应,以及他们的双重响应会对危机产品进入消费者考虑集产生正向影响。  相似文献   

The majority of after‐sales service providers manage their service parts inventory by focusing on the availability of service parts. This approach, combined with automatic replenishment systems, leads to reactive inventory control policies where base stock levels are adjusted only after a service contract expires. Consequently, service providers often face excess stock of critical service parts that are difficult to dispose due to their specificity. In this study, we address this problem by developing inventory control policies taking into account contract expirations. Our key idea is to reduce the base stock level of the one‐for‐one policy before obsolescence (a full or partial drop in demand rate) occurs and let demand take away excess stock. We refer to this policy as the single‐adjustment policy. We benchmark the single‐adjustment policy with the multiple‐adjustment policy (allowing multiple base stock adjustments) formulated as a dynamic program and verify that for a wide range of instances the single‐adjustment policy is an effective heuristic for the multiple‐adjustment policy. We also compare the single‐adjustment policy with the world‐dependent base stock policy offered by Song and Zipkin (1993) and identify the parameter combinations where both policies yield similar costs. We consider two special cases of the single‐adjustment policy where the base stock level is kept fixed or the base stock adjustment is postponed to the contract expiration time. We find that the initial demand rate, contract expiration time, and size of the drop in demand rate are the three key parameters driving the choice between the single‐adjustment policy and its special cases.  相似文献   


With the yearly increase in end-of-life products, remanufacturing has been recognised as an effective approach to alleviate resource scarcity in China. However, uncertainties exist through a whole remanufacturing supply chain management (RSCM) system, especially for the supply of used products and the demand of remanufactured products. Such uncertainties bring big challenges for a remanufacturer to manage its supply chains. SINOTRUCK Jinan Fuqiang Power Co., Ltd. (JFP), the only one member of Production Engine Remanufacturers Association (PERA) in Asia, has produced remanufactured engines and parts for more than two decades. This paper describes the JFP and its RSCM system. After summarising experiences of JFP’s remanufacturing practices, the paper analyses challenges and then introduces possible solutions. The results show that JFP should make efforts in three areas which are (1) continuous technology development, (2) improvement of the RSCM system and (3) advertising and the continuous technology development is the core competitive factor for JFP.  相似文献   

长期利润质量反映了企业各期利润持续、稳定发展的能力,是企业所有者、潜在投资者和其他关注企业长期经营和发展能力的关系人非常关心的问题。分析和评价企业的长期利润质量需要考虑以下因素:会计政策的稳健程度、配比原则的运用、利润构成、财务状况以及一些特殊费用项目等。为了全面、准确地比较和分析企业的长期利润质量,在计算和评价企业盈利能力和风险水平的比率指标时,要充分地考虑和分析以上各种因素对长期利润质量及其发展变动趋势的影响。  相似文献   

Risk Perception in a Developing Country: The Case of Chile   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this work we characterize risk perception in Chile, based on the psychometric paradigm, exploring the difference between perceived social and personal risk. For this purpose, we conducted a survey including 54 hazards, 16 risk attributes, and 3 risk constructs. The survey, divided into four parts, was administered to 508 residents of Santiago, Chile. Using factor analysis, three main factors, which accounted for 80% of the sample's variance, were identified: factor 1, commonly called "Dread Risk" in the literature, explained 37% of variance; factor 2, "Unknown Risk," explained 28%; and factor 3, which we called "Personal Effect," explained 15% of the variance. On average, individuals perceived themselves as less exposed to risk and with more control and knowledge about them than the general population. OLS regression models were used to test the association of perceived risk with the three main factors. For social risk, factor 1 had the greatest explanatory power, while factor 2 had a negative sign. For personal risk, only factors 2 and 3 were significant, with factor 3 having the greatest explanatory power. Risk denial (defined as the difference between perceived personal and social risk) was associated with factors 1 and 2 only, with factor 2 having a negative sign. The difference between desired and actual regulation levels proved positive for all hazards, thus indicating that Chileans are dissatisfied with the current regulation level for all the hazards analyzed. The comparison of data at the aggregate and at the individual subject's level suggests that while the aggregate analysis overestimates the magnitude of the correlations it still reflects the tendency of the individual responses.  相似文献   


In sequencing problems for mixed-model assembly line in JIT production system, the Goal Chasing method (GC) is widely used for parts used leveling goal. The difference in assembly time of each product is not taken into consideration in the Goal Chasing method. Assembly time usually varies with product types. In recent years, the Time-Based Goal Chasing method (TBGC) has been proposed. The advantage of TBGC is to consider the influence of different assembly time of each product and idle time in production period. TBGC, however, has been only applied to single work station problems. In this paper, TBGC is applied to an assembly line problem with multiple work stations. Furthermore, the sequencing method and use of Simulated Annealing (SA) or Local Search (LS) for this problem are proposed.  相似文献   

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