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The bulk of fear–of–crime research has been limited to one questionnaire item that asks respondents to assess their personal safety by answering "how safe they feel alone in their neighborhoods at night." More recently, however, studies have pointed to the multidimensional nature of fear of crime and perceived risk of victimization. Following this line of inquiry, we investigate the potential impact of several variable sets on three measures of fear of crime or risk perception—the traditional risk assessment of being alone at night, a measure of worry about crime, and a more general assessment of neighborhood safety. Of particular interest are the relative effects of neighborhood integration variables on the measures of fear/risk. A comparison of the effects of neighborhood integration variables with a set of perceived neighborhood disorder, routine activities, socio–demographic characteristics, and victimization experience variables reveals that the neighborhood disorder (incivilities), income, and crime prevention measures produce the most consistently significant effects on fear of crime and perceived risk. Contrary to our expectations, neighborhood integration variables appear to be relatively unimportant.  相似文献   

活力城市是一种城市发展质量的综合表现形态,也是世界城市的显著特征。北京将世界城市作为未来城市发展的愿景,必须从提高城市活力上着手。为此应不断打破多种形式的垄断,营造有利于企业和消费者的经济环境;强化对中小高新技术企业的支持力度;建设产业友好型、高效服务型政府。  相似文献   

In this research we explored three aspects of personality relevant to sexual activity and sexual risk taking in heterosexual men. Men with low inhibition of sexual arousal in the face of risk (low SIS2) reported more partners with whom they use no condoms and more lifetime "one night stands." Men who experience increased sexual interest in states of depression (MSQ) reported more partners in the past year and more one night stands. The disinhibition subscale of the Sensation Seeking Scale was predictive of whether sexual intercourse had occurred in the past 6 months, and also of the number of sexual partners in the past year. A measure of an intention to practice safer sex was strongly related to measures of sexual arousability and inhibition (SIS/SES). We discuss some clear similarities and also some interesting differences with a parallel study of gay men. Individual differences in sexual excitation and inhibition proneness and the relation between mood and sexuality are clearly relevant to high-risk sexual behavior and should be taken into consideration when designing behavioral interventions.  相似文献   

In this research we explored three aspects of personality relevant to sexual activity and sexual risk taking in heterosexual men. Men with low inhibition of sexual arousal in the face of risk (low SIS2) reported more partners with whom they use no condoms and more lifetime “one night stands.” Men who experience increased sexual interest in states of depression (MSQ) reported more partners in the past year and more one night stands. The disinhibition subscale of the Sensation Seeking Scale was predictive of whether sexual intercourse had occurred in the past 6 months, and also of the number of sexual partners in the past year. A measure of an intention to practice safer sex was strongly related to measures of sexual arousability and inhibition (SIS/SES). We discuss some clear similarities and also some interesting differences with a parallel study of gay men. Individual differences in sexual excitation and inhibition proneness and the relation between mood and sexuality are clearly relevant to high‐risk sexual behavior and should be taken into consideration when designing behavioral interventions.  相似文献   

12-hour shifts are quickly spreading in Europe. From our multivariate analysis concerning 25,924 European nurses, including twenty explanatory variables simultaneously, we found that work schedule itself is not a major determinant factor. Nurses aim to choose or accept night shifts or 12-hour shift in order to reduce their work/home conflicts, however, at the expense of the patient's safety, as well as their own health and safety. Therefore, it is important to develop measures, such as extended child care, association of nurses to the elaboration of their rota, 9- or 10-hour shifts in the afternoon, allowing naps during night shifts, and reduction of changing shifts with short notice. Work schedules must be organized in order to allow time for shift handover, social support and team building.  相似文献   

Proper body support plays an import role in the recuperation of our body during sleep. Therefore, this study uses an automatically adapting bedding system that optimises spinal alignment throughout the night by altering the stiffness of eight comfort zones. The aim is to investigate the influence of such a dynamic sleep environment on objective and subjective sleep parameters. The bedding system contains 165 sensors that measure mattress indentation. It also includes eight actuators that control the comfort zones. Based on the measured mattress indentation, body movements and posture changes are detected. Control of spinal alignment is established by fitting personalized human models in the measured indentation. A total of 11 normal sleepers participated in this study. Sleep experiments were performed in a sleep laboratory where subjects slept three nights: a first night for adaptation, a reference night and an active support night (in counterbalanced order). Polysomnographic measurements were recorded during the nights, combined with questionnaires aiming at assessing subjective information. Subjective information on sleep quality, daytime quality and perceived number of awakenings shows significant improvements during the active support (ACS) night. Objective results showed a trend towards increased slow wave sleep. On the other hand, it was noticed that % N1-sleep was significantly increased during ACS night, while % N2-sleep was significantly decreased. No prolonged N1 periods were found during or immediately after steering.  相似文献   

The characteristics of infant sleep change over the first year. Generally, infants wake and move less at night as they grow older. However, acquisition of new motor skills leads to temporary increases in night waking and movement at night. Indeed, sleep-dependent movement at night is important for sensorimotor development. Nevertheless, little is known about how movement during sleep changes as infants accrue locomotor experience. The current study investigated whether infant sleep and movement during sleep were predicted by infants' walking experience. Seventy-eight infants wore an actigraph to measure physical activity during sleep. Parents reported when their infants first walked across a room >10 feet without stopping or falling. Infants in the midst of walking skill acquisition had worse sleep than an age-group estimate. Infants with more walk experience had more temporally sporadic movement during sleep and a steeper hourly increase in physical activity over the course of the night. Ongoing motor skill consolidation changes the characteristics of movement during sleep and may alter sleep state-dependent memory consolidation. We propose a model whereby changes in gross motor activity during night sleep reflect movement-dependent consolidation.  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来,北京已经发展成为一座国际化的大都市。无论社会、经济的蓬勃发展,还是人们生活方式的日新月异,这座城市里发生的每一处变化都不容忽视。城市夜生活的出现便是其中之一。丰富多样的娱乐方式:从餐厅、酒吧到俱乐部,还有玩转通宵的卡拉OK,居住在北京,夜不再是一天生活的结束,而成为另一个开始……  相似文献   

The negative physiological consequences of night work are well evidenced, but there has been limited research on the gendered consequences of night work for partnered women with children. This paper examines women's experiences of night work by drawing on qualitative interview and audio sleep diary data with 20 UK female nurses working non‐regular rotating shifts, together with interview and diary data from their male partners and children. The analysis shows how the lived experience of women's night work is characterized by three phases, which we discuss within a timescape perspective. Alongside changes to paid work and sleep during the period of night shifts, the ‘preparation’ and ‘recovery’ phases of women's night work involve intense periods of considerable additional unpaid and unrecognized work and anxiety. Gendered expectations for household management and family wellbeing mean that women night workers undertake considerable responsibility for complex planning before night shifts begin, and re‐enter established domestic routines within hours after night shifts end. Women maintain continuity for their families by actively managing the impacts of night work. This enables the fulfilment and ‘display’ of successful and normative gendered patterns of domestic responsibility, which appears to be central to women's own coping with night shifts.  相似文献   

This paper explores a night nursing sub‐culture which is struggling to survive. The context is the NHS in the UK. This exclusively female group within an organization numerically dominated by women evokes hostile reactions from other cultural groups within the NHS, based on its perceived espousal of ‘female’ ways of being. Increasingly threatened by the new managerialism of the NHS, the permanent night shift faces extinction as a group. This paper describes the night nurse culture as it exists in a general hospital and offers some insights into the way that gender relations evolve to sustain male power in an organization where women are numerically dominant.  相似文献   

This paper presents the case of a 47-year-old female with low vision secondary to high myopic macular degeneration who remains active in the work force as a spiritual and religious care coordinator for a large institution. An ophthalmologist with a specialty in low vision rehabilitation initially assessed the client. The ophthalmologist prescribed optical devices which used residual retinal vision available at preferred retinal loci. This availed better vision for viewing targets located at far, near and intermediate distances from the client. An optician provided and dispensed the devices prescribed to the client. Additionally, the ophthalmologist made a referral to an occupational therapist. The occupational therapist conducted a series of sessions to further enhance reading and writing skills and a work place assessment aimed at optimizing workplace conditions in order to achieve optimal functional vision. This case illustrates and emphasizes the multi-disciplinary nature of low vision rehabilitation, which involved in this case co-operation between ophthalmology, occupational therapy and opticianry.  相似文献   

Considering the Unseen Starer and Unseeing Victim in a sample of Anglophone literature, the paper focuses on the privileging of a perspective that is dominated by vision, the ocularcentrism that defines people with impaired vision as epistemologically and even ontologically inferior to people with unimpaired vision. The underpinning assumption of authority is explained in terms of panopticism, whereby the presence or even the notion of an Unseen Starer affects control over the Unseeing Victim. This scenario is problematical due to the hegemonic capacity of literary representation, because, if not considered critically, literature itself becomes something of a panopticon, influencing attitudes both of and towards people with impaired vision.  相似文献   

Taiwan’s night markets are the most popular and unique characteristics of domestic and foreign tourists’ night life and have great potential value for tourism development. However, development of the night market is vulnerable to the negative impact of COVID-19. To discover the potential value and evaluation of the night market, we interviewed 46 experts from several industries and occupations in Taiwan to investigate the relationships between brand equity, benefits, motivations of and satisfaction with night market tourism and development. The results show that travel motivation has both direct and indirect effects on brand equity, benefits and satisfaction. Furthermore, customer satisfaction is the most critical performance attribute of night market tourism, which may be influenced by brand equity, benefit, and motivation. Managerial implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   


Members in the prevention and treatment fields continue to examine how to most effectively assess and label high volume alcohol consumption. Terms such as “binge” drinking have resulted in considerable controversy and debate. Conventionally the criteria for assessing high-risk drinking includes: five or drinks for men and four or more drinks for women during a sitting/event/occasion within the previous two weeks. Several standardized instruments simply use the cut off for high-risk drinking as five or more drinks and do not include the gender variable when defining this behavior. Both of these measures have undergone criticism for not including a more specific time element. Yet asking respondents to recall specific time frames from a night of heavy drinking may also compromise validity. Further the 5+/4+ or 5+ drinking criterion does not adequately assess intoxication levels or more extreme levels of alcohol consumption. A variety of special measures and terms have been created to capture heavy drinking behaviors and ritualistic behavior. Researchers and practitioners may benefit by using different measures and terms based on context and their specific prevention goals.  相似文献   

We aimed at analyzing whether Minor Psychiatric Disorders (MPD) is associated to night work either currently or in the past. A cross-sectional study was conducted at three public hospitals in Brazil, with female nursing workers. Data collection (N=1,134) was based on a comprehensive questionnaire that included the self-reported questionnaire (SRQ-20) for screening of MPD. Former night workers were subdivided into three groups according to their reasons for leaving night work: (i) directly related to work, (ii) related to better reconcile with studies or another job, and (iii) related to health, sleep, fatigue or stress. Binomial logistic regression was performed, with adjustment for potential confounders. A dose response gradient was observed between current night work and MPD (OR=1.5; 95% CI: 1.1-2.2 and OR=2.1; 95%CI: 1.5-3.1 for those who worked up to five nights and six or more nights per 2-week span, respectively). Potential detrimental effects of night work were confirmed. The association between working at night and MPD was not restricted to current night workers as workers who left night work for health/fatigue/sleep/strain also showed higher chances of reporting MPD (OR=1.8;95%CI:1.14-2.90). Results contribute to the scientific debate on the impact of night work on health and wellbeing.  相似文献   

Artificial night lighting is one of the least studied outcomes of urbanization. While the effects of night lighting on mammals and their habitats seem obvious, they remain difficult to quantify. By reviewing laboratory and field studies conducted on mammals since 1943, this paper summarizes the most salient effects of artificial night lighting on activity patterns and behavior. These studies assist us in generating hypotheses regarding the effects of lights, erected across the militarized U.S.-Mexico border, on the endangered Ocelot and its nocturnal prey. We predict that activity patterns for Ocelots and their nocturnal prey would be altered under artificial night lighting conditions. Specifically, evening activity levels would either be reduced or redirected towards areas with dense vegetation. In addition, Ocelot foraging success would likely be altered as a result of turning night into day. Recommendations are made for Ocelot recovery and future research on surrogate species.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown an association between mothers' nonstandard work schedules and children's well-being. We built on this research by examining the relationship between parental shift work and children's reading and math trajectories from age 5/6 to 13/14. Using data (N=7,105) from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and growth curve modeling, we found that children's math and reading trajectories were related to parents' type of nonstandard shifts (i.e., evening, night, or variable). We found that having a mother who worked more years at a night shift was associated with lower reading scores, having a mother work more years at evening or night shifts was associated with reduced math trajectories, and having a father work more years at an evening shift was associated with reduced math scores. Mediation tests suggest that eating meals together, parental knowledge about children's whereabouts, and certain after-school activities might help explain these results.  相似文献   

In this article, we report the results of a longitudinal survey research project of an organization undergoing leadership change. The study determined the relationships between members' "shared vision" of the organization's goals and a number of communication-related activities. We found significant relationships between shared vision and communication from the leader and the public relations staff. We concluded that the leader who "flattens" the communication hierarchy is more likely to achieve shared vision. The findings should be of value to public relations practitioners in their role as consultants to new leaders and as they determine the most effective channels for communicating organizational changes.  相似文献   

We present a vision for improving household financial surveys by integrating responses from questionnaires more completely with financial statements and combining them with payments data from diaries. Integrated household financial accounts—balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows—are used to assess the degree of integration in leading U.S. household surveys, focusing on inconsistencies in measures of the change in cash. Diaries of consumer payment choice can improve dynamic integration. Using payments data, we construct a statement of liquidity flows: a detailed analysis of currency, checking accounts, prepaid cards, credit cards, and other payment instruments, consistent with conventional cash flow measures and the other financial accounts. (JEL D12, D14, E41, E42)  相似文献   

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