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This special issue is devoted to the articles presented at a workshop held in Montreal in June 2006 as part of the activities of the Scientific Panel on the Transition to Adulthood of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). The articles address three of the key goals of the Panel: (1) to develop new tools to study the transition to adulthood as a whole rather than as a series of discrete events; (2) to add to the comparative literature on the transition to adulthood, especially in terms of its micro–macro linkages; and (3) to provide researchers with a more inclusive conceptual framework to study the transition to adulthood.  相似文献   

Over the past century, there have been significant changes in the prevalence, density, and complexity of transitions to adulthood in the United States and Europe. Analyses of change in less developed countries have largely focused on one or two transitions in isolation. This article examines whether recent increases in female school participation, the timing of marriage, and socio-economic changes in Africa and Latin America have influenced the timing and pattern of the entire transition to adulthood. Using data from countries with Demographic and Health Surveys 12–15 years apart, we analyze how the distribution of status combinations (education, employment, marriage, and childbearing) has changed over this period for women aged 15–30. Heterogeneity analysis is used to describe the changes in the complexity of status combinations. Although we find little change in transition complexity for women older than 20, there is evidence for shifts in the distribution of status combinations at any given age.  相似文献   

Passages to Adulthood: Linking Demographic Change and Human Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article explores how demographic change has altered the terrain of early adult life. It considers some new and possible hallmarks of this period of life; some of the psychological capacities and social skills that may serve young people well in a variety of contexts; and the role of families and welfare states as sources of developmental exploration or drift, resilience or risk. The article points to the early adult years as a critical juncture for understanding the accumulation of advantage and disadvantage over the life course, and it shows how a stronger partnership between demography and human development offers promising new avenues for generating innovative theories and research on the transition to adulthood.  相似文献   

赫鲁晓夫时期(1953—1964年)苏联的东欧政策是复杂的、矛盾的,呈现出放松与控制、时而平行时而交错的特点。赫鲁晓夫对斯大林的东欧政策既有继承,也有批判。他的东欧政策及这一时期的苏东关系经常处于矛盾、不稳定的状态。大国外交和强权政治,盛气凌人和反复无常,经常在他的东欧政策和苏东关系中表现出来。他有处理好苏东关系的愿望,但未见到有解决苏东关系的成功。因此,如何认识和操作国际主义,如何处理好国际主义与国家民族主义的关系,这是赫鲁晓夫留给后人的一个值得思考的问题。  相似文献   

The prolongation and diversification of the transition to adulthood is known to have occurred in all advanced industrialized countries, although to different extents and following different patterns. A number of comparative studies have explored single-events such as leaving the parental home or making the transition to a first birth, but few have examined the transitions to adulthood more holistically by examining multiple events. We do so in this article for Australia, Canada, and the United States. We find that youth in the United States experience a more uniform and shorter transition to adulthood than their peers in Australia or Canada, even though this transition is increasingly prolonged in all three countries. The earlier transition in the United States is mostly due to the concentration of education in traditional school ages, an earlier entry into employment, and to a lesser extent, an earlier and more coordinated transition into marriage and household headship. We argue that the transition to adulthood differs quantitatively and qualitatively since entry into marriage reflects the more traditional values of the United States.  相似文献   

网络环境下学习模式变迁、特征及其问题研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
网络环境下的学习模式正在经历着重要变迁。信息技术和建构主义理论的结合促进了远程学习模式、自主学习模式、协作学习模式、探究学习模式以及其他基于网络的学习模式的出现,与此同时网络环境下学习模式呈现出许多传统学习模式不具备的新特征。此外,网络环境下的学习模式对教育者、网络教育资源提供者以及学习者提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

欧盟东扩是欧盟和中东欧国家共同的意愿。作为首选国对象的波兰加入欧盟的难度远比加入北约更大、更为复杂。一方面,波兰民众特别是农民对入盟的热情急剧降温;波兰与欧盟国家的经济发展水平差距较大,远未达到入盟的主要标准。另一方面,欧盟内部在接纳波兰等国问题上,经济和政治方面都有分歧。看来波兰在入盟的道路上,还有一段较长的路程要走。  相似文献   

政治信仰作为一种社会精神体系隶属于社会文化系统。虽然政治信仰文化自身的相对独立性使其似乎远离社会经济,但政治信仰的生成和存在实质上是脱离不了经济基础的。立足于某种经济基础的政治信仰产生之后,必然对经济的发展产生反作用,这种反作用就是政治信仰的超越品质对经济发展起着牵导与矫正的功能。文章立足当代中国从计划经济到市场经济再到后市场经济的跃迁,把经济与信仰连结起来做一考察,充分证明政治信仰对经济具有不可置疑的牵导作用。  相似文献   

2002年11月欧洲委员会发布的《哥本哈根宣言》,旨在以职业教育与培训综合实力的提高来适应欧洲社会的发展需要与统一。该宣言坚持欧洲维度优先,透明、信息与引导优先,能力与资格的识别或认可优先,质量保证优先;要求恪守统一的欧洲目标原则,自愿遵守原则,受训者需求原则,特定合作对象范围原则;并以明确的工作时间表,专门协调的工作组、进步区域的示范效应来推动后继工作。该宣言的统一的目标规范战略、追求世界典范战略,开放市场战略,终身学习与灵活学习战略、人力资源社会构成调整战略,中国的职业教育与培训可从中汲取良多有益启示。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that educational attainment and labour force status have a strong impact on the timing of family formation for both men and women. The effects of educational level, school enrolment and employment seem to be different for men and women. The aim of this article is to investigate how gender-specific differences in family formation have changed over time, and more particularly, whether these differences have disappeared in recent years. We use a large-scale survey (more than 240,000 men and women born after 1940) conducted within the French 1999 census and apply event history techniques. The sample size allows us to test our hypotheses with more sophisticated models that cover several interactions. Our data fully support the convergence hypothesis for men and women with regard to the effects of educational attainment and working status (working/not working). However, it is only partly relevant for the effects of their school enrolment status on entry into first union and parenthood. For both men and women, the impact of work experience on first union disappears over time, but remains important for first parenthood.  相似文献   

唐初史臣出于维护政局稳定的目的,在构建李密的形象过程中将其与项羽相比附,呈现出相对较为正面的形象。后世的史臣虽然排除了唐初的政治顾虑,却又掺入了维护各自王朝统治秩序的现实考量,从而使李密的形象愈发丰满,同时其负面成分也相对有所增加。李密在多种史书中的形象各有异同,缘于史臣需要使李密的形象更符合当时政治形势的要求,因此各个时段所构造出来的李密形象都蕴含着特殊的政治意义。  相似文献   

渝新欧大通道是我国在新形势下顺应当今经济全球化、区域一体化发展要求,发挥地缘政治优势,推进多边跨境贸易、交流合作的重要平台.本文分析了渝新欧大通道的战略意义,在实施过程中可能面临的地缘政治风险、协调机制、相关政策、我国企业综合竞争能力不足、投资风险、产业规划等问题及挑战,并提出应对策略,对推进渝新欧大通道战略的顺利实施具有重要借鉴价值.  相似文献   

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