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肖林 《科学发展》2016,(1):70-77
上海要充分发挥在长江经济带发展中的引领作用,坚持深化改革、扩大开放,始终立足国家战略、服务国家战略,充分发挥上海“四个中心”的综合服务功能和自贸试验区建设的辐射带动效应,着力推进产业协作和优化布局、着力推进沿江综合运输大通道建设、着力推进生态环境一体化建设、着力推进区域城乡一体化建设、着力推进对外开发开放一体化建设,促进区域经济协调发展,引领长江经济带转型升级.  相似文献   

“十三五”期间,上海服务长江经济带建设,必须根据现实条件和基础,启动优先服务领域,关注重点服务领域,有步骤逐级推进长江经济带建设.一是构建长江经济带省际利益的协调机制,建立省际合作紧密联系的工作机制,探索区域间利益共享的合作机制.二是打造长江经济带园区与产业合作平台、长江经济带航运公共服务平台、长江经济带科技创新公共平台、长江经济带自贸区金融开放平台等.  相似文献   

长江经济带是中国最具经济活力和开发潜力的地区,湖北长江经济带是长江经济带的重要组成部分。在国家实施西部开发、中部崛起战略和国际资本加速进入长江三角洲的大背景下,湖北新一轮沿江开发的时机正在到来。以江为轴,东西联动,加强湖北与长江上下游地区的经济合作,可以有力推进湖北长江经济带新一轮开发开放。  相似文献   

湖北长江经济带包括成宁长江经济带的开放开发应在规划先行、政策先行,加大基础设施建设,加快推进产业发展和城镇建设的基础上,着力协调好四大关系:一是岸线经济与腹地经济的关系,二是湖北长江经济带与上下游长江经济带的关系,三是开发利用与保护的关系,四是发展与改革的关系。  相似文献   

现代农业是当前我国建设社会主义新农村、保持经济持续稳定发展的重要支撑。长江经济带的农业在我省农业及整个经济发展中占有举足轻重的地位,因此推进农业现代化经营成为未来长江经济带农业的发展方向。文中先介绍了现代农业的内涵与基本特征,然后着重阐述了长江经济带现代农业发展的不利条件及存在问题,并以此为依据提出了带内现代农业发展的对策。  相似文献   

中国开展“一带一路”建设并非只是为了解决西部发展的权宜之计,而是继续支持西部大开发、东北地区等老工业基地全面振兴,推动京津冀协同发展和长江经济带发展,抓紧落实国家新型城镇化规划,举全国之力全面对外开放的长期战略.因此,上海亟须主动将本地区的未来发展与国家的发展战略有效衔接,通过参与“一带一路”和长江经济带建设找到上海的发展机会.  相似文献   

上海建设创新型全球城市,其具体功能特征体现为以全球金融中心、全球信息中心为核心,以全球航运中心和全球贸易中心为先导支撑的全球流量枢纽;以创新汇聚、筛选和释放功能为核心的自主创新与开放创新兼备的全球创新策源地;与长三角地区协同构筑世界级城市群和全球城市区域,担当起对内衔接中国东部沿海地带和长江经济带、对外衔接“一带一路”的核心流量枢纽和控制节点的辐射引领功能.  相似文献   

加快建设长江经济带战略是当前我国的一项重要决策。武汉城市圈是长江中游流域最大的城市群,推进武汉城市圈融入长江中游城市群发展是实现我国"十三五"时期长江经济带发展战略的重要支撑。通过分析武汉城市圈优劣势,同时借鉴美国密西西比河流域开发和中国京津冀一体化开发经验,对武汉城市圈融入长江中游城市群乃至融入长江经济带进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

“十二五”时期是上海“四个中心”建设的加速推进期。上海要牢牢把握战略机遇,以国际化、市场化、法治化为重点,进一步完善市场功能体系、市场机构体系、市场产品体系,聚焦重点,更加注重功能开发,更加注重扩大开放,更加注重环境优化,力争在新的起点上实现“四个中心”功能和制度创新大突破,形成具有全球资源配置能力的国际经济中心。  相似文献   

湖北长江经济带是湖北省和长江经济带生产力的重心之一。通过对湖北长江经济带经济状况和产业现状的分析,文中提出了从区域产业结构调整、地区间产业转移、创新思想观念和破除制度障碍四个方面来促进湖北长江经济带的协调发展。  相似文献   

大学校园里的“大负翁”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着人民生活水平的进一步提高,以及西方发达国家某些观念的渗入,父辈那种“省吃俭用,努力存钱”的观念在当代大学生的头脑里逐步淡化。追求名牌、时尚已成为当代大学生的生活目标,以至于越来越多的大学生加入“大负翁”一族。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explain how and why women in Norway have achieved unusually high political representation. The study, based on forty-three personal interviews with female politicians and persons familiar with Norwegian political culture, found that certain favorable social and political preconditions existed in Norway that encouraged women's entry into politics. However, it was the strong and effectively organized women's movement which was responsible for the significant increase of women in politics. A number of environmental opportunities and threats facilitated the formation of a successful coalition between establishment and new feminist factions of the women's movement. This coalition then used effective strategies to get more women into politics.  相似文献   

The paper compares the prevalence and development of consanguineous marriages between Turkish migrants in Western Europe and stayers from the same regions of origin in Turkey. Analyses draw from three‐generational family data of the 2000 Families study. Findings suggest a decline of kin marriage over generations and time in both groups, but a higher prevalence of kin marriage among migrants. Parental impact was influential, but effects of transmission were lower among migrants. Kin marriage was strongly linked with cross‐border partner choice. The results support previous findings and indicate the specific effect of migration on seemingly traditional patterns of marriage.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This article analyses the distributional effects of education spending across regions of Thailand, a country that purportedly seeks to reduce regional welfare disparities through decentralisation. It finds that public expenditure on education is neither progressive nor pro‐poor, although there are sizeable regional differences, driven by the pro‐rich distributional profiles of public tertiary education spending and public transfers to private education. Policy‐wise, these results suggest that the current decentralised allocation of educational spending is not consistent with an equity‐enhancing goal.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus is responsible for anogenital warts and could be regarded as an indicator of possible sexual abuse in children. A genital wart was detected during an investigation of anti–hepatitis C virus positivity in a four-year-old male patient. No pathological findings of another sexually transmitted disease were found except complete cleft palate and circumferential lesions in the perianal region. No family member was anti-hepatitis C virus positive, but the patient's uncle and his wife had genital condylomata. Although detailed physical examination uncovered no other findings indicative of sexual abuse, suspicion of abuse could not be eliminated. Therefore, we wanted to draw the attention of health professionals to the association of anogenital warts and sexual abuse.  相似文献   

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