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在推动资本账户开放及资本项下人民币可自由兑换方面,上海自贸区人民币跨境投资与结算已全面启动。对上海自贸区人民币跨境业务发展及资金跨境风险方面进行统计分析,发现上海自贸区成立以来,从事跨境业务的机构迅速集聚,跨境业务量迅速发展,但跨境业务提速并未造成资金跨境风险的传递,也未对央行的货币政策造成破坏性冲击。建议抓住机会进一步加速推动上海自贸区人民币跨境业务发展,并以离岸金融中心建设与发展为抓手,推动资本账户开放,但资金跨境流动风险要时常防备。  相似文献   

曹啸 《科学发展》2021,(1):42-51
我国跨境金融服务经过几十年的发展,已取得很大进步,但仍存在资金进出不够便利、成本高昂、服务不能满足多样化需求等问题,有必要在上海自贸试验区临港新片区发展资金进出更加便利、成本更加低廉、产品更加丰富的跨境金融服务,进一步扩大金融市场开放,充分利用国际国内两个市场两种资源,实现跨境金融服务便利化发展.  相似文献   

促进贸易和投资便利是上海自贸试验区金融服务创新的重要内容。其中,票据业务创新发展可增强票据业务金融服务功能。从发展前景看,票据便利有利于满足自贸试验区内结算需求的增长,实现跨境人民币便捷支付以及改善金融机构融资需求。为完善票据业务发展和服务上海自贸试验区建设,建议修改完善票据业务法规制度,加快纸质票据电子化和电子票据业务发展,推动境外人民币参加银行运用电子商业汇票和商业承兑汇票业务的发展,在上海自贸试验区内先行先试融资性票据业务,试点电子票据交易平台建设并逐步在全国推广应用。  相似文献   

现阶段上海自贸试验区金融离岸中心建设应从分离型开始,内外分账管理,注重防范风险,在实践中积累经验,渐进式过渡到内外渗透型.在业务开展方面,从传统的银行业务开始,逐步向保险、证券、其他金融衍生品业务发展,以拓宽引进外资的渠道.同时,增加对离岸金融风险的预警机制,形成完整的科技化监管系统,以加强对金融风险的敏锐性和预测功能.  相似文献   

我国现行金融税制存在流转税税负偏高、重复征税、税收歧视和税制建设滞后等方面的问题.上海自贸试验区可以通过借鉴国际金融税制创新的经验,探索有利于自贸试验区发展的金融税制:构建公平、合理、确定的金融税制;打造富有国际竞争力的金融税制,以扭转上海自贸试验区成为国际税收“高地”的不利局面;积极探索“分项不分国”的综合限额抵免法;谨慎对待境外投资所得的税收饶让抵免.  相似文献   

金融开放是上海自贸试验区的重要内容,市场各方关注度高、金融企业集聚度高、制度创新含金量高.随着金融国际化和管制放松化进程深入推进,“苗圃效应”逐渐扩大,其作用和地位已经超越服务实体经济的初衷.上海应利用好自贸试验区这些机遇,努力开创国际金融中心建设新局面.  相似文献   

面对TPP,上海自贸试验区只有在先行先试过程中,更充分体现出应对的正确性与及时性,才能够有更多推广复制的价值.当务之急要在不断提升应对水平的基础上,将上海自贸试验区应对TPP压力上的做法向全国推广复制.中国不仅要通过实施一带一路战略、建设高水平的自由贸易区网络等手段改善所处外部环境,而且也要更加充分发挥好上海自贸试验区的作用,以此作为主要抓手之一,及时有效地应对TPP.  相似文献   

王丹 《城市观察》2015,(4):15-27
中国(上海)自由贸易试验区是我国对标国际高标准贸易规则、深化改革和扩大开放的重大战略举措。经过一年多的探索实践,以负面清单为核心的投资管理制度已经建立,以贸易便利化为重点的贸易监管制度平稳运行,以资本项目可兑换和金融服务业开放为目标的金融创新制度基本确立,以政府职能转变为导向的事中事后监管制度基本形成。在建立与国际投资贸易通行规则相衔接的基本制度框架上,取得了重要的阶段性成果。同时,上海自贸区按照建设具有国际水准、开放度高的自由贸易园区的目标,在政府职能转变、投资管理创新、贸易便利化等方面改革试点经验已经开始在全国复制推广。但上海自贸区在探索深化改革和扩大开放过程中遇到的问题也是层出不穷,为了将问题具体化,本文针对上海自贸区"加快职能转变"中遇到的问题和挑战展开,并据此提出发展建议。  相似文献   

中国(上海)自由贸易试验区(以下简称“上海自贸试验区”)建设需要财政政策的有力支持,应通过设立上海自贸试验区财政局,建立健全自贸试验区财政机构和管理体制;适度增加中央对上海自贸试验区建设中重大事项的专项资金支持;积极创新投融资方式,健全政府投资引导机制;完善上海自贸试验区境外股权投资的税收制度;完善上海自贸试验区离岸业务的税收政策;完善上海自贸试验区税收征管体系.  相似文献   

In this paper, the policy disciplining effect of capital account openness in India is examined by examining the impact of capital account openness on inflation and fiscal deficit. Multivariate modeling, which includes other relevant variables identified in the literature, is used for the analysis. Our results show capital account openness has a strong disciplining effect on inflation whereas it has no significant effect on fiscal deficit. In the case of fiscal deficit, trade openness and number of government changes only are the significant determinants. The moves of the RBI tend to reaffirm the disciplinary effect of capital account openness. In the meantime, since the mid 1990s, RBI kept a strict vigil over inflation and inflation expectations in the context of a more open capital account. One major reason for the problem concerning inflation expectation by RBI is the threat of capital outflow in the face of loose monetary policy and high inflation.  相似文献   

上海自贸试验区实行加快政府职能转变、扩大投资领域开放、推进贸易发展方式改变、深化金融领域开放创新等一系列任务和要求,提出改革管理模式、创新税收制度、实施相关产业政策和建立风险防御体系等政策和措施。这不仅可为其他地区经济改革提供了范例,更有利于中国经济从当前粗放型发展模式向集约型转变。但在转变的过程中,中国经济将面临如何平稳过渡的挑战。  相似文献   

In two studies of 5th–12th graders (n = 2,371; n = 999), we compare four groups based on engagement patterns in community service (CS) and/or extracurricular activities (EC). In both studies, adolescents who engaged in BOTH CS (whether mandated or voluntary) and EC had the highest reports of bonding and bridging social capital, intergenerational harmony, and social support whereas those who did NEITHER had the lowest. For most outcomes, adolescents engaged only in CS had higher reports than peers engaged only in EC. Content analyses of what adolescents learned in CS suggest its potential for broadening their awareness of fellow members of their communities, their mutual obligations, and collective capacities.  相似文献   


Much social commentary has been written of late on the loss of mediating structures within communities and the resulting decline in social capital. One way to rebuild these structures is through a model known as co-production, which has been championedby attorney, Edgar Cahn. Co-production provides a vehicle by which community members can exchange services and build reciprocal relationships for mutual benefit. Economic value is accorded these services through a mechanism known as “time dollars.” This paper provides an overview of co-production models and examines the ways in which time dollars can be used to strengthen economic and social capital.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s emerging market and developing countries (EMDCs) have been accumulating massive amounts of international reserves. The fundamental factor behind this reserve hoarding is financial in nature rather than trade-related, stemming from the widespread adoption of capital account liberalization in EMDCs, the resulting exposure to heightened financial volatility, and the consequent need to accumulate reserves as a self-insurance against potential disruptions in capital flows. Precautionary reserve hoarding, however, follows a circular logic that not only imposes heavy opportunity costs on EMDCs but also defeats the very purpose of capital account liberalization. When EMDCs accumulate reserves to hedge against capital account shocks, they are essentially recycling privately incurred short-term capital inflows into publicly incurred capital outflows, engaging in a reverse carry-trade that neither makes any economic sense nor results in any net transfer of financial resources from abroad. The net effect of this circular logic behind financial openness and precautionary reserve accumulation is a regressive and inequitable shifting of the costs of financial volatility from richer to poorer countries.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically disrupted and reconfigured the cross-border movements of people. Based on an anthropological study of the experiences of transnational migrants during the pandemic (May 2020–May 2021), this article explores stories of how cross-border immobility impacts transnational life and sense of belonging. The stories reveal the emotional toll of prolonged family separation across geographical distances when loved ones are no longer ‘just one flight away’ and give voice to experiences of being ‘trapped’, ‘stuck’ or ‘stranded’ in a state of transnational limbo. Running through the stories are intensified experiences of foreignness, non-belonging, precariousness and discrimination. Some also felt abandoned by their country of origin as border closures left them ‘locked out’ and ‘blowing in the wind’, fostering an experience akin to exile.  相似文献   

曾凡 《科学发展》2015,(3):76-84
全球贸易持续低迷、贸易争端加剧,新一波跨区域贸易安排浪潮正在来临.发达国家主导的BIT、TTP、TTIP、TISA等一系列更高标准的国际投资贸易规则正在加快制定,将对中国建设开放经济新体系产生重大影响.上海自贸试验区必须密切跟踪国际投资贸易规则新动向,按照国家总体部署,通过先行试验及时对接,不断完善自贸试验区制度框架,为中国参与国际经贸规则谈判提供有力支撑.  相似文献   

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