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上海自贸试验区挂牌一年来,深入贯彻党的十八届三中全会精神,立足国家战略,运行有序,总体进展符合设计预期,基本达到阶段性目标和试验效果。具体地说,上海自贸试验区在投资管理制度、贸易监管制度、金融制度和事中事后监管制度等4个方面实现了创新突破;在形成开放倒逼改革态势、推进服务业开放、接轨国际的制度框架和形成可复制可推广的制度创新经验等方面取得了试验成效。上海要积极对接新的国际投资贸易规则新变化,推动自贸试验区在更高层次的开放中与国际贸易投资规则更紧密结合。  相似文献   

肖林 《科学发展》2016,(11):46-49
当前,我国自贸试验区建设已进入深入推进的关键时期.从全球看,新一代国际投资贸易规则和产业链加速重构,迫切要求加强自贸试验区改革试验和压力测试;从全国看,供给侧结构性改革深入推进,迫切需要自贸试验区在更大程度上发挥引领带动效应.自贸试验区建设要按照国家要求,进一步解放思想,以更大的勇气和智慧推进制度创新,进一步发挥全国改革开放试验田作用.  相似文献   

王楠 《科学发展》2015,(1):78-84
从上海自贸试验区的创设背景看,在总体方案提出的五大任务中,深化金融领域开放创新是具有更大含金量的部分,其直接关系自贸试验区的运行成败。鉴于金融领域改革创新举措有快速传导性,可能突破自贸试验区范围,影响全国金融体系,因此,必须前瞻性地做好金融监管风险部署工作。从法律视角看,自贸试验区金融监管法律风险是当前我国金融业监管法律风险、自贸试验区法律地位引发的监管风险和自贸试验区金融改革创新带来的监管法律风险的叠加。  相似文献   

陈琪  刘卫 《科学发展》2014,(2):43-50
上海自贸试验区的建立,不是着眼于一城市、一区域的发展,而是力图通过开放转变政府角色、推动制度创新,突破金融领域的改革难点,从而带来"制度红利",充分运用市场调配资源的高效为我国社会主义建设事业服务。上海要实现建成金融中心、贸易中心的宏伟目标,必须从自贸试验区开始,从根本上摒除要素流动的障碍,协调好与经济腹地,与香港、深圳前海等区域的关系,实现区域经济协同发展。上海自贸试验区的建成,必将进一步推动上海服务业产业集聚,推动上海金融中心、航运中心、贸易中心更上一个能级,辐射长江流域甚至更广阔的地域。  相似文献   

推进上海航运业与自贸试验区联动发展,要处理好三方面关系:一是近期与远期关系.借助上海自贸试验区平台,加快航运制度与功能创新,近期重点在自贸试验区内,远期重点在区外,发挥自贸试验区对航运业的引领作用.二是区内与境外关系.借助自贸试验区平台,实现与境外航运业在监管制度、税收制度、法律制度等方面接轨;三是区内与区外的关系.形成在区外可复制、可推广的一系列制度.  相似文献   

目前,中国自贸试验区已经形成兼具多边、区域、双边、单边开放的制度体系,逐步形成与世界主要经济体及区域、双边规则对接的“点状”“块状”或“网络”关系,中国自贸试验区战略体系逐步形成.通过深入对比分析4个自贸试验区战略功能定位、政府职能转变、投资与贸易便利化等方面政策制度创新、金融等重点开放领域的差异,可提高上海自贸试验区在全国新一轮改革开放进程中的示范与引领作用.  相似文献   

发挥上海自贸试验区与浦东国家自主创新示范区的联动优势,大力破除阻碍创新人才、资本、知识产权等要素跨国、跨区域流动的壁垒,促进浦东尽快形成全球创新要素集聚中心.要继续加快全球创业资本集聚的步伐.利用浦东各类资本市场集聚的基础优势,完善多层次、体系化的创新资本市场,创新科技金融的品种,完善多样化的科技金融服务方式,着力打造全球创新资本中心.  相似文献   

针对上海自贸试验区扩大金融开放的需要,借鉴国外经验,上海自贸试验区内金融综合监管制度创新可以有两种备选方案:第一种是在完善现有的分业监管体制,在自贸试验区内建立以人民银行为主导的有一行三会、地方政府参与的金融监管协调委员会制度;第二种是在自贸试验区内建立单一的金融监管部门,统一行使对银行、证券和保险的监管权。  相似文献   

上海自贸试验区建设3年来,紧紧围绕国家战略,大胆先行先试,形成了五大制度创新成果,对于新时期我国全面深化改革、扩大开放具有重大示范带动意义.针对当前工作推进中存在的一些问题和薄弱环节,需要在更大程度上加大制度创新力度,对照国际最高标准、最好水平的自由贸易区,更加注重制度创新的系统集成,大力推进改革开放先行先试,切实加强与国家战略的紧密联动,进一步发挥示范引领、服务全国的作用.  相似文献   

为了推进国际航运发展综合试验区建设,上海推出了中资"方便旗"船舶特案减免税、启动保税船舶登记、航运服务企业免征营业税、启运港退税政策落地、国际中转集拼功能试单运作、创新海关特殊监管区域的管理制度、期货保税交割功能业务等举措。这些举措在提升上海航运功能能级方面取得了不小的进展,但存在如下问题:免征营业税的覆盖范围有限、船舶回归登记不尽如人意、离岸账户尚未建立、启运港退税运行不佳、期货保税交割功能尚未真正体现、海关特殊监管区域的制度创新力度有限等。国际航运发展综合试验区新一轮政策突破的基本思路可体现为:实现中国(上海)自贸试验区和国际航运发展综合试验区的联动发展;实现国际航运发展综合试验区现行政策完善和未来政策突破相结合;形成国际航运发展综合试验区的新空间,实现与中国(上海)自由贸易试验区的错位发展。  相似文献   

Answers to the question ‘Why do people change in family therapy?’ remain somewhat elusive and may to some extent always remain partial. However, the perceptions of important participants in the therapeutic system, namely family members themselves, seem somewhat under-utilised. A regular examination and integration of the families' views may lead to enrichment of our understanding of this complex area. In this paper the therapist's (and therapy team's) views of the possible catalysts of change in therapy are compared with one family's ideas twelve months after termination of treatment. The family had attended for family therapy because the middle daughter had been suffering from anorexia nervosa.  相似文献   

Contributions of a babyface and a childlike voice to impressions of moving and talking faces  相似文献   

The present research examined if the impact of a babyface on trait impressions documented in previous research holds true for moving faces. It also assessed the relative impact of a babyface and a childlike voice on impressions of talking faces. To achieve these goals, male and female targets' traits as well as their facial and vocal characteristics were rated in one of four information conditions: Static Face, Moving Face, Voice Only, or Talking Face. Facial structure measurements were also made by two independent judges. Data for male faces supported the experimental hypotheses. Specifically, regression analyses revealed that although a babyish facial structure created the impression of weakness even when a target moved his face, this effect was diminished when he also talked. Here a childlike voice and dynamic babyishness, as assessed by moving face ratings, were more important predictors. Similarly, a babyish facial structure had less impact on impressions of a talking target's warmth than did dynamic babyishness or other facial movement. A childlike voice had no impact on impressions of warmth when facial information was available.This research was supported by a NIMH Grant #BSR 5 R01 MH42684 to the first author. The authors would like to thank Linda Linn for her assistance in preparing the stimulus materials and Danylle Rudin for her help in collecting the data. Thanks are also extended to David M. Buss for his suggestions about alternative explanations which may help guide future work.  相似文献   


As theologian Henri Nouwen has pointed out, the opposite of love is not hate; it is fear. Nowhere is the fear which strips us of our capacity to behave rationally better evidenced than in relation to AIDS. Only as we allow ourselves to be moved from what Nouwen calls the house of fear into the house of love will responsible answers begin to be formulated to the emerging moral questions presented by AIDS. The questions are threefold. To those potentially at risk for AIDS or actually infected with it, it raises questions about honesty and love in sexual relations. For caregivers, it raises questions about the nature of our professional obligations. And for society at large, it raises questions about confidentiality and scapegoating. It is the author's contention that an experience of the divine love—unconditional, unmerited, unbounded—is alone sufficient to move us from fear, and its responses to AIDS, to a more loving (and courageous) stance. Only thus will we begin—whether as victims of AIDS, as caregivers, or as members of society at large—to exercise moral responsibility with respect to this dread disease.  相似文献   


Developing new scholarship on women is a recognized need in social work education. It can be furthered by applying a “gender lens” to the knowledge of the relationship between women and the welfare state. Reflecting historical concerns about providing public aid to the able-bodied male pauper and the impact of relief on the work ethic, social welfare literature has focused on male recipients while generalizing its findings to women. As a result, the story of the female pauper remains largely untold. This paper suggests that the relationship between women and the welfare state is shaped by a “family ethic” that in many ways parallels the work ethic known to shape the relationship between the welfare state and men. The family ethic is defined and applied to major income maintenance programs: public aid and social security. This article suggests foci for change.  相似文献   

This study develops a conceptual framework with a capabilities and agency approach for analyzing work–life balance (WLB) applied in two societies (Hungary and Sweden), which have different working time regimes, levels of precarious employment, and gender equality discourses and norms. Inspired by Amartya Sen, we present a model illustrating how agency freedom for WLB depends on multiple resources at the individual, work organizational, institutional, and normative/societal levels. Using a unique qualitative survey conducted in two cities, Budapest and Stockholm, we analyze how mothers and fathers subjectively experience the tensions between family and work demands, and their possibilities for alternative choices (agency freedom). We find similarities in these tensions involving time pressure and time poverty, cutting across gender and education. Our Hungarian parents, nevertheless, experience greater agency inequalities for WLB, which reflect weaker institutional resources (conversion factors) as well as cultural/societal norms that act as constraints for WLB claims in the workplace and household. Our study reveals that Swedish parents, both men and women, express a strong sense of entitlement to exercise rights to care.  相似文献   

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