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Over the past 20 years, policy attention has been focused upon the implications of below‐replacement fertility for the aging of populations. This article argues that another potential consequence, a decline in the absolute size of the labor force, may prove to be an equally compelling issue because of its impact on rates of economic growth. Because the United States will experience both increasing labor productivity and an increase in its labor supply, the growth orientation of the global economy is likely to persist. In this circumstance, given relatively comparable changes in the productivity of labor across countries, countries that face major declines in their labor supply will fare less well than countries that are able to maintain their labor supply at least constant. The article examines the labor supply prospects of 16 developed countries for the period 2000–2050, drawing attention to the ways in which countries may be able to influence the future levels of their labor supply.  相似文献   

杨雪 《人口学刊》2006,(5):40-45
欧洲传统的福利制度造成了贫困陷阱和财政陷阱的产生,为了增加劳动力供给和鼓励就业,欧盟对劳动力税收和救济金制度进行了全面的改革。欧盟主要针对失业保险制度和社会救济金政策、最低工资政策、提前退休制度、个人所得税和社会保险税减免政策以及对有孩子家庭的激励政策等方面进行了改革。对改革的成效分析可以清楚地看到改革对劳动力供给和需求所带来的影响和效果。  相似文献   

Public employment growth has been parallelled by increased female labour force participation, while real wages for typical female public sector occupations have not increased. In a theoretical model we, first, show that there is a tradeoff between day care provision and gross wages for occupations for which day care is a complement. It is possible to combine increased public labour demand with public day care provision leaving the wage unaffected. Second, non-parents will be in favour of increasing day care as long as day care productivity is higher than the inverse of the tax rate. This is because the effective labour supply and, therefore, the tax base increase. Third, parents want to push day care provision even further. They are prepared to accept a lower day care productivity than non-parents because day care provision relaxes the constraint on their desired labour supply. The Pareto efficient day care provision is between parents‘ and non-parents‘ preferred levels. Received: 12 December 1995 / Accepted: 17 September 1997  相似文献   

This paper constructs a small open two-sector (health care and non-health care) overlapping generations model and investigates how changes in the demand for health care induced by population aging influence the economy’s employment structure and per capita income growth rate. We show that population aging induces a shift in labor from the non-health care sector to the health care sector and lowers the per capita income growth rate. This paper also investigates public policy for child care and demonstrates the existence of an intergenerational conflict between current and future generations concerning public policy on child care.  相似文献   

This study uses multi-state cohort component projections and detailed vital statistics data to project the future Taiwanese population by age, sex, and education up to 2050. These are the first education-specific population projections for Taiwan, and they reveal how young highly educated cohorts during the next decades will replace older cohorts with lower levels of educational attainment. The results of the population projections enter our estimation of the future composition of the Taiwanese labor force. Incorporating education as an extra dimension in labor force projections allows us to make inferences about the quality of future labor supply in a rapidly aging Taiwan and the leverage of expanding economic activity across the life course, particularly of women. At present, women’s economic activity above age 25 in Taiwan is significantly lower than men’s and also much lower than women's in Western developed nations. Some of the expected adverse economic consequences of population aging can likely be alleviated by having a more educated and consequently more productive labor force. The overall results and conclusions of our study, though based on the Taiwanese context, apply to other Asian economies with rapidly aging populations and currently comparatively low levels of female labor force participation as well.  相似文献   

中国人口劳动参与率与未来劳动力供给分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
对未来劳动力供给进行准确预测判断将有利于我们未来就业政策、现实人口政策和社会保障政策的科学制定,也是对未来人口与经济形势准确判定的依据,是一项非常重要的工作。在充分考虑人口老龄化、劳动参与率年龄模式变动以及受教育水平提高影响的基础上,对未来劳动供给进行预测。预测结果显示,如果不考虑65岁及以上人口的就业,到2016年将达到从业人员的高峰7.58亿,其后持续减少,到2050年前后减少到6.4亿;如果考虑65岁及以上人口的就业,我国的就业高峰将出现在2022年前后,到2045年以后,劳动力供给将大规模减少。届时劳动供养人口将会大大增加,这必须引起当代人在规划人口发展时的重视。  相似文献   

杨雪 《人口学刊》2007,(6):9-12
目前,东北三省正处在劳动年龄人口占人口比重最高的人口转变时期,关注劳动力供给发展趋势及其内在变化对经济社会的发展十分必要。未来几十年内,东北三省劳动力供给总量表现为先上升,2010年将到达峰值,以后呈现逐年下降的趋势。劳动技能人口分布不均衡,劳动年龄人口将面临老化等问题。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of employer-sponsored child care on two dimensions of the labor supply behavior of women with young children: annual hours worked and attachment to the employer. Data from the 1988 Biennial Survey of Illinois Registered Nurses are used in the empirical analysis. The provision of employer-sponsored child care is found to have significant positive effects on both aspects of labor supply.  相似文献   

"Although the U.K.'s population is not predicted to grow very much in the future, the population structure is changing and there is a shift towards a much older age distribution. The characteristics of demographic aging in the U.K. include a marked reduction in fertility rates, increasing rates of life expectation at birth..., increasing dependency ratios and variations in mortality and social class in old age. The U.K.'s demographic context has important implications for aged care policy and planning. This paper documents the demographic trends, reviews recent major policy changes and their impact on care provision, and discusses some of the emerging implementation issues that challenge the potential of such policies to meet the needs of an aging population."  相似文献   

Increasing realization of the implications of persisting below‐replacement fertility in Europe—shrinking absolute numbers combined with a rising proportion of the elderly—is giving new salience to policy considerations regarding immigration in the countries most affected by low fertility. The recent United Nations report on “replacement migration” (see the Documents section in the June 2000 PDR) highlighted the issue through illustrative calculations showing the size of immigrant streams that would be needed for achieving specified demographic targets in selected lowfertility countries, given continuation of present fertility and mortality trends. For example, the UN report suggested that in Italy—which has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world—maintaining a constant population over time would require a net influx of some 12.6 million immigrants during the next 50 years, and maintaining a constant labor forceage population (ages 15–64) would require a net inflow of 18.6 million. Yet immigration policy in Western Europe has become increasingly restrictive during the last quartercentury, and the official policy stance that regulating immigration is strictly within the domain of a country's sovereign right has been assiduously maintained. (International treaty obligations qualify that right in the case of bona fide asylum seekers; however, the definition of that category is also subject to the discretion of the receiving countries.) Thus, although within the European Union national borders are open to EU citizens, the power of regulating immigration from outside the EU is retained by the individual countries rather than subject to EU‐wide decisions. Suggestions coming from the developing countries to follow up the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development with an intergovernmental conference on international migration and development were set aside by the potential immigrant‐receiving countries as overly contentious. A statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Lamberto Dini, delivered at the 55th General Assembly of the United Nations, 13 September 2000, may be a sign of a notable shift in official approaches to immigration policy by at least one EU member state. The statement, in a departure from the practice of touching lightly upon a wide range of issues in international affairs, typical in high‐level ministerial speeches given at that UN forum, is devoted essentially to a single topic: international migration. It characterizes migration “between or within continents” as an international problem and advocates “coordinated and integrated” instruments in seeking a solution. It suggests that “today, with a declining birth rate and an aging population, Europe needs a strategy that embraces the complex process of integrating people from different regions of the world.” The rules for international migration, the statement claims, should be set in a global framework, such as provided by the United Nations. In the “age of globalization,”“a solidarity pact is needed to find the best and most effective way of balancing the supply and demand of labor.” With the omission of opening and closing ceremonial passages and a brief comment on the problem of debt relief, the statement is reproduced below.  相似文献   

改革开放后 ,中国实现了持续的经济增长 ,并逐渐形成了劳动市场。 2 0多年来的高速经济增长 ,解决了众多劳动就业问题 ,但因过去持续几十年的劳动力人口增长 ,未来劳动市场仍将面临供需矛盾和强大的就业压力。通过对劳动力供给和需求的预测 ,展望未来中国劳动力市场  相似文献   

According to Chinese Food Safety News, China Food and .Drug Administration has organized and formulated the Provisions on Food and Drugs Administrative Penalty Procedure (Hereinatter referred to as "the Provisions") to regulate tbod and drug administration departments toCarry out the administrative ptinisbment authority;  相似文献   

通过对我国当前的劳动力供求关系从理论到实践进行分析,可以判断目前刘易斯拐点还没有真正到来。随着中国经济的持续增长,劳动需求将会不断增加,而持续的低生育率将会导致未来劳动供给减少。为了对未来劳动供需关系有一个较为客观的判定,采用生产函数法,设计高低两个未来经济增长速度方案,在给定经济增长速度下采用永续盘存法计算未来资本存量的增长,结合对TFP给出相应假设,测算得到未来劳动力的需求。比较已有的劳动供给预测结果,即可预测我国未来劳动力供求的第一个刘易斯拐点将在2015~2020年前后出现。因此我国未来宏观经济发展应该适应未来劳动供求关系的变动。  相似文献   

Giles J  Mu R 《Demography》2007,44(2):265-288
Recent research has shown that participation in migrant labor markets has led to substantial increases in income for families in rural China. This article addresses the question of how participation is affected by elderly parent health. We find that younger adults are less likely to work as migrants when a parent is ill. Poor health of an elderly parent has less impact on the probability of employment as a migrant when an adult child has siblings who may be available to provide care. We also highlight the potential importance of including information on nonresident family members when studying how parent illness and elder care requirements influence the labor supply decisions of adult children.  相似文献   

本文首先从理论上分析了人口结构变动对出口比较优势的影响,然后利用中国2001—2010年28个制造业和人口结构数据,采用交叉项方法实证研究了人口结构少子化和老龄化变动趋势对出口结构优化的影响。结果发现少子化使未来劳动力供给和消费减少、储蓄和投资增加;老龄化使劳动效率下降,居民预防性储蓄增加。人口结构变动使资本素变得相对充裕,劳动素相对稀缺,促使出口结构实现优化升级,由劳动密集型商品出口为主向资本密集型商品转移。  相似文献   

家庭养老、父母健康与成年子女劳动供给的经济分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文的研究目标在于利用CHNS数据,将同一家庭内部子女样本和父母(大于55岁)样本进行配对.探讨老年父母健康对成年子女劳动供给的影响。首先建立理论框架,其次利用Heckman两阶段模型,在控制个人特征和家庭特征的基础上,分析老年父母健康对成年子女劳动供给的影响。研究结果表明,父母健康不良将导致子女劳动供给的减少,且这种影响存在性别差异和城乡差异,但均不显著。同时在存在兄弟姐妹的情况下,其影响程度减小。  相似文献   

In recent years, both population aging and gender issues have gained prominence in international forums concerned with population. It is frequently asserted or implied that older women are universally more vulnerable to social, economic, and health disadvantages than older men. The most significant manifestation of this exclusive concern with women when considering gender and aging is the Plan of Action adopted by the Second World Assembly on Aging in 2002. The assumed relative disadvantage of elderly women is commonly attributed to gender differences in earlier life experiences. But are older women truly disadvantaged globally with respect to all or most essential aspects of well‐being? The authors provide empirical evidence that clearly shows that older women are not invariably disadvantaged vis‐à‐vis men. In particular, they call into question the wisdom and equity of a virtually exclusive emphasis on the needs of women when incorporating gender concerns into policies and programs related to aging. A more balanced perspective that recognizes gender as a potential, but not necessarily central, marker of vulnerability for various aspects of well‐being in specific settings and times, and that allows for male as well as female disadvantage, would serve the current and future elderly generations far better.  相似文献   

The author presents recent projections of the labor force in Poland. Aspects considered include the reliability of both supply and demand projections; trends for urban and rural areas; the aging of the labor force; public and private sector employment prospects; occupations; and government opinion.  相似文献   

我国未来中长期劳动力需求预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文结合经济预测,对我国未来中长期2010-2050年劳动力需求进行了定量预测。预测结果表明,随着经济增长方式的转变、劳动生产率的提高,我国未来劳动力需求有下降的趋势,但下降比较缓慢,而我国劳动力供给量在"十二五"期间达到顶峰后会迅速下降,2016年后我国劳动力市场将可能长期面临劳动力短缺问题。  相似文献   

重庆市的就业问题与人力资源开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重庆市人力资源就业存在一系列问题 ,包括 :劳动力供给旺盛而需求不足 ,造成部分劳动力未能利用 ;而除去总量压力 ,由于劳动者技能、知识结构与市场的需求结构不相符 ,以及劳动力市场本身的效率欠佳 ,造成相当部分的劳动力和工作岗位同时闲置 ;另外 ,由于一些微观用人机制和宏观的制度安排等问题 ,造成了劳动力利用不充分的状况。本文从劳动力供给调整、需求调整和改善制度环境三方面提出了一系列旨在解决这些问题的人力资源开发政策。最后本文还探讨了重庆市人力资源开发应注意的问题。  相似文献   

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