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High‐tech organizations often struggle to manage different types of R&D projects. Evidence from research and practice suggests that managers frequently categorize and manage projects based on the extent of change triggered in product, process, technology, and market dimensions. However, this can create challenges in high‐tech organizations. This study investigates how high‐tech organizations manage R&D projects based on their learning goals. First, we argue for the benefits of categorizing R&D projects based on the degree of exploration and exploitation learning goals. A qualitative case study from four high‐tech business units involving 10 R&D projects helps understand the different types of projects based on their learning goals. The case study shows that R&D projects in high‐tech organizations typically fall into three categories based on their learning goals: Radical innovation projects, Incremental innovation projects, and Hybrid projects. Second, we iterate between literature and evidence from our qualitative data to theorize how project context and organizational context affect project performance depending on the type of project. The data for the empirical analysis come from a multilevel survey of 110 R&D projects across 34 high‐tech business units. Results show the importance of designing project and organizational context differently for the three types of R&D projects. Collectively, this study offers a new perspective on how to manage high‐tech R&D projects.  相似文献   

在文献回顾的基础上,把组织知识划分为顾客知识、竞争者知识、技术知识3种类型,提出组织知识、学习导向与新产品创新绩效关系的研究模型,构建结构方程和层次回归模型,利用L isrel和SPSS分析软件对长三角地区189家企业数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明,顾客知识对新产品市场绩效有正向影响,但对新产品创新效率没有影响;竞争者知识对新产品创新效率有正向影响,但对新产品市场绩效没有影响;技术知识对新产品市场绩效和创新效率都有正向影响;学习导向对新产品市场绩效和创新效率有正向影响,并正向调节顾客知识与新产品市场绩效、技术知识与新产品创新效率的关系。最后给出提升新产品创新绩效的管理启示。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on organizational form and performance (the performance-conduct paradigm) by examining the impact of two sets of variables that have not been examined previously: measures of environmental uncertainty and alternative forms of controlling separation of ownership from control. The paper first examines the extent to which contextual variables such as perceived environmental uncertainty and age of the organizational form moderate the relationship between organizational form and corporate performance. Next, the paper extends the analysis by examining the possible effects of ownership and control structures on performance. Measures suggested by agency theory, such as conventional ownership proxies (i.e. proportion of shares held by identifiable, homogenous groups), the proportion of non-executive board members and Fama and Jensen's concept of separation of decision management from decision control are used in the analysis. The results indicate that these measures have direct impact on corporate performance in their own right, though the main impact is indirect through interactions with organizational form variables.  相似文献   

新产品开发创意新源泉——来自海尔的案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开发适合市场需求的新产品已经成为企业获得竞争优势的重要来源.通过对海尔三个实践案例的分析,指出零售商是企业获得新产品开发创意的重要源泉,并提出了通过零售商获得新产品开发创意的途径.研究结论不仅丰富了现有的理论成果,同时也为我国企业实践提供了有益的指导.  相似文献   

在我国加快实施创新驱动发展战略中,如何提升企业组织创造力以促使企业创新变得至关重要。企业战略是影响组织创造力和创新的重要情境因素。市场导向和创业导向是新兴经济体国家的企业发展的战略核心。然而,现有研究对市场导向与企业创造性产出之间关系的观点却不一致。创业导向如何影响市场导向对组织创造力的作用也尚未得到关注和研究。本研究以145家企业的979份高层管理人员与核心员工的套问卷数据为样本,研究发现:市场导向对组织创造力产生倒U型影响,且倒U型影响通过二元结构文化(一致性文化与适应性文化)的不同传导机制而产生,即:一致性文化在市场导向与组织创造力之间正向中介效应随市场导向的增强而减弱,并在高度市场导向时转变为负向中介效应,而适应性文化在市场导向和组织创造力之间发挥部分中介效应。研究还发现:市场导向对组织创造力的倒U型影响受创业导向的调节作用,即:当创业导向较高时,市场导向对组织创造力的积极影响随市场导向的增强而逐渐增强,反之,则逐渐减弱。研究结论为提升企业组织创造力提供新的思路和理论参考。  相似文献   

本文使用工业企业数据库,利用实际利润法和过度借贷法识别了僵尸企业,发现重化工行业和劳动密集行业、西部地区和能源大省的僵尸企业比例较高,并且僵尸企业比例与国有企业比例高度正相关。本文还基于新结构经济学视角分析了僵尸企业形成的深层次原因,发现要素禀赋比较优势和技术比较优势可以解释僵尸企业的出现,因为不符合比较优势的企业生产效率低、盈利能力差,最终只能通过政府补贴、税收优惠和银行贷款维持生存,更容易成为僵尸企业。  相似文献   

既有消费者参与研发的研究主要聚焦于领先用户等特殊消费者,本文基于两家互联网服装企业的案例研究发现,大数据应用为普通消费者参与企业研发提供了条件和可能。本文据此提出消费者数据化参与研发的概念,从企业与消费者协同演化视角构建了大数据环境下普通消费者数据化参与研发的理论框架,着重探讨:(1)普通消费者如何参与研发;(2)不同设计理念的企业如何实现普通消费者参与的研发创新。研究结果表明,大数据环境下普通消费者通过数据化方式参与研发,企业通过对消费者大数据的利用,使研发决策从依靠人的经验判断转变为依靠人与数据的结合,从而实现研发创新。具体而言,秉持用户导向的企业形成了数据驱动型研发创新,秉持设计师导向的企业形成了数据支持型研发创新。由此,将消费者参与研发的研究从特殊消费者扩展到普通消费者从而形成理论创新,为探讨大数据环境下企业与消费者价值共创提供新的洞见。  相似文献   

This paper is chiefly concerned with the causes and technological effects of ‘short-term pressures’ on and in large firms in British manufacturing. ‘Short-term pressures’ (STP) are defined as factors acting upon (or within) an organization which tend to cause decision-makers (explicitly or implicitly): (a) to raise their time rate of discount; and/or (b) to foreshorten the time horizon beyond which future revenues are ignored altogether. Such pressures will tend to reduce the rate of investment (defined very broadly as present sacrifice of cash flow for future gain), and/or bias it towards ‘short-term’ projects. In the British context such pressures upon firms arise from the nature of the relationship with shareholders. (High interest rates and low profitability have similar effects but should be analysed separately.) STP can also be generated and/or transmitted within organizations. STP acting within an organization are likely to be associated with pressures on middle and lower management to take a narrow, ‘sectional’ view, avoiding efforts and expenditures whose benefits may go largely to other parts of the firm. The first section sets out a theoretical framework within which to predict the intensity of external STP, and uses this to assess their likely incidence. After defining and discussing the concept of culture in organizations, it is argued that culture dominates structure at higher levels, and the reverse at lower levels. The second section deals with internal STP, and shows how performance pressures on managers at various levels are determined by the interaction of structural and cultural factors. Structural factors considered include organizational configurations and methods of auditing and management accounting. Internal performance pressures may at various levels be quite different from the external pressures. The third section shows how, by contrast with economic rationality, STP may affect technological progress - distinguishing between process change, which under certain circumstances may actually be stimulated, and product change, which is likely to be seriously inhibited. (It is pointed out that the impact of any set of performance pressures must be evaluated by comparison with an alternative set, which may themselves not be ideal.) At each stage the analysis is differentiated to allow for the differing circumstances of the UK electronics, Pharmaceuticals and mechanical engineering industries, building up a hypothesis as to the differing incidence of STP among them. This hypothesis can account for the very different record of these UK industries in innovation.  相似文献   

本文是城市商业银行新服务开发的一项比较案例研究。新服务开发活动中,组织文化会影响组织内员工知识转移行为,而员工知识转移行为会影响新服务开发绩效。本文确认了地域性中小金融服务企业情境下它们之间的因果关系,并得到其具体影响方式,构建了一个三者之间相互作用的综合模型。  相似文献   

顾露露  蔡良  雷悦 《管理科学》2017,30(2):39-53
 家族企业有非常普遍的家族股权一股独大、存在家族传承意愿等特点,这可能使家族企业更看重中长期发展从而支持技术创新活动,也可能为了保护家族社会情感财富而抵制需要大量投入并具有较高风险的技术创新行为,因此需要实证证据检验。同时,一部分家族企业由国有股权转换而来,“国退民进”的所有权变更对于企业创新的影响鲜有研究进行讨论。        运用2004年至2015年中国非金融类家族企业面板数据,基于Tobit模型和负二项回归方法,从研发投入、研发产出和研发产出影响力3个维度实证检验两权合一的治理模式对家族企业委托代理问题的影响,同时检验管家理论是否存在于中国家族企业公司治理和所有权变更对企业研发的影响中。        研究结果表明,中国家族企业两权合一的治理模式显著降低了家族企业委托代理问题,对企业研发投入、研发产出和研发产出影响力形成支持效应;所有权由国有企业变为家族的企业,其研发产出和研发产出影响力明显低于其他企业,表明承接国有股份的家族企业创新效率更低。研究结论支持管家理论,即由于家族企业的两权合一治理模式以及高管与控股股东更紧密的私人联系,家族企业高管能更忠于家族企业长期利益,从而降低代理成本,提高企业创新水平。但是“国退民进”所有权变更之后企业的公司治理模式的变化并没有显著提高这些企业的创新水平。        研究结论支持家族企业两权合一治理模式对创新的正面影响,丰富了家族企业管家理论的内涵。实证结果表明“国退民进”的所有权属性变化不能促进企业创新,建议家族企业在承接国有股权时仔细甄别,并合理调整股权结构,以促进企业创新和发展。  相似文献   

基于中国公司情境的和谐管理领导力研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王大刚  席酉民  何方 《管理学报》2009,6(4):427-431
在回顾有关领导理论研究的基础上,提出了和谐管理领导力应具备3种特征:组织影响力、内在控制点的个性特征和管理技能.同时,发展了相应的测度和研究量表,通过对中国公司样本的研究,对比了环境、组织、战略与领导4个要素对组织绩效的影响效果,用实证结论支持了和谐管理领导力的观点,即在中国公司情境下,与环境、组织和战略因素相比,领导扮演着更为重要的角色并发挥关键作用.  相似文献   

李婧  贺小刚 《管理学报》2012,9(9):1314-1322
基于我国家族上市公司2001~2005年的面板数据,对高层管理团队中家族权威与创新能力之间的关系,以及组织环境对家族权威的调节作用进行了统计检验。结果表明,家族权威与家族企业的创新能力之间存在显著且稳健的倒U型关系,过于强化或弱化家族成员在高层管理团队中的权威都不利于家族企业的创新。此外,家族权威的这种作用在不同的组织环境下具有不同的表现,在动荡的经营环境下强调家族权威具有更显著的消极作用;在经营规模相对较大的情况下强调家族权威更不利于创新能力的培育。  相似文献   

刘意  谢康  邓弘林 《管理世界》2020,(3):164-182
现有研究多聚焦于大数据对产品研发流程与绩效的影响,对基于经验的产品研发转变为数据驱动的产品研发的转型路径、实现机制与转型范式缺乏理论探讨。本文基于组织惯例适应性变革的整合视角,通过对韩都衣舍的纵向案例研究,提出从基于经验的产品研发转变为数据驱动的产品研发的两阶段转型模型,剖析了数据驱动的产品研发转型的组织惯例适应性变革机制,提出了数据驱动的产品研发转型范式理论模型,对"数据驱动"的内涵进行了创新性阐述。本文从转型路径、实现机制与转型范式3个方面构建了数据驱动的产品研发转型理论,研究结论对数字经济时代数据驱动产品创新的企业实践提供了政策启示。  相似文献   

中国农产品加工业技术创新系统与技术创新战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王敏  张明玉 《中国管理科学》2003,11(Z1):434-437
农产品加工业在一国的经济发展中具有重要的地位,是农业产业化、一体化和现代化的必然选择.农产品加工业已成为中国经济发展的一大亮点.但中国农产品加工业的整体水平与发达国家相比存在很大差距,本文分析提出造成落后的原因在于技术水平低、原始技术创新能力弱和缺乏核心竞争力,而导致技术创新能力弱的根本原因在于我国没有建立农产品加工业技术创新系统,没有采取适宜的技术创新战略.因此本文对中国农产品加工业技术创新系统和技术创新战略进行论述,以促进中国农产品加工业发展水平.  相似文献   

While more and more firms have implemented e‐business in business operations, a better understanding of the factors that successfully drive the assimilation of e‐business will provide insights for firm executives and practitioners to develop effective strategies for e‐business. Different from previous studies that focus on individual‐level factors related to business executives and top management teams, this study examines how firm‐level strategic and cultural factors shape e‐business assimilation. Based on the strategy and marketing literature on market orientation and firm ownership, we developed a research model to describe how a firm's market orientation impacts e‐business assimilation. The model also describes the moderating effect of firm ownership type on the relationship between market orientation and e‐business assimilation. Based on data from 301 Chinese international trade firms, we found that two dimensions of market orientation (i.e., customer orientation, competitor orientation) had significant effects on e‐business assimilation. However, the third dimension, interfunctional coordination, was only partially significant. In addition, ownership type was a significant moderator of the effects of customer orientation and competitor orientation on e‐business assimilation, although ownership type was not a moderator of interfunctional coordination. Being one of the first studies of the impact of market orientation and firm ownership type on e‐business assimilation, we conclude with a discussion of the implications for future research and practice.  相似文献   

Research on organizational learning, innovation and internationalization has traditionally linked these concepts through linear causality, by considering any one of them as the cause of another, an approach that might be considered contradictory and static. This paper aims to clarify these relationships and proposes a dynamic theoretical model that has mutual causality at its core and is based on ideas originating in complexity theory. The final model results from case studies of two clothing sector firms. The authors consider that the three concepts constitute a complex system and can adapt and transcend, as any alteration can take the system to the edge of chaos. Adaptability is fostered by concentration, improvement and discussion. Transcendence is fostered by attention, dialogue and inquiry. The different paces of the two case study companies led their systems to two different models: the incremental complex adaptive system model and the global complex generative system model. The incremental model is characterized by adaptive learning, incremental innovation and low internationalization; and the global system is characterized by generative learning, radical innovation and global internationalization. The paper ends with an exploration of the academic and management implications of the model.  相似文献   

我国经济强国之路需要复杂技术产业的创新和发展。本文针对复杂技术的特点来解构复杂技术创新能力的维度构成,并结合后发国家特点从企业层面来探讨复杂技术创新能力演化的路径。本文对我国通信系统设备、造船和汽车产业三家企业的复杂技术创新能力成长路径进行了案例研究。本文的主要学术贡献是:(1)提出系统技术创新能力、核心技术创新能力、产业链创新能力三维模型,解构复杂技术创新能力的维度构成;(2)发现我国企业复杂技术创新能力成长可能路径有三种,一是从核心技术创新能力到系统技术创新能力、再到产业链创新能力;二是从系统技术创新能力到核心技术创新能力和产业链创新能力;三是从系统技术创新能力和核心技术创新能力到产业链创新能力;(3)我国企业复杂技术创新能力成长路径的驱动因素有市场特性、技术特性和企业组织特性,这些因素的组合决定了企业复杂技术创新能力成长的起点、速度与深度。  相似文献   

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