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This paper advances contemporary gendered analyses of entrepreneurial activity by exploring self‐employment amongst gay men and lesbian women. Within current entrepreneurial debate, heterosexual women have become the visible embodiment of the gendered subject. Our contribution is to queer this assumption when focusing upon the entrepreneurial activity of gays and lesbians. Our core question investigates if ‘there is evidence of differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals in their likelihood of being entrepreneurially active’. To address this question, we contrast competing notions of gender stereotypes and discrimination whilst drawing on findings from a large‐scale population‐based study of 163,000 UK adults. We find few differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals; this persists after examining intersectional patterns and considering if gay and lesbian entrepreneurs choose particular sectors, geographies or forms of self‐employment. As our discussion highlights, the value of this study lies within its critique of contemporary analyses of gender which assume it is an end‐point rather than a foundation for analysing gender as a multiplicity.  相似文献   

Aviation Risk Perception: A Comparison Between Experts and Novices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article describes an exploratory investigation of the risk perceptions of experts and novices in relation to helicopter operations, under conditions where the participants are matched on various characteristics previously found to affect perceptions, such as demographic, gender, and background factors. The study reports considerable evidence of perceptual differences between the two participant groups (i.e., expert pilots and candidate pilots). We find that the experts' perceptions of relative risks are more veridical, in terms of their higher correlation with the true relative frequencies. A significant positive correlation between the flight hours and the contextual risk-taking tendency is also shown, leading the experienced pilots' choices toward risky alternatives in scenarios--a potential result of their overconfidence based on superior task performance. Possible explanations are offered for the findings and potential avenues for future research are identified.  相似文献   

Prediction of human cancer risk from the results of rodent bioassays requires two types of extrapolation: a qualitative extrapolation from short-lived rodent species to long-lived humans, and a quantitative extrapolation from near-toxic doses in the bioassay to low-level human exposures. Experimental evidence on the accuracy of prediction between closely related species tested under similar experimental conditions (rats, mice, and hamsters) indicates that: (1) if a chemical is positive in one species, it will be positive in the second species about 75% of the time; however, since about 50% of test chemicals are positive in each species, by chance alone one would expect a predictive value between species of about 50%. (2) If a chemical induces tumors in a particular target organ in one species, it will induce tumors in the same organ in the second species about 50% of the time. Similar predictive values are obtained in an analysis of prediction from humans to rats or from humans to mice for known human carcinogens. Limitations of bioassay data for use in quantitative extrapolation are discussed, including constraints on both estimates of carcinogenic potency and of the dose-response in experiments with only two doses and a control. Quantitative extrapolation should be based on an understanding of mechanisms of carcinogenesis, particularly mitogenic effects that are present at high and not low doses.  相似文献   

We consider a firm's sourcing problem from one reliable supplier and one unreliable supplier in two price‐setting scenarios. In the committed pricing scenario, the firm makes the pricing decision before the supply uncertainty is resolved. In the responsive pricing scenario, the firm's pricing decision is made after the supply uncertainty is resolved. For the committed pricing scenario, we develop a condition on supply uncertainty that guarantees the unimodality of the firm's objective function. By comparing the firm's optimal diversification decisions in the two pricing scenarios, we examine the interplay of supply diversification strategy and responsive pricing strategy in mitigating supply uncertainty. While both strategies are effective in mitigating supply uncertainty, we show that they are not necessarily substitutes. The relationship between these two strategies depends on two adverse effects caused by supply uncertainty: the lost‐revenue effect and the lost‐goodwill effect. More specifically, when the lost‐revenue effect dominates the lost‐goodwill effect, these two strategies are complements; otherwise, they are substitutes. Furthermore, we examine the impact of market size, price sensitivity, supplier reliability, and failure rebate on the interplay between these two strategies, and discuss the implications of our results. Finally, we extend our analysis to the case of two unreliable suppliers and show that the insights regarding the interplay between diversification and pricing continue to hold.  相似文献   

The issue of variation is highly important in dose-response analysis: variation among genetically related pathogens infecting the same host, but also variation among hosts, in susceptibility to infection by the same pathogen. This latter issue is addressed here for the protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum, the causative agent for many outbreaks of water-borne gastrointestinal illness. In human feeding studies, infectivity has been shown to be low in subjects with high preexisting anti-Cryptosporidium IgG-levels. Here we adapt the hit theory model of microbial infection to incorporate covariables, characterizing the immune status of the susceptible host. The probability of any single oocyst in the inoculum to cause infection appears to depend on preexisting IgG-levels. This does not necessarily imply direct protection by the humoral immune system; high IgG-levels may reflect a recent episode of infection/illness, and be an epi-phenomenon associated with other protective responses. The IgG-dependence of the dose-response relation can be easily applied in quantitative risk analysis. The distribution of anti-Cryptosporidium IgG levels in the general population is accessible by analyzing serum banks, which are maintained in many Western countries. Using such an approach provides first insights into the variation of susceptibility to infection in the general population.  相似文献   

While research on business models and business model innovation continue to exhibit growth, the field is still, even after more than two decades of research, characterized by a striking lack of cumulative theorizing and an opportunistic borrowing of more or less related ideas from neighbouring fields in the place of cumulative theory. We argue that the lack of cumulativeness stems from lack of construct clarity (i.e., BM and BMI are seldom defined with much precision) and lack of agreement on definitions, which in turn imply that the core constructs are not dimensionalized in a way that eases theory-building and empirical testing. Lack of progress on these matters partly reflect that the BM and BMI constructs are used in multiple explanatory contexts, so that it is not entirely clear what are the problems that BM and BMI research seek to solve. We argue, with Teece (2010), that the BM and BMI constructs are fundamentally about the architecture of the firm's value creation, delivery and capture mechanisms; theoretically the key aspect of BMs is complementarity between activities underlying these mechanisms; BMI means novel changes of such complementary relations; and this understanding not only unifies diverse contributions to the literature but is also productive of new insight.  相似文献   

Examining the relationship between the competitive processes between and within organizations, we use selection system theory to link resource value to product value. We identify three dimensions (in‐selection, before‐selection and after‐selection) that facilitate determining the value of resources based on the functions they serve in the competitive process between organizations in the product market, i.e. the external selection system. Subsequently, we use these dimensions to explore the competitive process among resource providers within organizations, i.e. the internal selection system. This leads us to formulate three propositions that link the competitive process within organizations to the competitive process between organizations. First, we posit that if resources that individually score highly along only one of the three dimensions are bundled, it is more likely that organizational performance can be sustained. Second, we argue that providers of resources scoring highly along multiple dimensions will enjoy stronger means of appropriation in comparison with providers of resources scoring highly along only one of the three dimensions. Third, we contend that the extent to which an organization endeavours to remunerate its resource providers based on their perceived contribution to the organization's competitive position has a curvilinear (inverted U‐shaped) relationship with organizational performance.  相似文献   

The infectivity of three different isolates of the waterborne protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum has been tested in human feeding studies. These three isolates (Iowa, TAMU, and UCP) have different ID50s, indicating substantial variation in their infectivity for humans. This finding is of great importance for quantitative risk assessment as it provides strong evidence for heterogeneity in infectivity among isolates of the same species.  相似文献   

会计契约论是认识会计本质的一种新的理论视角,它基于企业是一种契约结构的认识之上.本文通过对有关会计契约思想的综述,就契约关系与会计行为、作为会计主体的企业的契约特征对会计契约的影响、会计行为的契约规制等问题进行了阐述.  相似文献   

This paper considers a panel data model for predicting a binary outcome. The conditional probability of a positive response is obtained by evaluating a given distribution function (F) at a linear combination of the predictor variables. One of the predictor variables is unobserved. It is a random effect that varies across individuals but is constant over time. The semiparametric aspect is that the conditional distribution of the random effect, given the predictor variables, is unrestricted. This paper has two results. If the support of the observed predictor variables is bounded, then identification is possible only in the logistic case. Even if the support is unbounded, so that (from Manski (1987)) identification holds quite generally, the information bound is zero unless F is logistic. Hence consistent estimation at the standard pn rate is possible only in the logistic case.  相似文献   

A major issue in all risk communication efforts is the distinction between the terms “risk” and “hazard.” The potential to harm a target such as human health or the environment is normally defined as a hazard, whereas risk also encompasses the probability of exposure and the extent of damage. What can be observed again and again in risk communication processes are misunderstandings and communication gaps related to these crucial terms. We asked a sample of 53 experts from public authorities, business and industry, and environmental and consumer organizations in Germany to outline their understanding and use of these terms using both the methods of expert interviews and focus groups. The empirical study made clear that the terms risk and hazard are perceived and used very differently in risk communication depending on the perspective of the stakeholders. Several factors can be identified, such as responsibility for hazard avoidance, economic interest, or a watchdog role. Thus, communication gaps can be reduced to a four‐fold problem matrix comprising a semantic, conceptual, strategic, and control problem. The empirical study made clear that risks and hazards are perceived very differently depending on the stakeholders’ perspective. Their own worldviews played a major role in their specific use of the two terms hazards and risks in communication.  相似文献   

研究了实现顾客满意度和生产率之间均衡状态的条件,建立了顾客满意度和生产率关系理论模型及其假设,并利用瑞典顾客满意度指数(SCSB)数据库对模型做了实证性研究.  相似文献   

本研究针对核心问题"来源国劣势下后发跨国企业如何选择并购后整合战略"展开讨论。研究将重点放在组织层面,从组织身份视角来探索来源国劣势的微观作用机制,提出"组织身份不对称"的构念,深入探索后发企业跨国并购如何选择整合战略来应对组织身份不对称和并购动机产生的"自治—协调"困境,以及双重身份管理时的"隔离—整合"难题。研究发现来源国劣势具有组织异质性,最终的"净劣势"集中体现在后发跨国公司与被收购企业组织身份不对称上。进一步,组织身份不对称会导致后发跨国公司在与海外被收购企业的二元关系中"合作伙伴合法性"缺失,给协调和学习带来压力。为解决上述压力,后发跨国公司会通过实施不同整合战略、设计安排不同的协调机制来对两种身份进行管理以应对挑战、满足并购动机。由此,本文归纳出来源国劣势与组织身份不对称,组织身份不对称、并购动机和整合战略选择之间的逻辑关系,最终得到一个整合框架。  相似文献   

Risk-perception research plays an active role in discussions of risk-management alternatives. However, little guidance is provided regarding how public concerns should be weighed against other sources of cost and benefits. This paper reports the results of two experiments that measure tradeoffs among cost (in dollars), a quantitative risk measure (number of deaths or injuries), and several qualitative characteristics associated with perceived risk. Most subjects were willing to make the requested trade. However, the perceived risk information led others to reject the proposed technology.  相似文献   

陈丽华 《领导科学》2001,(11):24-24
决策的时效性作为决策成功的关键要素之一,已为世人所关注.2000年8月,在加拿大多伦多召开的管理学会大会,重点讨论了企业怎样抓住时机快速决策的问题.  相似文献   

Being out of work for physicians traditionally has meant that period after a severe illness or disability and before resumption of practice. As physician executives, we should think of the unthinkable. It also can mean being unemployed. That possibility is quite real, and yet we are ill-prepared to handle it. By inference from the national unemployment rate, there may be 200-300 members of the College who are "between jobs" at any given time.  相似文献   

崔杨  于桂兰 《管理科学》2019,32(3):42-53
  许多企业为适应经济竞争开始组织结构变革,以授权型工作团队代替传统的层级管理结构,因此授权型领导如何在团队层面发挥作用引起学者们的广泛关注。基于共享视角的团队导向授权型领导对创新绩效的作用机制已得到广泛研究,但在具有关系文化的中国团队情景中,团队领导不一定针对团队内部不同成员进行无差别的授权,相反团队领导很可能进行差别授权,因此差异化授权型领导对创新绩效的影响有待探究。         基于社会认同理论,通过跨层次分析方法,探讨差异化授权型领导如何影响个体创新绩效和团队创新绩效,检验团队认同在差异化授权型领导与个体创新绩效和团队创新绩效之间的中介作用,检验领导认同在差异化授权型领导与个体创新绩效之间的中介作用。以99个工作团队706位企事业单位员工为研究对象,采用问卷调查方法,运用Spss 19.0和Mplus 7.4对研究假设进行验证。         研究结果表明,①差异化授权型领导显著负向跨层影响个体创新绩效;②差异化授权型领导显著负向影响团队创新绩效;③差异化授权型领导显著负向影响团队认同,团队认同分别在差异化授权型领导与个体创新绩效和团队创新绩效之间起中介作用;④差异化授权型领导显著负向跨层影响领导认同,领导认同在差异化授权型领导与个体创新绩效之间起中介作用。         研究结果丰富了差异化领导的研究,并扩展了团队层面授权型领导的研究,验证了差异化授权型领导对创新绩效的负向作用;丰富了差异化授权型领导的理论研究视角,基于社会认同理论探讨差异化授权型领导对创新绩效的跨层次影响机制。团队领导在进行授权时要考虑团队的文化特性,增强谨慎意识,要充分考虑如果团队内部领导授权的差异化程度过高会破坏团队成员的团队认同和领导认同,进而降低个体创新绩效和团队创新绩效,以致降低组织创新绩效。  相似文献   

This paper presents a measurement methodology, based on existing research in the manufacturing strategy and general strategy areas, for evaluating the congruence between market needs and manufacturing plant capabilities. The proposed methodology has several important advantages over current approaches. First, the methodology uses available data and statistical techniques to measure market-manufacturing congruence. As a result, it is not dependent on assumptions about “classic” process choices. Second, the proposed methodology can evaluate the strategic fit between market needs and manufacturing in light of one or more performance criteria. Third, the methodology can be used to derive scalar measures of market-manufacturing congruence, allowing users to evaluate congruence for a large number of products, customers, or market segments. The theoretical basis, research objectives and major steps of the methodology are discussed, followed by an illustrative example from a North American manufacturer. Finally, the applicability of the methodology to a wide range of strategic manufacturing decisions is discussed.  相似文献   

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