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The negative binomial distribution offers an alternative view to the binomial distribution for modeling count data. This alternative view is particularly useful when the probability of success is very small, because, unlike the fixed sampling scheme of the binomial distribution, the inverse sampling approach allows one to collect enough data in order to adequately estimate the proportion of success. However, despite work that has been done on the joint estimation of two binomial proportions from independent samples, there is little, if any, similar work for negative binomial proportions. In this paper, we construct and investigate three confidence regions for two negative binomial proportions based on three statistics: the Wald (W), score (S) and likelihood ratio (LR) statistics. For large-to-moderate sample sizes, this paper finds that all three regions have good coverage properties, with comparable average areas for large sample sizes but with the S method producing the smaller regions for moderate sample sizes. In the small sample case, the LR method has good coverage properties, but often at the expense of comparatively larger areas. Finally, we apply these three regions to some real data for the joint estimation of liver damage rates in patients taking one of two drugs.  相似文献   

Inference concerning the negative binomial dispersion parameter, denoted by c, is important in many biological and biomedical investigations. Properties of the maximum-likelihood estimator of c and its bias-corrected version have been studied extensively, mainly, in terms of bias and efficiency [W.W. Piegorsch, Maximum likelihood estimation for the negative binomial dispersion parameter, Biometrics 46 (1990), pp. 863–867; S.J. Clark and J.N. Perry, Estimation of the negative binomial parameter κ by maximum quasi-likelihood, Biometrics 45 (1989), pp. 309–316; K.K. Saha and S.R. Paul, Bias corrected maximum likelihood estimator of the negative binomial dispersion parameter, Biometrics 61 (2005), pp. 179–185]. However, not much work has been done on the construction of confidence intervals (C.I.s) for c. The purpose of this paper is to study the behaviour of some C.I. procedures for c. We study, by simulations, three Wald type C.I. procedures based on the asymptotic distribution of the method of moments estimate (mme), the maximum-likelihood estimate (mle) and the bias-corrected mle (bcmle) [K.K. Saha and S.R. Paul, Bias corrected maximum likelihood estimator of the negative binomial dispersion parameter, Biometrics 61 (2005), pp. 179–185] of c. All three methods show serious under-coverage. We further study parametric bootstrap procedures based on these estimates of c, which significantly improve the coverage probabilities. The bootstrap C.I.s based on the mle (Boot-MLE method) and the bcmle (Boot-BCM method) have coverages that are significantly better (empirical coverage close to the nominal coverage) than the corresponding bootstrap C.I. based on the mme, especially for small sample size and highly over-dispersed data. However, simulation results on lengths of the C.I.s show evidence that all three bootstrap procedures have larger average coverage lengths. Therefore, for practical data analysis, the bootstrap C.I. Boot-MLE or Boot-BCM should be used, although Boot-MLE method seems to be preferable over the Boot-BCM method in terms of both coverage and length. Furthermore, Boot-MLE needs less computation than Boot-BCM.  相似文献   

One of the most basic and important problems in statistical inference is the construction of the confidence interval (CI). In this paper, we propose a novel CI for a binomial proportion by modifying the midpoint of the score interval. The proposed modified interval can solve the ‘downward spikes’ problem of the score interval without enlarging the interval length. Simulation studies are carried out to illustrate the performance of the modified interval. With regard to the criterions of coverage probability, mean absolute error and expected length, our method is competitive among the several commonly used methods for constructing a CI. A real data example is also presented to show the application of our method.  相似文献   

An EM algorithm is proposed for computing estimates of parameters of the negative bi-nomial distribution; the algorithm does not involve further iterations in the M-step, in contrast with the one given in Schader & Schmid (1985). The approach can be applied to the corresponding problem in the logarithmic series distribution. The convergence of the proposed scheme is investigated by simulation, the observed Fisher information is derivedand numerical examples based on real data are presented.  相似文献   


For interval estimation of a binomial proportion and a Poisson mean, matching pseudocounts are derived, which give the one-sided Wald confidence intervals with second-order accuracy. The confidence intervals remove the bias of coverage probabilities given by the score confidence intervals. Partial poor behavior of the confidence intervals by the matching pseudocounts is corrected by hybrid methods using the score confidence interval depending on sample values.  相似文献   

Clinical trials often use paired binomial data as their clinical endpoint. The confidence interval is frequently used to estimate the treatment performance. Tang et al. (2009) have proposed exact and approximate unconditional methods for constructing a confidence interval in the presence of incomplete paired binary data. The approach proposed by Tang et al. can be overly conservative with large expected confidence interval width (ECIW) in some situations. We propose a profile likelihood‐based method with a Jeffreys' prior correction to construct the confidence interval. This approach generates confidence interval with a much better coverage probability and shorter ECIWs. The performances of the method along with the corrections are demonstrated through extensive simulation. Finally, three real world data sets are analyzed by all the methods. Statistical Analysis System (SAS) codes to execute the profile likelihood‐based methods are also presented. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider the classic problem of interval estimation of a proportion p based on binomial sampling. The ‘exact’ Clopper–Pearson confidence interval for p is known to be unnecessarily conservative. We propose coverage adjustments of the Clopper–Pearson interval that incorporate prior or posterior beliefs into the interval. Using heatmap‐type plots for comparing confidence intervals, we show that the coverage‐adjusted intervals have satisfying coverage and shorter expected lengths than competing intervals found in the literature.  相似文献   

In this note, we derive the exact distribution of S by using the method of generating function and BELL polynomials, where S = X1 + X2 + ??? + Xn, and each Xi follows the negative binomial distribution with arbitrary parameters. As a particular case, we also obtain the exact distribution of the convolution of geometric random variables.  相似文献   

In this note we present a modification in the EM algorithm for the destructive negative binomial cure rate model. This alteration enables us to obtain the estimates of the whole parameter vector from the complete log-likelihood function, avoiding the corresponding observed log-likelihood function, which is more involved. To achieve this goal, we resort to the mixture representation of the negative binomial distribution in terms of the Poisson and gamma distributions.  相似文献   

This paper considers further mixture formulations of the bivariate negative binomial (BNB) distribution of Edwards and Gurland (1961) and Subrahmaniam (1966). These formulations and some known ones are applied (1) to obtain a bivariate generalized negative binomial (BGNB) distribution of Bhattacharya (1966), (2) to establish a connection between the accident-proneness models given by the BNB, BGNB and Bhattacharya's bivariate distributions, and (3) to compute the grade correlation and distribution function of the Wicksell-Kibble bivariate gamma distribution.  相似文献   

This paper considers confidence intervals for the difference of two binomial proportions. Some currently used approaches are discussed. A new approach is proposed. Under several generally used criteria, these approaches are thoroughly compared. The widely used Wald confidence interval (CI) is far from satisfactory, while the Newcombe's CI, new recentered CI and score CI have very good performance. Recommendations for which approach is applicable under different situations are given.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been considerable interest in regression models based on zero-inflated distributions. These models are commonly encountered in many disciplines, such as medicine, public health, and environmental sciences, among others. The zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) model has been typically considered for these types of problems. However, the ZIP model can fail if the non-zero counts are overdispersed in relation to the Poisson distribution, hence the zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) model may be more appropriate. In this paper, we present a Bayesian approach for fitting the ZINB regression model. This model considers that an observed zero may come from a point mass distribution at zero or from the negative binomial model. The likelihood function is utilized to compute not only some Bayesian model selection measures, but also to develop Bayesian case-deletion influence diagnostics based on q-divergence measures. The approach can be easily implemented using standard Bayesian software, such as WinBUGS. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated with a simulation study. Further, a real data set is analyzed, where we show that ZINB regression models seems to fit the data better than the Poisson counterpart.  相似文献   

Group testing is a method of pooling a number of units together and performing a single test on the resulting group. Group testing is an appealing option when few individual units are thought to be infected and the cost of the testing is non-negligible. Overdispersion is the phenomenon of having greater variability than predicted by the random component of the model; this is common in the modeling of binomial distribution for group testing. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparison of several established methods of constructing confidence intervals after adjusting for overdispersion. We evaluate and investigate each method in six different cases of group testing. A method based on the score statistic with correction for skewness is recommended. We illustrate the methods using two data sets, one from the detection of seed transmission and the other from serological testing for malaria.  相似文献   

This paper uses a new bivariate negative binomial distribution to model scores in the 1996 Australian Rugby League competition. First, scores are modelled using the home ground advantage but ignoring the actual teams playing. Then a bivariate negative binomial regression model is introduced that takes into account the offensive and defensive capacities of each team. Finally, the 1996 season is simulated using the latter model to determine whether or not Manly did indeed deserve to win the competition.  相似文献   

The author describes a method for improving standard “exact” confidence intervals in discrete distributions with respect to size while retaining correct level. The binomial, negative binomial, hypergeometric, and Poisson distributions are considered explicitly. Contrary to other existing methods, the author's solution possesses a natural nesting condition: if α < α', the 1 ‐ α' confidence interval is included in the 1 ‐ α interval. Nonparametric confidence intervals for a quantile are also considered.  相似文献   

Negative binomial regression is a standard model to analyze hypoglycemic events in diabetes clinical trials. Adjusting for baseline covariates could potentially increase the estimation efficiency of negative binomial regression. However, adjusting for covariates raises concerns about model misspecification, in which the negative binomial regression is not robust because of its requirement for strong model assumptions. In some literature, it was suggested to correct the standard error of the maximum likelihood estimator through introducing overdispersion, which can be estimated by the Deviance or Pearson Chi‐square. We proposed to conduct the negative binomial regression using Sandwich estimation to calculate the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates together with Pearson overdispersion correction (denoted by NBSP). In this research, we compared several commonly used negative binomial model options with our proposed NBSP. Simulations and real data analyses showed that NBSP is the most robust to model misspecification, and the estimation efficiency will be improved by adjusting for baseline hypoglycemia. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A particular case of Jain and Consul's (1971) generalized neg-ative binomial distribution is studied. The name inverse binomial is suggested because of its close relation with the inverse Gaussian distribution. We develop statistical properties including conditional inference of a parameter. An application using real data is given.  相似文献   

Highly skewed and non-negative data can often be modeled by the delta-lognormal distribution in fisheries research. However, the coverage probabilities of extant interval estimation procedures are less satisfactory in small sample sizes and highly skewed data. We propose a heuristic method of estimating confidence intervals for the mean of the delta-lognormal distribution. This heuristic method is an estimation based on asymptotic generalized pivotal quantity to construct generalized confidence interval for the mean of the delta-lognormal distribution. Simulation results show that the proposed interval estimation procedure yields satisfactory coverage probabilities, expected interval lengths and reasonable relative biases. Finally, the proposed method is employed in red cod densities data for a demonstration.  相似文献   

Group testing, in which individuals are pooled together and tested as a group, can be combined with inverse sampling to estimate the prevalence of a disease. Alternatives to the MLE are desirable because of its severe bias. We propose an estimator based on the bias correction method of Firth (1993), which is almost unbiased across the range of prevalences consistent with the group testing design. For equal group sizes, this estimator is shown to be equivalent to that derived by applying the correction method of Burrows (1987), and better than existing methods. For unequal group sizes, the problem has some intractable elements, but under some circumstances our proposed estimator can be found, and we show it to be almost unbiased. Calculation of the bias requires computer‐intensive approximation because of the infinite number of possible outcomes.  相似文献   

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