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A good amount of work has been done on the construction of balanced incomplete block (B.I.B.) designs by Bose (1939, 1942), Sprott (1954, 1956), Rao (1961), Takeuchi (1962) and others. Sprott (1954, 1956) obtained several series of B.I.B. designs through difference sets. The main purpose of the present investigation is to provide two methods of construction of B.I.B. designs obtainable through more than one initial block. The first method derives initial blocks of a series of designs from some specified blocks of a B.I.B. design obtainable by developing one or more initial blocks. The second method attempts to obtain one of the initial blocks (the basic initial block) through the different powers of an element of a finite field; then an appropriate method for generating the other initial blocks from it is discussed. A table showing the basic initial block for different designs has been presented. By these methods several solutions of some B.I.B. designs could be obtained from different initial blocks. An examination was therefore made to see if these designs were all isomorphic.  相似文献   

Recently Bush and Ostrom (1979) settled most of the open questions with respect to inequivalent solutions of a class of semiregular (SR) designs which can be constructed from nets. This paper is a study of the same nature for two families of regular (R) designs derived from finite projective planes. One family presents no problems, but the other which is a ‘double’ family with two parameters is much more difficult. In fact it is here solved only for designs based on planes of orders 3, 4, 5 and 8. Certain general methods exist which are indicated, but we were unable to resolve even the case 7 using this technique.Basically we show the existence of either inequivalent solutions or show there is but one solution settling a number of open cases. In particular for the case λ1 = 2, λ2 = 1 we give new solutions to a number of D(2) designs or group divisible designs with two associate classes which have no repeated blocks in contrast with the published solutions which have this undesirable property for a number of applications.  相似文献   

Neighbor designs are useful to neutralize the neighbor effects. In literature, most of the constructed neighbor designs are in circular blocks but linear blocks have more practical application in field experiments. In this article, some infinite series of minimal neighbor designs are constructed in proper linear blocks. There are many situations where minimal neighbor designs cannot be constructed in proper linear blocks. To overcome this problem neighbor designs in improper linear blocks and GN2-designs in proper linear blocks are constructed.  相似文献   

Balanced incomplete block design (BIBD) with repeated blocks is studied in detail. Methods of construction of BIB designs with repeated blocks are developed so as to distinguish the usual BIBD and BIBD with repeated blocks. One additional parameter, say d, is considered here, where d denotes the number of distinct blocks present in the BIB design with repeated blocks. Further, a class of BIB design with parameters: v = 7, b = 28, r = 12, k = 3, λ= 4, has been constructed where, out of 15, 14 BIB designs have repeated blocks. These 15 BIB designs, which have the same parameters, are compared on the basis of number of distinct blocks (d) and the multiplicities of variance of elementary contrasts of the block effect.  相似文献   

We consider an experiment with fixed number of blocks, in which a response to a treatment can be affected by treatments from neighboring units. For such experiment the interference model with neighbor effects is studied. Under this model we study connectedness of binary complete block designs. Assuming the circular interference model with left-neighbor effects we give the condition for minimal number of blocks necessary to obtain connected design. For a specified class of binary, complete block designs, we show that all designs are connected. Further we present the sufficient and necessary conditions of connectedness of designs with arbitrary, fixed number of blocks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the problem of determining block designs which are optimal under type 1 optimality criteria within various classes of designs having υ treatments arranged in b blocks of size k. The solutions to two optimization problems are given which are related to a general result obtained by Cheng (1978) and which are useful in this investigation. As one application of the solutions obtained, the definition of a regular graph design given in Mitchell and John (1977) is extended to that of a semi-regular graph design and some sufficient conditions are derived for the existence of a semi-regular graph design which is optimal under a given type 1 criterion. A result is also given which shows how the sufficient conditions derived can be used to establish the optimality under a specific type 1 criterion of some particular types of semi- regular graph designs having both equal and unequal numbers of replicates. Finally,some sufficient conditions are obtained for the dual of an A- or D-optimal design to be A- or D-optimal within an appropriate class of dual designs.  相似文献   

Resolvable block designs for v varieties in blocks of size k require v to be a multiple of k so that all blocks are of the same size. If a factorization of v is not possible then a resolvable design with blocks of unequal size is necessary. Patterson & Williams (1976) suggested the use of designs derived from α -designs and conjectured that such designs are likely to be very efficient in the class of resolvable designs with block sizes k and k – 1. This paper examines these derived designs and compares them with designs generated directly using an interchange algorithm. It concludes that the derived designs should be used when v is large, but that for small v they can be relatively inefficient.  相似文献   

Recently, many researchers have devoted themselves to the investigation on the number of replicates needed for experiments in blocks of size two. In practice, experiments in blocks of size four might be more useful than those in blocks of size two. To estimate the main effects and two-factor interactions from a two-level factorial experiment in blocks, we might need many replicates. This article investigates designs with the least number of replicates for factorial experiments in blocks of size four. The methods to obtain such designs are presented.  相似文献   

Neighbor designs are useful to neutralize the neighbor effects. In this paper two classes of these designs are constructed in circular binary blocks of size 4, 8, …, 24. First class consists of six infinite series of nearest neighbor designs in which each pair of distinct treatments appears once as neighbors. Second class also deals with six infinite series of these designs in which each pair of distinct treatments appears twice as neighbors. A catalog of nearest neighbor designs is also compiled in circular binary blocks for odd number of treatments from 23 to 99.  相似文献   

Neighbor designs have their own importance in the experiments to remove the neighbor effects where the performance of a treatment is affected by the treatments applied to its adjacent plots. If each pair of distinct treatments appears exactly once as neighbors, neighbor designs are called minimal. Most of the neighbor designs require a large number of blocks of equal sizes. In this situation minimal neighbor designs in unequal block sizes are preferred to reduce the experimental material. In this article some series are presented to construct minimal neighbor designs in circular blocks of unequal sizes.  相似文献   

Some new neighbor designs are presented here. Second-order neighbor designs for different configurations are generated in circular binary blocks. Third-order and fourth-order neighbor designs for some cases are also constructed. In all cases, circular blocks are well separated and these designs are obtained through initial block/s. At the end of the study, some models for analysis of these designs are also presented.  相似文献   

A partially balanced nested row-column design, referred to as PBNRC, is defined as an arrangement of v treatments in b p × q blocks for which, with the convention that p q, the information matrix for the estimation of treatment parameters is equal to that of the column component design which is itself a partially balanced incomplete block design. In this paper, previously known optimal incomplete block designs, and row-column and nested row-column designs are utilized to develop some methods of constructing optimal PBNRC designs. In particular, it is shown that an optimal group divisible PBNRC design for v = mn kn treatments in p × q blocks can be constructed whenever a balanced incomplete block design for m treatments in blocks of size k each and a group divisible PBNRC design for kn treatments in p × q blocks exist. A simple sufficient condition is given under which a group divisible PBNRC is Ψf-better for all f> 0 than the corresponding balanced nested row-column designs having binary blocks. It is also shown that the construction techniques developed particularly for group divisible designs can be generalized to obtain PBNRC designs based on rectangular association schemes.  相似文献   

We consider circular block designs for field-trials when there are two-sided spatial interference between neighbouring plots of the same blocks. The parameter of interest is total effects that is the sum of direct effect of treatment and neighbour effects, which correspond to the use of a single treatment in the whole field. We determine universally optimal approximate designs. When the number of blocks may be large, we propose efficient exact designs generated by a single sequence of treatment. We also give efficiency factors of the usual binary block neighbour balanced designs which can be used when the number of blocks is small.  相似文献   

In cases where both exist, the balanced, binary nested row-column designs are known to be inferior to a class of balanced non-binary designs. However, if it is possible for blocks of observations to become unavailable after an experiment has commenced, a binary nested row-column design may possibly be better than a non-binary one. This paper investigates the robustness of binary and non-binary variance-balanced nested row-column designs to the unavailability of one or more blocks of observations. Robustness is measured through the C-matrices of the designs resulting from removing blocks, using optimality criteria such as A-, D-, E- and MV-optimality.  相似文献   

The use of weighted rankings to analyze complete blocks designs (Quade, 1979) is a practical way of recovering between-block information. A family of old and new test statistics can be generated by this procedure. Selection among these statistics and comparison with parametric and nonparametric competitors are based on expected significance level [ESL] in small designs (3 to 6 blocks, 3 to 5 treatments).  相似文献   

Neighbor balance designs were first introduced by Rees (1967) in circular blocks for the use in serological research. Subsequently several researchers have defined the neighbor designs in different ways. In this paper, neighbor balance circular designs for (kv) block size are constructed for even number of treatments i.e. v=2n. No such series of designs is known in literature. Two theorems are developed for circular designs. Theorem 1 gives the non-binary circular blocks, whereas Theorem 2 generates binary circular blocks when n≤4 and non-binary blocks for n>4. In suggested designs no treatment is ever a neighbor of itself. Blocks are constructed in such a way that each treatment is a right and left neighbor of every other treatment for a fixed number of times say λ. Sizes of initial circular blocks are not same. One main guiding principle for such designs is to ensure economy in material use.  相似文献   

Minimal neighbor designs and GN2 designs in linear blocks are constructed for all admissible parameter sets. The method is straightforward and uses subsequences of the LWW terrace as initial blocks from which the remaining blocks are generated.  相似文献   

Properties of abelian groups are used to unify the construction of cyclic and generalized cyclic designs. Necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for the generation of fractional sets of blocks, and also for the generation of resolvable designs. It is shown how to apply these results in conjunction with efficiency arguments to obtain useful designs.  相似文献   

In scientific investigations, there are many situations where each two experimental units have to be grouped into a block of size two. For planning such experiments, the variance-based optimality criteria like A-, D- and E-criterion are typically employed to choose efficient designs, if the estimation efficiency of treatment contrasts is primarily concerned. Alternatively, if there are observations which tend to become lost during the experimental period, the robustness criteria against the unavailability of data should be strongly recommended for selecting the planning scheme. In this study, a new criterion, called minimum breakdown criterion, is proposed to quantify the robustness of designs in blocks of size two. Based on the proposed criterion, a new class of robust designs, called minimum breakdown designs, is defined. When various numbers of blocks are missing, the minimum breakdown designs provide the highest probabilities that all the treatment contrasts are estimable. An exhaustive search procedure is proposed to generate such designs. In addition, two classes of uniformly minimum breakdown designs are theoretically verified.  相似文献   

The methods developed by John and Draper et al. of partitioning the blends (runs) of four mixture components into two or more orthogonal blocks when fitting quadratic models are extended to mixtures of five components. The characteristics of Latin squares of side five are used to derive rules for reliably and quickly obtaining designs with specific properties. The designs also produce orthogonal blocks when higher order models are fitted.  相似文献   

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